perm filename JOB[DOC,CSR]1 blob sn#365221 filedate 1978-07-03 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	.require "fonts[1,cjs]" source file
C00004 00003	.begin center								
C00007 00004	.once center <<introduction>>
C00011 00005	.once center <<assign report no.>>
C00014 00006	%3B.  MAINTAINING THE LOG%1
C00016 00007	.begin nofill select B
C00023 00008	Archival copy
C00028 00009	%3C.  MAKING THE COVERS%1
C00035 00010	%3D.  ORDERING HARDCOPY %1
C00040 00011	%3E.  ORDERING MICROFICHE%1
C00063 00015	%3J.  AGENCY DISTRIBUTION%1
C00068 00016	%3K.  LIBRARY POLICIES%1
C00071 00017	%3L.  FINANCIAL  RECORDS%1
C00075 00018	%32.  BUDGET STATEMENTS%1
C00077 00019	.once center <<classnotes>>
C00081 00020
C00083 ENDMK
.require "fonts[1,cjs]" source file;
.font 1 "metm";		<<regular text>>
.font A "CLAR40";	<<chapter headings>>
.font B "FIX25";	<<computer talking>>
.begin center								

%ATable of Contents
.begin nofill							     

%3Technical Reports: Computer-related tasks

%3Technical Reports: Production-associated tasks%1

	A.  Assigning a CS report number

	B.  Maintaining the log

	C.  Making the covers

	D.  Ordering hardcopy

	E.  Ordering microfiche

	F.  Preparing an abstract listing

	G.  Printing an abstract listing

	H.  Mailing an abstract listing

	I.  Distributing reports

	J.  Agency information

	K.  Library policies

	L.  Financial records

	M.  Monitoring costs

.next page
.once center <<introduction>>
~The primary function of this position is to coordinate the publication and
distribution of  the technical  reports and  classnotes arising  from  the
research and teaching activity of  the department.  Eighty percent of  the
work relates  to  the  technical  reports, which  are  distributed  to  an
international scientific  community.  Approximately  100 research  reports
are  published  each  year;  there  are  1600  people  notified  of  their
publication by means of an abstract listing which is mailed about 8  times
per year.   There are  approximately 600  orders per  abstract listing  to
process.  Requests from  people not on  our mailing list  or requests  for
noncurrent reports average 50-100 per  month.  Twenty percent of the  work
relates to classnotes, which  are sold to  students through the  bookstore
and to other universities and individuals by mail order from this  office.
Orders from colleges typically involve 25-100 copies of one classnote.
.skip 3
.once center
~You will operate a  computer system (on-line  equipment at the  Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory)  from  a  t.v.  terminal  in  your  office.   The
Computer Science Report Distribution System  is a collection of files  and
programs written  in SAIL  that automates  the distribution  of  technical
reports.  Using a series  of commands, you will  update the mailing  list,
process orders, receive payments, make credit adjustments, mail  abstracts
(make labels) or  reports (make  labels and invoices),  send old  reports,
late and outside requests.

~How to use the system is explained in the document  "REPORT.TXT[DOC,CSR],"
which follows.  This system manual tells  you how to get started, what  to
do next, gives examples of dialog  sessions, etc.  The manual teaches  you
how the computer programs work, but the best way to learn what you will do
is to study a sample of what  goes on in a typical situation.   Basically,
the computer will ask  the questions, and you  will give the answers.   In
addition, you will tell the computer  what to do with the information  you
have supplied.  The system was designed to make your work easy and fast.
.next page
.once center <<assign report no.>>
~You will  assign  report numbers  to  papers  written by  members  of  the
department.  Do not assign report numbers to unwritten documents.  Authors
request CS #'s  from you when  they are  ready to publish  a report.   All
report numbers include the identifying prefix "STAN-CS."  For example, the
report titled "A  programming and problem-solving  seminar" by Michael  J.
Clancy and Donald E. Knuth  is numbered "STAN-CS-77-606."  The "77"  gives
the year of publication.  The "606" is the number you assign.  Numbers are
assigned in sequence.  A CS report  may have another number as well.   For
example, it may be  jointly published as  an Artificial Intelligence  Memo
(abbreviated A.I.M.) or an Heuristic Programming Project Memo (abbreviated
H.P.P.).  Other numbers in series (DSL, ERDA, SLAC) are assigned by  other
people.  Whenever  there  is  a  joint  publication,  you  will  negotiate
disposition for the  department.  The Digital  Systems Lab publishes  both
technical reports  and technical  notes and  either can  be issued  as  CS
reports.  For example, STAN-CS-77-607 was also published as DSL T.R.  133.
ERDA numbers are assigned by  the Numerical Analysis group.  For  example,
STAN-CS-77-615 has  the  Energy Research  and  Development number  SU  326
.next page

