perm filename TEXC.PUB[206,LMM] blob
sn#096395 filedate 1974-04-05 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002 .device xgp
C00005 00003 .sec INTRODUCTION TO LISP
C00009 00004 .ss Atoms.
C00011 00005 .ss List structures.
C00015 00006 .ss S-expressions.
C00021 00007 .ss The basic functions and predicates of LISP.
C00029 00008 .ss Conditional expressions.
C00032 00009 .ss Boolean expressions.
C00035 00010 .ss Recursive function definitions.
C00051 00011 .ss Lambda expressions and functions with functions as arguments.
C00060 00012 .ss Label.
C00067 00014 .ss Simple list recursion.
C00075 00015 .ss Simple S-expression recursion.
C00078 00016 .ss Other structural recursions.
C00081 00017 .AT "\J" ⊂FILL⊃
C00096 00018 .ss Game trees.
C00108 00019 .STANDARD BACK
C00109 ENDMK
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.ss Lists.
Symbolic information in LISP is expressed by S-expressions
and these are represented in the memory of the computer by list
structures. Before giving formal definitions, we shall give some
The most common form of S-expression is the list, and here
are some lists:
The list
%5(A B C E)
%1has four elements.
The list
%5(A B (C D) E)
%1has four elements one of which is itself a list.
The list
%1has one element.
The list
%5((A B C D))
%1also has one element which itself is a list.
The list
%1has no elements; it is also written
%1The list
%5(PLUS X Y)
%1has three elements and may be used to represent the expression
%3x%2 + %3y.
%1The list
%5(PLUS (TIMES X Y) X 3)
%1has four elements and may be used to represent the expression
%3xy%2 + %3x%2 + %53.
%1The list
%1may be used to represent the logical expression
%1The list
%1may be used to represent the expression
%1The list
%5((A B) (B A C D) (C B D E) (D B C E) (E C D F) (F E))
is used to represent the network of Figure 1 according to a scheme
whereby there is a sublist for each vertex consisting of the vertex
itself followed by the vertices to which it is connected.
Figure 1
The elements of a list are surrounded by parentheses and
separated by spaces. A list may have any number of terms and any of
these terms may themselves be lists. In this case, the spaces
surrounding a sublist may be omitted, and extra spaces between
elements of a list are allowed. Thus the lists
%5(A B(C D) E)
%5(A B (C D) E)
%1are regarded as the same.
.ss Atoms.
The expressions %5A, B, X, Y, 3, PLUS, %1and %5ALL%1 occurring in the
above lists are called atoms. In general, an atom is expressed by a
sequence of capital letters, digits, and special characters with
certain exclusions. The exclusions are <space>, <carriage return>,
and the other non-printing characters, and also the parentheses,
brackets, semi-colon, and comma. Numbers are expressed as signed
decimal or octal numbers, the exact convention depending on the
implementation. Floating point numbers are written with decimal
points and, when appropriate, an exponent notation depending on the
implementation. The reader should consult the programmer's manual
for the LISP implementation he intends to use.
Some examples of atoms are
%1and from these we can form lists like
((345 3.14159 -47) A307B THE-LAST-TRUMP -45.21).
.ss List structures.
Lists are represented in the memory of the computer by list
structures. A list structure is a collection of memory words each
of which is divided into two parts, and each part is capable of
containing an address in memory. The two parts are called are called
the a-part and the d-part. There is one computer word for each
element of the list, and the a-part of the word contains the address
of the list or atom representing the element, and the d-part contains
the address of the word representing the next element of the list.
If the list element is itself a list, then, of course, the address of
the first word of its list structure is given in the a-part of the
word representing that element. A diagram shows this more clearly
than words, and the list structure corresponding to the list %5(PLUS
(TIMES X Y) X 3)%1 which may represent the expression %3xy%2 + %3x%2 + %53 is
shown in figure 2.
Figure 2.
Atoms are represented by the addresses of their property
lists which are list structures of a special kind depending on the
implementation. (In some implementations, the first word of a
property list is in a special are of memory, in others the first word
is distinguished by sign, in still others it has a special a-part.
For basic LISP programming, it is enough to know that atoms are
distinguishable from other list structures by a predicate called
The last word of a list cannot have the address of a next
word in its d-part since there isn't any next word, so it has the
address of a special atom called %5NIL%1.
A list is referred to by giving the address of its first
element. According to this convention, we see that the a-part of a
list word is the list element and the d-part is a pointer to a
sublist formed by deleting the first element. Thus the first word of
the list structure of figure 2 contains a pointer to the list
structure representing the atom %5PLUS%1, while its d-part points to the
list %5((TIMES X Y) X 3)%1. The second word contains the list structure
representing %5(TIMES X Y)%1 in its a-part and the list structure
representing %5(X 3)%1 in its d-part. The last word points to the atom
%53%1 in its a-part and has a pointer to the atom %5NIL%1 in its d-part.
This is consistent with the convention that %5NIL%1 represents the null
.ss S-expressions.
When we examine the way list structures represent lists we
see a curious asymmetry. Namely, the a-part of a list word can
contain an atom or a list, but the d-part can contain only a list or
the special atom %5NIL%1. This restriction is quite unnatural from the
computing point of view, and we shall allow arbitrary atoms to
inhabit the d-parts of words, but then we must generalize the way
list structures are expressed as character strings. To do this, we
introduce the notion of S-expression.
An S-expression is either an atom or a pair of S-expressions
separated by "#.#" and surrounded by parentheses. In BNF, we can
<S-expression> ::= <atom> | (<S-expression> . <S-expression>).
Examples of S-expressions are
(A . B)
(A . (B . A))
(PLUS (X . (Y . NIL)))
(3 . 3.4)
In the memory of a computer, an S-expression is represented
by the address of a word whose a-part contains the first element of
the pair and whose d-part contains the second element of the pair.
Thus, the S-expressions %5(A.B), (A.(B.A))%1, and %5(PLUS.(X.(Y.NIL))) %1
are represented by the list structures of figure 3.
Figure 3.
Note that the list %5(PLUS X Y)%1 and the S-expression
%5 (PLUS . (X . (Y . NIL)))%1 are represented in memory by the same list
structure. The simplest way to treat this is to regard S-expressions
as primary and lists as abbreviations for certain S-expressions,
namely those that never have any atom but NIL as the second part of
a pair. In giving input to LISP, either the list form or the
S-expression form may be used for lists. On output, LISP will print
a list structure as a list as far as it can, otherwise as an
S-expression. Thus, some list structures will be printed in a mixed
notation, e.g. %5((A . B) (C . D) (3))%1.
In general, the list %2(%3a b . . . z%2)%1 may be regarded
as an abbreviation of the S-expression %2(%3a%2 . (%3b%2 . (%3c%2 .
(... (%3z . %5NIL%2) ...)))%1.
1. If we represent sums and products as indicated above and
use %5(MINUS X), (QUOTIENT X Y)%1, and %5(POWER X Y)%1 as representations
of %2-%3x%1, %3x%2/%3y%1, and %3x%2↑%3y%1 respectively, then
a. What do the lists
%5(PLUS -2 (MINUS 2) (TIMES X (POWER Y 3.3)))
b. How are the expressions %3xyz%2+%53%2(%3u%2+%3v%2)↑(-%53%2)%1 and
%2(%3xy%2-%3yx%2)/(%3xy%2+%3yx%2)%1 to be represented?
2. In the above mentioned graph notation, what graph is
represented by the list
%5((A D E F)(B D E F)(C D E F)(D A B C)(E A B C)(F A B C))?
%13. Write the list %5((PLUS (TIMES X Y) X 3)%1 as an S-expression.
This is sometimes referred to as "dot-notation".
4. Write the following S-expressions in list notation to
whatever extent is possible:
a. (A . NIL)
b. (A . B)
c. ((A . NIL) . B)
d. ((A . B) . ((C . D) . NIL).
