perm filename PROLOG[3,2] blob sn#729046 filedate 1983-11-08 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
To run Prolog, type

	.r prolog

Differences between our Prolog and standard (TOPS-10) Prolog are:

1. The normal WAITS end-of-file (CTRL-META-LF on displays; ↑Z on non-displays)
   is used wherever standard Prolog expects ↑Z typed in.

2. ESC I is used as an interrupt instead of ↑C.  You may have to type a
   <return> after the ESC I, if Prolog is waiting for you to type something
   at the time you interrupt it.

3. The underscore character for Prolog should be the Ascii underscore (←) and
   not the SAIL underscore (_).

4. Prolog's stack is fixed in size (unlike versions that run on systems with
   virtual memory), but you can change it at the time you start Prolog by

	.r prolog;n

   where "n" is the total number of pages of core that you want to give Prolog.
   Experiment until you find a value that works.

5. E directories in input files are ignored.

6. The log file written is called PROLOG.LOG on whatever area you are aliased
   to when you start Prolog.  It replaces any existing file by that name.

Please report any bugs you find using GRIPE PROLOG.

The file PROLOG.JJW[UP,DOC] contains a copy of the September 1978 version of
the Prolog user's guide.