perm filename QUANTY.ORD[USE,CSR]2 blob sn#373525 filedate 1978-08-16 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	SAIL Manual (AIM-289) billed in 1976
C00005 00003	SAIL Manual (AIM-289) billed in 1977
C00013 00004	SAIL Manual (AIM-289) billed in 1978
C00019 00005
C00020 00006	SAIL Tutorial (AIM-290) billed in 1976
C00021 00007	SAIL Tutorial (AIM-290) billed in 1977
C00026 00008	SAIL Tutorial (AIM-290) billed in 1978
C00030 00009
C00031 00010	FAIL Manual (SAILON 75B) billed in 1977
C00033 ENDMK
SAIL Manual (AIM-289) billed in 1976


Bill Morton			           5	 $33.50		        11/19/76   yes
560 San Antonio Road
Palo Alto, CA 94306

James R. Low, Asst. Prof.	           10	 $62.00		        12/20/76   yes
University of Rochester
Dept. of Computer Science
Mathematical Science Bldg.
Rochester, NY 14627

Winfried Smith			           25	 $142.50	        12/20/76   yes

John H. Wolfe				   6	 $34.20		        12/20/76   yes
Code 9304
Naval Personnel & Training 
   Research Lab
San Diego, CA 92152

James R. Low, Asst. Prof.	           25 	 $60.00 pre-	        12/20/76   yes
University of Rochester				 publication
Dept. of Computer Science			 prices
Mathematical Science Bldg.
Rochester, NY 14627

G. Morgenthaler			           24	 $141.80		12/20/76   yes
Tymshare, Inc.
10261 Bubb Road
Cupertino, CA 95014

University of Illinois at	           20	 $119.00		12/20/76   yes
Central Receiving Station 164-174
1609 South Oak Street
Champaign, IL 61820

Lucille Steelman		           20	 $119.00		12/20/76   yes
Order Librarian
Library, G037
Stanford Research Institute
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Bob Pariseau			           25	 $142.50		12/20/76   yes
National Radio Astronomy
P.O. Box 0
Socorro, NM 87801

SAIL Manual (AIM-289) billed in 1977


Lee Erman			           25	 $65.00 pre-	        2/4/77     yes
Carnegie-Mellon University			 publication
Schenley Park					 prices
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

University of Illinois at	CJS-0014   20	 $139.00		3/11/77    yes
Central Receiving Station 164-174
1609 South Oak Street
Champaign, IL 61820

Tymshare Library		CJS-0013   2	 $18.40		        3/11/77    yes
20705 Valley Green Drive				
Cupertino, CA 95014

University of Rochester		CJS-0012   30	 $206.00		3/11/77    yes
River Campus Station
Rochester, NY 14627

E. Jackson (R. Smith)		CJS-0010   30	 $206.00		3/11/77    yes
Dept. of Computer Science				
Rutgers-The State Univ.
Hill Center, Busch Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

R. Wolfson			CJS-0011   10	 $72.00		        3/11/77    yes
Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.				
50 Moulton Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture	CJS-0015   6	 $40.20		        3/11/77    yes
National Finance Center					
P.O. Box 60075
New Orleans, LA 70160
(ship to USDA, Statistical Reporting Services
         ATTN: Robert  A. Beach
         Room 5868 South Building
         Washington, DC 20250 )

I.R.C.A.M.			CJS-0030   5	 $33.50		        4/11/77    yes
31, rue St. Merri					
75004 Paris
Attn: Brian Harvey

Univ. of S. Calif		CJS-0037   5	 $33.50		        4/29/77    yes
Central Receiving					
3600 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90007

Tymshare, Inc.			CJS-0043   24	 $141.80		5/13/77    yes
20705 Valley Green Dr.					
Attn: G. Morganthaler
Cupertino, CA 95014

National Institutes of Health	CJS-0047   100	 $599.00		6/7/77     yes
Audit Section						
FMB, Bldg. 31, Rm. B1B-30
Bethesda, MD 20014
(ship to National Institutes of Health
	 Division of Computer Research
	 & Technology
	 Bldg. 12A Rm. 1017
	 Order # PD404051-7
	 Bethesda, MD 20014 )

Federal Judicial Center		CJS-0048   50	 $285.00		6/23/77    yes
Room 206						
1100 - 17th St., N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Attn: Charles Payne

Keydata Corp.			CJS-0053   4	 $26.80     	        6/6/77     yes
1400 Wilson Blvd.					
Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22209
Attn: Wendy Malgieri

Susan Sliwoski			CJS-0156   3	 $20.10                 6/13/77    yes
Computer Services	
Kingsbury Hall
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH  03824

Information Sciences Institute	CJS-0068   5	 $33.50		        6/20/77    yes
4676 Admiralty Way					
Attn: Library
Marina del Rey, CA 90291

Jet Propulsion Laboratory	CJS-0071   8	 $45.60		        6/20/77    yes
Attn: Dave C. Conklin,					
      Procurement Liaison
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91214
Ref. Order No. PCV-15921

