perm filename WHEN[3,2] blob sn#306631 filedate 1977-09-27 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Typing WHEN prints out your most recent logout time, and the directory
which did the logging out.  The fact that you are currently logged  in
does not affect this information.  As with FINGER, system crashes  are
not considered  to be  "logging  out".  Also,  if your  directory  was
deleted when you logged out, it will not be included by WHEN.

The WHEN  command also  takes optional  arguments.  If  only a  single
argument is given, it may be typed as:
If more than one  argument is used, separate  them by semicolons,  not
commas.  The various argument forms are:
	.	Report only on current directory.
	*	Give latest logouts for all of your directories.
       PRG	Give latest logout from among PRG's directories.
      *,PRG	Give logouts for all of PRG's directories.
      PRJ,*	Give logouts for all directories with project PRJ.
     PRJ,PRG	Give latest logout for the single directory [PRJ,PRG].
       *,*	Give logout for every directory (not recommended).
Note that brackets are not included in any of the options.  If you are
aliased, the . and * options will use the aliased ppn.  For example:
would tell  you  when DON  last  logged out  (and  from which  of  his
directories), list all  directories for  you (or  for whomever  you're
aliased to) with logout times, give the latest logout for [S,SYS], and
finally tell you when ME last logged out.

If one or more of the directories being listed happens to be logged in
at the moment, a  note will be  printed to that  effect.  If you  have
asked  for  the  latest  from  among  all  of  someone's   directories
(including your own, which is the  default), then you will be told  if
that user  is logged  in on  ANY of  his directories.   (In the  other
cases, such as "*,PRG" or "PRJ,PRG" or "." options, you are told  only
if the specific directory is logged in.)

Note that, even if you are  not interested in the logout  information,
you can use WHEN *,FOO to get a list of all of FOO's directories.  The
other command for doing  this is DIR [*,FOO]/Q/F.   It turns out  that
WHEN is significantly faster  and uses fewer disk  ops.  WHEN is  also
much faster than FINGER  for finding out logout  times or for  finding
out whether a specific person is currently logged in (though WHERE  is
faster yet if all you want is this latter information).

The WHEN command runs the program SYS:WHEN.DMP.  You may also run this
directly if you wish,  in which case the  arguments must be  separated
from the Run command by a semicolon:

Typing WHEN ? yields a short  summary of the available options.   Like
WHO and WHERE, running WHEN clobbers your core image.