perm filename IQMEMB.LPT[USE,CSR] blob sn#586889 filedate 1981-05-13 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
IQMEMBERS.PTY.1 written on 20 Apri  GENDERM
Description File was AAAI.DES.4     AFFILUniv of California at Ir
Data File was IQMEMBERS.SRT.1       
Jarvis, R. A                        Johnson, Leslie
Dept of Comp Sci                    19 Costwold Close, Uxbridge
Australian National Univ            Middlesex, England
PO Box 4                            
Canberra, 2600                      
ACT, Australia                      
Jordan, Steve Z.                    Kahn, Kenneth
University of Toronto               Univ of Uppsala
Box 220, Station P                  UDMail, Dept of Computer Scien
Toronto, Ont. M5S-2S7               Uppsala, Sweden
Keith, Tom                          Kempf, K.G.
101 Cardinal Crescent               42 Lynwood,
Waterloo, Ontario N2L3G1            Guildford Park Road
CANADA                              Guildford, Surrey, England
Kreutzer, Wolfgang                  Lajoie, Robert Gerin-
Staufenstr.3;6239 Kriftel           Taum Universite of Montreal
W. Germany                          Montreal, Canada
University of Frankfurt             
Wirtschaftsinformatik 6000 Fra      
West Germany                        
Lehmann, Egbert                     Levesque, Hector
6200 Wiesbaden                      Univ of Toronto
Dambachtal 28                       Toronto, Ontario
Fed Republic of Germany             CANADA
Little, James J.                    Lof, Staffan
Univ of British Columbia            Kopparvagen 42s 90243 Umea
Computer Science Dept               SWEEDEN
Vancouver, BC                       
Lutze, Rainer                       Massironi, Massimo
Steubenplatz 12                     Via Varese 142
6100 Darmstadt                      21047 Saronno
West Germany                        Italy
McCalla, Gordon                     Mercer, Robert
Dept of Comp Sci                    2075 Wesbrook Place
U of Saskatchewan                   Vancouver, BC
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan             CANADA V6T 1W5
Mey, Marc De                        Michie, Donald
University of Gent                  Univ of Edinburgh
Blandijnberg 2                      Edinburgh, Scotland
9000 Gent, Belgium                  UK
Mizoguchi, Fumio                    Mulder, Jan
Tokyo Univ of Science               Comp. Sci Dept
Noda, Chiba 278                     Univ of B ritish Columbia
Japan                               Vancouver, BC V6T 1W5 Canada
Oliveria, Antonio Carlos            Olsen, Kai
R. Bandeira Paulista 127 ap 34      University of Tromso
04532 Sao Paulo SP                  9000 Tromso
Brasil                              Norway
Piazzalunga, Marco                  Preiss, Ken
Via Borromeo, 3                     Ben Gurion Univ of the Negev
24044 Dalmine, ITALY                Beer Sheva
Putkonen, Heikki                    Inada, Nobuyuki
Kursutie 18                         The Institute of Phys & Chem R
SF 90230 OULU 23                    2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-shi
FINLAND                             Saitama, 351, Japan
Kohl, Charles                       Lawton, Daryl T
COINS Dept                          COINS Dept
GRES                                GRES
Univ of Massachusetts               Univ of Massachusetts
Amherst, Mass 01003                 Amherst, Mass 01003
Lesser, Dr. Victor R.               McCormick, Clifton
Comp & Inf Science Dept             COINS Dept
University of Mass                  GRES
Amherst, Mass 01003                 Univ of Massachusetts
                                    Amherst, Mass 01003
Overton, Ken                        King, Allen
COINS Dept                          Prime Computer
GRES                                500 Old Connecticut Path
Univ of Massachusetts               Framingham, Ma 01701
Amherst, Mass 01003                 
Orcivch, Edmund                     Kleiman, Ruben J.
183 Alden St                        MITRE Corporation
Ashland, MA 01721                   PO Box 208
                                    Bedford, MA 01730
McNaughton, Kent                    Pinard, Leo
Digital Equipment Corp              28 Acton St #2
146 Main St (ML1-4/P14)             Maynard, Mass 01754
Maynard, Ma 01754                   
Polit, Stephen                      Law, Kenneth I.