.ss The basic functions and predicates of LISP.
Just as numerical computer programs are based on the four
arithmetic operations of addition subtraction, multiplication, and
division, and the arthmetic predicates of equality and comparison, so
symbolic computation has its basic predicates and functions. LISP
has three basic functions and two predicates.
First, we have two functions %4a%1 and %4d%1. %4a %3x%1 is
the a-part of the S-expression %5x%1. Thus, %4a%5(A . B) %2= %5A%1,
and %4a%5((A . B) . A) %2= %5(A . B)%1. %4d %3x%1 is the d-part of
the S-expression %3x%1. Thus %4d%5(A . B) %2= %5B%1, and
%4d%5((A . B) . A) %2= %5A%1. %4a %3x%1 and %4d %3x%1 are undefined in
basic LISP when %3x%1 is an atom, but they may have a meaning in some
Since lists are a particular kind of S-expression, the
meanings of %4a%1 and %4d%1 for lists are also determined by the above
definitions. Thus, we have
%4a%5(A B C D) %2=%4 A
%4d%5(A B C D) %2= %5(B C D),
%1and we see that, in general, %4a %3x%1 is the first element of the list
%3x%1, and %4d %3x%1 is the rest of the list, deleting that first element.
Notice that for S-expressions, the definitions of %4a %3x%1 and
%4d %3x%1 are symmetrical, while for lists the symmetry is lost. This is
because of the unsymmetrical nature of the convention that defines
lists in terms of S-expressions.
Notice, further, our convention of writing %4a%1 and %4d%1##
without brackets surrounding the argument. Also, we use lower case
letters for our function names and for variables, reserving the upper
case letters for the S-expressions themselves.
The third function %3cons%2[%3x%2, %3y%2]%1 forms the S-expression whose
a-part and d-part are %3x%1 and %3y%1 respectively. Thus
%3cons%2[%5(A.B), A%2] = %5((A.B).A).
%1We see that for lists, %3cons%1 is a prefixing operation.
Namely, %3cons%2[%3x%2, %3y%2]%1 is the list obtained by putting the element %3x%1##
onto the front of the list %3y%1. Thus
%3cons%2[%5A, (B C D E)%2] = %5(A B C D E).
%1If we want %3cons%2[%3x%2, %3y%2]%1 to be a list, then %3y%1 must be a list
(possibly the null list %5NIL%1), and %3x%1 must be a list or an atom. In
the case of S-expressions in general, there is no restriction on the
arguments of %3cons%1. Usually, we shall write %3x . y%1 instead of
%3cons%2[%3x%2, %3y%2]%1 since this is briefer.
The first predicate is %4at %3x%1. %4at %3x%1 is true if the
S-expression %3x%1 is atomic and false otherwise.
The second predicate is equality of atomic symbols written
%3x %4eq %3y%1. Equality of S-expressions is tested by a program based on
%4eq%1. Actually %4eq%1 does a bit more than testing equality of atoms.
Namely, %3x %4eq %3y%1 is true if and only if the addresses of the first
words of the S-expressions %3x%1 and %3y%1 are equal. Therefore, if
%3x %4eq %3y%1, then %3x%1 and %3y%1 are certainly the same S-expression since
they are represented by the same structure in memory. The converse
is false because there is no guarantee in general that the same
S-expression is not represented by two different list structures. In
the particular case where at least one of the S-expressions is known
to be an atom, this guarantee can be given, because LISP represents
atoms uniquely in memory.
The above are all the basic functions of LISP; all other LISP
functions can be built from them using recursive conditional
expressions as will shortly be explained. However, the use of certain
abbreviations makes LISP programs easier to write and understand.
%4n %3x%1 is an abbreviation for %3x %4eq %5NIL%1. It rates a special
notation because %5NIL%1 plays the same role among lists that zero
plays among numbers, and list variables often have to be tested to
see if their value is %5NIL%1.
The notation %3list%2[%3x1, x2, . . . , xn%2]%1 is used to denote the
composition of %3cons%1's that forms a list from its elements. Thus
%3list%2[%3x, y, z%2] = %3cons%2[%3x, cons%2[%3y, cons%2[%3z, %5NIL%2]]]
%1and forms a list of three elements out of the quantities %3x, y, %1 and
%3z%1. We often write %2<%3x y . . . z%2>%1 instead of %3list%2[%3x, y, . . . , z%2]%1
when this will not cause confusion.
Compositions of %4a%1 and %4d%1 are written by concatenating the
letters %4a%1 and %4d%1. Thus, it is easily seen that %4ad %3x%1 denotes the
second element of the list %3x%1, and %4add %3x%1 denotes the third element
of that list.
.ss Conditional expressions.
When the form that represents a function depends on whether a
certain predicate is true of the arguments, conditional expressions.
are used. The conditional expression
%4if %3p %4then %3a %4else %3b
%1is evaluated as follows: First %3p%1 is evaluated and determined to be
true or false. If %3p%1 is true, then %3a%1 is evaluated and its value
is the value of the expression. If %3p%1 is false, then %3b%1 is
evaluated and its value is the value of the expression. Note that if
%3p%1 is true, %3b%1 is never evaluated, and if %3p%1 is false, then %3a%1 is
never evaluated. The importance of this will be explained later. A
familiar function that can be written conveniently using conditional
expressions is the absolute value of a real number. We have
%2|%3x%2| = %4if %3x%2<%50 %4then %2-%3x %4else %3x.
%1A more general form of conditional expression is
%4if %3p %4then %3a %4else if %3q %4then %3b . . . %4else if %3s %4then %3d %4else %3e.
%1There can be any number of terms; the value is determined by
evaluating the propositional terms %3p, q%1, etc. until a true term is
found; the value is then that of the term following the next %4then%1.
If none of the propositional terms is true, then the value is that of
the term following the %4else%1.
The function graphed in figure 4 is described by the equation
%3tri%2[%3x%2] = %4if %3x%2<-%51 %4then %50 %4else if %3x%2<%50 %4then %51%2+%3x
%4else if %3x%2<%51 %4then %51%2-%3x %4else %50.
%1 Figure 4.
.ss Boolean expressions.
In making up the propositional parts of conditional
expressions, it is often necessary to combine elementary
propositional expressions using the Boolean operators and, or, and
not. We use the symbols %2∧%1, %2∨%1, and %2¬%1 respectively, for these
operators. In LISP, the atoms %5T%1 and %5NIL%1 are used for the truth
values. The Boolean operators may be described simply by listing the
values of the elementary Boolean expressions for each case of the
arguments. Thus we have:
%5T%2∧%5T %2= %5T
T%2∧%5F %2= %5F
F%2∧%5T %2= %5F
F%2∧%5F %2= %5F
T%2∨%5T %2= %5T
T%2∨%5F %2= %5T
F%2∨%5T %2= %5T
F%2∨%5F %2= %5F
%2¬%5T %2= %5F
%2¬%5F %2= %5T.
%1The Boolean operators can be described by conditional
expressions in the following way:
%3p%2∧%3q %2= %4if %3p %4then %3q %4else %5F
%3p%2∨%3q %2= %4if %3p %4then %5T %4else %3q
%2¬%3p %2= %4if %3p %4then %5F %4else %5T.
%1Note that if %3p%1 is false %3p%2∧%3q%1 is false independent of the value of
%3q%1, and likewise if %3p%1 is true, then %3p%2∨%3q%1 is true independent of
%3q%1. If %3p%1 has been evaluated and found to be false, then %3q%1 does
not have to be evaluated at all to find the value of %3p%2∧%3q%1, and, in
fact, LISP does not evaluate %3q%1 in this case. Similarly, %3q%1 is not
evaluated in evaluating %3p%2∨%3q%1 if %3p%1 is true. This procedure is in
accordance with the above conditional expression descriptions of the
Boolean operators. The importance of this convention which contrasts
with that of ALGOL 60, will be apparent later when we discuss
recursive definitions of functions and predicates.
