Stanford A.I. Lab

D.C.Power Building
1600 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto, California
office assignments 1972 to 1979

1972   _______________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________   1972   _________________________________                                 ___________________________________________   1972
::::  |                    |         |                |               |            |                           |             |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Small   |   252B     |         |         |  ::::
::::  |  R45,TV-72         |         |   R21,TV-42    |               |  R41,TV-27 |     R7B,TV-75             |  R31,TV-105 |  ::::  |   250B         |   250C         |                               |  Conf.   |            |  252C   |  252D   |  ::::
::::  | McCarthy           |         |  Milner        |               | Binford    |    Rattner                | Nevatia     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Room    |_______     |         |         |  ::::
::::  | Pinkert            |         |  Ness          |               |            |                             Paul        |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                                           |  ::::
::::  | Rubald             |  G20    |  Plotkin       |               |                                        ______________|  ::::  |                |                |                               | 252A                                      |  ::::
::::  |_______________   __|  R35,TV-36  _____________|               |____________                     R7A,TV-34            |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                       |         |         |  ::::
::::  |             |        Barnett     |            |               |            |                   Savitzky     R40,TV-57|  ::::  |____________    |   _____________|________        _______________|__________________     |_________|_________|  ::::
::::  |  R5,TV-30   |                    |  R22,TV-35 |               |  R46,TV-74 |                           |   Cook      |  ::::  |                                 |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  | Earnest     |       _________    | Weyhrauch  |               | Pingle     |                           |   Ganapathy |  ::::                           250      |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  |             |   |            |                |               | Thomas          ____________________   |_____________|  ::::                                                                                                                |  ::::
::::  |             |   |  Storage   |   _____________|               |____________    |                       |                ::::                                                252                                                             |  ::::
1972  |                 |            |                |               |                |                       |                1972  |____________        _____________|                                                                           |  1972
::::  |_____________    |____________|      R23,TV-66 | _  _  _  _  _ |  R30,TV-60     |                       |                ::::  |                |                |       Conference                                                          |  ::::
::::  |                              |   | Collins    |               | Gips       |   |     Conference        |                ::::  |   250A         |   250D         |          Room                                                             |  ::::
::::  |  R6,TV-32          R26,TV-65 |   |                              Orban      |   |        Room           |                ::::  |                |                |                                                                 __________|  ::::
::::  | Samuel      |   | Hilf       |   |______________________________Shirakawa__|   |                       |_____________   ::::  |                |                |                                                      __________|             ::::
::::  |             |   |            |      |       |         |         |       |      |                       |             |  ::::  |                |                |                                     ________________|          |             ::::
::::  |             |   |            |      |       | R25,TV-46 R24,TV-43       |                                R33,TV-53   |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |                |          |             ::::
::::  |_____________|   |____________|   |   Women  |Crawford |Diffie   |   Men    |    ________________   ____ Baumgart     |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |   Stairs       |  Ducts   |             ::::
::::        |                            |          |Frost    |Dulan    |          |                           |             |  ::::  |________________|________________|____________________________________|________________|__________|___________  ::::
::::        |                            |__________|Wright___|______   |__________|                    R34,TV-63____________|  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::     Entrance                                                                      |               Halper  |             |  ::::                                               spine                                                               ::::
::::  o      ________   ______________   _______________   __   ________________       |__ ___________ Wilson  |             |  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::        |           |                |                  |           |          |      |           |Zingheim              |  ::::   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ::::
1972        |           |                | R8B,TV-41 R8A,TV-40 R32,TV-62| Prancing |      |   Ducts   |                      |  1972  |                                                                 |                                           |  1972
::::        |  0,TV-47  |   R48,TV-100   |Gorin     Helliwell Moorer    |   Pony   |      |___________|_________________     |  ::::  |  251A                                                           |                                           |  ::::
::::        | Baur      |  Low           |          Poole   | Swinehart |    o     |   |__|                            |     |  ::::               |   251B   |                                         |                                           |  ::::
::::  o     | Wood      |  Samet         |                  |           |          |   |                                     |  ::::               |  Storage |                                         |                                              ::::
::::        |           |  Taylor        |__________________|___________|_________ |   |                       _ _ _ _ |        ::::  |            |          |                                                                                        ::::
::::        |           |                |                              |              |                                        ::::  |            |          |_____   _________                                                                    |  ::::
::::   _____|_______    |____________    |                              |              |                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _    ::::  |________   _|__________|   253B          |                                                                   |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |             Sky              |              |                                     |  ::::  |                       |                 |  253                  |                                           |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |                              | Display      |                                     |  ::::  |  251                  |                 |                       |    257                                    |  ::::
::::  | R27,TV-52       |          |                                    |  Room      _ |                                     |  ::::  |                       |_____   _________|                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |Briggs  |        |          |     _______________________________|           |  |                                     |  ::::  |                       |   253A          |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                 |   Sky    |      R36,TV-61      |              |  R28         |       Computer Room                 |  ::::  |                       |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |______________   |                Davis           |   R43,TV-44  |           | _|                                     |  ::::                          |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
1972  |  R39,TV-55      |                Moravec         |  Gafford     |                        9                           |  1972   _________   ___________|_____   _________|_________     _________|    ____________________________    _______|  1972
::::  | Allen           |          |     Yakimovsky      |  Panofsky    |           |                                        |  ::::  |  251F      |          |                 |         |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |  R42        |   |__________|__   ________________|  Stuart      |    o               o                  _____________|  ::::  |            |  251C    |                 |  255B   |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  | Scheinman   |                                                               | _|                       |                ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                      _______________         ::::
::::  |_____________|   _____________       _______    ___________________________   __|                                        ::::  |                       |                 |                255C   |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |                         | R47,TV-76        |      |             |              |                __   __                 ::::  |_________   ___________|    (stairs)     |_________    _         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |  R20,TV-37              |Anderson  R44,TV-67      |             | Music Room   |               |       |                ::::  |  251E                 |                 |                       |            (stairs) |       |       |        ::::
::::  | Enea        |___|  o    |Feldman| Siberz   | R37,TV-31          |  R28,TV-45   |               | Arm   |                ::::  |               251D    |                 |  255A                 |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  | Smith       |   | R49,TV-102    | Thosar   |Colby |             | Smith        |               | Room  |                ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  | Tesler      | T |Buchanan       |          |      |             |              |               |       |   (stairs)     ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             |_  |Luckham|       |          |      |             |              |               |       |                ::::  |_________   |__________|                 |_________|   |_________|                     |   ____|____   |        ::::
::::  |_________________________|_______|__________|______|             |__________   _|____   ________|   ____|                ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::                  G21,TV-64                                                                                                 ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
1972    (downstairs) Grape                           Logical U-15 (distorted to fit)                                            1972                                            Logical U-11 & U-12 (distorted to fit)                                 1972
