perm filename WAR.AP[NET,GUE] blob sn#038681 filedate 1973-04-29 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
005   2235pt 04-29
 Rogers-Indochina Bjt 410
Associated Press Writer
    WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State William P. Rogers appears
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today in the face
of mounting congressional concern over continued fighting in
    During his last appearance, in February, Rogers expressed
administration confidence that the Jan. 27 Vietnam
cease-fire agreement would be observed.
    Within the past two weeks, however, the United States and North
Vietnam have formally accused each other of violating the
agreement; U.S. bombers have intensified strikes in Cambodia, and
the White House has announced that Henry A. Kissinger will return
to Paris for talks seeking ''strict implementation'' of the accord.
    The Senate Foreign Relations Committee released on Friday a staff
report on stepped-up U.S. bombing in Cambodia. The study concluded
that the United States is ''far more deeply and directly involved
in the conduct of the war in Cambodia than ever before.''
    The report disclosed a daily average of 58 B52 bombing sorties
beginning March 16, three times the rate of the first two weeks
in March, and an average of 184 tactical and gunship sorties
    Concentration of the attacks shifted by mid-April, the report
said, from North Vietnamese and their supply lines to predominantly
Cambodian rebels fighting the government forces of President
Lon Nol.
    Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo., in releasing the report, termed the
Cambodian bombing ''the beginning of another wasteful and immoral
episode'' undertaken without prior congressional knowledge or
    The administration and Secretary Rogers have been called on to cite
presidential authority under the Constitution for ordering the
Cambodian bombing.
    Administration spokesmen heretofore have said the President's
authority as commander-in-chief, which gave him power to
negotiate the Vietnamese cease-fire, extends to military action
to enforce the provisions against North Vietnamese violations.
    Rogers was scheduled as the final witness at hearings on the
annual State Department authorization bill. The committee is
expected to begin work on the legislation later this week.
    Pending is a proposed amendment by Sens. Frank Church, D-Idaho, and
Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., to ban use of funds for any further
military activity in Indochina and for reconstruction aid to
North Vietnam unless Congress specifically approves.
AG143aed April 30


301   1826pt 04-29
    ST. LOUIS (AP) - The American Association of University Professors
voted Sunday to urge President Richard Nixon to grant amnesty
to the American youths who conscientiously resisted or refused
to participate in the Vietnam war.
    ''It is now more urgent than ever to heal the wounds of war
and overcome the deep divisions which the war has engineered,'' the
delegates attending the association's meeting said in a statement.
    ''With the spirit of reconciliation hopefully emerging in
our foreign policy, it is only just that a like reconciliation
be effected among our own people,'' the professors said. 
2127pED 04-29


274   1525pt 04-29
    VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Paul VI praised the late French Catholic
philosopher Jacques Maritain on Sunday as a great
thinker of our time and a dear personal friend.
    In a noontime speech from his apartment window to tens of
thousands of tourists and pilgrims in St. Peter's Square,
the Pope said the voice and figure of Maritain would remain
in the tradition of philosophical thought and Christian meditation.
    ''He was a master in the art of thinking, living and praying,''
the Pope said. ''There is a voice today which attracts us
and which we enjoy. ''It is the voice of Jacques Maritain,
who died yesterday in Toulouse.''
    Quoting the French philosopher, the Pope said Maritain loved truth.
    Maritain was French ambassador to the Vatican under Pope
Pius XII shortly after World War II.
1827pED 04-29


265   1501pt 04-29
    JERUSALEM (AP) - The Foreign Ministry declined Sunday to
react to a United Nations request that Israel cancel its May
7 Independence Day parade in Jerusalem.
    ''We don't want to enter into a discussion about it,'' a
Foreign Ministry official said. ''The parade will take place.''
    The U.N. request came at the appeal of Jordan, which protested
Israel's plan to hold a military march in the Arab eastern
sector of the city, whic' it lost in the 1967 Mideast war.
1802pED 04-29


257   1424pt 04-29
    AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - A $100-million plan to settle 90,000 people in
the Jordan valley - Israel's longest cease-fire line - will
start next month with a pilot housing project, senior Jordanian
officials announced Sunday.
    The $200,000-pilot project will be financed jointly by the
Jordanian government and a U.S. A.I.D. grant, said Omar Abdullah,
director general of the Jordan Valley Commission. It will be built
at Damia, the site of a village completely destroyed in the 1967
war, he said.
    It is one of about 30 sites to be built in the east bank
of the valley under a three-year development plan.
    U.S. A.I.D. is loaning $10 million toward the total project, which
includes dam construction and irrigation plans.
1726pED 04-29