.ss Recursive function definitions.
In such languages as FORTRAN and Algol, computer progrrams
are expressed in the main as sequences of assignment statements and
conditional go to's. In LISP, programs are mainly expressed in the
form of recursively defined functions. We begin with an example.
The function %3alt%2[%3x%2]%1 gives a list whose elements are
alternate elements of the list %3x%1 beginning with the first. Thus
%3alt%2[%5(A B C D E)%2] = %5(A C E),
%3alt%2[%5(((A B) (C D))%2] = %5((A B)),
%3alt%2[%5(A)%2] = %5(A),
%3alt%2[%5NIL%2] = %5NIL.
The function %3alt%1 is defined by the equation
alt%2[%3x%2] ← %4if n %3x %2∨ %4n d %3x %4then %3x %4else a %3x . alt%2[%4dd %3x%2].
%1The above definition is best explained by using it to
evaluate some expressions. We start with %3alt%2[%5NIL%2]%1. To evaluate this
expression we evaluate the expression to the right of the %2←%1 sign
remembering that the variable %3x%1 has the value %5NIL%1. A conditional
expression is evaluated by first evaluating the first propositional
term ¬ in this case %4n %3x %2∨ %4n d %3x%1. This expression is a disjunction and
in its evaluation we first evaluate the first disjunct, namely %4n#%3x%1.
Since %3x %2= %5NIL, %4n %3x%1 is true, the disjunction is true, and the value
of the conditional expression is the value of the term after the
first true propositiional term. The term is %3x%1, and its value is
%5NIL%1, so the value of %3alt%2[%5NIL%2]%1 is %5NIL%1 as stated above. Obeying
the rules about the order of evaluation of terms in conditional and
Boolean expressions is important in this case since if we didn't obey
these rules, we might find ourselves trying to evaluate %4n d %3x%1 or
%3alt%2[%4dd %3x%2]%1, and since %3x%1 is %5NIL%1, neither of these has a value. An
attempt to evaluate them in LISP would give rise to an error return.
As a second example, consider %3alt%2[%5(A B)%2]%1. Since neither
%4n %3x%1 nor %4n d %3x%1 is true in this case, the disjunction %4n %3x %2∨ %4n d %3x
%1is false and the value of the expression is the value of
%4a %3x . alt%2[%4dd %3x%2]. %4a %3x%1 has the value %5A%1, and %4dd %3x%1 has the value
%5NIL%1, so we must now evaluate %3alt%2[%5NIL%2]%1, and we already know that the
value of this expression is %5NIL%1. Therefore, the value of
%3alt%2[%5(A B)%2]%1 is that of %5A.NIL%1 which is %5(A)%1.
We can describe this evaluation in a less wordy way by
%3alt%2[%5(A B)%2] = %4if n%5(A B) %2∨ %4n d%5(A B) %4then %5(A B) %4else
%4a%5(A B).%3alt%2[%4dd%5(A B)%2]
= %4if %5NIL %2∨ %4n d%5(A B) %4then %5(A B) %4else
%4a%5(A B).%3alt%2[%4dd%5(A B)%2]
= %4if %5NIL %4then %5(A B) %4else
%4a%5(A B).%3alt%2[%4dd%5(A B)%2]
= %4a%5(A B).%3alt%2[%4dd%5(A B)%2]
= %5A.%3alt%2[%5NIL%2]
= %5A%2.[%4if n%5NIL %2∨ %4nd%5NIL %4then %5NIL %4else
= %5A%2.[%4if %5T %2∨ %4nd%5NIL %4then %5NIL %4else
= %5A%2.[%4if %5T %4then %5NIL %4else
= %5A%2.[%5NIL%2]
= %5(A).
%1This is still very long-winded, and now that the reader
understands the order of evaluation of conditional and Boolean
expressions, we can proceed more briefly to evaluate
%3alt%2[%5(A B C D E)%2] = %5A.%3alt%2[%5(C D E)%2]
= %5A%2.[%5C.%3alt%2[%5(E)%2]]
= %5A.%2[%5C.(E)%2]
= %5(A C E).
%1Here are three more examples of recursive functions and their
application: We define %3last%1 by
%3last%2[%3x%2] ← %4if n d %3x %4then a %3x %4else %3last%2[%4d %3x%2],
%1and we compute
%3last%2[%5(A B C)%2] = %4if nd%5(A B C) %4then a%5(A B C) %4else %3last%2[%4d%5(A B C)%2]
= %3last%2[%5(B C)%2]
= %3last%2[%5(C)%2]
= %5C.
%1Clearly %3last%1 computes the last element of a list. %3last%2[%5NIL%2]%1 is
undefined in the LISP language; the result of trying to compute it
may be an error message or may be some random result depending on the
The function %3subst%1 is defined by
%3subst%2[%3x, y, z%2] ← %4if at %3z %4then %2[%4if %3z %4eq %3y %4then %3x %4else %3z%2]
%4else %3subst%2[%3x, y, %4a %3z%2].%3subst%2[%3x, y, %4d %3z%2].
%1We have
%3subst%2[%5(A.B), X, ((X.A).X)%2] =
= %3subst%2[%5(A.B), X, (X.A)%2]%3subst%2[%5(A.B), X, X%2]
= [%3subst%2[%5(A.B), X, X%2].%3subst%2[%5(A.B), X, A%2]].%5(A.B)
%2= [[%5(A.B)%2].%5A%2].%5(A.B)%2]
= %5(((A.B).A).(A.B)).
%3subst%1 computes the result of substituting the S-expression %3x%1 for
the atom %3y%1 in the S-expression %3z%1. This is an important operation
in all kinds of symbolic computation.
Another important operation is the concatenation of lists,
and it is generally denoted by the infixed expression %3x%2*%3y%1 since it
is associative. We have the examples
%5(A B C)%2*%5(D E F) %2= %5(A B C D E F),
%5NIL%2*%5(A B) %2= %5(A B) %2= %5(A B)%2*%5NIL,
%1and the formal definition
%3x%2*%3y %2← %4if n %3x %4then %3y %4else %2[%4a %3x%2].[[%4d %3x%2]*%3y%2].
%1The Boolean operations can also be used in making recursive
definitions provided we observe the order of evaluation of
constituents. First, we define a predicate %3equal%1 by
%3equal%2[%3x, y%2] ← %3x %4eq %3y %2∨ [¬%4at %3x %2∧ ¬%4at %3y %2∧
%3equal%2[%4a %3x, %4a %3y%2] ∧ %3equal%2[%4d %3x, %4d %3y%2]].
%3equal%2[%3x, y%2]%1 is true if and only if %3x%1 and %3y%1 are the same
S-expression, and the use of this predicate makes up for the fact
that the basic predicate %4eq%1 is guaranteed to test equality only
when one of the operands is known to be an atom. We shall also use
the infixes %2=%1 and %2≠%1.
Membership of an S-expression %3x%1 in a list %3y%1 is tested by
%3member%2[%3x, y%2] ← ¬%4n %3y %2∧ [[%3x %2= %4a %3y%2] ∨ %3member%2[%3x, %4d %3y%2]].
%1This relation is also denoted by %3x%2ε%3y. Here are some computations:
%3member%2[%5B, (A B)%2] = ¬%4n %5(A B) %2∧ [[%5B %2= %4a %5(A B)%2]
∨ %3member%2[%5B, %4d %5(A B)%2]],
= %3member%2[%5B, (B)%2]
= %5T.