1973   _______________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________   1973   _________________________________                                 ___________________________________________   1973
::::  |                    |         |                |               |            |                           |             |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Small   |   252B     |         |         |  ::::
::::  |  R45,TV-72         |         |   R21,TV-42    |               |  R41,TV-27 |     R7B,TV-75             |  R31,TV-105 |  ::::  |   250B         |   250C         |                               |  Conf.   |            |  252C   |  252D   |  ::::
::::  | McCarthy           |         |  Anderson      |               | Binford    |    Rattner                | Nevatia     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Room    |_______     |         |         |  ::::
::::  |                    |         |  Ness          |               |            |                             Paul        |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                    |  G20    |  Weyhrauch     |               |                                        ______________|  ::::  |                |                |                               | 252A                                      |  ::::
::::  |_______________   __|  R35,TV-36  _____________|               |____________                     R7A,TV-34            |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                       |         |         |  ::::
::::  |             |        Barnett     |            |               |            |                   Savitzky     R40,TV-57|  ::::  |____________    |   _____________|________        _______________|__________________     |_________|_________|  ::::
::::  |  R5,TV-30   |                    |  R22,TV-35 |               |  R46,TV-74 |                           |   Cook      |  ::::  |                                 |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  | Earnest     |       _________    | Aiello     |               | Pingle     |                           |   Ganapathy |  ::::                           250      |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  |             |   |            |     Aiello     |               | Thomas          ____________________   |_____________|  ::::                                                                                                                |  ::::
::::  |             |   |  Storage   |   _____________|               |____________    |                       |                ::::                                                252                                                             |  ::::
1973  |                 |            |                |               |                |                       |                1973  |____________        _____________|                                                                           |  1973
::::  |_____________    |____________|      R23,TV-66 | _  _  _  _  _ |  R30,TV-60     |                       |                ::::  |                |                |       Conference                                                          |  ::::
::::  |                              |   | Collins    |               | Orban      |   |     Conference        |                ::::  |   250A         |   250D         |          Room                                                             |  ::::
::::  |  R6,TV-32          R26,TV-65 |   | Loos                         Shirakawa  |   |        Room           |                ::::  |                |                |                                                                 __________|  ::::
::::  | Samuel      |   | Hilf       |   |_________________________________________|   |                       |_____________   ::::  |                |                |                                                      __________|             ::::
::::  |             |   | Lenat      |      |       |         |         |       |      |                       |             |  ::::  |                |                |                                     ________________|          |             ::::
::::  |             |   |            |      |       | R25,TV-46 R24,TV-43       |                                R33,TV-53   |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |                |          |             ::::
::::  |_____________|   |____________|   |   Women  |Frost    |Diffie   |   Men    |    ________________   ____ Bolles       |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |   Stairs       |  Ducts   |             ::::
::::        |                            |          |Silver   |Harvey   |          |                           |Perkins      |  ::::  |________________|________________|____________________________________|________________|__________|___________  ::::
::::        |                            |__________|Wright___|______   |__________|                    R34,TV-63____________|  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::     Entrance                                                                      |               Gafford |             |  ::::                                               spine                                                               ::::
::::  o      ________   ______________   _______________   __   ________________       |__ ___________ Halper  |             |  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::        |           |                |                  |           |          |      |           |Wilson                |  ::::   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ::::
1973        |           |                | R8B,TV-41 R8A,TV-40 R32,TV-62| Prancing |      |   Ducts   |Zingheim              |  1973  |                                                                 |                                           |  1973
::::        |  0,TV-47  |   R48,TV-100   |Gorin     Helliwell Moorer    |   Pony   |      |___________|_________________     |  ::::  |  251A                                                           |                                           |  ::::
::::        | Baur      |  Low           |          Poole   | Sproull   |    o     |   |__|                            |     |  ::::               |   251B   |                                         |                                           |  ::::
::::  o     | Wood      |  Samet         |                  | Swinehart |          |   |                                     |  ::::               |  Storage |                                         |                                              ::::
::::        |           |  Taylor        |__________________|___________|_________ |   |                       _ _ _ _ |        ::::  |            |          |                                                                                        ::::
::::        |           |                |                              |              |                                        ::::  |            |          |_____   _________                                                                    |  ::::
::::   _____|_______    |____________    |                              |              |                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _    ::::  |________   _|__________|   253B          |                                                                   |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |             Sky              |              |                                     |  ::::  |                       |                 |  253                  |                                           |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |                              | Display      |                                     |  ::::  |  251                  |                 |                       |    257                                    |  ::::
::::  | R27,TV-52       |          |                                    |  Room      _ |                                     |  ::::  |                       |_____   _________|                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |Jobe    |        |          |     _______________________________|           |  |                                     |  ::::  |                       |   253A          |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                 |   Sky    |      R36,TV-61      |              |  R28         |       Computer Room                 |  ::::  |                       |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |______________   |                Moravec         |   R43,TV-44  |           | _|                                     |  ::::                          |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
1973  |  R39,TV-55      |                Yakimovsky      |  Panofsky    |                        9                           |  1973   _________   ___________|_____   _________|_________     _________|    ____________________________    _______|  1973
::::  | Allen           |          |                     |  Stuart      |           |                                        |  ::::  |  251F      |          |                 |         |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |  R42        |   |__________|__   ________________|   o          |    o               o                  _____________|  ::::  |            |  251C    |                 |  255B   |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  | Scheinman   |                                                               | _|                       |                ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                      _______________         ::::
::::  |_____________|   _____________       _______    ___________________________   __|                                        ::::  |                       |                 |                255C   |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |                         | R47,TV-76        |      |             |              |                __   __                 ::::  |_________   ___________|    (stairs)     |_________    _         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |  R20,TV-37              |Feldman|  R44,TV-67      |             | Music Room   |               |       |                ::::  |  251E                 |                 |                       |            (stairs) |       |       |        ::::
::::  | Enea        |___|  o    |       | Davis    | R37,TV-31          |  R28,TV-45   |               | Arm   |                ::::  |               251D    |                 |  255A                 |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  | Smith       |   | R49,TV-102    | Siberz   |Colby |             | Smith        |               | Room  |                ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  | Tesler      | T |Luckham|       | Thosar   |      |             |              |               |       |   (stairs)     ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             |_  |       |       |          |      |             |              |               |       |                ::::  |_________   |__________|                 |_________|   |_________|                     |   ____|____   |        ::::
::::  |_________________________|_______|__________|______|             |__________   _|____   ________|   ____|                ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::                  G21,TV-64                                                                                                 ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
1973    (downstairs) Grape                           Logical U-15 (distorted to fit)                                            1973                                            Logical U-11 & U-12 (distorted to fit)                                 1973
1974   _______________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________   1974   _________________________________                                 ___________________________________________   1974