146 Main St. ML3-2/E41              TASC
Maynard, Ma 01754                   6 Jacob Way
                                    Reading, MA  01867
Klein, Philip                       Langston, Glen
A-11 Wigginsworth                   733 Concord Avenue
harvard Univ                        Cambridge, MA  02138
Cambridge, Ma 02138                 
Kornfeld, William                   Lethbridge, Dona
MIT AI Lab                          11 Florence St
545 Technology Sq                   Cambridge, Ma 02139
Cambridge, Mass 02139               
Lieberman, Henry                    Martin, Dr. William
Artificial Intelligence Lab         MIT  Laboratory or Computer Sc
MIT                                 545 Technology Square
545 Tech Square RM 340              Cambridge, MA 02139
Cambridge, Ma 02139                 
McDonald, David                     Pitman, Kent
MIT Artificial Intelligence La      MIT
545 Technology Square               Rm 834
Cambridge, Ma 02139                 545 Technology Sq
                                    Cambridge, Mass 02139
Prager, John M.                     Kuipers, Dr. Benjamin
IBM Cambridge Scientific Cente      Tufts Unvversity
545 Technology Sq                   Dept of Mathematics
Cambridge, Ma 02139                 Medford, Ma 02155
Kuroki, Yoshihiro                   Nostrand, Barbara
24 Burton St                        141 Park Ave. Ext
Arlington, Ma 02174                 Arlington, MA  02174
Israel, David                       Model, Dr. Mitchell L.
Bolt, Beranek & Newman              Physics Dept
50 Moulton St                       Brandeis Univ
Cambridge, Mass 02238               Waltham, Ma 02254
Jakobson, Gabriel                   Millward, Richard
GTE Labs                            Cognitive Science Box 1911
40 Sylvan Road                      Brown University
Waltham, MA  02254                  Providence, RI 02912
Kelly, Edmund                       Morgan, Christopher
Byte Publications, Inc.             Byte Publications, Inc.
70 Main St                          70 Main St
Peterborough, NH 03458              Peterborough, NH 03458
Marks, Philip                       JOhnson, Peter N.
441 Coe Ave, A-10                   Dept of Computer Science
East Haven, Ct06512                 Yale University
                                    10 Hillhouse Ave
                                    New Haven, Ct 06520
Kolodner, Janet                     Lebowitz, Michael
Dept of Comp Sci                    Computer Science Dept.
Yale University                     Yale University
Box 2135 YS                         New Haven, CT 06520
New Haven, Ct 06520                 
Lytinen, Steve                      McDermott, Dr. Drew
Dept of Computer Science            Yale University Deept of Comp
Yale Univ                           PO Box 2158 Yale Station
New Haven, Ct 06520                 New haven, Conn 06520
McGuire, Roderick                   Podgorny, Peter
1979 Yale Station                   Yale University
New Haven, Conn 06520               Box 11 A Yale Station
                                    New Haven, Ct 06520
Lehnert, Dr. Wendy G.               Lum, Rosalyn
Yale University                     Perkin Elmer
Computer Science Dept               100 Wooster Heights
10 Hillhouse Ave                    Danbury, CT  06810
New Haven, Conn 06526               
Nicholas, David W.                  Pruchnik, Paul
98 Round Hill Rd.                   P.O. box 307
Greenwich, CT  06830                Ridgefield, @¬x6877
Ostroff, Jack                       Protin, Arthur
1124 Lakeview Terr                  81A Cambridge
Plainfield, NJ 07060                Hackensack, NJ07601
Jarvis, John F                      Mueller, Mark
Bell Labs                           Bell Laboratories
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733           Crawford Corners Rd
                                    Holmdel, NJ 07733
Kempinski, Richard                  Poyilonis, A
Bell Laboratories                   P.O. Box 491
RM 3A-534                           Moorestown, NJ08057
600 Mountain Ave                    
Murray Hill, NJ 07974               
Majmudar, Piyush M.                 Kastner, John
133 Jeremy Court                    Rutgers University
Edison, NJ  08817                   Computer Science Dept
                                    New Brunswick, NJ 08903
McCarty, L. Thorne                  Mitchell,  Dr. Tom
Rutgers University                  Rutgers University
Computer Science Dept               Computer Science Dept
New Brunswick, NJ 08903             New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Mitchell, Dr. Tom                   Nagel, Donna
Dept. of Computer Science           Rutgers University
Rutgers University                  Computer Science Dept
New Brunswick, NJ  08903            New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Nudel, Bernard                      Padget, Julian
Dept. of Computer Science           Hill Center
Rutgers University                  Busch Campus
New Brunswick, NJ  08903            New Brunswick, New Jersey 0890
Politakis, Peter                    Piatetsky, Gregory
Rutgers University                  Courant Institute of Math Scie
Computer Science Dept               New York Univ,
New Brunswick, NJ 08903             251 Mercer Street
                                    New York, NY 10012
Matthias, Dan W.                    Paladino, Joseph
Exxon Enterprises Inc               Insurance Services Office
1251 Ave of Americas                160 Water St
New York, NY 10020                  New York, NY 10038
Kaplan, David B.                    Lipson, Howard F.
