perm filename NTUTOR.DOC[NEW,AIL] blob sn#408214 filedate 1979-01-08 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

                                LEAP TUTORIAL

                                 By Jim Low
DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


SAIL contains an associative data system called LEAP. It is patterned
after the LEAP system implemented at LINCOLN LABORATORY by ROVNER and
FELDMAN. Features contained in our  LEAP but not in the  Lincoln LEAP
include a  data-type  called  list, and  "matching" procedures  to be
described below.

This document is intended to serve as a companion volume to  the SAIL
manual and hopefully will be easier to understand than the  manual as
here we can afford expound more on the various constructs and we also
have the space to include more examples.

Other documents  which may be  of interest to  the LEAP  user include
LEAP.WRU[DOC,AIL],  which  is a  general  guide to  the  leap runtime
environment; LEAP.TXT[DOC,AIL], which is a detailed guide to the LEAP
parts of the SAIL compiler and the SAIL runtime system; and of course
the SAIL manual.

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


The basic entities which LEAP manipulates are called "items". An item
is similar  in many  respects to a  LISP atom.   It optionally  has a
printname and a datum.  A datum is a scalar  or an array of  any SAIL
data-type other than types "item" and "itemvar". An itemvar is simply
a variable whose values are items.

As an example of an item we may consider the following declaration.

                          REAL ITEM RITEM;

This  declares an  item  named RITEM  whose  datum is  a  scalar real

In  addition  to  declarations  of  items  at  compile-time,  we  may
dynamically  create  new items  by  calling the  function  NEW.  This
function may  either have  no arguments, (in  which case  the created
item has no datum); or it may have a single argument which  is either
an  expression or  an array.  This argument  is copied  and  the copy
becomes the  value of the  datum of  the new item.  We may  of course
later change the value  of the datum or  an element of the  datum (if
the datum  is an  array) by using  standard algolic  assignments. The
data-type  of the  datum of  the  new item  is the  data-type  of the
argument to NEW.  Thus NEW(1) would create  a new integer  item whose
datum was initially given the value 1.

Items  may  be  assigned  to  itemvars  by  standard  SAIL assignment
statements and assignment expressions.

                           itmvr← itmexpr;

Items  themselves are  considered to  be constants  and thus  may not
appear  on  the  left  hand  side  of  an  assignment   statement  or

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


Associated  with  most  items  are datums  which  may  be  treated as
standard SAIL variables. To refer to the datum of an item we  use the
operator DATUM.

                               INTEGER ITEM II;
                               INTEGER I;
                           L1: DATUM(II)←5;
                           L2: I ← DATUM(II)+1;

At L1 the  datum of the item  II is given the  value "5". At  L2, the
value  of  the  datum  of II  is  used  in  an  arithmetic assignment
statement which would cause the variable I to receive the value 6.

Datum  takes as  its  argument a  typed item  expression:  Typed item
expressions include:

      1. Typed items and itemvars (declared with their  type followed
         by ITEM or ITEMVAR) as in:

             INTEGER ITEM JJ;
             INTEGER ARRAY ITEM X[1:5];
             INTEGER ITEMVAR ARRAY Y[1:5];

         Note the distinctions  between the later  four declarations.
         X is declared to be a single item whose datum is  an integer
         array containing five elements. Y is declared to be an array
         of five  itemvars, each  of which is  claimed to  contain an
         item whose datum is a scalar integer. Z is declared to be an
         array of five itemvars whose values are claimed to  be items
         with datums which are integer arrays. Q is an  itemvar which
         supposedly contains an item whose datum in an integer array.
         As is shown above, we  do not specify the dimensions  of the
         the array which is the  datum of an array itemvar.  Thus for
         example, each element of Z could contain items  whose datums
         were  arrays of  different dimensions.  With  declared array
         items we must declare the dimension,  otherwise the compiler
         would not know how much space to allocate for the array.  We
         place the dimensions of  the array following the  item name.
         This  is somewhat  confusing as  it appear  that we  have an

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

         array of items rather than  a single item whose datum  is an
         array.  SAIL has solved this problem in a very arbitrary way
         by outlawing  declarations of arrays  of items. One  can get
         the effect  of arrays of  items by declaring  itemvar arrays
         and then assigning "NEW" items to the individual elements.