::::  |                    |         |                |               |            |                           |             |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Small   |   252B     |         |         |  ::::
::::  |  208               |         |   214          |               |  230B      |     230F                  |  230C       |  ::::  |   250B         |   250C         |                               |  Conf.   |  Eross     |  252C   |  252D   |  ::::
::::  | McCarthy           |         |  Anderson      |               | Binford    |    Faught                 | Nevatia     |  ::::  |  Page          |  Hieronymus    |                               |  Room    |_______     |         | Hannah  |  ::::
::::  |                    |         |  Gordon        |               |            |                             Paul        |  ::::  |                |  Wagner        |                               |                                   Quam    |  ::::
::::  |                    |  210    |  Weyhrauch     |               |                                        ______________|  ::::  |                |                |                               | 252A                                      |  ::::
::::  |_______________   __| Menke   |   _____________|               |____________                 230E                     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                       |         |         |  ::::
::::  |             |                    |            |               |            |                                230D     |  ::::  |____________    |   _____________|________        _______________|__________________     |_________|_________|  ::::
::::  |  206        |                    |  216       |               |  230A      |                           |   Finkel    |  ::::  |                                 |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  | Earnest     |       _________    | vonHenke   |               | Pingle     |                           |   Ganapathy |  ::::                           250      |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  |             |   |    212     |                |               | Thomas          ____________________   |_____________|  ::::                                                                                                                |  ::::
::::  |             |   |  Storage   |   _____________|               |____________    |                       |                ::::                                                252                                                             |  ::::
1974  |                 |            |                |               |                |                       |                1974  |____________        _____________|                                                                           |  1974
::::  |_____________    |____________|      218       | _  _  _  _  _ |  228           |        226            |                ::::  |                |                |       Conference                                                          |  ::::
::::  |                              |   | Green      |               | Pettersen  |   |                       |                ::::  |   250A         |   250D         |          Room                                                             |  ::::
::::  |  202               204       |   |                              Taylor     |   |       Lounge          |                ::::  |  Clancy        |  Elschlager    |                                                                 __________|  ::::
::::  | Samuel      |   | Hilf       |   |_________________________________________|   |                       |_____________   ::::  |  Lenat         |  Mock          |                                                      __________|             ::::
::::  |             |   | Lenat      |      |       |         |         |       |      |                       |             |  ::::  |  Parkison      |                |                                     ________________|          |             ::::
::::  |             |   |            |      |       | 220     | 222     |       |                                226A        |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |                |          |             ::::
::::  |_____________|   |____________|   |   Women  |Filman   |Harvey   |   Men    |    ________________   ____ Barstow      |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |   Stairs       |  Ducts   |             ::::
::::        |                            |          |Frost    |Rubin    |          |                           |Bolles       |  ::::  |________________|________________|____________________________________|________________|__________|___________  ::::
::::        |                            |__________|   ______|______   |__________|                    224    |Widdoes______|  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::     Entrance                                                                      |                       |             |  ::::                                               spine                                                               ::::
::::  o      ________   ______________   _______________   __   ________________       |__ ___________         |    233A     |  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::        |           |                |                  |           |   227    |      |           |            Wilson    |  ::::   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ::::
1974        |   201     |    221         | 223       223A   |  225      | Prancing |      |   Ducts   |            Zingheim  |  1974  |                                                                 |                                           |  1974
::::        |  Wood     |   Cohn         |Gorin     Poole   | Gafford   |   Pony   |      |___________|_________________     |  ::::  |  251A                                                           |                                           |  ::::
::::        |           |   Samet        |                  | Moorer    |    o     |   |__|                            |     |  ::::    Martin     |   251B   |                                         |                                           |  ::::
::::  o     |           |   Van          |                  |           |          |   |                                     |  ::::    Model      |  Storage |                                         |                                              ::::
::::        |   201A    |   Nypelseer    |__________________|___________|_________ |   |                       _ _ _ _ |        ::::  |            |          |                                                                                        ::::
::::        |  Baur     |                |                              |              |                                        ::::  |            |          |_____   _________                                                                    |  ::::
::::   _____|_______    |____________    |                              |              |                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _    ::::  |________   _|__________|   253B          |                                                                   |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |             Sky              |   229        |                                     |  ::::  |                       |  Ginsparg       |  253                  |                                           |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |                              | Display      |                                     |  ::::  |  251                  |  Wilkins        |                       |    257                                    |  ::::
::::  | 203    |        |          |                                    |  Room      _ |                                     |  ::::  | Caddy                 |_____   _________|                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |Jobe    |        |          |     _______________________________|           |  |            233                      |  ::::  | Karp                  |   253A          |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                 |   Sky    |      219            |   217        |              |       Computer Room                 |  ::::  | Levy                  |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |______________   |                Bullock         |  Panofsky    |           | _|                                     |  ::::                          |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
1974  |  205            |                Bulnes          |  Stuart      |                                                    |  1974   _________   ___________|_____   _________|_________     _________|    ____________________________    _______|  1974
::::  | Allen           |          |     Moravec         |              |           |                                        |  ::::  |  251F      |          |                 |         |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |  205A       |   |__________|__   ________________|   o          |    o               o                  _____________|  ::::  | Herskovits |  251C    |                 |  255B   |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  | Scheinman   |                                                               | _|                       |                ::::  |            |          |                 | Baumgart|   |         |                      _______________         ::::
::::  |_Shimano_____|   _____________       _______    ___________________________   __|                                        ::::  |                       |                 |                255C   |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |                         |       |          |      |             |              |                __   __                 ::::  |_________   ___________|    (stairs)     |_________    _ Morales |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |  207                    | 211   |  213     |      |             | Music Room   |               |       |                ::::  |  251E                 |                 |                       |            (stairs) | people| more  |        ::::
::::  | Enea        |___|  o    |Baskett| Davis    | 215  |             |  231         |               | Arm   |                ::::  | Hemphill      251D    |                 |  255A                 |                     |       |people |        ::::
::::  | Smith       |   | 209   |       | McCune   |Colby |             | Smith        |               | Room  |                ::::  |            | Winograd |                 | Cohen   |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  | Tachibana   | T |Luckham|       | Suzuki   |      |             |              |               |       |   (stairs)     ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             |_  |       |       |          |      |             |              |               |       |                ::::  |_________   |__________|                 |_________|   |_________|                     |   ____|____   |        ::::
::::  |_________________________|_______|__________|______|             |__________   _|____   ________|   ____|                ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::     107 (downstairs)                                                                                                       ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
1974                                                 Logical U-15 (distorted to fit)                                            1974                                            Logical U-11 & U-12 (distorted to fit)                                 1974
1975   _______________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________   1975   _________________________________                                 ___________________________________________   1975
