Celebration of John McCarthy's Accomplishments

John McCarthy

The passing of John McCarthy, on 24 October 2011, received considerable attention in the media and there is an account of his legacy here. A celebration of his accomplishments was held at Stanford on 25 March 2012, as arranged by a committee consisting of Raj Reddy, Nils Nilsson, Ed Feigenbaum and Les Earnest. Video editing and the creation of this web page were done by Bruce Baumgart. Talks are listed below together with links to video recordings on YouTube as well as texts where available.

The final speaker is John himself from the 2009 SAIL reunion video.

Speaker Expand
▶ 9:38 Susan McCarthy What Your Dentist Doesn't Want You to Know
▶ 6:54 Nils Nilsson Highlights of John McCarthy's Career
▶ 4:11 Marvin Minsky via Ed Fredkin Eulogy for John McCarthy
▶ 8:21 Ed Fredkin . . . I've had that same idea
▶ 6:49 Les Earnest How John McCarthy accidentally started uniting the world
▶ 5:16 Raj Reddy SAIL '63-'69
▶ 6:46 Barbara Liskov Memories of my thesis advisor
▶ 7:37 Don Knuth Reminiscences
▶ 6:48 Vladimir Lifschitz The Frame Problem, Then and Now
▶ 8:37 Ed Feigenbaum McCarthy as scientist and engineer, with personal recollections
▶ 8:42 John Chowning The A.I. Lab and Music: to hear and to see
▶ 6:31 Ralph Gorin LOTS of later timesharing
▶ 4:39 Steve Russell Adventures and pioneering with John
▶ 6:12 Tom Costello Making Things Better
▶ 6:08 Ted Selker McCarthy's analytic mind's work to sustain the future
▶ 4:59 Whit Diffie Whit on John
▶12:39 John McCarthy (from 2009) Reminiscence: Why SAIL and not something else, the history of A.I.
Attendees S A I L D A R T A.I. LogoO R G