219   1052pt 04-29
 Arabs Bjt 350
Associated Press Writer
    JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel has decided to expand the civil rights
of its 366,000 Arab citizens in a move to reward the Israeli Arab
community for its loyalty to the Jewish state in the past 25 years.
    Sources close to the government said it had been decided
to admit several thousand Israeli Arabs to responsible civil
service jobs, to have political parties open their doors to
Arab members, and to release large tracts of Moslem-owned
land seized by Israel after it became a state in 1948.
    Israeli Arabs are those who did not flee and become refugees in the
1948 Arab-Israeli war, but stayed and became Israeli citizens.
    Apart from a few hundred who have joined in spy and sabotage acts
against Israel, the vast majority have shown allegiance to the
Jewish state during 25 years of war against the neighboring Arab
    Now Israeli Arabs complain that this faithfulness is being ignored.
    Only a handful of Arabs occupy high civil service posts.
Most political parties do not accept Arab members and Premier
Golda Meir's dominant Labor party has created special Arab
Socialist factions rather than admit Arabs to its own ranks.
    Millions of dollars worth of land which until 1948 belonged
to the Moslem Waqf - religious council - have until now been
held by the government's Custodian of Absentee Property.
    All these points have tended to cast doubt on Israel's claim
that its Arab and Jewish citizens have equal rights.
    The sources said the main instigator of the new policy was Mrs.
Meir. Her office's Arab Affairs Department had commissioned several
surveys on the state of the Arab citizenry, and was pleased with the
    They added that Mrs. Meir chose this time - the celebration
of Israel's 25th independence anniversary May 7 - as what she
considered a fitting occasion to reward Israeli Arabs.
    The informants said Mrs. Meir was expected to ask her Labor
party this week to discuss accepting Arab members.
    Also planned for this week, the sources said, is the release
of the first of the Waqf-owned land, in Acre, Israel's largest
mixed Arab-Jewish town.
1358pED 04-29


214   1020pt 04-29
Village Bjt 350,2 Takes Total 630
Associated Press Writer
    ON THE EAST BANK OF THE MEKONG, Cambodia (AP) - Until the war
caught up with it, Chong Tonle Sap was a quiet little village of
200-300 souls.
    Its inhabitants made their modest but comfortable living either
from the Mekong River 300 yards to the west or from the rich rice
fields that flank it on the east and the groves of banana, mango and
sugar palm trees that shelter it from the burning Cambodian sun.
    Then about a week ago the fighting that has ripped up much
of Cambodia descended on Cong Tonle Sap, just two miles east
of Phnom Penh. Most of the villagers fled.
    Sunday morning, their homes were nearly deserted. Two American
warplanes from Thailand, an F4 Phantom fighter and an F111
fighter-bomber, filled the air with the thunder of their engines
and rocked the fertile soil a half-mile beyond it with their bombs.
    A company of soldiers from the Cambodian 51st Brigade stole through
the orchards, forded a shallow stream and burst in on the empty
settlement with automatic rifles, machine guns and grenade launchers
    There was little fire coming back and no one was wounded.
    Only two villagers remained in Chong Tonle Sap when the soldiers
entered, along with some cows, dogs and chickens that refused
to abandon their homes.
    Most of the guerrillas had fled before the advance, choosing not to
fight it out. All along the bank of the creek the government
soldiers had to cross to get to the village were sturdy bunkers of
clay and wood, built in the North Vietnamese army style to survive
all but the biggest bombs. Had the enemy stayed inside, they would
have been hard to dislodge.
    The two American warplanes swooped in low about 800 yards from the
hamlet, dropped their bombs and pulled steeply back up into the
clouds. They released napalm and 500-pound ''hard'' bombs, which do
their damage with torn steel. Their target was not visible.
    The Cambodian major who led the assault on Chong Tonle Sap
said about 400 rebels were in the area. They avoided contact
with the government soldiers and appeared to be spread out
over a wide area so that bombs could do them little damage.