::::  |                    |         |   214          |               |            |                           |             |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Small   |   252B     |         |         |  ::::
::::  |  208               |         |  Weyhrauch     |               |  230B      |     230f                  |  230C       |  ::::  |   250B         |   250C         |                               |  Conf.   |            |  252C   |  252D   |  ::::
::::  | McCarthy           |         |                |               | Binford    |    Roderick               | Finkel      |  ::::  |                |  Wagner        |                               |  Room    |_______     | Kortkamp| Bulnes  |  ::::
::::  |                    |         |   214a         |               |            |                             Shimano     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                         Thompson  Quam    |  ::::
::::  |                    |  210    |  Glassmire     |               |                                        ______________|  ::::  |                |                |                               | 252A                                      |  ::::
::::  |_______________   __| Wood    |   _____________|               |____________                 230e                     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                       |         |         |  ::::
::::  |             |                    |            |               |            |                                230D     |  ::::  |____________    |   _____________|________        _______________|__________________     |_________|_________|  ::::
::::  |  206        |                    |  216       |               |  230A      |                           |   Faught    |  ::::  |                                 |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  | Earnest     |       _________    | Gordon     |               | Thomas     |                           |   Ganapathy |  ::::                           250      |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  |             |   |    212     |     vonHenke   |               |                 ____________________   |___Gennery___|  ::::                                                                                                                |  ::::
::::  |             |   |   Xerox    |   _____________|               |____________    |                       |                ::::                                                252                                                             |  ::::
1975  |                 |   Room     |                |               |                |                       |                1975  |____________        _____________|                                                                           |  1975
::::  |_____________    |____________|      218       | _  _  _  _  _ |  228           |        226            |                ::::  |                |                |       Conference                                                          |  ::::
::::  |                              |   | Gorin      |               | Pettersen  |   |                       |                ::::  |   250A         |   250D         |          Room                                                             |  ::::
::::  |  202               204       |   |                              Taylor     |   |       Lounge          |                ::::  |  Laaser        |  Elschlager    |                                                                 __________|  ::::
::::  | Samuel      |   | Document   |   |_________________________________________|   |                       |_____________   ::::  |                |                |                                                      __________|             ::::
::::  |             |   | Storage    |      |       |         |         |       |      |                       |             |  ::::  |                |                |                                     ________________|          |             ::::
::::  |             |   |            |      |       | 220     | 222     |       |                                226A        |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |                |          |  Marathon   ::::
::::  |_____________|   |____________|   |   Women  |Filman   |Harvey   |   Men    |    ________________   ____ Barstow      |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |   Stairs       |  Ducts   |    Foonly   ::::
::::        |                            |          |Frost    |Rubin    |          |                           |Bolles       |  ::::  |________________|________________|____________________________________|________________|__________|___________  ::::
::::        |                            |__________|   ______|______   |__________|                    224    |Widdoes______|  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::     Entrance                                                                      |                       |             |  ::::                                               spine                                                               ::::
::::  o      ________   ______________   _______________   __   ________________       |__ ___________         |    233A     |  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::        |           |                |                  |           |   227    |      |           |                      |  ::::   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ::::
1975        |   201     |    221         | 223       223a   |  225      | Prancing |      |   Ducts   |                      |  1975  |                                                                 |                                           |  1975
::::        |  Hoyt     |   Cohn         |Farmwald  Gosper  | Gafford   |   Pony   |      |___________|_________________     |  ::::  |  251A                                                           |                                           |  ::::
::::        |           |   Lenat        |          Kugell  | Moorer    |    o     |   |__|                            |     |  ::::    Martin     |   251B   |                                         |                                           |  ::::
::::  o     |           |   Samet        |                  |           |          |   |                                     |  ::::    Model      |  Storage |                                         |                                              ::::
::::        |   201a    |                |__________________|___________|_________ |   |                       _ _ _ _ |        ::::  |            |          |                                                                                        ::::
::::        |  Baur     |                |                              |              |                                        ::::  |            |          |_____   _________                                                                    |  ::::
::::   _____|_______    |____________    |                              |              |                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _    ::::  |________   _|__________|   253B          |                                                                   |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |      Black Forrest           |   229        |                                     |  ::::  |                       |  Ginsparg       |  253                  |                                           |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |                              | Display      |                                     |  ::::  |  251                  |                 |                       |    257                                    |  ::::
::::  | 203    |        |          |                                    |  Room      _ |                                     |  ::::  | Arnold                |_____   _________|                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |Allen   |        |          |     _______________________________|           |  |            233                      |  ::::  | Caddy                 |   253A          |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                 |   Sky    |      219            |   217        |              |       Computer Room                 |  ::::  | Cartwright            |  Kant           |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |______________   |                Moravec         |  McGuire     |           | _|                                     |  ::::                          |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
1975  |  205            |                                |  Stuart      |                                                    |  1975   _________   ___________|_____   _________|_________     _________|    ____________________________    _______|  1975
::::  | Allen           |          |                     |              |           |                                        |  ::::  |  251F      |          |                 |         |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  | Scheinman   |   |__________|__   ________________|   o          |    o               o                  _____________|  ::::  | Herskovits |  251C    |                 |  255B   |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |             |                                                               | _|                       |                ::::  |            | King     |                 | Wilkins |   |         |                      _______________         ::::
::::  |_____________|   _____________       _______    ___________________________   __|                                        ::::  |              Levy     |                 |                255C   |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |                         |       |          |      |             |              |                       |                ::::  |_________   ___________|    (stairs)     |_________    _ Morales |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |  207                    | 211   |  213     |      |             | Music Room   |                       |                ::::  |  251E                 |                 |               Schreiber            (stairs) | people| more  |        ::::
::::  | Fritzson    |___|  o    |Baskett| Davis    | 215  |             |  231         |                       |                ::::  | Hemphill      251D    |                 |  255A                 |                     |       |people |        ::::
::::  | Smith       |   | 209   |Green  | McCune   |Panofsky            | Chowning     |                       |                ::::  |            | Winograd |                 | Oppen   |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  | Tachibana   | T |Luckham|       | Suzuki   |      |             | Hoey         |                       |   (stairs)     ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             |_  |       |       |          |      |             | Smith        |                       |                ::::  |_________   |__________|                 |_________|   |_________|                     |   ____|____   |        ::::
::::  |_________________________|_______|__________|______|             |__________   _|____   _________   ____|                ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::                                                                                                                            ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
1975                                                 Logical U-15 (distorted to fit)                                            1975                                            Logical U-11 & U-12 (distorted to fit)                                 1975
1976   _______________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________   1976   _________________________________                                 ___________________________________________   1976