      2. Typed itemvar function calls:



         Thus we may talk of DATUM(SNEW("anystring"))

      3.  Assignment  expressions whose  left  hand side  is  a typed

The type of  the datum variable is  the type of its  item expression.
Thus,  the datum  of  an integer  item  expression is  treated  as an
integer  variable,  the datum  of  a real  array  item  expression is
treated as a real array and so forth.

NOTE: no check is actually made that the item is of the claimed type.
Thus, for  example, disastrous things may happen if one uses DATUM on
a string itemvar in which  an integer item has been stored.  The user
should  be  careful about  storing  typed items  into  different type
itemvars. When in doubt about  the actual type of an  item expression
he should use the function TYPEIT  to verify that the item is  of the
required type. TYPEIT is a predeclared integer function.

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


The values returned by TYPEIT are:

 0 - deleted or never allocated     1 - item has no datum.
 2 - bracketed triple(no datum)     3 - string item
 4 - real item                      5 - integer item
 6 - set item                       7 - list item
 8 - procedure item                 9 - process item
10 - event-type item               11 - context item
12 - refitm item                   13 - record!pointer item
23 - string array item             24 - real array item
25 - integer array item            26 - set array item
27 - list array item               31 - context array item
33 - record!pointer array item     37 - invalid type(error in LEAP)

Those codes not mentioned (14-22,28-30,32,34-36) are also invalid and
should be considered erroneous.

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


A set is an unordered  collection of unique items. All  set variables
are initialized to  PHI, the empty set  consisting of no  items.  Set
variables receive values by assignment or by placing individual items
in them by PUT statements.


     1. Explicit Set -  A sequence of item expressions which  make up
        the set surrounded by set brackets.
        E. G.
        a)  {item1,item2,item3⎇
        b)  {item2,item1,item3⎇
        c)  {item2,item2,item2,item3⎇

        Note: Since sets are unordered and a given item may appear at
        most once within a  set, set expressions a,b,and c  above all
        represent the same set.

     2. PHI -  the empty set.  The  set consisting of no  elements at
        all is the empty set which may be written as either
        {⎇ or PHI

     3. Set Union - written SET1 UNION SET2.
        The resultant  set contains all  items which are  elements of
        either SET1 or SET2 or both.
        {item1,item2⎇ UNION {item2,item3⎇ = {item1,item2,item3⎇

     4. Set Intersection - written SET1 INTER SET2
        The resultant  set contains all  items which are  elements of
        both SET1 and SET2.
        E. G.
        {item1,item2,item3⎇ INTER {item1,item2,item4⎇ = {item1,item2⎇

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

     5. Set Subtraction - written SET1 - SET2
        The resultant  set contains all  items which are  elements of
        SET1 but not elements of SET2.
        E. G.
        {item1,item2,item3⎇ - {item2,item4,item5⎇ = {item1,item3⎇


     1. To place a single item into a set variable we may use the PUT

                         PUT itemexpr IN setvar;

        This has the identical effect as:

                    setvar ← setvar UNION {itemexpr⎇;

        However, as the assignment  causes the set to be  copied, and
        the PUT doesn,'t  the PUT statement  will take less  time and
        space to execute.

     2. To remove a  single item from a  set variable we may  use the
        REMOVE statement

                       REMOVE itemexpr FROM setvar;

        This has the same effect as:

                      setvar ← setvar - {itemexpr⎇;

        Again, as the REMOVE statement avoids copying the set,  it is
        more efficient than the equivalent assignment statement.

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


     1. Set membership

                           itemexpr IN setexpr

        TRUE only if the item is an element of the set.