%1Sometimes a function is defined with the help of auxiliary
functions. Thus, the reverse of a list %3x%1 , (e.g. %3reverse%2[%5(A B C
D)%2] = %5(D C B A)%1), is given by
%3reverse%2[%3x%2] ← %3rev%2[%3x, %5NIL%2]
%3rev%2[%3x, y%2] ← %4if n %3x %4then %3y %4else %3rev%2[%4d %3x%2, [%4a %3x%2].%3y%2].
%1A computation is
%3reverse%2[%5(A B C)%2] = %3rev%2[%5(A B C), NIL%2]
= %3rev%2[%5(B C), (A)%2]
= %3rev%2[%5(C), (B A)%2]
= %3rev%2[%5NIL, (C B A)%2]
= %5(C B A).
%1A more elaborate example of recursive definition is given by
%3flatten%2[%3x%2] ← %3flat%2[%3x, %5NIL%2]
%3flat%2[%3x, y%2] ← %4if at %3x %4then %3x.y
%4else %3flat%2[%4a %3x, flat%2[%4d %3x, y%2]].
%1We have
%3flatten%2[%5((A.B).C)%2] = %3flat%2[%5((A.B).C), NIL%2]
= %3flat%2[%5(A.B), %3flat%2[%5C, NIL%2]]
= %3flat%2[%5(A.B), (C)%2]
= %3flat%2[%5A, %3flat%2[%5B, (C)%2]]
= %3flat%2[%5A, (B C)%2]
= %5(A B C).
%1The reader will see that the value of %3flatten%2[%3x%2]%1 is a list of the
atoms of the S-expression %3x%1 from left to write. Thus
%3flatten%2[%5((A B) A)%2] = %5(A B NIL A NIL)%1.
Many functions can be conveniently written in more than one
way. For example, the function %3reverse%1 mentioned above can be
written without an auxiliary function as follows:
%3reverse%2[%3x%2] ← %4if n %3x %4then %5NIL %4else %3reverse%2[%4d %3x%2]*%5<a x>
%1but it will be explained later that the earlier definition involves
less computation.
The use of conditional expressions for recursive function
definition is not limited to functions of S-expressions. For
example, the factorial function and the Euclidean algorithm for the
greatest common divisor are expressed as follows:
%3n%2! ← %4if %3n%2=%50 %4then %51 %4else %3n%2(%3n%2-%51%2)!
%3gcd%2(%3m, n%2) ← %4if %3m%2>%3n %4then %3gcd%2(%3n, m%2) %4else if %3m%2=%50 %4then %3n
%4else %3gcd%2(%3n mod m, m%2)
%1where %3n mod m%1 denotes the remainder when %3n%1 is divided by %3m%1 and
may itself be expressed recursively by
%3n mod m %2← %4if %3n%2<%3m %4then %3n %4else %2(%3n%2-%3m%2) %3mod m.
%1 Exercises
1. Consider the function %3drop%1 defined by
%3drop%2[%3x%2] ← %4if n %3x %4then %5NIL %4else %2<%4a %3x%2>.%3drop%2[%4d %3x%2].
%1Compute (by hand) %3drop%2[%5(A B C)%2]%1. What does %3drop%1 do to lists in
2. What does the function
%3r2%2[%3x%2] ← %4if n %3x %4then %5NIL %4else %3reverse%2[%4a %3x%2].%3r2%2[%4d %3x%2]
%1do to lists of lists? How about
%3r3%2[%3x%2] ← %4if at %3x %4then %3x %4else %3reverse%2[%3r4%2[%3x%2]]
%3r4%2[%3x%2] ← %4if n %3x %4then %5NIL %4else %3r3%2[%4a %3x%2].%3r4%2[%4d %3x%2]?
%13. Compare
%3r3'%2[%3x%2] ← %4if at %3x %4then %3x %4else %3r3'%2[%4d %3x%2]*<%3r3'%2[%4a %3x%2]>
%1with the function %3r3%1 of the preceding example.
4. Consider %3r5%1 defined by
%3r5%2[%3x%2] ← %4if n %3x %2∨ %4n d %3x %4then %3x
%4else %2[%4a %3r5%2[%4d %3x%2]]
. %3r5%2[%4a %3x . r5%2[%4d %3r5%2[%4d %3x%2]]].
%1Compute %3r5%2[%5(A B C D)%2]%1. What does %5r5%1 do in general? Needless to
say, this is not a good way of computing this function even though it
involves no auxiliary functions.
.ss Lambda expressions and functions with functions as arguments.
It is common to use phrases like "the function 2%3x%2+%3y%1". This
is not a precise notation because we cannot say 2%3x%2+%3y%2(%53, 4%2)%1 and know
whether the desired result is 2%Bπ.%13+4 or 2%Bπ.%14+3 regarding the
expression as a function of two variables. Worse yet, we might have
meant a one-variable function of %3x%1 wherein %3y%1 is regarded as a
The problem of giving names to functions is solved by
Church's λ-notation. In the above example, we would write
%2λ%3x y%2: %52%3x%2+%3y%1 to denote the function of two variables with first
argument %3x%1 and second argument %3y%1 whose value is given by the
expression 2%3x%2+%3y%1. Thus,
%2[λ%3x y%2: %52%3x%2+%3y%2][%53, 4%2] = %510%1.
%1Likewise, %2[λ%3y x%2: %52%3x%2+%3y%2][%53, 4%2] = %511%1. Like variables of integration
and the bound variables of quantifiers in logic, variables following λ
are bound or dummy and the expression as a whole may be replaced by
any others provided the replacement is done consistently and does not
make any variable bound by λ the same as a free variable in the
expression. Thus %2λ%3x y%2: %52%3x%2+%3y%1 represents the same function as
%2λ%3y x%2: %52%3y%2+%3x%1 or %2λ%3u v%2: %52%3u%2+%3v%1 , but in the function of one argument
%2λ%3x%2: %52%3x%2+%3y%1 , we cannot replace the variable %3x%1 by %3y%1 , though we could
replace it by %3u%1.
λ-notation plays two important roles in LISP. First, it
allows us to rewrite an expression containing two or more occurrences
of the same sub-expression in such a way that the expression occurs
only once. Thus %2(%52%3x%2+%51%2)↑%54%2+%53%2(%52%3x%2+%51%2)↑%53%1 can be written
%2[λ%3w%2: %3w%2↑%54%2+%53%3w%2↑%53%2][%52%3x%2+%51%2]%1. This can save considerable
computation, and
corresponds to the practice in ordinary programming of assigning to a
variable the value of a sub-expression that occurs more than once in
an expression and then writing the expression in terms of the
The second use of λ-expressions is in using functions that
take functions as arguments. Suppose we want to form a new list from
an old one by applying a function %3f%1 to each element of the list.
This can be done using the function %3mapcar%1 defined by
%3mapcar%2[%3x, f%2] ← %4if n %3x %4then %5NIL %4else %3f%2[%4a %3x%2]
. %3mapcar%2[%4d %3x, f%2].
%1Suppose the operation we want to perform is squaring, and we want to
apply it to the list %5(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)%1. We have
%3mapcar%2[%5(1 2 3 4 5 6 7), %2λ%3x%2: %3x%2↑%52%2] = %5(1 4 9 16 25 36 49).
%1A more generally useful operation than %3mapcar%1 is %3maplist%1
in which the function is applied to the successive sublists of the
list rather than to the elements. %3maplist%1 is defined by
%3maplist%2[%3x, f%2] ← %4if n %3x %4then %5NIL %4else %3f%2[%3x%2]
. %3maplist%2[%4d %3x, f%2].
