perm filename LOGIN[3,2]9 blob sn#725142 filedate 1983-10-16 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Only people with authorized accounts may log in on this system, though
some programs can be run without logging in.  Say "HELP GUEST" for a list
of these "free" programs.

To log in, type the word LOGIN (this may be abbreviated L) followed
by a space, your project name, a comma, and your programmer name:
This will log you in, and type out any system messages or personal
mail for you which may exist.  You can stop the message typeout by
typing the CALL key (CONTROL-C twice from Teletypes).  There are some
options in login invoked by using other characters in place of the ","
	/ - types only system messages that have been posted since
	    you last logged in.
	. - suppresses all messages.
	% - lets you specify a new password.
In order to log in from the network or remotely, you must have a password.

For a more complete description of LOGIN options, see the printed Monitor
Command Manual or its online version MONCOM.BH[S,DOC], whose updates are

Accounts are usually limited to faculty, students and staff of the
Computer Science Department, and to the faculty and students of related
departments with whom we share research interests.  There are charges
for accounts; consult with CSD Computer Facilities for details.

These facilities are highly subsidized by the governmental agencies that
fund research projects here.  Therefore, we provide outside accounts only
for such projects in which we have a collaborative interest.

If you want to apply for an account, you should communicate with
Leonard Bosack, by telephone at (415) 497-0445, by mail at the
	Computer Science Department
	Stanford University
	Stanford, California  94305

or by network mail to Bosack at SU-Score.  Your request should
cover the following points:
1.  A brief description of your project and its goals,
2.  Expected duration of the project,
3.  Proposed account designation (e.g. "1,XYZ", where both the
    project designation, "1" in the example, and programmer initials,
    "XYZ", may be up to 3 letters).  To check whether your initials
    are already being used by someone, give the system command
    "FINGER <initials>".  If the initials are not in use, this
    will type a message with the word "UNKNOWN".
4.  Your network mail or ordinary mail address.