     2. Set equality

                           setexpr1 = setexpr2

        TRUE only if  each item in setexpr1  is in setexpr2  and vice

     3. Set inequality

                          setexpr1 NEQ setexpr2

        TRUE if setexpr1  or setexpr2 contains  an item not  found in
        the other.
        Equivalent to

                         NOT (setexpr1=setexpr2)

     4. Proper containment

             setexpr1 < setexpr2    or   setexpr2 > setexpr1

        TRUE  if every  item  in setexpr1  is also  in  setexpr2, but
        setexpr1  NEQ   setexpr2  Equivalent  to:   ((setexpr1  INTER
        setexpr2) = setexpr1) AND (setexpr1 NEQ setexpr2)

     5. Containment

            setexpr1 LEQ setexpr2    or setexpr2 GEQ setexpr1

        TRUE if every item in setexpr1 in also in setexpr2.
        Equivalent to

              (setexpr1 = setexpr2) OR (setexpr1 < setexpr2)

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


     1. COP (setexpr)  - returns an item  which is an element  of the
        set. As sets are unordered  you do not know which  element of
        the set will be returned It is useful most often when we know
        the set has but a single element in which case it will return
        that item.

     2. LOP  (setvar) -  same as COP  except argument  must be  a set
        variable and the item returned is also removed from that set.
        It is logically equivalent to the  following procedure:
             BEGIN ITEMVAR Q;
                     Q ← COP(Y);
                     REMOVE Q FROM Y;
        LOP  is  often  valuable  if we  wish  some  operation  to be
        performed on each item  of a set. Consider the  example below
        where we wish the datums of all integer items contained  in a
        set  SETI to  be  incremented by  one.  Assume  that  we have
        declared IITMVR to be an integer itemvar and TSET to be a set
        variable which we will use as temporaries.
             TSET ← SETI; "Copy set of interest into temporary"
             WHILE (TSET NEQ PHI) DO "loop while TSET has elements"
             BEGIN IITMVR ← LOP(TSET); "remove an element from TSET"
                IF TYPEIT(IITMVR) = 5 THEN "check if really integer"
                      DATUM(IITMVR) ← DATUM(IITMVR) + 1;
        NOTE: LOP is compiled into code other than  a straightforward
        procedure call  and thus like  many other  functionals cannot
        appear as a statement but only as part of an expression. Thus
        if  we just  wanted to  remove an  arbitrary set  element and
        throw if away we would have to say:

                            DMY ← LOP(SETVAR);

        where DMY is an itemvar whose contents we do not  care about,
        rather than the simpler:


DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

     3. LENGTH(setexpr) - returns  the number of items within  a set.
        Logically equivalent to following procedure:
             BEGIN "LENGTH"
                COUNT ← 0;
                WHILE (Y NEQ PHI) DO
                      DUMMY ← LOP(Y);"remove an element from the set"
                      COUNT ← COUNT +1; "step count of elements"
             END "LENGTH";
        The actual  implementation of LENGTH  is much  more efficient
        than  the above  procedure (usually  taking only  two machine
        instructions).  The most  efficient way  of determining  if a
        given set is  empty is to  see if the  LENGTH of that  set is
        zero. This is much faster that comparing the set and  PHI for

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


A list is  an ordered sequence  of items (not  necessarily distinct).
List variables are  initialized to NIL  the empty list  containing no
items.  List variables  receive values  by assignment  or  by placing
individual items in them by PUT statements.

LIST Expressions

     1. Explicit List -  written as the sequence of  items (separated
        by commas) all surrounded by list brackets "{{ ⎇⎇".

        a. {{ item1, item2, item3⎇⎇
        b. {{ item2, item1, item3⎇⎇
        c. {{ item2, item2, item1, item 3⎇⎇

        Note  that since  the  order and  number of  times  each item
        appears is important with lists, the expressions a, b,  and c
        above all represent different list expressions.

        NOTE: we may represent NIL, the empty list, by {{ ⎇⎇

     2. Concatenation  - written   list1 & list2.   This forms  a new
        list containing all  the items in  list1 followed by  all the
        items in list2.
        E. G.

           {{item1, item2, item3,⎇⎇ & {{item3, item4, item5 ⎇⎇
               {{item1, item2, item3, item3, item4, item5⎇⎇

               {{item1, item2⎇⎇ & {{item 4, item4, item5⎇⎇
                  {{item1, item2, item4, item4, item5⎇⎇

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

     3. Sublists - There are two forms of sublist expressions

        a. listexpr [i1  TO i2] -  the first integer  expression (i1)
           stands for the position  of the first element to  be taken
           and the second  (i2) stands for  the position of  the last
           element to be taken.
           E. G.