%1As an application of %3maplist%1 and functional arguments, we
shall define a function for differentiating algebraic expressions
involving sums and products. The expressions are built up from atoms
denoting variables and integer constants according to the syntax
<expression> ::= <variable> | <integer> |
(PLUS <explist>) | (TIMES <explist>)
<explist> ::= <expression> | <expression><explist>
Here, %5PLUS%1 followed by a list of arguments denotes the sum of these
arguments and %5TIMES%1 followed by a list of arguments denotes their
product. The function %3diff%2[%3e, v%2]%1 gives the partial derivative of
the expression %3e%1 with respect to the variable %3v%1. We have
%3diff%2[%3e, v%2] ← %4if at %3e %4then %2[%4if %3e %4eq %3v %4then %51 %4else %50%2]
%4else if a %3e %4eq %5PLUS %4then
%5PLUS . %3mapcar%2[%4d %3e%2, λ%3x%2: %3diff%2[%3x, v%2]_]
%4else if a %3e %4eq %5TIMES %3then
%5PLUS.%3maplist%2[%4d %3e%2, λ%3x%2: %5TIMES
. %3maplist%2[%4d %3e%2, λ%3y%2: %4if %3x %4eq %3y %4then
%3diff%2[%4a %3y, v%2] %4else a %3y%2]].
%1The term that describes the rule for differentiating products
corresponds to the rule
%2∂/∂%3v %3e%6i%2 = [%4if %3i%2=%3j %4then %2∂%3e%6j%2/∂%3v %4else %3e%6j%2].
and %3maplist%1 has to be used rather than %3mapcar%1 since whether to
differentiate in forming the product is determined by equality of the
indices %3i%1 and %3j%1 rather than equality of the terms %3e%6i%1 and
Two more useful functions with functions as arguments are the
predicates %3andlis%1 and %3orlis%1 defined by the equations
%3andlis%2[%3u, p%2] ← %4n %3u %2∨ [%3p%2[%4a %3u%2] ∧ %3andlis%2[%4d %3u, p%2]]
%3orlis%2[%3u, p%2] ← ¬%4n %3u %2∧ [%3p%2[%4a %3u%2] ∨ %3orlis%2[%4d %3u, p%2]].
%1 Exercises
1. Compute %3diff%2[%5(TIMES X (PLUS Y 1) 3), X%2]%1 using the above
definition of %3diff%1. Now do you see why algebraic simplification is
2. Compute %3orlis%2[%5((A B) (C D) E), %4at%2]%1.
.ss Label.
The λ mechanism is not adequate for providing names for
recursive functions, because in this case there has to be a way of
referring to the function name within the function. Therefore, we
use the notation %4label%2[%3f, e%2]%1 to denote the expression %3e%1 but where
occurrences of %3f%1 within %3e%1 refer to the whole expression. For
example, suppose we wished to define a function that takes alternate
elements of each element of a list and makes a list of these. Thus,
we want
%3glub%2[%5((A B C) (A B C D) (X Y Z))%2] = %5((A C) (A C) (X Z)).
%1We can make the definition
%3glub%2[%3x%2] ← %3mapcar%2[%3x, %4label%2[%3alt%2, λ%3x%2: %4if n %3x %2∨ %4n d %3x %4then %3x
%4else a %3x . alt%2[%4dd %3x%2]]].
%1The identifier %3alt%1 in the above example is bound by the label and
is local to that expression, and this is the general rule. The
label construction is not often used in LISP since it is more usual
to give functions global definitions. D. M. R. Park pointed out that
if we allow variables to represent functions and use a suitable λ
construction, the use of label could be avoided.
.ss Static and dynamic ways of programming.
In order to write recursive function definitions, one must
think about programming differently than is customary when writing
programs in languages like Fortran or Algol or in machine language.
In these languages, one has in mind the state of the computation as
represented by the values of certain variables or locations in the
memory of the machine, and then one writes statements or machine
instructions in order to make the state change in an appropriate way.
When writing LISP recursive functions one thinks differently.
Namely, one thinks about the value of the function, asks for what
values of the arguments the value of the function is immediate, and,
given an arbitrary values of the arguments, for what simpler
arguments must the function be known in order to give the value of
the function for the given arguments. Let us take a numerical
example; namely, suppose we want to compute the function %3n%2!%1. For
what argument is the value of the function immediate. Clearly, for
%3n %2= %50 or %3n %2= %51%1, the value is immediately seen to be 1. Moreover,
we can get the value for an arbitrary %3n%* if we know the value for
%3n%2-%51. Also, we see that knowing the value for %3n %2= %51 is redundant,
since it can be obtained from the %3n %2= %50 case by the same rule as
gets it for a general %3n%* from the value for %3n%2-%51%1. All this talk
leads to the simple recursive formula:
%3n%2! ← %4if %3n %2= %50 %4then %51 %4else %3n%2(%3n%2-%51%2)!.
%1We may regard this as a static way of looking at programming.
We ask what simpler cases the general case of our function depends on
rather than how we build up the desired state of the computation.
One often is led to believe that static = bad and dynamic = good,
but in this case, the static way is often better than the dynamic
way. LISP offers both, but since it is less usual, we shall
concentrate on the static way for now.
Compare the above recursive definition with the following
obvious Algol program for computing %3n%2!:
%4integer procedure %3factorial%2(%3n%2); %4integer %3s%2;
%3s %2:= %51%2;
%3loop%2: %4if %3n %2= %50 %4then go to %3done%2;
%3s %2:= %3n%2*%3s%2;
%3n %2:= %3n%2-%51%2;
%4go to %3loop%2;
%3done%2: %3factorial %2:= %3s%2;
%1The LISP program is shorter and clearer in this particularly
favorable case. Actually, when we discuss the mechanism of
recursion, it will turn out that the LISP program will be inefficient
in using the pushdown mechanism unnecessarily and should be replaced
by the following somewhat longer program that corresponds to the
above Algol program rather precisely:
%3n%2! ← %3fact%2(%3n%2, %3s%2),
%3fact%2(%3n%2, %3s%2) ← %4if %3n %2= %50 %4then %3s %4else %3fact%2(%3n%2-%51%2, %3n%2*%3s%2).
%1In fact, compilers should produce the same object code from the two
.ss Simple list recursion.
About the simplest form of recursion in LISP occurs when one
of the arguments is a list, the result is immediate when the argument
is null, and otherwise we need only know the result for the %4d%*-part of
that argument. Consider, for example, %3u%2*%3v%1, the concatenation of the
lists %3u%* and %3v%*. The result is immediate for the case %4n %3u%1 and
otherwise depends on the result for %4d %3u%1. Thus, we have
%3u%2*%3v %2← %4if n %3u %4then %3v %4else a %3u %2. [%4d %3u %2* %3v%2].
%1On the other hand, if we had tried to recur on %3v%1 rather than on %3u%1
we would not have been successful. The result would be immediate for
%4n %3v%1, but %3u%2*%3v%1 cannot be constructed in any direct way from %3u%2*%4d %3v%1
without a function that puts an element onto the end of a list.
(From a strictly list point of view, such a function would be as
elementary as %3cons%1 which puts an element onto the front of a list,
but, when we consider the implementation of lists by list structures,
we see that the function is not so elementary. This has led some
people to construct systems in which lists are bi-directional, but,
in the main, this has turned out to be a bad idea). Anyway, it is
usually easier to recur on one argument of a function than to recur
on the other.
It is often necessary to represent a correspondence between
the elements of a small set of atoms and certain S-expressions by a
list structure. This is conveniently done by means of an association
list which is a list of pairs, each pair consisting of an atom and
the corresponding S-expression. Thus the association list
%5((X . (PLUS A B)) (Y . C) (Z . (TIMES U V)),
%1which would print as
%5((X PLUS A B)) (Y . C) (Z TIMES U V)),
%1pairs %5X%1 with %5(PLUS A B), Y%1 with %5C%1, etc. We need a function to
tell whether anything is associated with the atom %3x%1 in the
association list %3a%1, and, if so, to tell us what. We have
%3assoc%2[%3x, a%2] ← %4if n %3a %4then %5NIL %4else if %3x %4eq aa %3a %4then a %3a
%4else %3assoc%2[%3x, %4d %3a%2].