Associate Editor                    2156 Cruger Avenue
John Wiley & Sons                   Bronx, NY  10462
605 Third Avenue                    
New York City, NY                   
Miller, Lance                       Muckstein, Eva-Maria
IBM Watson Research Center          Watson Research Center
PO Box 218                          PO Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598          yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Lehman, Stephen J.                  Narain, Sanjai
357 Clinton Street                  Syracuse University
Brooklyn, NY  11231                 CIS
                                    Syracuse, NY 13210
Pankowicz, Zbigniew L.              McKay, Donald P.
Rome Air Development Center         Dept of Computer Science
Griffiss AFB, NY 13440              SUNY/Buffalo
                                    4226 Ridge Lea
                                    Amherst, NY 14226
Nusbaum, Howard C.                  Nuss, Suzanne
Department of Psychology            7405 Reynolds Street
SUNY at Buffalo                     Pittsburgh, PA15208
4230 Ridge Lea Road                 
Amherst, NY 14226                   
Kant, Elaine                        Newell, Prof. Allen
Carnegie Mellon Univ                Carnegie-Mellon Univ
Pittsburgh, PA15213                 Pittsburgh, PA15213
Jeffries, Robin                     Kanade, Dr. T.
Department of Psychology            Computer Science Dept
Carnegie-Mellon Univ.               Carnegie-Mellon Univ
Pittsburgh, PA15213                 Pittsburgh, Pa 15213
Kender, John R.                     Laird, John E.
Dept. of Computer Sience            Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University          Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA15213                 Pittsburgh, PA15213
Langley, Pat                        McCracken, Donald L.
Dept. of Psychology                 Computer Science Dept.
Carnegie-Mellon Univ.               Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Pittsburgh, PA15213                 Pittsburgh, PA15213
McDermott, Dr. John                 McDermott, Dr.John
Department of Computer Science      Computer Science Dept
Carnegie-Mellon University          Carnegie-Mellon Univ
Pittsburgh, PA 15213                Pittsburgh, Pa 15213
McDonald, David B.                  McKeown, David M.
Department of Computer Science      Dept of Computer Science
Carnegie-Mellon University          Carnegie-Mellon Univ.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213                Pittsburgh, PA15213
Miller, Dale A.                     Mr. Jack Mostow
Dept. of Mathematics                Dept. of Computer Science
Carnegie-Mellon University          Carnegie-Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA15213                 Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Neves, David M.                     Nowak, Frank E.
Psychology Department               Carnegie Mellon Univ
Carnegie Mellon University          Schenley Park
Pittsburgh, PA15213                 Pittsburgh, Pa 15213
Palay, Andrew J.                    Liffick, Blaise
Department of Computer Science      5658 Melvin St
Carnegie-Mellon University          Pittsburgh, Pa 15217
Pittsburgh, PA 15213                
Kelanic, Thomas J.                  Makhlin, Arkady G
935 Lilly Lane                      Westinghouse R&D center
Pittsburh, PA  15221                1310 Beulah Rd
                                    Pittsburgh, Pa15235
Lesgold, Alan                       Miller, Randolph A
516 LRCD Building                   Univ of Pittsburgh
3939 O'Hara St                      School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pa 15260                1360 Scaife Hall
                                    Pittsburgh, Pa 15261
Quayle, Casey                       Pople, Harry
University of Pittsburgh            Univ of Pittsburgh
1360 Scaife Hall                    1360 Scaife Hall
Pittsburgh, Pa 15261                Pittsburgh Pa 15261
Palmer, Martha                      Joshi, Prof. Aravind
CIS Dept                            University of Pennsylvania
Univ of Pennsylvania                Philadelphia, PA  19104
Philadelphia, Pa 19094              
Mani, Mr. Inderjeet                 Mays, Eric
Computer & Information Science      CIS Dept
Moore School of Electrical Eng      University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania          Philadelphia, Pa 19104
Philadelphia, PA  19104             
McKeown, Kathleen                   O'Rourke, Joseph
Dept of Computer & Info Sci         4130 Chestnut Street
The Moore School                    Philadelphia, PA 19104
Univ of Pennsylvania                
PHiladelphia, Pa 19104              
Oster, David P                      Kaplan, Randy M
Burroughs Corp                      Smith Kline & French Labs
PO Box 517                          1500 Springarden St L-60
Paoli, Pa 19301                     Phila  PA 19333
Knaus, Rodger                       Kennedy, William G.
