perm filename TTYCMD[3,2] blob sn#760073 filedate 1984-06-28 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	The TTY command provides some of the ESC facilities for non-displays along
C00020 ENDMK
The TTY command provides some of the ESC facilities for non-displays along
with some other control features.  It takes as argument a keyword
specifying the thing to change.  As in typing monitor commands, only
enough letters of the keyword as necessary to make it unique need be
typed.  The keyword may be preceded by NO or - to reset the corresponding
switch, e.g., TTY NO TABS or TTY -TABS.  The TTY command is legal from
displays as well as non-displays, but the keywords ARROW, CONVERT, ECHO,
FILL, GLASS, and WIDTH have no effect on display terminals.  The TABS
keyword has no effect on displays other than Datamedias.  The keyword
WIDTH also has no effect on PTYs which are not ARPA PTYs.  You need not be
logged in to give the TTY command, except for the keywords UPDATE and
TIME. (The keywords BLINK, BOLD, and BS are applicable only to Datamedia

A command of the form TTY TTYn keyword will cause the effect of a TTY
keyword command for TTYn instead of your own TTY.  This command is allowed
only if the target TTY is not in use, or is owned by your job, or if you
have the DEV privilege.

  ALTEMP   Requests the system to use an alternate form of text emphasis
	   from that usually used on your type of display terminal.  Only
	   certain display types have an alternate, which is usually
	   reverse video instead of bold.

 ALTOTALK  Tells the system that you are at an Alto display using the
	   TALK program display protocol.

AMBASSADOR Tells the system your terminal is an Ann Arbor Ambassador.

  ANSI     Tells the system your terminal uses the ANSI display standard.

  ARROW    Causes character codes less than 40 octal to be echoed as
	   uparrow-letter (e.g., ↑A for octal 001) rather than as the code
	   itself, except for BEL (7), TAB (11), LF (12), VT (13), FF
	   (14), and CR (15).

  BEEP     Enables automatic beeping after long computations, like ESC Z
	   on a display.

  BLINK    Tells the system to display characters in the line editor  with
	   inverted boldness (blinking on  unmodified DMs).  Thus you  can
	   identify the line editor by its boldness.  This is the default.
	   If your  DM  doesn't  have blink  and  bold  interchanged,  you
	   probably want TTY NO BLINK, which will display the line  editor
	   just like any other text.  Your terminal must already have been
	   declared a DM when you give this command.

  BOLD     Same as BLINK.

  BREAK n x  Same as typing BREAK n x (where x is a command letter) on a
	   display.  Works for these command letters: F, H, I, V, X and Z.

  BS       Tells the system that your terminal can display a special
	   graphic representation for the BS (octal 177) character.  Your
	   terminal must already have been declared a DM when you give
	   this command.

  C100A	   Tells the system you are on a Concept-100, type A (a local
	   designation).  For details on what this type is, see DON.

  C100B	   Tells the system your have an essentially plain Concept-100,
	   locally designated as type B.

  CONVERT  Enables the SAIL-ASCII character conversions (eg braces, alt).
	   This is the default state except for non-ARPA PTYs, but can be
	   turned off with TTY NO CONVERT.

  DATAMEDIA h w  Tells the system you are at a DM.  The number h, if used,
	   tells the system the number of lines your terminal can display
	   on its screen; this is needed only for a programmable terminal
	   simulating a DM.  Similarly, the number w tells how many
	   columns your simulated DM has.  TTY NO DATAMEDIA waits for all
	   already-queued output to be sent to your terminal, and then
	   sends a message to let you know you have become a non-display,
	   and puts the terminal in ROLL mode.

  DELETE   Make the DELETE key be used for backspacing (non-displays only).
	   This is the default.  NO DELETE makes ↑H used for backspaces
	   and the DELETE key used for inputing the ↑H character.

  DM h w   Tells the system you are at a DM.  Just like DATAMEDIA.

  DM128 h w  Tells the system you are at a DM which can display the ASCII
	   control characters (001 to 037 octal) when they are output
	   preceded by an ASCII escape character (033).

  DM2500 h w  Tells the system you are at a DM 2500.  Just like DATAMEDIA.

  DM3025 h w  Tells the system you are at a DM 3025, which has different
	   padding requirements (and other slight differences) from the 2500.

  DM3052   Tells the system you are at a DM 3052 display.

  DMWAITS h w  Tells the system you are at a DM 3025 modified with the
	   WAITS keyboard (has CONTROL and META keys) and microprogram.

  ECHO     Tells the monitor to send back to the terminal the characters
	   you type in.

  EDIT	   Tells the system your display has an EDIT key (controlling the
           parity bit of type-in), which thus becomes the CONTROL bit.
	   NO EDIT tells the system your display has no EDIT key, in which
	   case you get to use the protocol described in NOEDIT.BH[UP,DOC]
           for typing in the CONTROL and META bits.  Since TTY NO EDIT
	   may be hard to type if the system is interpreting your parity
	   as the EDIT key, you can also use just the monitor command
	   NOEDIT, which will work no matter what kind of parity you
	   are sending.