1325pED 04-29

215   1026pt 04-29
 ON THE EAST BANK OF THE MEKONG Take 2 Village Bjt: damage. 280

    This is the problem with much of the Mekong's embattled eastern
shoreline. Military experts estimate about 5,000 Khmer insurgents,
with North Vietnamese or Viet Cong advisers in some units, have
moved in along 28 miles of the riverside north and south of the
    So far, the high command has acted without alacrity to dislodge
and disperse them. They have spread to islands in the Mekong,
from which they shell the mainland with mortars and rockets,
and to parts of the mainland itself north of Phnom Penh.
    The threat to Phnom Penh, government officers say, is not
immediate. The guerrillas have great mobility, however, and other
military experts are more concerned. The rebels, they say, can
gather in a short time in any one spot for a pinpoint strike against
the capital and the surrounding area, and they are believed to have
the reserve and supply capability to sustain such attacks for a week
or so.
    In Phnom Penh, the high command reported its soldiers defending the
provincial capital of Takeo, 39 miles to the south, were engaged in
bloody fighting with the insurgents, who have kept Takeo encircled
for a month.
    The command said its troops, under cover of air strikes, were
launching a counteroffensive to retake the district town of
Chambak and an outpost on Takeo's outer defense perimeter.
    On Highway 3, government forces repulsed an attack on the
provincial capital and Highway 3 crossroads town of Tram Khnar 24
miles south of Phnom Penh, ''inflicting heavy losses to the enemy,''
according to the Cambodian command. Tram Khnar has been the front
line in the struggle for control of Highway 3 for the last several
1330pED 04-29

250   1354pt 04-29
 ON THE EAST BANK OF THE MEKONG Village Bjt A214-215: add: months.
    The Chinese news agency Hsinhua reported that insurgents killed
or wounded 150 government troops when they shelled Phnom Penh's
airport last Thursday.
    Quoting the information outlet of the deposed Cambodian leader
Norodom Sihanouk, Hsinhua also claimed pro-Sihanouk forces
destroyed 18 aircraft of various types and damaged 10 others.
    The report claimed insurgents shot down a U. S. plane Wednesday
and damaged another Thursday in Moat Krasas Khnong and Prek
Luong, about five and three miles, respectively, from Phnom Penh.
1655pED 04-29


327   2136pt 04-28
  $ADV 30
    Briefs 340, Two Takes 550
    LONDON (AP) - The state-run British Steel Corp. wants to
build a 25-mile bridge across the English Channel for about
$4 1/2 billion. Although a tunnel would cost only $2 billion,
the one now under consideration would be limited to trains.
The steel firm suggested a two-tier bridge with 12 motor lanes
and two railway lines.

    WINNIPEG, Man. (AP) - The Royal Winnipeg Ballet reported
a total 1972-73 attendance of 215,864, or an average of 86
per cent of capacity in the 33 Canadian and U.S. cities where
it performed. Officials said ticket sales were more than double
those of the previous year.

    MEXICO CITY (AP) - Thieves robbed a bird vendor of 25 bilingual
parrots, police reported. The vendor said he had taught the
birds words in English and Spanish.

    RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) - Police said they were investigating a number
of Brazilian doctors and funeral home operators in connection with a
reported scandal involving faked death certificates. A newspaper
charged that the faked documents were used to collect insurance
benefits illegally.

    HALIFAX, N.S. (AP) - Sandy Gillis, an announcer at a New
Brunswick radio station, claimed he shook 8,525 hands, beating
the previous record of 8,513 set by Theodore Roosevelt in 1907.

    LONDON (AP) - The government named Alexander Mitchell governor of
the Turks and Caicos Islands, a small British dependency in the
Caribbean. The islands have been under the jurisdiction of the
nearby Bahamas, which are due to become independent in July.

    RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) - The former U.S. submarine Sand Lance,
highly decorated for its World War II service, was sold to
a scrap dealer for $75,000. It was bought by the Brazilian
navy in 1963 and renamed Rio Grande do Sul.

    TRIESTE, Italy (AP) - Two Italian youths arrested by Yugoslav
frontier police for trying to smuggle a carload of blue jeans
across the border fled back into Italy still handcuffed together.
Italian police unshackled and released them, as they had committed
no crime in Italy.

0047aES 04-29

328   2143pt 04-28
  $ADV 30
UNDATED Briefs Take 2: Italy. 210
    JOPLIN, Mo. (AP) - Milk and honey isn't flowing in the streets
of this southwest Missouri city, but the residents are walking
on diamond-studded sidewalks.
    Jewelry shop owner Harry Butterfield decided to dispose of
pieces of diamhis store, located in a downtown area under
renovation. The jewels were scattered over the freshly poured
sidewalk, then rolled into the fresh cement.
    The phenomenon, however, is no more than a novelty. Butterfield
said the assorted collection is worthless because of chips
and other damage.

