perm filename PAM[3,2] blob
sn#498341 filedate 1980-03-21 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
PAM is a visual PAttern Manipulating system based on the idea of LISP.
Load a MacLISP core image with the PAM functions. Then
(handle) calls the manual manipulator handPAM. The manipulator
is basically an Execute-Command or Read-Eval-Display loop.
For more information on how to use handPAM, contact Fred Lakin (FHL).
Coming soon, hopefully, a diagrammar package for LISP trees and
other graphs.
Once in handPAM, any atom which is a manipulator command is immediately
executed; otherwise, if a form evaluates to a visual object, then the
object is displayed on the screen (at the cursor unless DisAtCursloc = NIL!)
Still otherwise any LISP sexpr resulting from evaluation is printed out on
the left in LISP chars (ie. typing in regular LISP expressions is just
talking to eval).