perm filename TTY[3,2]8 blob sn#374635 filedate 1978-08-24 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	The use of the system depends heavily on whether or not you are at a
C00006 ENDMK
The use of the system depends heavily on whether or not you are at a
Stanford display terminal.  These include the Data Disc and III terminals
at the laboratory, and Datamedia 2500 terminals which can be used remotely
via dialup line or the ARPA network.  All other terminals are considered
non-displays, even if they use a CRT to display characters.  If you are
using a Stanford display, type "HELP DISPLAY".

The following control characters are read by the monitor when
using a non-display terminal:
(In the following list, ↑x means control-x.)

↑C      Stop your job (it may be necessary to type this twice).
        You may continue your job by typing CONTINUE<return>.
RUBOUT  Deletes last character (you may not delete past <line feed>).
↑U      Deletes entire line
↑O      Suppresses output until another ↑O or TTY input is requested.
↑B      Alternately holds and continues output. Useful on CRT terminals.
↑Z      End of file when treating TTY as input device.
↑←	Treat following character(s) as special escape command.

NOTE: Stanford display terminals use a special character set, different
from normal ASCII.  In particular, the word "control" in most SAIL
documentation does not refer to the characters (below 040 octal)
generated by the control key on your non-display keyboard, but to an
extra control bit (200 octal) which you cannot type directly.  The
word "meta" refers to another such bit (400 octal).  The character
generated by the key which is probably labelled "ESCAPE" on your
keyboard is called "alt mode" at SAIL; the word "escape" refers here to
another display-only character.  Much SAIL software relies on this
special character set, and you must understand it to use our system
effectively.  The use of both display and non-display terminals is
fully explained in the Monitor Command Manual, stored online as
MONCOM.BH[S,DOC] (it's a very big file!).

The monitor command TTY is used to set the parameters of your terminal.
For example, "TTY TABS" tells the monitor that your terminal has hardware
tabs; "TTY NO TABS" will convert tabs to spaces.  For a list of the
parameters which can be set in this way, type "HELP TTYCMD".

The character ↑← (037 octal, control-underscore or control-leftarrow)
is used as a preface to special command sequences, e.g., to input the
special control characters (↑C and so on) to your program.  For more
information about these escape sequences, type "HELP TTYESC".