Systems Development Div             NRL Code 7590
Bureau of the Census                4555 Overlook Ave SW
Wash DC 20233                       Washington, DC 20375
Landwehr, Carl E.                   Israel, Bruce
Naval Research Lab                  Computer Science Department
Code 7590                           University of Maryland
Washington, DC 20375                College Park, MD 20742
Minker, Prof. Jack                  Nau, Dana
Dept. of Computer Science           Computer Science Dept
University of Maryland              Univ of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742             College Park, Maryland 20742
Lepine, LT                          Krovetz, Bob
American Satellite Co               6015 Springhill Drive 203
20106 Larkspur Ct                   Greenbelt, MD  20770
Germantown, Md 20767                
Naedel, Richard G.                  Norton, Lewis M.
Datamarine, Inc.                    805 Burdette Rd.
18th Floor GBS Bldg.                Rockville, MD  20851
51 Monroe St.                       
Rockville, MD  20850                
Kanal, Dr. Laveen N.                O'Conor, Patrick
302 Notley Court                    P.O. Box 177
Silver Spring, MD  20904            Columbia, MD  21045
Provan, John                        Price, William
Dept. of Dermatology                9948 Hemlock Woods Lane
Baltimore City Hospitals            Burke, Va 22015
4940 Easter Avenue                  
Balimore, MD  21224                 
Kline, Frank                        Lemmon, Alan V
Adaptronics 1750 Ole Meadow Rd      1820 Dolley Madison Blvd
McLean Va 22102                     McLean, Va 22102
Lome, Louis                         Kenyon, Ralph
1225 Martha Custis Dr #914          145-103 S. Budding Avenue
Alexandria, Va 22302                Virginia Beach, VA  23452
Pennington, Jack E                  Pelc, Robert J.
NASA Langley Research               230 Lakeway Dr.
Hampton, Va 23665                   Lewisville, NC27023
Lyons, Frank W.                     Lynchard, Robert
The Institute of Internal Audi      E-Tech, Inc
249 Maitland Ave.                   3165 McCrory Pl, Suite 235
Altamonte Springs, Florida 327      Orlando, Fl 32803
Ororke, Paul                        Johnson, Dr. Carroll K.
Dept. of Math                       4500 N, MS C-18
University of South Florida         PO Box x
Tampa, FL  33620                    Oak Ridge, Tenn 37830
Jordan, Sara R.                     Meacham, Robert
Union Carbide Corp, Nuclear Di      PO Box X, 4500-N, MS 255
Oak Ridge TN 37830                  Oak Ridge, Tn 37830
Jehan, Henry T                      Mittal, Sanjay
1130 Lee St                         Dept of Comp & Info Science
Radcliff, KY 40166                  Ohio State University
                                    Columbus, Oh 43201
Patterson, Mark R.                  Jenal, J. P.
P.O. Box 3203                       Bell Labs
Columbus, OH  43210                 6200 E. Broad St
⊂                                   Columbus, Ohio 43213
Loynd, David                        OBrien, Patrick
Ohio Scientific                     Cincom Systems
1333 S. Chilicothe Rd.              Cincinnatti, Ohio  45202
Aurora, OH  44202                   
Lippa, Noemi M                      Lippa, Noemi M.
2920 Scioto Street #805             2920 Scioto St# 805
Cincinnati, OH45219                 Cincinnati Ohio 45219
Mazlack, Lawrence J.                Leigh, William
Information Systems                 8629 Empire Ct
Mail Location #130                  Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
Univ of Cincinnati                  
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221              
Klopf, A. Harry                     Jordan, John David Jr,
AFWAL/AAAT                          5450 P Montgomery Square Dr.
W-P AFB, Ohio 45433                 Kettering, OH  45440
Park, Ben H. M.D,                   McCleary, Mark A.