           {{itema,itemb,itemc,itemd⎇⎇[2 TO 3]={{itemb,itemc⎇⎇

           {{itema,itemb,itemc,itemd⎇⎇[3 TO 3]={{itemc⎇⎇

        b. listexpr [i1 FOR  i2] - the first integer  expression (i1)
           stands for the position  of the first element to  be taken
           and the second (i2)  stands for the number of  elements to
           be taken.  E. G.

           {{itema,itemb,itemc,itemd⎇⎇[2 FOR 3]={{itemb,itemc,itemd⎇⎇

           {{itema,itemb,itemc,itemd⎇⎇[3 FOR 1]={{itemc⎇⎇

           {{itema,itemb,itemc,itemd⎇⎇[3 FOR 0]={{ ⎇⎇= NIL

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

LIST Selectors

It is often  useful to think  of a list  as an untyped  itemvar array
with a single dimension with lower bound 1 and upper bound variable.

     1. Expression selector

        listexpr [i1] - returns the  item which is the i1  element of
        the list. If i1 is less than 0 or greater than the  number of
        elements of the list an error is signaled.
        E. G.

                   {{itema, itemb, itemc⎇⎇ [1] = itema

                   {{itemb, itemc, itemd⎇⎇ [2] = itemc

        Note the difference between  listexpr[i1] and listexpr[i1 FOR
        1].  The former returns an item and the later returns  a list
        containing a single item.

     2. Replacement selector

                         listvar[i1] ← itemexpr;

        This removes the i1 element of the list and replaces  it with
        the itemexpr i1 must be between 1 and the number  of elements
        in the list + 1.
        E. G.
        LIST1 ← {{ITEM1⎇⎇;
        LIST1[1] ← ITEM2; "NOW LIST1 = {{ITEM2⎇⎇"
        LIST1[2] ← ITEM3; "NOW LIST1 = {{ITEM2,ITEM3⎇⎇"
        LIST1[1] ← LIST1[2]; "NOW LIST1 = {{ITEM3,ITEM3⎇⎇"

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


itm IN listexpr - TRUE if the itm is an element of the listexpr

listexpr1 = listexpr2 - TRUE  if the lists contain the same  items in
     the same order.

LENGTH(listexpr) - this returns the current length of the list.

COP(listexpr)  -  this  is identical  in  semantics          with the
     expression  "listexpr[1]"

LOP(listvar)   -   this  returns   the   first  item   in   the  list
     variable  and  as  a  side  effect  removes  the  first  element
     from  the  list  variable. It  is  logically  equivalent  to the
     following procedure.
        BEGIN "LOP"
                ITEMVAR RESULT;
                RESULT ← ARG[1];
                ARG ← ARG[2 TO LENGTH(ARG)];
        END "LOP";

LISTX(listexpr,itemexpr,intexpr) - this integer function returns 0 if
     the  "itemexpr"  does  not appear  in  the  "listexpr"  at least
     "intexpr" different  times.  Otherwise it  returns the  index of
     the "intexpr" occurence of the "itemexpr" within the "listexpr".

            LISTX({{FOO,BAZ,GARP,BAZ,BAZ⎇⎇,BAZ,2)  is 4.

            LISTX({{FOO,BAZ,GARP,BAZ,BAZ⎇⎇,GARP,2) IS 0.

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


When we insert items into a  list we need to specify in some  way the
position within the list where the item is to be placed.  We  do this
by  specifying either  an index  position, or  item  BEFORE  or AFTER
which the item is to be inserted.

PUT itm1  IN  listvar AFTER  n - will  insert "itm1" after  the "nth"
     element of the "listvar". Thus  to insert an item into  the list
     after every element in the list we would execute:

             PUT itm1 IN  listvar AFTER LENGTH(listvar);

To insert the item at the head of the list we would use the index 0:

                    PUT itm1 IN listvar AFTER  0;

If the index is  less than 0 or greater  than the length of  the list
     variable then an error message is generated.