%1Its value is %5NIL%1 if nothing is associated with %3x%1 and the
association pair otherwise. E.g. %3assoc%2[%5X, ((X.W) (Y.V))%2] = %5(X.W)%1.
It commonly happens that a function has no simple recursion,
but there is a simple recursion for a function with one more variable
that reduces to the desired function when the extra variable is set
to %5NIL%1. Thus
%3reverse%2[%3u%2] ← %3rev1%2[%3x, %5NIL%2],
%3rev1%2[%3u, v%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %3v %4else %3rev1%2[%4d %3u, %4a %3u . v%2].
%3reverse%1 has a direct recursive definition as discovered by S. Ness,
but no-one would want to use the following in actual computation nor
does it generate much understanding, only appreciation of Mr. Ness's
%3reverse%2[%3u%2] ← %4if n %3u %2∨ %4n d %3u %4then %3u %4else
a %3reverse%2[%4d %3u%2] . %3reverse%2[%4a %3u. %3reverse%2[%4d %3reverse%2[%4d %3u%2]]].
1. Using the function %3member%2[%3x, u%2]%1 defined in Chapter I
which may also be written %3x %2ε %3u%1, write function definitions for the
union %3u %2∪ %3v%1 of lists %3u%1 and %3v%1, the intersection %3u %2∩ %3v%1, and the
set difference %3u%2-%3v%1. What is wanted should be clear from the
%5(A B C) %2∪%5 (B C D) %2=%5 (A B C D),
(A B C) %2∩%5 (B C D) %2=%5 (B C),
%5(A B C) %2-%5 (B C D) %2=%5 (A).
%1Pay attention to getting correct the trivial cases in which some of
the arguments are %5NIL%1. In general, it is important to understand
clearly the trivial cases of functions.
2. Suppose %3x%1 takes numbers as values and %3u%1 takes as
values lists of numbers in ascending order, e.g. %5(2 4 7)%1. Write a
function %3merge%2[%3x, u%2]%1 whose value is obtained from that of %3u%1 by
putting %3x%1 in %3u%1 in its proper place. Thus
%3merge%2[%53, (2 4)%2] = %5(2 3 4)%1, and %3merge%2[%53, (2 3)%2] = %5(2 3 3)%1.
3. Write functions giving the union, intersection, and set
difference of ordered lists; the result is wanted as an ordered list.
Note that computing these functions of unordered lists takes
a number of comparisons proportional to the square of the number of
elements of a typical list, while for ordered lists, the number of
comparisons is proportional to the number of elements.
4. Using %3merge%1, write a function %3sort%1 that transforms an
unordered list into an ordered list.
5. Write a function %3goodsort%1 that sorts a list using a
number of comparisons proportional to %3n log n%1, where %3n%1 is the
length of the list to be sorted.
.ss Simple S-expression recursion.
In another class of problems, the value of the function is
immediate for atomic symbols, and for non atoms depends only on the
values for the a-part and the d-part of the argument. Thus %3subst%1
was defined by
%3subst%2[%3x, y, z%2] ← %4if at %3z %4then %2[%4if %3z %4eq %3y %4then %3x %4else %3z%2]
%4else %3subst%2[%3x, y, %4a %3z%2] . %3subst%2[%3x , y , %4d %3z%2].
%1Two other examples are %3equal%1 which gives the equality of
S-expressions and %3flat%1 which spreads an S-expression into a list
of atoms: They are defined by
%3x%2=%3y %2← %3x %4eq %3y %2∨ [¬%4at %3x %2∧ ¬%4at %3y %2∧ %4a %3x %2= %4a %3y %2∧ %4d %3x %2= %4d %3y%2],
%3flat%2[%3x%2] ← %3flata%2[%3x, %5NIL%2]
%3flata%2[%3x, u%2] ← %4if at %3x %4then %3x.y %4else %3flata%2[%4a %3x, flata%2[%4d %3x, y%2]].
1. Write a predicate to tell whether a given atom occurs in a
given S-expression, e.g. %3occur%2[%5B, ((A.B).C)%2] = %5T%1.
2. Write a predicate to tell how many times a given atom
occurs in an S-expression.
3. Write a function to make a list without duplications of
the atoms occurring in an S-expression.
4. Write a function to make a list of all atoms that occur
more than once in a given S-expression paired with their
5. Write a predicate to tell whether an S-expression has more
than one occurrence of a given S-expression as a sub-expression.
.ss Other structural recursions.
When lists are used to represent algebraic expressions,
functions of these algebraic expressions often have a
recursive form closely related to the inductive definition of the
expressions. Suppose, for example, that sums and products are represented
respectively by the forms %5(PLUS X Y)%1 and %5(TIMES X Y)%1 and that the
values of variables are given on an a-list. We can write a recursive
formula for the value of an expression as follows:
%3value%2[%3e, a%2] ← %4if at %3e %4then d %3assoc%2[%3e, a%2]
%4else if a %3e %4eq %5PLUS %4then %3value%2[%4ad %3e, a%2] + %3value%2[%4add %3e, a%2]
%4else if a %3e %4eq %5TIMES %4then %3value%2[%4ad %3e, a%2] * %3value%2[%4add %3e, a%2].
%1On the other hand, suppose that sums and products are not restricted
to have just two arguments; then we must use auxiliary functions
to define the value of an expression, as follows:
%3value%2[%3e, a%2] ← %4if at %3e %4then d %3assoc%2[%3e, a%2]
%4else if a %3e %4eq %5PLUS %4then %3vplus%2[%4d %3e, a%2]
%4else if a %3e %4eq %5TIMES %4then %3vtimes%2[%4d %3e, a%2].
%3vplus%2[%3u, a%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %50 %4else %3value%2[%4a %3u, a%2] + %3vplus%2[%4d %3u, a%2],
%3vtimes%2[%3u, a%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %51 %4else %3value%2[%4a %3u, a%2] * %3vtimes%2[%4d %3u, a%2].
%1In both cases, the recursion form is related to the structure of the
algebraic expressions more closely than to the structure of
S-expressions or lists.
.AT "\J" ⊂FILL⊃ ;
.AT "\." ⊂NOFILL⊃ ;
.turn on "↔" for "←" ;
.<<\\M0NGR25;\M1BDJ25;\M2BDR25X;\M3SUB;\M4NGR30;\M5NGR40;\M6SUP;%1 >>
.ss Tree search.
\J We begin with a general depth first tree search function.
It can be used to search specific trees of possibilities by defining
three auxiliary functions in a way that depends on the application.
We have\.
%3search p %2← %4if %3lose p %4then %1LOSE
%4else if %3ter p %4then %3p %4else %3searchlis%2[%*successors p%2]%1
\J %3searchlis u %2← %4 if n %3u %4then %1LOSE %4else %3%2{%*search %4a
%3u%2}[%*λx%2:%* %4if %3x %2= %1LOSE %4then %3searchlis %4d %3u %4else %3x%2]%*.%1\.
\JIn the applications, we start with a position %3p%60%1, and we
are looking for a win in the successor tree of %3p%60%1. Certain
positions lose and there is no point looking at their successors.
This is decided by the predicate %3lose%1. A position is a win if
it doesn't lose and it satisfies the predicate %3ter%1. The
successors of a position is given by the function %3successors%1,
and the value of %3search p%1 is the winning position. No
non-losing position should have the name LOSE or the function won't
work properly.
Our first example is finding a path from an initial node to
a final node in a graph represented by a list structure as described
in chapter I. A position is a path starting from the initial node
and continuing to some intermediate node and is represented by a
list of its nodes in reverse order. The three functions for this
application are\.