~You will maintain a log of reports which contains all relevant information
about any one report.  Please study the example logsheet which follows  as
its purpose is explained.  As you can see, the top portion of the page  is
to be filled out by you.  After it is filled out, you will give it to  the
person who requested the CS # for the Principal-Investigator's  signature,
among other details.  You will use  this signature as an authorization  to
charge printing and postage costs.  From this sheet you will draw all  the
information you need to  publish and distribute a  paper as a CSD  report.
All  logsheets  are   kept  as   a  permanent   history  of   departmental

~Prepare the logsheet in duplicate so that you have a record of what CS #'s
are assigned  for  the  next listing  when  you  give one  copy  away  for
signature.  When  the  signature copy  is  returned, you  may  remove  the
temporary copy.  The blanks  on the sample logsheet  will be discussed  as
they are numbered.
.next page
.begin nofill; select B

                                		Request Date ____________________

						Requested By ____________________

						   Extention __________
CS Number Assigned: STAN-CS-____________________
Any other series number (i.e. AIM, TR, DOE, SLAC, etc.): ____________________

Author(s):  _____________________________________________________________________

Title:  _________________________________________________________________________


Number of pages:  _______________          Is report a thesis?  _________________

Granting Agency(ies):  ________________     ________________      _______________

Univ. Account No.(s):  ________________     ________________      _______________

% to be used for 
printing & postage:    ________________     ________________      _______________

Will this report be submitted for publication elsewhere?  Yes   No  (circle one)

If so, where?  __________________________________________________________________

CS areas:  (Circle one or more)
     A) analysis of algorithms			K) combinatorial mathematics
     C) computer control of external devices    L) computational linguistics
     D) digital computer systems		M) mathematical theory of computation
     E) education				N) numerical analysis
     G) general (miscellaneous)			O) operations research
     H) health and medicine			P) programming systems and languages
     I) artificial intelligence

Special Instructions:  (If you have special distribution instructions, please list 
them below.  [Normal distribution includes making hard/microfiche copies; making 
copies available to everyone on the mailing list who orders them at the stated cost
($1.70 + .028/page); and sending copies to NTIS if not a thesis.])




Signature of P.I.:  _____________________________________________________________
Please note that unless you specify otherwise we will print the following:

__________  hard copies                           300 microfiche 
.next page



		SENT	     WHERE		     # COPIES	     COST     RETURNED

Hard Copy      _______       ______________________  _________       ______   ________

Microfiche     _______       ______________________  _________       ______   ________