504 W. Camp St.                     King-Seeley, Co
Lebanon, IN  46052                  301 w Ohio St
                                    Kendalville, In 46755
Kwasny, Stan                        Purdom, Paul
Computer Science Dept.              101 Lindley, Indiana Univ
101 Lindley Hall                    Bloomington, Ind 47405
Indiana University                  
Bloomington, IN  47401              
Miles, Jon                          Perkins, Walter
1080 Forest Lane                    General Motor's Research Lab
Birmingham, MI48010                 Computer Science Dept. (50)
                                    Warren, MI  48090
Kirk, Daniel B.                     Luckhardt, Carol A.
541 S. Ashley                       401 E. Madison Apt 6
Ann Arbor, MI  48103                Ann Arbor, MI  48104
Nado, Robert A                      Nado, Sharon G.
1700 Murfin Ave #6                  1700 Murfin Ave #6
Ann Arbor, Mich 48105               Ann Arbor, Mich 48105
Minden, Gary                        Jain, Ramesh
P.O. Box 2322                       Dept. of Computer Science
Ann Arbor, MI  48106                Wayne State University
                                    Detroit, MI 48202
Preston, A.                         Page, Carl V.
Computer Science Department         Dept of Computer Science
Mott Community College              Michigan State Univ
1401 E. Court Street                East Lansing, MI 48823
Flint, MI  48503                    
Klossner, Andre                     Lee, Randy
1428 Lake Boulevard                 Athens Software
St. Joseph, MI49085                 P.O. Box 53
                                    Middleton, WI  53562
Klein, Prof. Sheldon                Kohli, Madhur
Computer Science Dept.              MACC, 1210 W. Dayton Street
University of Wisconsin             Madison, WI  53706
Madison, WI  53706                  
Oden, Gregg C.                      Johnston, Charles B.
Department of Psychology            8100 34th Avenue S
University of Wisconsin             Minneapolis, MN  55405
Madison, WI  53706                  
Prietula, M. J.                     Kaemmerer, William F
1108 8th Street S.E.                5348 Tenth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN  55414              Minneapolis, MN
Lovgren, John E.                    Johnston, Edward M.
Control Data Corp                   IBM Corporation Dept. 266/0502
8120 Penn Ave So. # 435             Rochester, MN  55901
Minneapolis, Mn 55431               
Nedelsky, Michael                   Lustgarten, Paul C.
Psychology Department               465 Sunnybrook Lane
Augustana College                   Wheaton, IL  60187
Sioux Falls, SD  57197              
Krulee, Gilbert K.                  Naqvi, Shamin A.
Dept. of Computer Science           Bell Labs
Northwestern University             Naperville, IL60540
Evanston, IL  60201                 
Muka, Stephen L.                    Naqvi, Shamim A.
5455 S. Blackstone                  5445 N. Sheridan#1910
Chicago, IL  60615                  Chicago, IL  60640
McCormick, Bruce H.                 Michalski, Prof. R.S.
Box  4348                           Computer Science Dept.
Dept of Inform. Engr                Univ. of Illinois
Univ. of Illinois at Chicago        Urbana, IL  61801
Chicago, Ill 60680                  
Pan, Yung-Choa                      Plaisted, David
Coordinated Science Lab             DCL 222
University of Illinois              University of Illinois
Urbana, Ill 61801                   Urbana, Ill 61801
Nogle, Lawrence E.                  Isaacson, Joe
916 West Hill St.                   Southern Illinois Univ
Champaign, IL  61820                Edwardsville, Ill 62026
Peterson, Gerald                    Legler, Warren
Dept of Mathmatical Sciences        5612 Brighton Terrace
university of Missouri              Kansas City, Mo 64130
St. Louis, Mo 63121                 
Lindberg, Donald                    Minden, Gary J
Univ of Missouri                    Rt 1
605 Lewis Hall                      McLouth Kansas 66054
Columbia, Mo 65211                  
Klug, Richard E.                    Petry, Fred
5057 S 84 CT #1                     Department of Computer Science
Omaha, Nebraska  68187              School of Engineering
                                    Tulane University
                                    New Orleans, LA  70118
Moore, Harry                        Minor, John T.
PPG Industries, Inc.                825 Cardinal Creek
P. O. Box 1000                      Norman, OK  73069
Lake Charles, LA  70602             
Olson, John P.                      Nuzzo, Gregory S.