PUT  itm  IN  listvar  BEFORE n  -  this  is  identical  in semantics

                    PUT itm IN listvar AFTER N-1;

PUT itm1 IN  listvar  AFTER itm2;--  this statement searches  for the
     first occurrence  of itm2  within the  listvar and  inserts itm1
     into the list following itm2.  If itm2 is not an element  of the
     list  then  itm1 is  inserted  at the  end  of the  list.  It is
     equivalent to :

   PUT itm1 IN listvar AFTER (IF LISTX(listvar,itm2,1) NEQ 0 THEN

             LISTX(listvar,itm2,1) ELSE LENGTH(listvar);

PUT itm1 IN listvar BEFORE itm2 - this statement searches the listvar
     for the first occurence of  itm2 and then inserts itm1  ahead of
     itm2 in the list.  It is logically equivalent to:

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

   PUT itm1 IN listvar BEFORE (IF LISTX(listvar,itm2,1) NEQ 0 THEN

                    LISTX(listvar,itm2,1) ELSE 1;

REMOVE intexpr  FROM listvar  -- This  removes the  "intexpr" element
     from the listvar. It is equivalent to:

                 listvar ← listvar[0 to intexpr-1] &

               listvar[intexpr+1 to LENGTH(listvar)];

REMOVE itm FROM listvar - This removes the first occurrence of  "itm"
     from the list variable. It is equivalent to:

  IF itm IN listvar THEN REMOVE LISTX(listvar,itm,1) FROM listvar;

REMOVE ALL  itm FROM listvar  - This removes  all instances  of "itm"
     from tthe listvar.  It is equivalent to:

          WHILE itm IN listvar DO REMOVE itm FROM  listvar;

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


The associative  power of  LEAP comes from  the use  of associations,
also called triples or associative triples. A triple is a  3-tuple of
items.  We write a triple as:

                            A XOR O EQV V

where A, O, and  V are items or  item expressions. We call  the first
component  of  the  triple  (A  above)  the  "attribute";  the second
component (O above), the "object"; and the third component (V above),
the "value". Triples are kept in the "associative store". Triples are
inserted into  the associative store  by MAKE statements  and removed
from the associative store by ERASE statements.


A MAKE statement is of the form:

              MAKE itmexpr1 XOR itmexpr2 EQV itemexpr3;

If the triple already exists in the associative store,  the statement
does nothing, otherwise the triple is inserted into the store.


To remove  a triple from  the associative store  we execute  an ERASE

             ERASE itmexpr1 XOR itmexpr2 EQV itemexpr3;

If the  triple is not  in the associative  store, the  statement does
nothing, otherwise the triple is removed from the  associative store.
We often wish to erase all the triples which have specific items as 1
or  2 of  their  components but  we  don't care  about  the remaining
components. To  do this we  may use  the token ANY  to stand  for the
unspecified components.

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

E. G. to erase all  associations with item2 as their object  we could

                    ERASE ANY XOR item2 EQV ANY;

to erase all associations with item1 as their attribute and  item2 as
their object we would use:

                   ERASE item1 XOR item2 EQV ANY;

ANY may be used in 0, 1, 2, or all 3 positions in the triple. Thus,

                     ERASE ANY XOR ANY EQV ANY;

would get rid of all associations in the UNIVERSE.  (Currently erases
or searches with 3 ANY's are not implemented).

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


We  may determine  if  a given  triple  exists by  using  the boolean

                   itmexp1 XOR itmexp2 EQV itmexp3

which will evaluate to TRUE if the triple containing the items exists
in the associative store. As with ERASE 1 or 2 of the  components may
be ANY. Thus,

                        ANY XOR ANY EQV item1

will yield  the value  TRUE if  any triple  in the  associative store
contains item1 as its value component.


