perm filename TABLOG[3,2] blob
sn#786386 filedate 1985-02-21 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
TABLOG is a new logic programming language developed here at Stanford.
You can try the experimental (slow) interpreter for the language by
typing R TABLOG to the SAIL monitor.
The system will respond by printing:
Now you may want to use one of: NEW, HELP.
If you find yourself in MACLISP try <CTRL>G and then TABLOG.
Documentation is in TABLOG.DOC[1,YM]
(questions and comments => YM)
Background reference:
Yonathan Malachi, Zohar Manna and Richard Waldinger --
``TABLOG -- The Deductive Tableau Programming Language''
ACM conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Austin, TX, Aug 84.
Also avaialble as:
Stanford CS technical report STAN-CS-1012.