%3lose p %2← %4a %3p %2ε %4d %3p,
ter p %2← [%4a %3p %2=%* final%2]%*, %1
%3successors p %2←%* mapcar%2[%4d %3assoc%2[%4a %3p, graph%2]%*, λx%2:%* x.p%2]%*.%1
\J Another example is the so-called %3Instant Insanity%1 puzzle.
There are four cubical blocks, and each face of each block is colored with
one of four colors. The object of the puzzle is to build a tower of all four
blocks such that each vertical face of the tower involves all four colors.
In order to use the above defined function %3search%1 for this purpose,
we must define the representation of positions and give the functions
%3lose, ter, %1and %3successors%1. A position is represented by a list
of lists ¬ one for each face of the tower. Each sublist is the list of colors
of the faces of the blocks showing in that face. We shall assume that the
blocks are described in the following longwinded but convenient way. (We'll
take up precomputing this description later.) For each block there is a list
of the 24 orientations of the block where each orientation is described as
a list of the colors around the vertical faces of the block when it is in that
orientation. Thus the puzzle is described by a list of lists of lists which
we shall call %3puzz%1.\.
We now have
%3p%60%1 %2=%* (NIL NIL NIL NIL),
%3lose p %2←%* orlis%2[%*p, λu%2:%* %4a %3u %2ε %4d %3u%2]%*,
ter p %2← [%*length %4a %3p %2=%* 4%2]%1,
\J %3successors p %2←%* mapcar%2[%4a %3nth%2[%*puzz, 1 + length %4a %3p%2]%*
, λx%2:%* mapcar2%2[%*p, x, λyz%2:%* z.y%2]]%*, %1\.
\J %3mapcar2%2[%*u, v, f%2] ← %3if n %3u %4then %1NIL %4else
f%2[%4a %3u, %4a %3v%2]%* . mapcar2%2[%4d %3u, %4d %3v, f%2]%*.%1\.
\J Getting the initial position in the desired form is as complicated
a computation as the actual tree search. It can be
conveniently done by a sequence of assignment
statements starting with a description of the blocks: \.
%3puzz1 %2← %1((G B B W R G) (G G B G W R) (G W W R B R) (G G R B W W)).
\JHere each block is represented by a list of the colors of the faces starting
with the top face, going around the sides in a clockwise direction and
finishing with the bottom face.
We need to go from this description of the blocks to a list of the
possible cycles of colors on the vertical faces for the 24 orientations of
the block. This not easy, because the order in which we have given the colors
is not invariant under rotations of the block. An easy way out is to start with
a block whose faces are assigned the numbers 1 thru 6 starting with the top,
going clockwise around the sides and finishing with the bottom. We write down
one cycle of side colors for each choice of the face put on top and get the
list of all 24 cycles by appending the results of generating the cyclic
permutations of the cycles. All this is accomplished by the assignment\.
\J %3puzz2 %2←%* cycles%2[%1(2 3 4 5)%2]%*%2*%*%3cycles%2[%*(%1(2 5 4 3)%2]%*%2*%*
%3cycles%2[%*(1 2 6 4)%2]%*\.
%2*%*cycles%2[%*(1 4 6 2)%2]%*%2*%*cycles%2[%*(1 3 6 5)%2]%*%2*%*cycles%2[%*(1 5 6 3)%2]%*, %1
where the function %3cycles%1 is defined by
%3cycles u %2←%* maplist%2[%*u, λx%2:%* x%2*%*upto%2[%*u, x%2]]%1
with the auxiliary function
\J %3upto%2[%*u, x%2] ← %4if %3x %4eq %3u %4then %1NIL %4else a
%3u . upto%2[%4d %3u, x%2]%*.%1\.
\JNext we create for each block a list of substitutions expressing the
colors of the six numbered faces. We have\.
%3puzz3 %2←%* mapcar%2[%*puzz1, λx%2:%* prup%2[%1(1 2 3 4 5 6), %3x%2]]%*, %1
\Jand we use these substitutions to get for each block the list of 24 orientations
of the block. Thus\.
%3puzz4 %2←%* mapcar%2[%*puzz3, λs%2:%* sublis%2[%*s, puzz3%2]]%*.
\Jpuzz4%1 has all 24 orientations of the first block while for symmetry reasons
we need only consider three as distinct, say the first, ninth, and seventeen. So
we finally get\.
\J %3puzz %2←%* (%4a %3nth%2[%4a %3puzz4, 1%2] %4a %3nth%2[%4a %3puzz4, 9%2]%*
%4a %3nth%2[%4a %3puzz4, 17%2]%*) . %4d %3puzz4.%1\.
\JThe program when compiled runs about 11 seconds on the PDP-10.
A more sophisticated representation of face cycles and partial towers
makes a factor of ten speedup without changing the basic search algorithm. A
face cycle is represented by 16 bits in a word four for each face a particular
one of which being turned on tells us the color of the face. If we %4or%1
these words together for the blocks in a partial tower we get a word which
tells us for each face of the tower what colors have been used. A
particular face cycle from the next block can be added to the tower if
the %4and%1 of its word with the word representing the tower is zero.
We represent a position by a list of words representing its partial
towers with 0 as the last element and the highest partial tower as the
first element. The virtue of this representation is that it makes
the description of the algorithm short.
The initial position is (0). The new %3puzz%1 can be formed from the
old one by the assignment\.
%3puzza %2←%* mapcar%2[%*puzz, λx%2:%* mapcar%2[%*x, zap%2]]%*, %1
\J %3zap v %2← %4if n %3v %4then %30 %4else %3poo %4a %3v +
16zap %4d %3v, %1\.
\J %3poo x %2← %4if %3x%2=%1R %4then %31 %4else if %3x%2=%1W %4then
%12 %4else if %3x%2=%1G %4then %14 %4else %18.\.
\JNow we need the new functions %3lose, ter, %1and
%3successors%1. These are\.
%3lose p %2← %4false%3,
%3ter p %2← [%*length p %2=%* 5%2]%*, %1
\J %3successors p %2←%* mapchoose%2[%4a %3nth%2[%*puzza, length p%2]%*,
λx%2:%* %4a %3p %4and %3x %2=%* 0, λx%2:%* %2[%4a %3p %4or %3x%2]%* . p%2]%*.%1\.
%3mapchoose%2[%*u, pred, fn%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %1NIL
\J %4else if
%3pred %4a %3u %4then %3fn%2[%4a %3u%2]%* . mapchoose%2[%4d %3u
, pred, fn%2] %4\.
else %3mapchoose%2[%4d %3u, pred, fn%2]%*.%1
\J%3lose%1 is trivial, because the %3mapchoose%1 is used to make sure
that only non-losing new positions are generated by %3successors%1.
This version runs in a little less than one second on the PDP-10. A greater
speedup can be made by the application of some mathematics. In fact, with
enough mathematics, extensive tree search is unnecessary in this problem.
%3search%1 is used when we want to search a tree of possibilities
for a solution to a problem. What if we want to find all solutions
to a problem? This can be done with a function %3allsol%1 that uses
the same %3lose, ter, %1and %3successors%1 functions as does %3search%1.
The simplest way to write %3allsol%1 is\.
\J %3allsol p %2← %4if %3lose p %4then %1NIL %4else if %3ter p
%4then %3(p) %4else %3mapapp%2[%*successors p, allsol%2]%*, %1\.
\J %3mapapp%2[%*u, fn%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %1NIL %4else
%3fn%2[%4a %3u%2]%* . mappap%2[%4d %3u, fn%2]%*.%1\.
\JThis form of the function is somewhat inefficient because of all the
%3append%1ing. A more efficient form uses an auxiliary function as follows: \.