Contracting Officer		CJS-0072   3	 $20.10		        6/20/77    yes
Naval Coastal Systems Laboratory			
Panama City, FL 32407
Attn: Bruce F. Parker

Denny Brown			I.R. #     6		    6/20/77	           HOLD
Computer Sciences Dept.		D-8070 

Bill Lyden			CJS-0076   6	 $34.20                 7/8/77     yes
Alpha Phi Omega						
5125 Margaret Morrison St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Ted Mackowitz			CJS-0089   15	 $90.90		        9/2/77     yes
819 Watson						
Columbia University
New York City, NY 10025

Baylor College of Medicine	CJS-0090   3	 $20.10		        9/2/77     yes
c/o Fondren Brown					
6535 Fannin
Houston, TX 77030

LOTS Computer Facility			   8		    9/22/77		   HOLD
Stanford, CERAS 105		

Computer Science Dept.			   6		    9/22/77	           HOLD
Stanford, Polya 253		

Information Sciences Institute             5	 $36.00		        10/6/77    
4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90291

Carnegie-Mellon University	CJS-0102   100	 $570.00    12/27/77	12/29/77   
P.O. Box 100
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Weber State College		CJS-0103   15	 $85.50     12/27/77    12/29/77   
Ogden, UT 84408

National Radio Astronomy Observatory	   5	 $33.50	    10/28/77	10/28/77   yes
Purchasing Department		CJS-0110
P.O. Box O
Socorro, NM 87801

The University of Rochester	CJS-0112   50	 $285.00    12/27/77	12/29/77   yes
Purchasing Department
Rochester, NY 14642

The University of Texas		CJS-0116   2	 $13.40     11/10/77	11/10/77   yes
Health Science Center at Dalis			
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75235

Tektronix, Inc.			CJS-0120   10	 $57.00	    12/27/77	12/29/77   yes
Dept. P, Box 500
Beaverton, OR 97077

The Brookings Institution	CJS-0121   5	 $33.50     12/27/77	12/29/77   yes
Attn: Mimi Schade		
1775 Masachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036

SAIL Manual (AIM-289) billed in 1978


Stanford Bookstore		CJS-0122   25 	 $75.00     6/17/77     1/3/78     yes
Textbook Department

Bookstore			CJS-0122   10	 $30.00	    7/6/77      1/3/78     yes
Stanford University		P.O. 22-71695

Bookstore			CJS-0122   100	 $300.00    9/6/77	1/3/78     yes
Stanford University

Bookstore			CJS-0122   375	 $1,125.00  9/27/77     1/3/78     yes
Stanford University		P.O. 02-72062-07

Bookstore			CJS-____   75	 $150.00    1/5/78	           HOLD
Stanford University	

Tymshare, Inc.			CJS-0132   24	 $139.30    1/26/78     2/2/78     yes
Attn: A. Ginzberg		
20705 Valley Green Drive
Cupertino, Calif. 95014

University of Utah		CJS-0140   25	 $142.50    3/8/78	3/16/78	   yes
Accounts Payable					
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Louise Rehling, Asst. Dir.	CJS-0141   6	 $34.20	    3/8/78	3/16/78	   
The Univ. of Chicago Comp. Ctr.				
5737 University Ave.
Chicago, Ill. 60637

The Univ. of Texas		CJS-0142   4	 $26.80	    3/8/78	3/16/78	   
Health Science Ctr. at Dallas
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX  75235

Bookstore			CJS-____   227	 $681.00    4/13/78	           HOLD
Stanford University	

Central Washington University   CJS-0151   4     $26.80     4/13/78     4/13/78    
Accounts Payable
Ellensburg, WA  98926

Columbia University		CJS-0154   17	 $103.55    4/14/78	4/20/78	   
  in the City of New York
New York, NY  10027

Lockheed Missile & Space Co,Inc CJS-0157   15	 $85.50	    5/18/78	6/1/78     
Technical Information Center
3251 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, Calif. 94304
SAIL Tutorial (AIM-290) billed in 1976


John H. Wolfe		                   6	 $19.80		        12/20/76   yes
Code 9304
Naval Personnel & Training
   Research Lab
San Diego, CA 92152

Bob Pariseau			           10	 $33.00			12/20/76   yes
National Radio Astronomy
P.O. Box 0
Socorro, NM 87801
SAIL Tutorial (AIM-290) billed in 1977


James R. Low, Asst. Prof.	           6	 $19.20			1/5/77     yes
University of Rochester
Dept. of Computer Science
Mathematical Science Bldg.
Rochester, NY 14627

Robert & Nancy Smith			   20					   HOLD
Dept. of Computer Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture	CJS-0015   6	 $19.20			3/11/77    yes
National Finance Center					
P.O. Box 60075
New Orleans, LA 70160
(ship to USDA, Statistical Reporting Services
         ATTN: Robert  A. Beach
         Room 5868 South Building
         Washington, DC 20250 )