Another form of  the associative boolean  takes one or  more itemvars
(prefaced  by  the  operator BIND)  in  place  of  corresponding item
expressions.  The  boolean value  of this expression  is the  same as
that  of  the  associative  boolean  formed  by  replacing  the "BIND
ITEMVAR" terms with ANY. thus the expression:

                    FATHER XOR JOHN EQV BIND itv

would have the same truth value as the boolean expression:

                       FATHER XOR JOHN EQV ANY

The  binding boolean  though, has  an additional  side effect  if the
value  returned is  TRUE.  In that  case  it assigns  to  the itemvar
(prefaced by BIND) the value  of an item which makes  the associative
boolean TRUE. For example above, the interpreter would search  to see
if there  was any  triple in  the associative  store, which  had both
FATHER as its attribute  component and JOHN as its  object component.
If it found  one, the interpreter would  then assign the item  in the
value component to the itemvar "itv".

Note  that if  there  is more  than  one triple  which  satisfies the
associative boolean, which one is selected is undefined. If  there is
no triple which satisfies the boolean then the boolean  returns FALSE

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

and the value of the BIND itemvar remains unchanged. Thus if we had a
group  of  associations:  with  attributes,  the  items  CAR  and CDR
(representing a LISP like structure)  we could find the last  cell in
the CDR  direction of the  LISP-list pointed to  by first,  using the
very simple program:

        LAST ← FIRST ;

Note that each time the associative boolean is executed,  the current
value of  the itemvar LAST  is used as  the object component,  and if
successful the value of LAST is changed to become the next element in
the CDR direction.

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


In order to use the  associative nature of triples we must  have ways
of finding triples which  have certain specified components.  One way
we have discussed above  is the use of binding  associative booleans.
Another is to use  derived sets. The third, FOREACH  statements, will
be discussed later.

There  are  three forms  of  derived sets  now  implemented:  the (')
derived set, the ( XOR ) derived set, and the ( EQV ) derived set.

                          itmexp1 ' itmexp2

produces the set of all items X, such that

                      itmexp1 XOR X EQV itmexp2

is a triple currently in the associative store.

                         itmexp1 XOR itmexp2

produces the set of all items Y such that,

                      itmexp1 XOR itmexp2 EQV Y

is a triple in the associative store.

                         itmexp1 EQV itmexp2

produces the set of all items Y such that.

                      Y XOR itmexp1 EQV itmexp2

is a triple in the associative store

One or both of the item expressions may be the token ANY.  Again this
means that we do not care about the value of that component. Thus,

                           itmexp1 XOR ANY

will search  the associative  store for  all associations  which have
itmexp1  as their  attribute component,  and will  return the  set of
value components of such associations.

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976


Let us represent a family  tree using associations. We will  have the
declared item PARENT and the  sets MALE and FEMALE, as well  as items
representing  members of  the family:  JOE, TIM,  TED,  JOYCE, JANET,

The familial relationships are represented by a the following tree.

                TOM          ALICE             JOE        JAN
                 |             |                |          |
                 ---------------                ------------
                        |                             |
                  -------------                       |
                  |           |                       |
                JOYCE        TED                     TIM
                  |                                   |

Thus, the parents of HARRIET are JOYCE and TIM; the parents  of JOYCE
and TED are TOM and ALICE and so forth.

We can represent this tree by making the following associations:


                MAKE PARENT XOR TED EQV TOM;

                MAKE PARENT XOR TIM EQV JOE;
                MAKE PARENT XOR TIM EQV JAN;

To keep track of the sexes of the various people we have the two sets

                MALE ← {TIM,TED,TOM,JOE⎇;
                FEMALE ← {JAN,JOYCE,ALICE⎇;

NOTE: The  above is merely  one possible way  we might  represent the
family tree.   For example instead  of the MALE  and FEMALE  sets, we

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

might have associations of the  form: SEX XOR person EQV  MALE, where
MALE is  now an item.  One of the  interesting difficulties  in using
LEAP is deciding how to represent a given system of data as LEAP will
often allow many different ways of representing the same information.
Some of the tradeoffs  between the different representations  will be
discussed later.

Now to use the structure we have built. Let us say that we  wished to
find  the parents  of Harriet.  We may  easily do  this by  use  of a
derived set.


where HARRIET!PARENTS has been declared to be a set variable.