%3allsol p %2←%* allsola%2[%*p, %1NIL%2]%*
%3allsola%2[%*p, found%2] ← %4if %3lose p %4then %3found
%4else if %3ter p %4then %3p . found
%4else %3allsolb%2[%*successors p, found%2]%*,
\J %3allsolb%2[%*u, found%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %3found
%4else %3allsolb%2[%4d %3u, allsola%2[%4a %3u, found%2]]%*.%1\.
\JThe recursive program structure that arises here is common when a list
is to be formed by recurring through a list structure.\.
.ss Game trees.
\J The positions that can be reached from an initial position in
a game form a tree, and deciding what move to make often involves
searching this tree. However, game trees are searched in a different
way than the trees we have looked at, because the opposing interests
of the players makes it not a search for a joint line of play that
will lead to the first player winning, but rather a search for a
strategy that will lead to a win regardless of what the other player
The simplest situation is characterized by a function
%3successors%1 that gives the positions that can be reached in one
move, a predicate %3ter%1 that tells when a position is to be
regarded as terminal for the given analysis, and a function
%3imval%1 that gives a number approximating the value of the
position to one of the players. We shall call this player the
maximizing player and his opponent the minimizing player. Usually,
the numerical values arise, because the search cannot be carried out
to the end of the game, and the analysis stops with reasonably static
positions that can be evaluated by some rule. Naturally, the
function %3imval%1 is chosen to be easy to calculate and to
correlate well with the probability that the maximizing player can
win the position.
The simplest rule for finding the correct move in a position
uses auxiliary functions
%3valmax%1 and %3valmin%1 that give a value to a position
by using %3imval%1 if the position is terminal and taking the max
or min of the successor positions otherwise.
For this we want functions for getting the maximum or the
minimum of a function on a list, and they are defined as follows: \.
\J %3maxlis%2[%*u, f%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %3-%2∞%* %4else %3
max%2[%*f%2[%4a %3u%2]%*, maxlis%2[%4d %3u, f%2]]%*, %1\.
\J %3minlis%2[%*u, f%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %3%2∞%* %4else %3
min%2[%*f%2[%4a %3u%2]%*, minlis%2[%4d %3u, f%2]]%*.%1\.
\JIn these functions, -%2∞%* and %2∞%* represent numbers that are smaller and
larger than any actual values that will occur in evaluating %3f%1.
If these numbers are not available, then it is necessary to prime
the function with the values of %3f%1 applied to the first element
of the list, and the functions are meaningless for null lists.
Iterative versions of the functions are generally better; we give only
the iterative version of %3maxlis%1, namely\.
%3maxlis%2[%*u, f%2] ←%* maxlisa%2[%*u, -%2∞%*, f%2]%*, %1
\J %3maxlisa%2[%*u, x, f%2] ← %3if n %3u %4then %3x %4else
%3maxlisa%2[%4d %3u, max%2[%*x, f%2[%4a %3u%2]]%*, f%2]%*.%1\.
We now have
\J %3valmax p %2← %4if %3ter p %4then %3imval p %4else
%3maxlis%2[%*successors p, valmin%2]%1, \.
\J %3valmin p %2← %4if %3ter p %4then %3imval p %4else
%3minlis%2[%*successors p, valmax%2]%1.\.
The best move is now chosen by
%3movemax p %2←%* bestmax%2[%*succesors p, valmin%2]%*, %1
%3movemin p %2←%* bestmin%2[%*succesors p, valmax%2]%*, %1
%3bestmax%2[%*u, f%2] ←%* bestmaxa%2[%4d %3u, %4a %3u, f%2[%4a %3u%2]%*, f%2]%*,
%3bestmaxa%2[%*u, sofar, valsofar, f%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %3sofar
\J %4else if %3f%2[%4a %3u%2] ≤ %3bestsofar %4then
%3bestmaxa%2[%4d %3u, sofar, bestsofar, f%2]%*\.
%4else %3bestmaxa%2[%4d %3u, %4a %3u, f%2[%4a %3u%2]%*, f%2]%*,
%3bestmin%2[%*u, f%2] ←%* bestmina%2[%4d %3u, %4a %3u, f%2[%4a %3u%2]%*, f%2]%*, %1
%3bestmina%2[%*u, sofar, valsofar, f%2] ← %4if n %3u %4then %3sofar
\J %4else if %3f%2[%4a %3u%2] ≥ %3bestsofar %4then
%3bestmina%2[%4d %3u, sofar, bestsofar, f%2]%*\.
%4else %3bestmina%2[%4d %3u, %4a %3u, f%2[%4a %3u%2]%*, f%2]%*.%1
\J However, this straight minimax computation of the best move does
much more computation in general than is usually necessary. The simplest
way to see this is from the move tree of Figure 2.6.\.
↔Figure 2.6
\JWe see from this figure that it is unnecessary to examine the moves marked
x, because their values have no effect on the value of the game or on the
correct move since the presence of the 9 is sufficient information at this
point to show that the move leading to the vertex preceding it should not
be chosen by the minimizing player.
The general situation is that it is unnecessary to examine further
moves in a position once a move is found that refutes moving to the
position in the first place. This idea is called the αβ-heuristic and
expressed in the following recursive definitions: \.
%3maxval p %2←%* maxval1%2[%*p, -%2∞%*, %2∞%*%2]%*,
\J maxval1%2[%*p, α, β%2] ← %4if %3ter p %4then %3max%2[%*α, min%2[%*β, imval p%2]]%*
%4else %3maxval2%2[%*successors p, α, β%2]%*, \.
\J maxval2%2[%*u, α, β%2] ← {%*minval1%2[%4a %3u, α, β%2]}[%*λw%2:%* %4if %3w %2=%* β %4then
%3β %4else %3maxval2%2[%4d %3u, w, β%2]]%*, \.
%3minval p %2←%* minval1%2[%*p, -%2∞%*, %2∞%*%2]%*,
\J minval1%2[%*p, α, β%2] ← %4if %3ter p %4then %3max%2[%*α, min%2[%*β, imval p%2]]%*
%4else %3minval2%2[%*successors p, α, β%2]%*, \.
\J minval2%2[%*u, α, β%2] ← {%*maxval1%2[%4a %3u, α, β%2]}[%*λw%2:%* %4if %3w %2=%* α %4then
%3α %4else %3minval2%2[%4d %3u, α, w%2]%*.%1\.
\J The reduction in number of positions examined given by the αβ algorithm
over the simple minimax algorithm depends on the order in which the moves are
examined. In the worst case, the moves happen to be examined in inverse order
of merit in every position on the tree, i.e. the worst move first. In that case,
there is no improvement over minimax. The best case is the one in which the
best move in every position is examined first. If we look %3n%1 moves
deep on a tree that has %3k%1 successors to each position, then minimax looks
at %3k%7n%1 positions while αβ looks at about only %3k%7n/2%1. Thus a
program that looks at 10%74%1 moves with αβ might have to look at 10%78%1
with minimax. For this reason, game playing programs using αβ make a big
effort to include as good as possible an ordering of moves into the %3successors%1
function. When there is a deep tree search to be done, the way to make the
ordering is with a short look-ahead to a much smaller depth than the main
search. Still shorter look-aheads are used deeper in the tree, and beyond
a certain depth, non-look-ahead ordering methods are of decreasing complexity.
A version of αβ incorporating optimistic and pessimistic evaluations
of positions was first proposed by McCarthy about 1958. Edwards and Hart at
M.I.T. about 1959 proved that the present version of αβ works and calculated the
improvement it gives over minimax. The first publication, however, was
Brudno (1963). It is worth noting that αβ was not used in the early chess
playing programs in spite of the fact that it is clearly used in any human
play. Its non-use, therefore, represents a failure of self-observation.
Very likely, there are a number of other algorithms used in human thought
that we have not noticed an incorporated in our programs. To the extent
that this is so, artificial intelligence will be %3a posteriori%1 obvious
even though it is %3a priori%1 very difficult.\.