perm filename UFD[3,2]3 blob sn#330974 filedate 1978-01-29 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
     To create or delete a file directory on disk, or to change the
password or file protection values for such a directory, first ASSIGN
and mount the UDP (if you want to do this to a UDP), then type the
monitor command


     where device is the name of the disk and PRJ,PRG is the name of
the directory in question.  You must know the pack password to create
a new directory on a UDP; the master password to create a directory on
DSK whose programmer name does not match your logged-in programmer
name; the directory password (if any) to modify or delete an existing
UFD.  Before deleting a UFD you must first delete all the files in it,
e.g., by typing


     The UFD command runs a program in your core image.