To find Harriet's brothers is a little more complicated.
        "find one parent"
            Comment the above could be replaced by 
            the binding associative boolean.
                PRINT("HARRIET IS AN ANDROID")
        "set of brothers,sisters"

        "brother is a male sibling"

The  above  example illustrates  the  use of  associations  as binary
relations between items, in this case the relation "parent of". Often
we wish to associate several  different pieces of data with  an item.
To do this we may declare  items which will be used to name  the data
and then allocate items which will contain the corresponding data for
each item. For example we may wish to record such  various attributes
of a person such as weight, height, nickname. To do this we will have
items WEIGHT,  HEIGHT, and NICKNAME  which will be  used to  name the
attributes. We will allocate items whose datums are the corresponding
values.  E.G.

                MAKE WEIGHT XOR JOE EQV NEW(165);
                MAKE HEIGHT XOR JOE EQV NEW (70);

Then to find the  value of an attribute  such as weight we  would use
the expression:

DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

Remember that  the assignment  of the  item to  the integer  itmvr is
required so  that the  compiler can tell  what the  data type  of the
datum is.  Again we  could use a binding associative  boolean instead
of  a  COP of  a  derived  set. The  binding  boolean  generates more
efficient code, but has the disadvantage of returning a boolean value
rather than an  item value as does  COP. However since COP  will stop
your program if you  apply it to an empty  set, it is well  worth the
syntactic bother to use the associative boolean.


By using these operations and set variables we have  sufficient power
to  do any  search on  the associative  data base.  However  one soon
realizes that they are very  inconvenient to use in all but  the most
simple cases. Therefore another technique is provided  called FOREACH

A FOREACH statement is similar  to a FOR statement in that  it causes
the  iteration of  a  given SAIL  statement  to be  performed  with a
control variable receiving  various values for each  iteration. These
values  are  obtained  by  searching  the  associative  data  base or
enumerating the members of a set of items.

The most simple FOREACH statement has a single "local" itemvar  and a
single "associative context". A local itemvar serves the same purpose
as the loop variable in a FOR statement. With each iteration  it will
receive an item value and a SAIL statement will be executed. A simple
example of a FOR statement is:

                    FOREACH X | BROTHER XOR BOY1 EQV X DO

This statement is equivalent to the following:

        tlist← BROTHER XOR BOY;
        FOR j ← 1 step 1 until LENGTH(tlist) DO
        BEGIN  X←tlist[j];


DRAFT                       LEAP TUTORIAL                May 11, 1976

There are two  special "items" which may  not be arguments to  a make
statement (and thus may not  be components of any association  in the
associative data  base). These  are ANY and  BINDIT. These  items may
appear anywhere  else an item  might be legal,  such as  within sets,
itemvars and lists.
We have mentioned ANY earlier. It essentially represents "don't care"
when we are doing pattern matching on the associative store. Thus

                   FOREACH x | x XOR ANY EQV B DO
is  to  be  iterated  once for  every  distinct  X  which  appears in
associations with B as the value component.

BINDIT  is used  to  conditionally control  ? searches.  It  also has
importance in MATCHING PROCEDURES  which will be discussed later.
There  are  special  forms  of  the  BINDING  BOOLEANS   and  FOREACH
statements, are affected when an itemvar to be bound contains BINDIT.
The BINDING BOOLEAN B XOR C  EQV ? x is identical in effect  with the
              (IF x = BINDIT THEN (B XOR C EQV BIND x)
                        ELSE (B XOR C EQV x))

That  is the  value of   x is  used if  not equal  to BINDIT  and the
itemvar x is to be bound  if the value of x is equal to BINDIT.

               FOREACH ?x,y | A XOR x EQV y DO <stmt>

                     is similarly equivalent to

                IF X=BINDIT THEN 
                        FOREACH x,y | A XOR x EQV y DO <stmt>
                   else FOREACH y | A XOR x EQV y DO <stmt>

Note that the FOREACH in the else part of the statement does not have
"x" in its binding list and thus x is considered to have a value. The
reverse is true in the THEN part of the statement.