I.R.C.A.M.			CJS-0030   20	 $64.00			4/11/77    yes
31, rue St. Merri					
75004 Paris
Attn: Brian Harvey

Winfried Smith			CJS-0031   15	 $48.00			4/14/77    yes
Sunnyvale, California

Lucille Steelman		CJS-0040   8	 $25.60			4/29/77    yes
Order Librarian						
Library, G037
Stanford Research Institute
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Federal Judicial Center		CJS-0048   75	 $165.00		6/23/77    yes
Room 206						
1100 - 17th St., N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Attn: Charles Payne

Information Sciences Institute	CJS-0068   3	 $9.60			6/20/77    yes
4676 Admiralty Way					
Attn: Library
Marina del Rey, CA 90291

Contracting Officer		CJS-0072   3	 $9.60			6/20/77    yes
Naval Coastal Systems Laboratory			
Panama City, FL 32407
Attn: Bruce F. Parker

Denny Brown			I.R. #     6		    6/20/77		   HOLD
Computer Science Dept.		D-8070

Tymshare, Inc.			CJS-0073   24	 $54.15			7/8/77     yes
10261 Bubb Road						
Cupertino, CA 95014
Attn: A. Ginzburg

University of Illinois at	CJS-0083   40	 $96.56	    9/6/77	9/9/77     yes
Purchasing Division
223 Administration Bldg.
Urbana, IL  61801
(ship to: University of Illinois 	
            at Urbana-Champaign	
          Central Receiving Station 
          1609 South Oak Street
          Champaign, IL  61820)

Baylor College of Medicine	CJS-0090   3	 $9.90			9/2/77     yes
c/o Fondren Brown					
6535 Fannin
Houston, TX  77030

Ted Mackowitz			CJS-0091   25    $61.96     9/15/77     9/22/77    yes
819 Watson
Columbia University
New York City, NY  10025

LOTS Computer Facility		I.R.       8                9/22/77		   HOLD
Stanford, CERAS 105

Computer Science Dept.          I.R.       6                9/22/77		   HOLD
Stanford, Polya 253

National Radio Astronomy	CJS-0110   5     $16.00     10/28/77	10/28/77   yes
Purchasing Department
P.O. Box O
Socorro, NM  87801

The University of Texas		CJS-0116   2     $6.40      11/10/77	11/10/77   yes
Health Science Center at Dallas
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX  75235

SAIL Tutorial (AIM-290) billed in 1978


Stanford Bookstore		CJS-0122   50	 $60.00	    6/17/77	1/3/78     yes
Textbook Department	

Bookstore			CJS-0122   25	 $30.00     7/6/77	1/2/78     yes
Stanford University		P.O. 22-71695

Bookstore			CJS-0122   100	 $120.00     9/6/77	1/3/78     yes
Stanford University	

Bookstore			CJS-0122   375   $450.00    9/27/77	1/3/78     yes
Stanford University		P.O. 02-72062-07

University of Utah		CJS-0140   25	 $55.00	    3/8/78	3/16/78	   yes
Accounts Payable 
Salt Lake City, UT  84112

The University of Texas		CJS-0142   4     $12.80	    3/8/78	3/16/78	   
Health Science Center at Dallas
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX  75235

National Radio Astronomy 	CJS-0146   10	 $22.00	    3/10/78	3/16/78	   
Fiscal Division
P.O. Box O
Socorro, New Mexico 87801

National Institutes of Health	CJS-0147   250	 $550.00    3/10/78	3/16/78	   
Audit Section
FMB, Bldg. 31, Rm. B1B-30
Bethesda, Maryland 20014

Lockheed Missile & Space Co,Inc CJS-0157   15	 $33.00	    5/18/78	6/1/78     
Technical Information Center
3251 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, Calif. 94304

Sharon A. Railing		check       3    $9.60	    6/15/78	6/15/78	   yes
Computing Center		489795
Smith Hall
University of Delaware
Newark, DE  19711
FAIL Manual (SAILON 75B) billed in 1977


James R. Low, Asst. Prof.	           10	 $42.00			1/20/77    yes
University of Rochester
Dept. of Computer Science
Mathematical Science Bldg.
Rochester, NY 14627

National Radio Astronomy	           3	 $16.10			1/20/77    yes
Attn: Jorgensen, Buyer
P.O. Box 0
Socorro, NM 87801

I.R.C.A.M.			CJS-0030   5	 $18.50			4/11/77    yes
31, rue St. Merri					
75004 Paris
Attn: Brian Harvey

Carnegie-Mellon University	CJS-0044   6	 $24.70			5/26/77    yes
Dept. of Computer Science				
Schenley Park
Pittsburgh, PA  15213
Attn: Dr. Lee Erman

Columbia University in the      CJS-0117   5	 $23.50			11/10/77   yes
   City of New York
612 West 115th Street					
New York City, NY 10025