perm filename WHOPHN[3,2]1 blob
sn#526380 filedate 1980-07-31 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
The WHOPHN program displays the status of all user jobs on
the Data Disc "available" channel. The display is now in 3
columns, and includes for each job: the job number (Jb), the
queue (Q), the programmer name (User), the line number (TTY), job
name (Jobnam), and either the total job runtime or, if the job
has been idle for 5 minutes or more, the current job idle time in
minutes (Run/Id).
The entry in the Q field is two characters, to indicate what
queue the job is in. For the most part this field is the queue
the job is in, although it can also be the device the job is
waiting for. The queues are:
Queue Meaning
----- -------
ST job is stopped, in monitor command mode, with core (see NU)
CM Monitor command swapin wait
DC Data control (DECtape or magtape) wait
DI Disk input wait
DO Disk output wait
DL Dialnet I/O wait
DT DECtape I/O wait
DV General in core I/O wait
DW Device available wait
EL ELF wait
EI ELF input wait
EO ELF output wait
IM IMP I/O wait
IW Interrupt wait
IO General I/O wait
MT Magtape wait
MI Magtape input wait
MO Magtape output wait
NU Job is stopped, no core assigned
PI Paper tape reader input wait
PL Plotter output wait
PO Paper tape punch output wait
RU Job is trying to run
SE Upper segment swapin wait
TI TTY input wait
TO TTY output wait
TQ High priority run queue
TV TV I/O wait
VR Varian I/O wait
XG XGP I/O wait
After the queue field, there may optionally be a single
character indicating special job status:
Code Meaning
---- -------
* Job is swapped out
⊗ Job is locked in core
∀ Job has a spacewar module
For ARPANET server jobs, the User name and TTY line number
are replaced with a 6 character abbreviation of the foreign host