Amoco Production Co                 1133 S. Quincy
PO Box 591 Research 2606            Tulsa, OK  74120
Tulsa, Ok 74102                     
Miller, Mark                        Klungle, Robert
2824 Winterplace Circle             1326 Chippewa Dr.
Plano, Texas 75075                  Richardson, TX75080
Jacobus, Chuck                      Jacobus, Heidi
1511 Flintwood                      1511 Flintwood
Richardson, Tx 75081                Richardson, Tx 75081
Murray, William                     Michaelis, Paul
5801 Preston Oaks #703              Computer Science Lab
Dallas, Texas 75240                 MS 371, PO Box 225936
                                    Dallas, Tx 75265
Orgren, Paul J.                     Kersey, Mike
Shell Development Co                4811 Mt. Vernon #1
PO Box 481                          Houston, TX  77006
Houston, Tx 77001                   
Khare, Dr. Ram S.                   Lennington, R. Kent
1315 Nasa Road One, #376            1830 NASA Rd 1
Houston, TX 77058                   Mail Code C09
                                    Houston, Texas 77058
Lennington, R. Kent                 Perham, Gene
Lockheed Engr & Mgmg Serv           Computation Center
1830 NASA RoAd 1                    Univ of Txas
Mail Code C09                       Austin, Texas  78712
Houston, Texas 77058                
Jain, Dr. R                         Novak,Gordon S. Jr,
Depts. of EE and CS                 Computer Science Department
Univ. of Texas                      University of Texas
Austin, TX  78712                   Austin, TX 78712
Novak, Gordon S. Jr,                Perlmutter, Jane
Computer Science Dept               Department of Psychology
University of Texas at Austin       University of Texas
Austin, Texas 78712                 Auxtin, Texas 78712
Lucas, Dean                         Kamin, Scott J.
Interactive Systems Corp            Bell Laboratories
5574 South Prince St                11900 N Pecos St.
Littleton, Co 80120                 Denver, Colorado 80234
Miller, James R.                    J. Jeffrey Richardson
Department of Psychology            P.O. Box 299
University of Colorado              Jamestown, CO  80455
Boulder, CO  80309                  
Ledbetter, James                    Janke, Steven J.
Frank J Seiler Research Lab         Mathematics Dept.
USAF Academy, Co 80840              Colorado College
                                    Colorado Springs, CO  80903
Kearsley, Greg                      Illig, Harold
WICAT                               163 M Street
1160 S. State St                    Salt Lake City, UT  84103
Orem Utah 84057                     
Keaty, L. B.                        Martin, Dr. Nancy
Continental Divide Electric         Knowledge Base Systems
Cooperative, Inc.                   425 Dartmouth NE
P. O. Box 1087                      Albuquerque, NM 87106
Grants, NM  87020                   
Luger, George F                     Marinuzzi, John G.
Computer Science Department         403 Estante Way
University of New Mexico            Los Alamos, NM87544
Albuquerque, NM  87131              
Lopez, Patricia                     Parmer, Beverly
1350 Branson Apt #6                 1350 Branson Apt. #6
Las Cruces, NM 88001                Las Cruces NM 88001
Neuatia, R                          Price, Dr. Keith E.
USC                                 Image Proc. Institute
Powell Hall, 336                    Univ. of Southern Calif
Los Angeles, Cal 90007              Los Angeles, Cal 90007
Pearl, Judea                        Patton, Lindsay
4731 Boelter Hall                   Alpha Therapeutic Corporation
UCLA                                5555 Valley Blvd
Los Angeles, Calif 90024            Los Angeles, Cal 90032
Kreider, Mark L.                    Newman, Paula S.
7123 La Tijera                      IBM Los Angeles Sci Cntr
Los Angeles, Calif 90045            9045 Lincoln Blvd
                                    Los Angeles, Cal 90045
Jacobson, Alexander                 Jacobson, Alexander
Systems Cognition Corp              Systems Cognition Corp
12256 Canna Rd                      12256 Canna Rd
Los Angeles, Cal 90049              Los Angeles, Cal 90049
James, Mark                         Newlon, Mr. R. O.
Systems Cognition Corp              Hughes Aircraft Co.
12256 Canna Rd                      Bldg. 12 M/S X103
Los Angeles, Cal 90049              Culver City, CA  90230
Partridge, Dr. Douglas              Partridge, Dr. Douglas R.
Hughes Aircraft Co                  Hughes Aircraft Co.
Centineal & Teale                   Centinella & Teale Sts.
