perm filename SAILON.PUB[BIB,CSR] blob sn#512172 filedate 1980-06-05 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	.require "setup.csr[bib,csr]" source file
C00012 ENDMK
.require "setup.csr[bib,csr]" source file;
.once center

The Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory  has a dual-processor
(DEC KL10/KA10)   time-shared computer.  It  has  384K words  of core
memory and  an Ampex disk   file equivalent to  the IBM  3330-11.  64
display consoles and a number of Teletype terminals are connected.

The  Operating  Notes  (SAILONs)  below  describe  the  operation  of
computer  programs  and  equipment  and are intended for project use.
This annotated list omits obsolete notes.

Notes that are available in hard copy form are marked with (H); those
that are on the disk are marked (DSK:<filename>); some are  available
in both forms.

SAILON-2.1,  W.   Weiher,  "Calcomp  Plot  Routines", September 1968,

SAILON-28.7, Lynn  H. Quam and  Whitfield Diffie, "Stanford  LISP 1.6
Manual",   September   1969,   (DSK:LISP.WD[S,DOC]).   Updated  1976.
Describes the LISP  interpreter and compiler, the editor  ALVINE, and
other aspects of this venerated list processing system.

SAILON-41,   L.  Quam,   "SMILE at  LISP",  September  1968,  (H).  A
package of useful LISP functions.

SAILON-44, A. Moorer, "FCROX - MACROX to Fail  Converter",  September
1968, (H).   Converts  MACRO   programs  to   FAIL  format,   with  a
few  annotated exceptions.

SAILON-50.3, W. Weiher and S. Savitzky, "Son of Stopgap",  Oct. 1970,
(DSK:SOS.LES[S,DOC]).  A line-number-oriented text editor with string
search and substitution commands and hyphenless text justification.

SAILON-51.2,    Mike     Clancy,    "SNAIL",    Nov.      1976,    (H
DSK:SNAIL.MJC[S,DOC]).   SNAIL  is a  submonitor  that  decides which
files need to be compiled.

SAILON-54.6, Brian Harvey, "Monitor Command Manual", August 1978, (H,
also in DSK: MONCOM.BH[S,DOC], update in DSK:MONCOM.UPD[S,DOC]).  How
to talk to the timesharing monitor.

SAILON-55.5, Martin Frost, "UUO Manual", Nov. 1977, (H, also  in DSK:
UUO.ME[S,DOC],  update  in  DSK:  UUO.UPD[S,DOC]).   Machine language
commands to the timesharing system.

SAILON-56, T. Panofsky,  "Stanford  A-I  Facility  Manual", May 1973,
(DSK:FACIL.TED[H,DOC]).  Computer equipment characteristics.

SAILON-58.1,  P.  Petit,  "RAID",  February 1970,  (H, DSK:RAID.PMP).
Display-oriented machine language debugging package.

SAILON-60, L. Earnest,  "Documentation Services", February  1970, (H,
DSK:DOC.LES[S,DOC].   Text   preparation  by   computer    is   often
cheaper  then  typewriters.  Facilities  for  text   preparation  and
reproduction  are discussed.  [obsolescent]

SAILON-62, Anthony  C. Hearn, "REDUCE  2 Symbolic Mode  Primer", Oct.
1970, (DSK:RLISP.ACH[S,DOC]) A symbolic computation system.

SAILON-64.1, Kevin Kay,  "A2E -- Stanford  AI PDP-10 ASCII  to EBCDIC
Code Conversion Program", Jan. 1973, (DSK:A2E.KK[S,DOC]).  Just that.

SAILON-65, Dick Helliwell, "Tape", Nov.  1971, (DSK:TAPE.RPH[S,DOC]).
A program for reading nonstandard magnetic tapes.

SAILON-67,  B. Baumgart,  Micro Planner Alternate  Reference Manual",
April 1972, (DSK:PLNR.BGB[S,DOC]).  Micro  Planner  is  a programming
language  and  associative  memory embedded in LISP.

SAILON-69,     L.    Earnest,     "Video    Switch",     May    1972,
(DSK:VDS.LES[H,DOC]).   Describes   the  construction  of  the  video

SAILON-70,   Larry Tesler,  "PUB, the Document  Compiler",  September
1972, (DSK:PUB.TES[S,DOC],  update in  DSK: PUB.UPD[S,DOC]).   A text
justifier  that handles section numbering,   cross-references, tables
of contents, indexes, and other wonders.

SAILON-71,  DEC and Ted Panofsky, "PDP-10 and PDP-6 Instruction Set",
June  1973,  (H,  Appendix  in  DSK:10TO6.TED[H,DOC]).  superceded by

SAILON-72.2, Martin Frost,  "News Service System", March  1975, (DSK:

SAILON-73, John Allen, "Users Manual for Interactive Theorem Proving"

SAILON-74, Les Earnest, "Find a Font", April 1976. (out-of-print)

SAILON-75A, Staff,  "DECsystem-10/20 Hardware Manual",  January 1977.
This manual explains the PDP-10  instruction set as it exists  in the
KL10  processor.   Appendices  explain  the  differences  between the
various  processors in  the  PDP-10 family.   This  manual supersedes
SAILON-26 and SAILON-71.

SAILON-75B, F.H.G. Wright II, R.E. Gorin, "FAIL", January 1977.  FAIL
statements,  pseudo-operations,  macros,  and   conditional  assembly
features are described.  This supersedes SALON-26 and AIM-226.