::::  |                    |         |   214          |               |            |                           |             |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Small   |   252B     |         |         |  ::::
::::  |  208               |         |  Weyhrauch     |               |  230B      |     230f                  |  230C       |  ::::  |   250B         |   250C         |                               |  Conf.   |  Funt      |  252C   |  252D   |  ::::
::::  | Luckham            |         |                |               | Binford    |    Goldman                | Finkel      |  ::::  |  Elschlager    |  Wagner        |                               |  Room    |_______     |         | Bulnes  |  ::::
::::  |                    |         |   214a         |               |            |                             Shimano     |  ::::  |  Phillips      |                |                               |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                    |  210    |  Glassmire     |               |                                        ______________|  ::::  |                |                |                               | 252A                                      |  ::::
::::  |_______________   __|         |   _____________|               |____________                 230e                     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                       |         |         |  ::::
::::  |             |                    |            |               |            |               Jarvis           230D     |  ::::  |____________    |   _____________|________        _______________|__________________     |_________|_________|  ::::
::::  |  206        |                    |  216       |               |  230A      |                           |   Gennery   |  ::::  |                                 |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  | Earnest     |       _________    | Manna      |               | Mujtaba    |                           |   Taylor    |  ::::                           250      |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  |             |   |    212     |                |               | Roderick        ____________________   |_____________|  ::::                                                                                                                |  ::::
::::  |             |   |   Xerox    |   _____________|               |____________    |                       |                ::::                                                252                                                             |  ::::
1976  |                 |   Room     |                |               |                |                       |                1976  |____________        _____________|                                                                           |  1976
::::  |_____________    |____________|      218       | _  _  _  _  _ |  228           |        226            |                ::::  |                |                |       Conference                                                          |  ::::
::::  |                              |   | Gorin      |               | Grossman   |   |                       |                ::::  |   250A         |   250D         |          Room                                                             |  ::::
::::  |  202               204       |   |                                         |   |       Lounge          |                ::::  |  Laaser        |  Mock          |                                                                 __________|  ::::
::::  | Samuel      |   | Document   |   |_________________________________________|   |                       |_____________   ::::  |                |                |                                                      __________|             ::::
::::  |             |   | Storage    |      |       |         |         |       |      |                       |             |  ::::  |                |                |                                     ________________|          |             ::::
::::  |             |   |            |      |       | 220     | 222     |       |                                226A        |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |                |          |  Marathon   ::::
::::  |_____________|   |____________|   |   Women  |CartwrightRubin    |   Men    |    ________________   ____ Barstow      |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |   Stairs       |  Ducts   |    Foonly   ::::
::::        |                            |          |Frost    |         |          |                           |Bolles       |  ::::  |________________|________________|____________________________________|________________|__________|___________  ::::
::::        |                            |__________|   ______|______   |__________|                    224    |_____________|  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::     Entrance                                                                      |                       |             |  ::::                                               spine                                                               ::::
::::  o      ________   ______________   _______________   __   ________________       |__ ___________         |    233A     |  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::        |           |                |                  |           |   227    |      |           |            McGuire   |  ::::   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ::::
1976        |   201     |    221         | 223       223a   |  225      | Prancing |      |   Ducts   |                      |  1976  |                                                                 |                                           |  1976
::::        |  Baur     |   Dershowitz   |Gosper    Farmwald| Gafford   |   Pony   |      |___________|_________________     |  ::::  |  251A                                                           |                                           |  ::::
::::        |  Hubly    |   Goad         |Kahrs             | Moorer    |    o     |   |__|                            |     |  ::::    Martin     |   251B   |                                         |                                           |  ::::
::::  o     |           |   Lenat        |                  |           |          |   |                                     |  ::::    Model      |  Storage |                                         |                                              ::::
::::        |   201a    |                |__________________|___________|_________ |   |                       _ _ _ _ |        ::::  |            |          |                                                                                        ::::
::::        |           |                |                              |              |                                        ::::  |            |          |_____   _________                                                                    |  ::::
::::   _____|_______    |____________    |                              |              |                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _    ::::  |________   _|__________|   253B          |                                                                   |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |       Black Forest           |   229        |                                     |  ::::  |                       |  Ginsparg       |  253                  |                                           |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |                              | Display      |                                     |  ::::  |  251                  |                 |                       |    257                                    |  ::::
::::  | 203    |        |          |                                    |  Room      _ |                                     |  ::::  | Arnold                |_____   _________|                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |Allen   |        |          |     _______________________________|           |  |            233                      |  ::::  | Gabriel               |   253A          |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                 |   Sky    |      219            |   217        |              |       Computer Room                 |  ::::  | Scherlis              |  Kant           |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |______________   |                Moore           |  Stuart      |           | _|                                     |  ::::                          |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
1976  |  205            |                Moravec         |              |                                                    |  1976   _________   ___________|_____   _________|_________     _________|    ____________________________    _______|  1976
::::  | Montangero      |          |                     |              |           |                                        |  ::::  |  251F      |          |                 |         |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  | Scheinman   |   |__________|__   ________________|   o          |    o               o                  _____________|  ::::  | Herskovits |  251C    |                 |  255B   |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |             |                                                               | _|                       |                ::::  |            | King     |                 | Wilkins |   |         |                      _______________         ::::
::::  |_____________|   _____________       _______    ___________________________   __|                                        ::::  |              Levy     |                 |                255C   |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |                         |       |          |      |             |              |                       |                ::::  |_________   ___________|    (stairs)     |_________    _ Morales |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |  207                    | 211   |  213     |      |             | Music Room   |                       |                ::::  |  251E                 |                 |               Schreiber            (stairs) | people| more  |        ::::
::::  | McCarthy    |___|  o    |Green  | Clancy   | 215  |             |  231         |                       |                ::::  | Hemphill      251D    |                 |  255A                 |                     |       |people |        ::::
::::  |             |   | 209   |       | Davis    |Panofsky            |              |                       |                ::::  |            | Winograd |                 | Oppen   |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             | T |Wood   |       | McCune   |      |             |              |                       |   (stairs)     ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             |_  |       |       |          |      |             |              |                       |                ::::  |_________   |__________|                 |_________|   |_________|                     |   ____|____   |        ::::
::::  |_________________________|_______|__________|______|             |__________   _|____   _________   ____|                ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::                                                                                                                            ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
1976                                                 Logical U-15 (distorted to fit)                                            1976                                            Logical U-11 & U-12 (distorted to fit)                                 1976
1977   _______________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________   1977   _________________________________                                 ___________________________________________   1977
::::  |                    |         |   214          |               |            |                           |             |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Small   |   252B     |         |         |  ::::
::::  |  208               |         |  Weyhrauch     |               |  230B      |     230f                  |  230C       |  ::::  |   250B         |   250C         |                               |  Conf.   |  Funt      |  252C   |  252D   |  ::::
::::  | Luckham            |         |                |               | Binford    |    Robinson               | Goldman     |  ::::  |  Elschlager    |                |                               |  Room    |_______     |         | Bulnes  |  ::::
::::  |                    |         |   214a         |               |            |                             Shimano     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                                   Drysdale|  ::::
::::  |                    |  210    |                |               |                                        ______________|  ::::  |                |                |                               | 252A                                      |  ::::
::::  |_______________   __|         |   _____________|               |____________                 230e                     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                       |         |         |  ::::
::::  |             |                    |            |               |            |               vandenHeuvel     230D     |  ::::  |____________    |   _____________|________        _______________|__________________     |_________|_________|  ::::
::::  |  206        |                    |  216       |               |  230A      |                           |   Arnold    |  ::::  |                                 |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  | Earnest     |       _________    | Manna      |               | Gini       |                           |   Gennery   |  ::::                           250      |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  |             |   |    212     |                |               | Gini            ____________________   |___Scheinman_|  ::::                                                                                                                |  ::::
::::  |             |   |   Xerox    |   _____________|               |____________    |                       |                ::::                                                252                                                             |  ::::
1977  |                 |   Room     |                |               |                |                       |                1977  |____________        _____________|                                                                           |  1977
::::  |_____________    |____________|      218       | _  _  _  _  _ |  228           |        226            |                ::::  |                |                |       Conference                                                          |  ::::
::::  |                              |   | Oppen      |               | Liu        |   |                       |                ::::  |   250A         |   250D         |          Room                                                             |  ::::
::::  |  202               204       |   |                              Mujtaba    |   |       Lounge          |                ::::  |  Brooks        |                |                                                                 __________|  ::::
::::  | Samuel      |   | Document   |   |______________________________Scherlis___|   |                       |_____________   ::::  |  Laaser        |                |                                                      __________|             ::::
::::  |             |   | Storage    |      |       |         |         |       |      |                       |             |  ::::  |                |                |                                     ________________|          |             ::::
::::  |             |   |            |      |       | 220     | 222     |       |                                226A        |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |                |          |  Marathon   ::::
::::  |_____________|   |____________|   |   Women  |Filman   |Rubin    |   Men    |    ________________   ____ Barstow      |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |   Stairs       |  Ducts   |    Foonly   ::::
::::        |                            |          |Frost    |         |          |                           |Ishida       |  ::::  |________________|________________|____________________________________|________________|__________|___________  ::::
::::        |                            |__________|   ______|______   |__________|                    224    |Nakano_______|  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::     Entrance                                                                      |                       |             |  ::::                                               spine                                                               ::::
::::  o      ________   ______________   _______________   __   ________________       |__ ___________         |    233A     |  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::        |           |                |                  |           |   227    |      |           |            McGuire   |  ::::   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ::::
1977        |   201     |    221         | 223a      223    |  225      | Prancing |      |   Ducts   |                      |  1977  |                                                                 |                                           |  1977
::::        |  Stanley  |   Dershowitz   |Farmwald  Crispin | Grey      |   Pony   |      |___________|_________________     |  ::::  |  251A                                                           |                                           |  ::::
::::        |           |   Goad         |Gilbert   Gosper  | Moorer    |    o     |   |__|                            |     |  ::::    Model      |   251B   |                                         |                                           |  ::::
::::  o     |           |   Karp         |          Shoemake|           |          |   |                                     |  ::::               |  Storage |                                         |                                              ::::
::::        |   201a    |   Talcott      |__________________|___________|_________ |   |                       _ _ _ _ |        ::::  |            |          |                                                                                        ::::
::::        |  Surguine |                |                              |              |                                        ::::  |            |          |_____   _________                                                                    |  ::::
::::   _____|_______    |____________    |                              |              |                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _    ::::  |________   _|__________|   253B          |                                                                   |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |       Black Forest           |   229        |                                     |  ::::  |                       |  Ginsparg       |  253                  |                                           |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |                              | Display      |                                     |  ::::  |  251                  |  Polak          |                       |    257                                    |  ::::
::::  | 203    |        |          |                                    |  Room      _ |                                     |  ::::  | Gabriel               |_____   _________|                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |Allen   |        |          |     _______________________________|           |  |            233                      |  ::::  |                       |   253A          |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                 |   Sky    |      219            |   217        |              |       Computer Room                 |  ::::  |                       |  Pattis         |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |______________   |                Moore           |              |           | _|                                     |  ::::                          |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
1977  |  205            |                Moravec         |              |                                                    |  1977   _________   ___________|_____   _________|_________     _________|    ____________________________    _______|  1977
::::  | Davis           |          |                     |              |           |                                        |  ::::  |  251F      |          |                 |         |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |             |   |__________|__   ________________|   o          |    o               o                  _____________|  ::::  | Herskovits |  251C    |                 |  255B   |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |             |                                                               | _|                       |                ::::  |            | King     |                 | Wilkins |   |         |                      _______________         ::::
::::  |_____________|   _____________       _______    ___________________________   __|                                        ::::  |              Levy     |                 |                255C   |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |                         |       |          |      |             |              |                       |                ::::  |_________   __Martin___|    (stairs)     |_________    _ German  |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |  207                    | 211   |  213     |      |             | Music Room   |                       |                ::::  |  251E                 |                 |               Harvey  |            (stairs) | people| more  |        ::::
::::  | McCarthy    |___|  o    |Green  | Clancy   | 215  |             |  231         |                       |                ::::  | Appelt        251D    |                 |  255A                 |                     |       |people |        ::::
::::  |             |   | 209   |       | Kant     |Panofsky            |              |                       |                ::::  |            | Winograd |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             | T |Wood   |       | McCune   |      |             |              |                       |   (stairs)     ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             |_  |       |       |          |      |             |              |                       |                ::::  |_________   |__________|                 |_________|   |_________|                     |   ____|____   |        ::::
::::  |_________________________|_______|__________|______|             |__________   _|____   _________   ____|                ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::                                                                                                                            ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
1977                                                 Logical U-15 (distorted to fit)                                            1977                                            Logical U-11 & U-12 (distorted to fit)                                 1977
1978   _______________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________   1978   _________________________________                                 ___________________________________________   1978
::::  |                    |         |   214          |               |            |                           |             |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Small   |   252B     |         |         |  ::::
::::  |  208               |         |  Weyhrauch     |               |  230B      |                           |  230C       |  ::::  |   250B         |   250C         |                               |  Conf.   |  Baker     |  252C   |  252D   |  ::::
::::  | Luckham            |         |                |               | Binford    |                           | Brooks      |  ::::  |  Elschlager    |  Greiner       |                               |  Room    |_______     | Blicher | Bulnes  |  ::::
::::  |                    |         |   214a         |               |            |                             Goldman     |  ::::  |  Westfold      |  Lowe          |                               |                         Slawson           |  ::::
::::  |                    |  210    |                |               |                                        ______________|  ::::  |                |  Lowry         |                               | 252A                                      |  ::::
::::  |_______________   __|         |   _____________|               |____________                 230e                     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                       |         |         |  ::::
::::  |             |                    |            |               |            |               Westphal         230D     |  ::::  |____________    |   _____________|________        _______________|__________________     |_________|_________|  ::::
::::  |  206        |                    |  216       |               |  230A      |                           |   Arnold    |  ::::  |                                 |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  | Earnest     |       _________    | Manna      |               | Hasselknippe                           |   Gennery   |  ::::                           250      |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  |             |   |    212     |                |               | Salamin         ____________________   |_____________|  ::::                                                                                                                |  ::::
::::  |             |   |   Xerox    |   _____________|               |____________    |                       |                ::::                                                252                                                             |  ::::
1978  |                 |   Room     |                |               |                |                       |                1978  |____________        _____________|                                                                           |  1978
::::  |_____________    |____________|      218       | _  _  _  _  _ |  228           |        226            |                ::::  |                |                |       Conference                                                          |  ::::
::::  |                              |   | Oppen      |               | Mujtaba    |   |                       |                ::::  |   250A         |   250D         |          Room                                                             |  ::::
::::  |  202               204       |   |                              Salisbury  |   |       Lounge          |                ::::  |  Brooks        |  Crispin       |                                                                 __________|  ::::
::::  | Samuel      |   | Document   |   |_________________________________________|   |                       |_____________   ::::  |  Nabavi        |  Tovar         |                                                      __________|             ::::
::::  |             |   | Storage    |      |       |         |         |       |      |                       |             |  ::::  |                |                |                                     ________________|          |             ::::
::::  |             |   |            |      |       | 220     | 222     |       |                                226A        |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |                |          |  Marathon   ::::
::::  |_____________|   |____________|   |   Women  |Filman   |Rubin    |   Men    |    ________________   ____ Phillips     |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |   Stairs       |  Ducts   |    Foonly   ::::
::::        |                            |          |Frost    |         |          |                           |             |  ::::  |________________|________________|____________________________________|________________|__________|___________  ::::
::::        |                            |__________|   ______|______   |__________|                    224    |_____________|  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::     Entrance                                                                      |                       |             |  ::::                                               spine                                                               ::::
::::  o      ________   ______________   _______________   __   ________________       |__ ___________         |    233A     |  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::        |           |                |                  |           |   227    |      |           |                      |  ::::   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ::::
1978        |   201     |    221         | 223a      223    |  225      | Prancing |      |   Ducts   |                      |  1978  |                                                                 |                                           |  1978
::::        |           |   Goad         |Farmwald  Gosper  | Gordon    |   Pony   |      |___________|_________________     |  ::::  |  251A                                                           |                                           |  ::::
::::        |           |   Karp         |          Widdoes | Shoemake  |    o     |   |__|                            |     |  ::::    Quinlan    |   251B   |                                         |                                           |  ::::
::::  o     |           |   Talcott      |                  |           |          |   |                                     |  ::::               |  Storage |                                         |                                              ::::
::::        |   201a    |                |__________________|___________|_________ |   |                       _ _ _ _ |        ::::  |            |          |                                                                                        ::::
::::        |  Wirz     |                |                              |              |                                        ::::  |            |          |_____   _________                                                                    |  ::::
::::   _____|_______    |____________    |                              |              |                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _    ::::  |________   _|__________|   253B          |                                                                   |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |       Black Forest           |   229        |                                     |  ::::  |                       |  Polak          |  253                  |                                           |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |                              | Display      |                                     |  ::::  |  251                  |                 |                       |    257                                    |  ::::
::::  | 203    |        |          |                                    |  Room      _ |                                     |  ::::  | Gabriel               |_____   _________|                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |Allen   |        |          |     _______________________________|           |  |            233                      |  ::::  | Steele                |   253A          |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                 |   Sky    |      219            |   217        |              |       Computer Room                 |  ::::  |                       |  Georgeff       |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |______________   |                Moravec         |  Coates      |           | _|                                     |  ::::                          |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
1978  |  205            |                                |              |                                                    |  1978   _________   ___________|_____   _________|_________     _________|    ____________________________    _______|  1978
::::  |                 |          |                     |              |           |                                        |  ::::  |  251F      |          |                 |         |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |             |   |__________|__   ________________|   o          |    o               o                  _____________|  ::::  | Herskovits |  251C    |                 |  255B   |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |             |                                                               | _|                       |                ::::  |            | Levy     |                 | Wilkins |   |         |                      _______________         ::::
::::  |_____________|   _____________       _______    ___________________________   __|                                        ::::  |              Martin   |                 |                255C   |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |                         |       |          |      |             |              |                       |                ::::  |_________   ___________|    (stairs)     |_________    _ German  |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |  207                    | 211   |  213     |      |             | Music Room   |                       |                ::::  |  251E                 |                 |               Paulson |            (stairs) | people| more  |        ::::
::::  | McCarthy    |___|  o    |Green  | Kant     | 215  |             |  231         |                       |                ::::  | Appelt        251D    |                 |  255A                 |                     |       |people |        ::::
::::  |             |   | 209   |Lenat  | McCune   |Panofsky            |              |                       |                ::::  |            | Creary   |                 | vonHenke|   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             | T |Wood   |       | Tappel   |      |             |              |                       |   (stairs)     ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             |_  |       |       |          |      |             |              |                       |                ::::  |_________   |__________|                 |_________|   |_________|                     |   ____|____   |        ::::
::::  |_________________________|_______|__________|______|             |__________   _|____   _________   ____|                ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::                                                                                                                            ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
1978                                                 Logical U-15 (distorted to fit)                                            1978                                            Logical U-11 & U-12 (distorted to fit)                                 1978
1979   _______________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________   1979   _________________________________                                 ___________________________________________   1979
::::  |                    |         |   214          |               |            |                           |             |  ::::  |                |                |                               |  Small   |   252B     |         |         |  ::::
::::  |  208               |         |  Weyhrauch     |               |  230B      |                           |  230C       |  ::::  |   250B         |   250C         |                               |  Conf.   |  Baker     |  252C   |  252D   |  ::::
::::  | Luckham            |         |                |               | Binford    |                           | Goldman     |  ::::  |  Westfold      |  Arnold        |                               |  Room    |_______     | Slawson | Ludlow  |  ::::
::::  |                    |         |   214a         |               |            |                             Soroka      |  ::::  |  Zabala        |  Salamin       |                               |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                    |  210    |                |               |                                        ______________|  ::::  |                |                |                               | 252A                                      |  ::::
::::  |_______________   __|         |   _____________|               |____________                 230e                     |  ::::  |                |                |                               |                       |         |         |  ::::
::::  |             |                    |            |               |            |                                230D     |  ::::  |____________    |   _____________|________        _______________|__________________     |_________|_________|  ::::
::::  |  206        |                    |  216       |               |  230A      |                           |   Brooks    |  ::::  |                                 |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  | Earnest     |       _________    | Manna      |               | Lowe       |                           |   Gennery   |  ::::                           250      |                                                                           |  ::::
::::  |             |   |    212     |     vonHenke   |               | Lowry           ____________________   |_____________|  ::::                                                                                                                |  ::::
::::  |             |   |   Xerox    |   _____________|               |____________    |                       |                ::::                                                252                                                             |  ::::
1979  |                 |   Room     |                |               |                |                       |                1979  |____________        _____________|                                                                           |  1979
::::  |_____________    |____________|      218       | _  _  _  _  _ |  228           |        226            |                ::::  |                |                |       Conference                                                          |  ::::
::::  |                              |   | Oppen      |               | Mujtaba    |   |                       |                ::::  |   250A         |   250D         |          Room                                                             |  ::::
::::  |  202               204       |   |                              Salisbury  |   |       Lounge          |                ::::  |  Brooks        |  Tovar         |                                                                 __________|  ::::
::::  | Samuel      |   | Document   |   |_________________________________________|   |                       |_____________   ::::  |  Nabavi        |                |                                                      __________|             ::::
::::  |             |   | Storage    |      |       |         |         |       |      |                       |             |  ::::  |                |                |                                     ________________|          |             ::::
::::  |             |   |            |      |       | 220     | 222     |       |                                226A        |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |                |          |  Marathon   ::::
::::  |_____________|   |____________|   |   Women  |Filman   |LeBrun   |   Men    |    ________________   ____ Phillips     |  ::::  |                |                |                                    |   Stairs       |  Ducts   |    Foonly   ::::
::::        |                            |          |Frost    |Poor     |          |                           |             |  ::::  |________________|________________|____________________________________|________________|__________|___________  ::::
::::        |                            |__________|   ______|______   |__________|                    224    |_____________|  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::     Entrance                                                                      |                       |             |  ::::                                               spine                                                               ::::
::::  o      ________   ______________   _______________   __   ________________       |__ ___________         |    233A     |  ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::        |           |                |                  |           |   227    |      |           |                      |  ::::   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ::::
1979        |   201     |    221         | 223a      223    |  225      | Prancing |      |   Ducts   |                      |  1979  |                                                                 |                                           |  1979
::::        |  Preston  |   Goad         |Farmwald  Gosper  | Gordon    |   Pony   |      |___________|_________________     |  ::::  |  251A                                                           |                                           |  ::::
::::        |           |   Karp         |          Widdoes | Shoemake  |    o     |   |__|                            |     |  ::::               |   251B   |                                         |                                           |  ::::
::::  o     |           |   Talcott      |                  |           |          |   |                                     |  ::::               |  Storage |                                         |                                              ::::
::::        |   201a    |                |__________________|___________|_________ |   |                       _ _ _ _ |        ::::  |            |          |                                                                                        ::::
::::        |  Wirz     |                |                              |              |                                        ::::  |            |          |_____   _________                                                                    |  ::::
::::   _____|_______    |____________    |                              |              |                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _    ::::  |________   _|__________|   253B          |                                                                   |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |       Black Forest           |   229        |                                     |  ::::  |                       |  Polak          |  253                  |                                           |  ::::
::::  |        |        |          |     |                              | Display      |                                     |  ::::  |  251                  |                 |                       |    257                                    |  ::::
::::  | 203    |        |          |                                    |  Room      _ |                                     |  ::::  | Gabriel               |_____   _________|                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |Allen   |        |          |     _______________________________|           |  |            233                      |  ::::  | Steele                |   253A          |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |                 |   Sky    |      219            |   217        |              |       Computer Room                 |  ::::  |                       |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
::::  |______________   |                Moravec         |  Coates      |           | _|                                     |  ::::                          |                 |                       |                                           |  ::::
1979  |  205            |                                |  Hayes       |                                                    |  1979   _________   ___________|_____   _________|_________     _________|    ____________________________    _______|  1979
::::  |                 |          |                     |              |           |                                        |  ::::  |  251F      |          |                 |         |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |             |   |__________|__   ________________|   o          |    o               o                  _____________|  ::::  | Herskovits |  251C    |                 |  255B   |   |         |                                              ::::
::::  |             |                                                               | _|                       |                ::::  |            | Levy     |                 | Wilkins |   |         |                      _______________         ::::
::::  |_____________|   _____________       _______    ___________________________   __|                                        ::::  |              Martin   |                 |                255C   |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |                         |       |          |      |             |              |                       |                ::::  |_________   ___________|    (stairs)     |_________    _ German  |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |  207                    | 211   |  213     |      |             | Music Room   |                       |                ::::  |  251E                 |                 |                       |            (stairs) | people| more  |        ::::
::::  | McCarthy    |___|  o    |Gini   | Kant     | 215  |             |  231         |                       |                ::::  |               251D    |                 |  255A                 |                     |       |people |        ::::
::::  |             |   | 209   |Gini   | McCune   |Liebes|             |              |                       |                ::::  |            | Creary   |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             | T |Wood   |Green  | Tappel   |      |             |              |                       |   (stairs)     ::::  |            |          |                 |         |   |         |                     |       |       |        ::::
::::  |             |_  |       |Lenat  |          |      |             |              |                       |                ::::  |_________   |__________|                 |_________|   |_________|                     |   ____|____   |        ::::
::::  |_________________________|_______|__________|______|             |__________   _|____   _________   ____|                ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
::::                                                                                                                            ::::                                                                                                                   ::::
1979                                                 Logical U-15 (distorted to fit)                                            1979                                            Logical U-11 & U-12 (distorted to fit)                                 1979