Culver City, Cal 90230              Culver City, CA  90230
Ohl, David F.                       Idannidis, George
323 1/2 Richmond St #207            Hughes Aircraft
El Segundo, Cal 90234               El Segundo, CA90245
Jasper, Marvin                      Lee, Cindy
Hughes Aircraft                     Hughes Aircraft
800 Apollo Way                      800 Apollo Way
Bldg E51 rm A2075                   Bldg E51 rm A2075
El Segundo, CA90245                 El Segundo, CA90245
Kandt, Kirk                         Olney, John
Hughes Research Labs                24860 Piuma Rd
3011 Malibu Canyon Rd               Malibu, Cal 90265
Malibu, Cal 90265                   
Midford, Peter E                    Koehler, John
32203 Helm Place                    TRW- Space Park
Rancho Palos Verdes, Ca 90274       1 Space Park (88/2048)
                                    Redondo Beach, Cal 90278
Patay, Stephen A.                   Patay, Steve A.
TRW DSSG                            TRW
One Space Park                      One Space Park, 80/8976
Redondo Beach, Cal 90278            Redondo Beach, CA  90278
Klein, Steve                        Lingard, Robert
USC/ISI                             USC-ISI
4676 Admiralty Way                  4676 Admiralty Way
Marina Del Rey, Cal 90291           Marina Del Rey, cal 90291
Lipkis, Tom                         London, Dr. Ralph L.
USC-ISI                             Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way                  4676 Admiralty Way
Marina Del Rey, cal 90291           Marina Del Rey, CA  90291
London, Phil                        Mark, Bill
USC/Info S ci Inst                  USC-ISI
4676 Admiralty Way                  4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, Calif 90291         Marina Del Rey, cal 90291
Moore, Jim                          Noftsker, Russell
USC/Information Science Inst        Symbolics, Inc
4676 Admiralty Way #1100            605 Hightree Road
Marina del Rey,  Calif 90291        Santa Monica, Cal 90402
Lavi, Tsvi                          Kellogg, Charles
1320 Princeton St                   System Development Corp
Santa Monica, Cal 90404             2500 Colorado Blvd
                                    Santa mOnica Cal 90406
Klahr, Dr. Phil                     Oshika, Beatrice
The Rand Corporation                System Development Corp.
1700 Main Street                    2500 Colorado Ave
Santa Monica, Cal 90406             Santa Monica, Cal 90406
Martins, Gary                       Perlin, Raoul M.
Rand Corp                           55 Nieto, Apt # 2
11700 Main St                       Long Beach, CA 90803
Santa Monica, Cal 90406             
Levine, Allan                       Kitnick, Dean
Hughes Aircraft Co                  18521 Prairie #101
8433 Fallbrook Ave, M/S W42         Norhridge, CA  91324
Canoga Park, Cal 91304              
Ostroff, David                      Lunde, Stanley E.
Cal State Northridge                Lanterman State Hospital
Dept of Math                        Program 9
Northridge, CA91330                 Box 100
                                    Pomona, Calif 91769
Martin, Donald G.                   Myers, Gilbert
460 Durian St.                      Nautilus Way
Vista, CA  92083                    La Jolla, CA  92093
Norman, Prof. Donald A.             Morris, Paul H.
Center for Human Info Processi      7705 Linda Vista #33
U. of California                    San Diego, Cal 92111
La Jolla, CA  92093                 
Morefield, Dr. C.                   Murphy, Michael S.
4901 Morena Blvd #209               4901 Morena Blvd #209
San Diego, Cal 92117                San Diego, Cal 92117
Maudlin, Craig                      McCall, Dennis C.
Renaissance Systems, Inc.           Code 8242
11760 Sorrento Valley Rd.           Naval Ocean Systems Center
San Diego, CA  92121                San Diego, CA  92152
Marlowe, Gregory E                  Keirsey, David
2404 E. Nutwood Ave #J34            2752 Quail Ridge Circle
Fullerton, Cal 92631                Fullerton, CA  92634
Powers, James K                     Kibler, Dennis
Computer Automation                 Univ. of California at Irvine
2181 DuPont                         Information & Computer Science
Irvine, Calif 92713                 Irvine, CA  92714
Metcalfe, Christopher               Kiselewich, Stephen
Softool Corp.                       General Research Corp
340 So. Kellogg Ave.                PO Box 6770
Goleta, CA 93017                    Santa Barbara, Cal 93111
Lape, Joseph S                      Jones, