perm filename SPOOL[3,2]8 blob
sn#846174 filedate 1987-09-28 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
DOVER <filename> causes the file to be printed on the Dover printer.
ROVER <filename> causes the file to be printed on the Rover printer.
BOISE <filename> causes the file to be printed on the Boise (HP) printer.
MAPLE <filename> causes the file to be printed on the Maple (Imagen) printer.
PANCAKE <filename> causes the file to be printed on the Pancake printer.
UNSPOOL allows you to selectively delete spooler requests.
QSPOOL displays the spooler queues: Q/D shows only Dover queue, Q/B Boise, etc.
You must be logged in to give any of these commands except QSPOOL.
Some spooler switches, which can follow the name of the file being spooled:
/NOTITLE Suppress the header page
/NOHEADING Suppress the header line on each page
/DELETE Delete the file after listing
/DUMP Spool in octal words
Page ranges can follow a filename (must precede any switches):
(n1,n2:n3,n4) means page n1, pages n2 to n3 inclusive, and page n4
Time delay command - don't print the listing until specified time:
/HOLD = hhmm where hhmm is 4 digits of 24 hour time (in the future).
For complete details on the use of SPOOL, see the printed Monitor Command Manual
or its online version in MONCOM.BH[S,DOC], with updates in MONCOM.UPD[S,DOC].
For detail on the SPSUB spooler subroutine for inclusion in user programs,