	Archival copy   	_____________		__________	N / A

	Author          	_____________		__________	__________

	ONR             	_____________		__________	__________

	ARPA            	_____________		__________	__________

	ERDA            	_____________		__________	__________

	NSF             	_____________		__________	__________

	NTIS                 	_____________		__________	__________

	Computer Forum   	_____________		__________	__________

	Automatic           	_____________		__________	__________

	Student Requests      	_____________		__________	__________



			____________  Hardcopy

			____________  Microfiche



					____________  Hardcopy

					____________  Microfiche

.next page
Archival copy







Computer Forum


Student Requests

.next page

~You will lay out and make up the cover for all CS reports.  Please look at
the sample  cover which  follows.   You will  note  that a  Stanford  logo
appears at the bottom.  Instruct the printer to use "Stanford seal"  cover
stock.  The cover is typed on  the large directory typewriter used by  the
department for announcements.   All  information is  centered  and  always
includes: title, author, report number, report date (month of  publication
or month of listing), Computer Science Department [written with "expanded"
spacing], School  of Humanities  and  Sciences, and  STANFORD  UNIVERSITY.
There are two  variations to the  basic cover, examples  of which  follow.
All ERDA numbers are printed in the upper-right hand corner of the  cover,
as you note the cover of STAN-CS-76-585.  When a CS report is published as
a Heuristic Programming Project Memo, follow  the format of the cover  for
STAN-CS-77-589/ HPP-77-2.  Also, ther are  six informal groups within  the
Heuristic  Programming  Project  [Knowledge-Based  Consultation   Systems,
MOLGEN, Protein-Crystallography,  Hydroid, DENDRAL  and Meta-DENDRAL] and
you may include a group name immediately beneath the author's name if  the
author so desires.  The group name is not necessary, however.  A fast  way
to prepare the covers is to use a backup sheet with lines for spacing  and
to remember the left margins for the formula at the bottom (94,88,80.)
.next page

~You will order hardcopy from a campus printer.  Follow the checklist in B.
Usually,  there  is  no  need  to  estimate  printing  costs   before  you
obtain a Principal-Investigator's signature.  However, you should be aware
of the differences in pricing schedules of the various printers.  You will
estimate costs for a "committment" of  funds.  All CS reports are  printed
two-sided (to save on  postage costs.)  The Stanford  seal cover stock  is
always used.  Depending on the length of the report, it can be stapled  in
the corner (good for a very short report 10 pages or less); stapled in two
places; stapled in  three places  and trimmed with  tape; or,  velo-bound.
Look at old  reports to get  an idea of  the various methods  used in  the
past.  Remember that the regularity of  the format is more important  than
the type  of binding. 

~How do you estimate costs?  Here are two price  examples  from  our  usual
printers.   See price lists which  follow  for  exact  location  of  quo-,
tations.  Let us say you have a CS report 59 pages long  and you want  300
.begin nofill; select B
			a.  printing	60 x 4.09 = 245.40        
			b.  cover stock 600 x .02 =  12.00
                        c.  stapling 	300 x .01 =   3.00

			a.  printing  	=	187.00
			b.  collating   =        81.00
    			c.  cover stock =	 24.50
 			d.  stapling    =        14.00    

~Please use these  price lists  to estimate costs  in  this  way.  The  SEL
printer will send you an advance copy of the CS report for your  approval.
Check the advance  copy for the  quality of the  printing, missing  pages,
incorrect pagination, errors in collating, etc.  Do not give your  written
approval (signature  on their  green  slip) until  the report  meets  your
satisfaction and  all mistakes  have been  corrected.  You  will use  this
advance copy to order  microfiche.  The SCIP printer  does not provide  an
advance copy, so instruct him to leave one copy of the report unbound  and
you can  use that  copy for  the same  purpose.  Arrange  delivery of  the
printed reports in  the appropriate way.   CS reports printed  at SEL  are
delivered by the SCIP courier, but you must make arrangements through  the
A.I. Lab for pick-up and delivery (the A.I. Lab "shares" the courier while
the department does not.)  CS reports printed at SCIP are usually  brought
to your office by one of the workers.
.next page

~You will order microfiche  from Eastman Kodak  Company, 915 Beach  Street,
San Francisco, Ca.  94119.   Your contact person at  Eastman Kodak is  Mr.
Don Hunsicker (415-776-6055.)  Each year  the department will establish  a
blanket order purchase requisition with Eastman  Kodak to be used by  you.
All invoices will be paid by the Publications Clearing Account.   However,
since microfiche  costs  for  CS  reports are  to  be  borne  by  granting
agencies, costs are transferred later.   When you have collected  advances
for all the CS reports of an abstract listing, you are ready to order  the
microfiche.  cover letter  to Mr. Hunsicker  which includes the  following
information about each document to be microfilmed:
.begin nofill; indent 10
a.##number of pages
b.##index title, i.e. report number, title of report, author
card x of x, month & year
c.##number of microfiche copies
d.##header color.

See the following letter as an example.

Estimate microfiche costs for the listing (see sample sheet.)  Determine
costs by report.  Check with Mr. Hunsicker for current unit prices.  There
are 98 pages that fit on one card or fiche.
.begin nofill; select B
			  1   -    98  pages:  one master
		         99   -   196    "  :  two masters
			197   -   294    "  :  three masters

~Usually, you will order a standard number of copies, e.g. we now order 300
copies of each report.  Remember that the header color of all HPP memos is
dark green.  The microfiche for A.I. memos is ordered by someone else.

~Send all document originals (numbered as in your letter) to Mr. Hunsicker.
Instruct Metering Services to mail your package "first class,   certified,
receipt requested."  When you receive the receipt for the package, you can
rest assured that your reports arrived safely at Eastman Kodak!    (Note :
Metering Services charges an extra handling fee for this kind of  request.
It appears separately on the budget statement.)
.next page

~You  will  prepare  abstract  listings   ("Most Recent CS Reports")  after
you have assigned  8-12  report numbers.  Please take  a look at the  June
abstract listing which 06{33??→βS#O→β∪'≡≠WOON{99↓¬;#eβ&yβg?*β←π'"βW;SNaβg?(h+#π6)βπO≡K∨;↔"βS#π"β7π;Jβ;↔]∧~M↓βw+7↔↔→⎇↓α6KKOQbβ'Qβ≡{OSMα!QAAk)AAβ&yβ7πN`4+SF)β3'∨#';≥αCπ;⊃ε?W"↓⊃EUα↓βS=πβK';"β'Q%bβO=↓πK?Uβ>;Qβ.s?W∨BβK↔C␈∪SM↓π#<4+n/∃β&C∃β'v#'[''+π1β≡{OSMε3?Iβ.∂!↓π∪↔C?↔!∨Mβ?∪π;SNs≥βπ>+;∂eπ#=β*βπM↓εc?\4VMβC␈≠O'f)9↓↓¬≠↔∂?v!1βg␈)↓β∂∞s;?Qε3'Q↓εk?K∃π##π9α↓EIβ⊗+C?K'→↓β?rβS#∃αβS?@hSO↔∂&K?9β}1↓βSF)↓β?⊗#↔I↓ε3?K5αβπ;⊃π≠S'3b↓β/↔/↓↓βSF)↓β7N#∪3∃αβO↔∂&K?9↓ε∪3π;Xh)#;.≠↔OO∂∪eβ≠␈⊃αU:~qβC?∨#π1β⊗+∨W3∂#'?;~q%↓α&C'K⊃bβg?Uε#=β;␈!β←πw!βS=αβ?≠≠/⊂4+7␈∪∃βSF9↓E∩βK↔C␈∪SMβ6{IβC⊗∂S'≡1βK.O?;~i7'Qπ;?W3"β∃β&K≠≠'∨+3Qβ&y↓β7∞K04+&CπQβn;e↓π∪↔C?↔#M↓β&y↓βSF{O∃↓πβ↔?Cf)β?9αβS#∃αβ7π'fK;≥↓εc'OQαβ←#=αβ?K∪/∪↔⊂4V+[↔KO##';:↓##π⊗#∂?CJβ?IβnK∂K?6K∂#∃rI↓αSF)β3'∨#';∨~βπCC.Iβπ⊗{WQ↓BβS'7/→β∧4WK↔πIph(4(U#↔∂#vK∂π1π#gC'v9β'Mπ∪↔GWO∪↔⊃↓εK→βπf;?K'&C7Mβ∂βC↔π∩β'9β&C∃βπ↔≠SKπ∨#Mβ?2βS#∀hSK↔C␈∪SMβN{Uβπ⊗)β3'∨#';≥r↓αCK/βπK∃π##∃βfKOS'v9β?9ε{[↔K≡Kk↔⊃π≠#↔↔'→β?→πβπC↔⊂h)!E
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d~NJur⊃%↓α&C∃β?⊗#↔Iβ6{K5βO→↓β∪O3'∪↔ h+';&yβS#⊗+∃βO.≠S'?w→9↓α.∂!β∞∪OSK∞≠Qβ3O≠S';:β←#↔rβCK'w#↔⊃β>K31β⊗)β∂?fcπS↔"`4+≠}c∪↔⊃εK9βSFKK∪Mbβπ;⊃αβOSπεc↔⊃β≡c?O↔"q↓αSF)βS?α↓βO↔∨#'?9εK;∂3.#↔Mβ∞c1↓β&C∀4+Ns≠?KnS'?rβ;↔∂/≠OπKJβ≠?Iαβ↔π∂BβC↔K≡{9β?r↓βS#*β7π'fK;≥βfKOQ↓π#=β?⊗#↔I↓π##∀4W∪↔C?↔#M↓βF)↓β←O≠#↔Mr↓↓αSF)↓β;.k↔K~↓βπ;"↓β3↔'#↔KMαβ?→↓π##∃↓π∪↔C?↔#M↓βv7↔⊂hS∂?K⊗+OC?v!β↔c∞≠S3eπ#=↓β&C∃β∪∂#¬βg␈)↓β←Nc1β∨O3∃βSF)↓β∂}kCWS/⊃β←#.qβg?*↓βπK(h+K↔∞#eβSzβ7π'bβK↔C␈∪SM9αα'Q↓εKMβ¬ε;??⊃εK∪↔¬π#=↓βn'1β&C∃βK/β?KS~βπ?/!↓βS>x4+←.+/Mβ∞3S↔Iπ##∃β&+π∪3Ns∃84Ph(jSF)β7'∃β≡+∂S'}qβ7W∨!β∃π#?Sπfceβf;-β∞≠∂?K&K;≥β&yβS#*βK↔∨.cπS'}sM↓β6{H4+↔+3-βn'3'v99↓α}q↓βSF)β3∞s-↓β≡+∂S'}qβg?*↓β←'faβπ≠6Ka↓β&C∃β7∞K3';:↓β3π⊗+3L4WβK?∪.≠↔⊃β↔IβS#*↓β∂?oβWS↔∩β?9β&C∃↓βfK;∃βπ∪';S/⊃9↓αf↔3~↓β≠?∩βW3Z↓β7πNc';≤hQ#π3bαπ7↔⊗K∂π9ε∪∪K/≠O↔MJβπK∃αβC3π≡+⊃β'rβS#∃εk'∪∪f)↓β?2βS#∃ε∪3π;Z↓βO↔∨#'?9ph*3π⊗+3Mβ6{IβπO∪7π'bβ7π'fK;≥↓F31α6{K↔'>qβπ∪'∪↔OO/→%βπ⊗)βC3∞≠↔⊃βNqβS#*β3?←/⊂4+∂␈∪;↔Iπ≠=↓β&CπQβ&C↔e↓ε≠π9β⊗)↓βO.+9↓β&CK?W>AβS#*↓↓←Ns∪?]∩β?→↓π##∃↓π≠C↔∂N04+.s[↔3␈β↔Mβ/≠↔⊃β6{IβSF+'Iβn'3'v99↓↓¬##∃β⊗{SS?jβO↔∂&K?9β≡{;SπNsMβg␈+I↓βv7∀4V;⊃β∞#∪K↔ so  that the  person on  the mailing  list can  check off  the
reports he wants, staple the order form closed, attach a stamp and  return
it to you for processing.
.next page

~When you are ready to print an abstract listing,  determine  the number of
listings to print  by checking your  latest "DIALOG.TMP" to  see how  many
people are on the mailing list.  Each session ends with the figure for the
total number of entries,  a figure broken  into the following  categories:
F(free), A(automatic), N(ONR list), and  M(A.I. or ARPA list.)   Abstracts
are not sent  to the automatic,  ONR or A.I.  lists.  Therefore,  subtract
these lists from the total number for the exact figure you need.  Print  a
few extra copies for  your office and for  future additions to the mailing
list  who  might   be  interested  in   "past"  listings.   Then   prepare
instructions for Reprographic Services, where  you will have the  listings
printed.  Always include a sample of an old abstract listing when you  are
ordering a new one so that the  printer has something to refer to.   Allow
5-7 working days for the printing.  Special note:  Instruct the printer to
staple exactly as you have indicated.   You want the staple to be  located
at the bottom of the  blank section so that  the machine that meters  bulk
rates will not open or destroy  the listing.  Correctly stapled, one  side
of the listing will  show the top  of the order form,  and the other  side
will be blank (see example.)
.next page

~You  will  attach  the  mailing  labels  (printed at the A.I. Lab)  to the
abstract listings  as described  above.   The mailing  charges are  to  be
divided among  the granting  agencies sponsoring  the publication  of  the
reports.  You will compute  these percentages according to the information
you have collected on  your logsheets (use the  calculator.)  Here is  the
procedure to follow:
.begin indent 10,15,10
1.##List each report that appears on "Most Recent CS Reports"
in a column.

2.##Opposite each report, indicate which university accounts
are to be used for postage costs.  List both accounts if 
two are provided (include specified percentages.)

3.##Divide 100 by the number of reports to see what % each 
report's postage will be.  Subdivide accordingly.

4.##Add the %'s for each grant listed.  

5.##Prepare an Interdepartmental Request to state exactly how
mailing costs for all pieces are to be divided.

%3NOTE:%1##Abstract listings mailed bulk rate  are
not likely to reach their destination for 2-3 weeks.  In 1977 we conducted
an experiment to see if mailing our domestic listings "first class"  would
make any difference to  our distribution system.   We mailed the  February
listings bulk rate for $395.67.   We received  224 orders,  mostly in  the
fifth and sixth week  after mailing.  We mailed  the April listings  first
class for $478.60 and received 278 orders, mostly in the second and  third
week after mailing.  However, as long as we  continue to mail our  reports
two weeks after the announced deadline,  there is no point in sending  our
domestic listings first class.  The turnaround time for each listing (from
the time the listing is taken to the printer until reports are sent) is  8
.next page

~The  disposition  of  every  CS  report  is   determined  by its  granting
agency.  Since sponsorship varies with each report, the exact distribution
will vary also.  However, if you keep  in mind where you will always  send
the reports, the  procedure is  routine.  All reports  are distributed  in
these four  areas (in  order  of sequence):   
.begin nofill; indent 10
2.##granting agency (discussed in detail in next section)
3.##other requests (students)
4.##mailing list

~Of  course,  as a  practical  matter, it is easier for you to  standardize
how you  distribute the  reports than  to change  your methods  with  each
listing.  However, how you distribute the reports is up to you--as long as
the reports are sent where required.  The following routine is  suggested:
.begin indent 10,15,0
1.##When the report is returned from the printer, count out the number  of
copies to be given to the author(s).  

2.##Count out the number of reports to be sent to a granting agency,  e.g.
if the CS report is sponsored by ERDA, count out 7 copies to set aside.

3.##People not on the mailing list  (students and visitors)  receive their
copies separately.  First, you must count the number of requests for  each
report.  Second, you must make labels  for these requests.  The number  of
"other requests" is  entered on  the logsheet  for each  report.          

4.##Invoices and labels for the big mailing are made by the computer.  You
will enter a figure  "available for distribution"  with the MAIL  program.
Because no invoices are generated for the automatic, ONR or A.I. lists, it
is somewhat easier to stuff these envelopes first and set them aside.  You
will know what reports  to use for each  list by checking your  logsheets.
The automatic list receives everything  in hardcopy from each listing,  so
jet-packs  are  used  instead  of  regular  manila  envelopes.   The   ONR
distribution of reports  is slightly  irregular [20 hashcodes  get 1  copy
each, 2 hashcodes get 2 copies each, 2 hashcodes get 6 copies each].   The
A.I. list includes all HPP and AI memos.  After the big mailing, you  will
count the number of  hardcopy reports left.  This  number will be  entered
into the computer system for the SEND program.  For your own  convenience,
the number of microfiche copies can be taken from the "DIALOG.TMP" of  the
day you mailed reports.  A final note:  you will keep a record of your  CS
report distribution on disposition sheets (example follows.)
.next page
.begin nofill; select B
	Send DDC form 1473, white card, and 12 copies to:
			Defense Document Center
			Cameron Station
			Recipient No. 146 (Code 146)
			Alexandria, Virginia 22314.
	Send 36 copies to all #ONR hashcodes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
	Send DDC form 1473, white card, and 12 copies to:
			Defense Document Center
			Cameron Station
			Recipient No. 146 (Code 146)
			Alexandria, Virginia 22314.
	Send 3 copies to:
			Advanced Research Projects Agency
			Washington, D.C. 20301
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 	
	Send form AEC-427 and 7 copies to:
			Mrs. T. Oji
			Contract Services Division
			Energy Research & Development Administration
			1333 Broadway
			Oakland, Ca. 94612
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
	Send 3 copies to:
			Technical Monitor
			Division of Mathematics and Computer Science
			National Science Foundation
			1800 G Street, N.W.
			Washington, D.C. 20550
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	Send form NTIS-35, orange card, $40.00 check for input fee, & 15 copies:
			National Technical Information Service
			Operations Division--P-35
			Springfield, Virginia 22150
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
	Send 1 copy to:
			NASA Scientific & Technical Information Facility
			P. O. Box 33
			College Park, Md. 20740
	Send 1 copy to:
			NASA Headquarters
			Washington, D.C. 20546
			Attn: New Technology Representative
			Code: KT
	Send 4 copies to:
			NASA Headquarters
			Washington, D.C. 20546
			Attn:  Information Sciences Br. Chief
			Code:  RRK/RAK09
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Note:  please see the sample forms which follow.  
.next page

~It is the policy of the  Computer Science Department  to exempt  libraries
from payment for hardcopy.  You will always change the billing category of
any library to free whenever you are asked to so so.  

~All letters requesting such status should be given to the Computer Science
Department Library,  where records  of all  agreements are  kept.  If  the
Librarian  believes  that  any  particular  library  deserves  "AUTOMATIC"
status, he will let  you know.  The Librarian  has certain guidelines  for
automatic reciprocal exchange agreements, for example, the quality or  the
frequency of reports an institution could supply.

~When a library requests to be placed on the mailing list, you will send  a
form letter which explains our policy and gives instructions for ordering.

~%3NOTE:%1##Business  libraries,  like   college
libraries, will  not  be  charged  for reports  unless  they  so  request.
College libraries which  are on the  Automatic List should  not be on  the
Free List  as well.   The number  of college  libraries or  the number  of
persons on any  campus who  receive reports free  will be  decided by  the
committee chairman.  College libraries that charge us for reports will  be
charged also.   The  CSD  Library  will  inform  you  of  such  cases.   A
clarification of  the  free billing  category  will be  included  on  each
abstract listing with the information to request reports.
.next page

~All checks that you receive for payment of CS reports  are recorded  in
the receipt book.   See sample which  follows.  ALWAYS indicate  residency
(Ca. sales are  taxed) and  ALWAYS note  the hashcode.   When you  receive
checks from people not on the  mailing list, note the hashcode as  #99999.
When you receive checks  for reports not sent  through the system  (office
sales or donations), no hashcode is used.  The sheets of the receipt  book
are prepared in triplicate.  The original is thrown out, the yellow copies
are kept for the department, and the white copies are returned to PBR.

~Please  note  that (with the exception of office sales and donations), all
payments are  then recorded  in the  computer system.   See example  of  a
session with RECEIVE in the "REPORT.TXT[DOC,CSR]."  The computer will  ask
you for  a hashcode,  verify that  the hashcode  matches the  name of  the
individual from  whom  you have  received  a payment,  and  concludes  the
transaction by asking you for the amount received (or amount + or -, if an
accounting adjustment.) 

~Twice a month, you will prepare transmittal of departmental collections to
cashier sheets.  See example which follows.  Do the following  arithmetic:
.begin nofill; indent 10
A.##Total CA (CA checks + cash)
B.##Total others
C.##Multiply CA by .06103
D.##Subtract (C) from (A)
E.##Add (D) and (B)
F##Add (A) and (B)

~Record the following information:
.begin nofill; select B
	Name				Number			Amount
	Publications Account		1-FCZ-107-94647		  E
	Sales Tax Account		0-ZZZ-001-51721		  C
						        TOTAL	  F

~%3NOTE:%1##Endorse checks that are made out to you.  Stamp them with the  "For 
deposit only"  stamp.   Enclose  two  calculator  tapes  which  show  your
addition of the checks.   Count the checks and  circle that number on  the
tapes.  Show 0* at the beginning of your tapes to show that the calculator
was cleared.  Make a copy of the transmittal sheet for the department, and
make a copy for yourself.  Prepare separate sheets for any money  not sent
in American currency.
.next page

~You will check the budget statements of the Publications Fund, identifying
postage and  freight charges,  microfiche charges,  incoming monies,  etc.
Make a copy of the monthly statement for yourself, and return the original
to the department.

~When a microfiche charge appears on the budget statement, you will prepare
a transfer  of  expense  form  (see example  which  follows)  to  allocate
microfilm and microfiche  production costs to  appropriate accounts.   You
will calculate  the cost  of each  report  and figure  the amounts  to  be
transferred from the invoice you receive from Eastman Kodak.
.next page

~After each  big  mailing,  prepare  a status  report  (see  example  which
follows.)  Record all costs on the logsheets for the permanent record.
.next page
.once center <<classnotes>>
~You  will  coordinate  the  printing  and  sale  of  classnotes  with  the
departmental secretary.   What  classnotes  are printed  depends  on  what
classes are being  taught in any  given quarter.  Classnotes  are sold  to
students through the bookstore and  to other individuals and  institutions
by mail order from your office.   Classnotes are published for the use  of
our professors in their lectures and  not actually intended for resale  at
other universities.  Nevertheless, you will maintain an inventory of  past
classnotes.  Only those  classnotes that  are being used  in a  particular
quarter are sold at the bookstore.  All others are sold from your  office.
Many of the same procedures used in publishing technical reports are  used
for publishing  classnotes, e.g.   the  printing (determining  where,  how
many, when), the keeping  of records (recording sales  in a receipt  book,
preparing  transmittal  sheets),  etc.    However,  the  distribution   of
classnotes is not computer-based, so the procedures are different.

~You will fill  mail order  requests individually.  Each  sale is  invoiced
separately.  Postage or shipping costs are added to the unit prices.   The
CSD will not exchange or issue credit for returned publications and is not
responsible for damages  incurred in shipment.   For large shipments,  you
will act as the liaison with Traffic (Logistics) for the department.  (The
department has  established  a  blanket order  purchase  requisition  with
Traffic to handle the mailing of boxes.)

~You will  prepare  and post  lists  of classnotes  and  manuals  currently
available.  Also, you  will prepare a  yearly record of  sales.  You  will
keep files of pending invoices and follow up on delinquent accounts.   One
copy of each classnote is kept for the departmental archive.