perm filename PANCAK[3,2] blob sn#828168 filedate 1986-11-17 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Pancake is an Apple LaserWriter 300-dot-per-inch printer located in MJH
040 (CSD-CF offices).  Pancake is able to print PostScript format files.
The SAIL Pancake spooler can convert plain text files to PostScript, using
fonts available on the LaserWriter.  The PostScript manual lists standard
LaserWriter fonts that are available (use the /Font=<font> switch, with
exact letter case in the <font> name).  Each font can be scaled by the
LaserWriter to any point size (use the /FSize=n switch, with n in points).
Margin switches /TMAR, /BMAR, /LMAR, /RMAR can be used; their units are
1000ths of an inch (see spooler documentation on these switches).

The Pancake printer is NOT intended for general use (it is used by the
Computer Facilities group), but is available on an occasional basis for
SAIL users who need to print PostScript files.  The LaserWriter Strudel
on Navajo is available for general use.

Here are the monitor commands for spooling, showing status, and unspooling:

    PANCAKE <filename>     spools the file on the Pancake printer
    Q/P                    reports the Pancake spooler status and queue
    UNSPOOL/P              allows you to cancel any Pancake requests of yours

For complete spooler documentation, see the SPOOL appendix of the
Monitor Command Manual, online as MONCOM.BH[S,DOC], with updates