perm filename TTY[3,2]7 blob sn#156452 filedate 1975-04-30 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
The following control characters are read by the monitor when
using a Teletype line (or arpanet connection):
(In the following list, ↑x means control-x.)

↑C      Stop your job (it may be necessary to type this twice).
        You may continue your job by typing CONTINUE<return>.
RUBOUT  Deletes last character (you may not delete past <line feed>).
↑U      Deletes entire line
↑O      Suppresses output until another ↑O or TTY input is requested.
↑B      Alternately holds and continues output. Useful on display terminals.
↑Z      End of file when treating TTY as input device.

These commands must be given at moniter level:
TTY FILL     Puts extra characters after carriage return so that 30
             cps terminals have enough time to execute return.
TTY NO FILL  Does not insert extra characters after carriage return.
TTY ECHO     Turns on echoing.
TTY NO ECHO  Turns off echoing.  Use this if on a half-duplex terminal.
TTY TABS     Outputs tabs as tabs.
TTY NO TABS  Outputs tabs as an appropriate number of spaces.
TTY FULL     Sets full character set mode (upper/lower case)
TTY NO FULL  Clears full character set mode (upper case only).
TTY ARROW    Echos control characters as uparrow-letter.
TTY NO ARROW Echos control characters as themselves.

For help using Stanford display terminals, type "HELP DISPLAY".