    DEPEW, N.Y. (AP) - Marion F. Apgar protested her speeding ticket
before Village Justice Thaddeus J. Piusenski, claiming her station
wagon was operating on only four cylinders. It could never get up to
50 miles an hour in a 30-mile zone, she told the judge.
    Piusienski decided to see for himself. Taking Mrs. Apgar's keys,
the judge test-drove the car through the village Friday night, with
a policeman following in a cruiser.
    The judge reported afterwards he had hit 52 miles an hour and could
have reached 80 if driving conditions had permitted. He ordered Mrs.
Apgar to attend a driving school and then return to his court for
disposition of the ticket.

    End Adv AMs Mon April 30, Sent April 28
0051aES 04-29


713   1859pt 04-28
  $ADV 13
APN Print Subscribers Have been Mailed Illustrations
    TV Week: 350 2 takes, total 580
    EDITOR'S NOTE - Alan Alda, Hawkeye of the CBS series ''M-A-S-H,''
really was in the army once and there are few comedy lines
when he tells of it. And, although funny enough to be renewed
for the coming season, he insists the series never shows war
''as a fun place to be.''
AP Television Writer
    NEW YORK (AP) - Alan Alda, known to millions of TV viewers
as an authority-baiting army surgeon who tries to save lives
on ''M-A-S-H,'' once taught men how to kill. He now shudders
at the thought.
    At the time, he was a recent Fordham University graduate and an
infantry lieutenant in the Army Reserve. He served six months'
active duty at Ft. Benning, Ga., the Army's major infantry
    He spent most of his time there, he said, ''mainly learning how to
kill people.'' After that came monthly Reserve meetings here where
he gave GIs refresher courses on the deadly arts of war.
    ''I taught other people howfalda quietly
said. ''But generally the whole time I was in the Army I was
learning - learning all these rotten things.
    ''I still get physically sick at the idea of teaching people
how to use a mortar, a machine gun, how to kill people by
the hundreds.''
    Both he and the Army were lucky in one way. He never got command
of even a rifle platoon: ''Once they put me in charge of a
mess hall - I think they saw their mistake.''
    Those dark days are over. Alda's only connection with the
military now is as ''Hawkeye,'' the make-believe Army Medical
Corps captain he plays in his CBS-TV series about a mobile
Army hospital near the front lines of the Korean war.
    Alda, who lives in nearby Leonia, N.J., with his wife and three
daughters, was in town to act as a substitute host for a week on
''A.M. New York,'' a morning talk show on WABC-TV here.
    He was cheerful and had a right to be. CBS had renewed ''M-A-S-H''
for a second season, and shifted it from Sunday to a Saturday slot
between ''All in the Family'' and ''The Mary Tyler Moore Show,''
guaranteeing far higher ratings than the show got this season.
    When ''M-A-S-H'' started out as a TV series, wasn't he worried
it would suffer in comparison with the movie?
2206pES 04-28

714   1909pt 04-28
  $adv 13
    NEW YORK Take 2: TV week: movie? 230

    ''No,'' Alda said. ''The only question in my mind was that
some people would compare it with their memory of the movie.
It (the series) was two years later. The movie was somewhat
sacrosanct to those who saw it.
    ''But I thought after the show was on television for a while
it only was compared to itself.''
    Did he fear M-A-S-H might flop as a TV series because Americans
had grown increasingly disenchanted with U.S. unvolv
in the Vietnam war?
    ''No, I didn't worry about that because I think we made it
very clear that it was Korea,'' he said. ''And I think that
gives the audience a chance to separate their feelings about
the Vietnam war from what we were doing. And I think that's
been borne out, too.''
    When he was asked to play the raffish Hawkeye in the show,
he said he ''wanted to make sure the show never took a neutral
position towards war. That was important to me.
    ''That is to say, I didn't want to do a show in which war
was a fun place to be. I think it's the only comedy on television
in which the effects of war are seen, are shown.
    ''It emphasizes the sad fact that people get hurt in a war
and get killed in some cases. It's not as though the show
were a soap box thing. We simply show the way things are.''

2213pES 04-28
