perm filename SRCCOM[3,2] blob sn#406886 filedate 1979-01-01 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
SRCCOM will compare or merge your source files.

Command format: <ofspec><switches>←<ifs1>,<ifs2>

The <ofspec> may be omitted in which case <ifn1> with the extension
.LST will be used. Note where the <switches> go!

<switches> is of the form /<switch>{/<switch>} where <switch> may

<digit> Sets the number of consecutive lines which must be identical
	before a match is considered seen.  Default is 3.
   B	Consider <cr>,<lf>,<ff> and SOS line numbers and page marks as
	text.  This allows differences in pagination to be detected.
   C	Ignore everything between ; and line breaks, i.e. comments.
   D	Ignore E directories.
   E  *	Print the lines which matched after a run of differences.
   F	Insert a [FF] before the first output page is printed.
   I	Do a merge assuming I as the merge command.
   L	Print the last label found in the header lines for differences.
   M	Do a merge.  See below for special considerations.
   O	Make the difference file be all on one page.
   S	Ignore spaces and tabs.
   W  *	Prefix each output line by the file number from which it came.
   X    Use the <ofspec> as a command file from which to take commands.
	The commands are printed out as they are executed.
   Y	same as /X but don't type out the commands as they are executed.
   Z	Type out some statistics after the comparison is performed.

* means you must type the switch if you DON'T want the feature.

In merge mode (/M or /I), the <ofspec> receives all lines which are
identical in both files; when a difference occurs, merge command mode
is entered, signified by a > typed in column 9, and you have several
options as to what to do with the text. If you type ? at that point
you will see an explanation of the various possibilities.
Note that if you specify /M or /I, you automatically get /B and /E.

See also HELP SRCCHK and HELP ATSIGN, for two related file comparision