  ESCAPE n x  Same as typing ESC n x (where x is a command letter) on a
	   display.  Works for these command letters: F, H, I, V, X, and

  ESUN     Tells the system you are at a SUN display with an EDIT key to
	   control the parity bit.

  EXIST n0,n1,n2,...  This turns on the scanner ports for TTYs n0,n1,n2,...,
	   and at the same time resets each of these TTYs to its default
	   speed.  The command TTY NO EXIST n0,n1,n2,... turns off the
	   scanner ports for all the TTYs in the given list.  If a TTY
	   port is off, then the system will never see any interrupts,
	   either for input or for output, on that TTY.  This command
	   should not be used without good reason, since turning on a TTY
	   that is running wild can swamp the system with interrupts, and
	   turning off a working TTY will interfere with the TTY's use.
	   The command TTY EXIST, with no arguments, will type a list of
	   all the TTYs that are turned on; similarly, TTY NO EXIST
	   without arguments will list all the TTYs that are turned off.
	   From time to time, the system automatically enables or
	   disables certain TTYs.

  FILL     Tells the monitor to insert extra carriage returns when a
	   return is typed out at the terminal, to give the carriage time
	   to return to the left margin.  This is used principally for 30
	   character per second terminals.

  FULL     Declares that the terminal has lower case letters, and lower
	   case should not be converted to upper case by the monitor.
	   Equivalent to ESC F on a display; NO FULL is like BREAK F.

  GAG      Don't allow messages from other users to be typed out.  This is
	   the default for non-ARPA PTYs.

  GLASS    Echo rubout as backspace-space-backspace instead of using the
	   backslash notation for deleted characters.

  HANG     Hang up the phone line associated with the TTY.  This is meant
	   to be used for some TTY other than your own.

  HEATH19  Tells the system your terminal is a Heath 19 (or Zenith 19) display.

  HIDE	   Tells the system to hide your terminal's input and output from
	   being peaked at by other users.

  HP2648   Tells the system your terminal is an HP 2648.  This also basically
	   works for HP 2621 and HP 2640 displays.

  HTOGGL   Tells the system to make whatever key you use for holding
           typeout (on your NOEDIT display) toggle, i.e., alternate
           holding and unholding.  NO HTOGGLE disables this, requiring
           you to use a different key to unhold output.

  INITIALIZE  Makes the system re-initialize your display terminal,
	   including re-setting any settable tabs the terminal has.

  NOEDIT   This command (TTY NOEDIT) tells the system that your display
	   (previously reported to the system) has no EDIT key.  This
	   command may be impossible to type if the system is taking
	   your parity bit (out of your control) as an EDIT key.  In
	   that case, you can type just "NOEDIT" (without the leading
	   "TTY"), which will work no matter what sort of parity your
	   terminal is generating.

  PADBAUD bbbb  Tells the system to compute the number of padding
           characters for your display terminal assuming it is actually
	   running at bbbb baud.

  PADCHAR ooo  Tells the system to use the Octal char ooo for padding
           on your display terminal.  The character NULL cannot be used.

  SETESC ooo  Tells the system to make the Octal char ooo be an escape
           character for your NO EDIT display terminal.

  SPEED n  Set the speed of the terminal to n, which must be one of 110,
	   150, or 300.  Works only for low-speed dialup lines.

  SUN      Tells the system you are at a SUN-type display without an
	   EDIT key to control the parity bit.

  TABS     Declares that the terminal has hardware tabs, so the monitor
	   will not convert tabs to spaces on output.

  TELERAY  Tells the system that you are at a Teleray 1000 series display
           that has an EDIT key controlling the parity bit of type-in.

  TELERB   Tells the system that you are at a Teleray 1000 series display
           that does NOT have an EDIT key controlling the parity bit.

  TELEVIDEO  Tells the system that you are at a Televideo 912 or 920 display.

  TGAG     Prevent messages from other users, like GAG, but only until the
	   next program reset.

  TIME     Resets XTIME and inhibits automatic resetting, like ESC 1 X.
	   NO TIME, like BREAK 1 X, sets XTIME to the total run time.

  UPDATE   Enables automatic resetting of XTIME, like ESC X from a
	   display.  NO UPDATE is like BREAK X.

  VT102    Tells the system you are at a DEC VT102 display.  Note that
	   the WAITS display service does NOT support the VT100 (which
	   lacks character insert/delete).

  WAITS    Tells the system that your terminal can display the WAITS
	   characters that occupy the same positions as the ASCII CONTROL
	   characters.  The system must already know what basic type of
	   display you are on, and that type must have a known way of
	   displaying the WAITS graphics of ASCII CONTROL characters.

  WHO      Types out your job's WHO line.  "TTY WHO n" will type the WHO
	   line for job n, "TTY WHO -n" the WHO line for the job using
	   TTYn.  "TTY WHO 0" or "TTY -WHO" will type the system WHO line.

  WIDTH n  Sets the maximum number of columns for TTY output to the
	   decimal value n, which should be between 16 and 256.

For more details on the display-type setting commands (DM2500, C100A,
C100B, HEATH19, etc.), see the file DISPLAY.ME[UP,DOC].  In particular,
that file will explain which terminals are assumed to have EDIT keys, and
what the default parameters are for each display type.