perm filename PROTEC[3,2] blob sn#731031 filedate 1983-11-02 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Protection codes in WAITS are three-digit octal numbers.  There are two
kinds of protection: file protection, which applies to specific files, and
directory protection, which applies to all files in a directory.

The meaning of the bits in protection is as follows:

  Bit      Meaning in directory protection code

  400      password is for remote logins only
  200      unused
  100      owner can't write files
  040      logged-in users can't change protection of files
  020      logged-in users can't read directory or any files
  010      logged-in users can't write any files
  004      not-logged-in users can't change protection of files
  002      not-logged-in users can't read directory or any files
  001      not-logged-in users can't write any files

  Bit      Meaning in file protection code

  400      don't dump this file
  200      delete protect
  100      owner can't overwrite this file
  040      logged-in users can't change protection of this file
  020      logged-in users can't read this file
  010      logged-in users can't overwrite this file
  004      not-logged-in users can't change protection of this file
  002      not-logged-in users can't read this file
  001      not-logged-in users can't overwrite this file

You can change the file protection code of a file with the RENAME command
using the /PROTECTION switch, or with the DIRED program.  You can change
the directory protection, or the default file protection of a directory,
with LOGIN (login as %PRG or PRJ%PRG) or with the UFD command.

More detail on protection is given in the Monitor Command Manual,
available online as MONCOM.BH[S,DOC].  Updates to the manual can be found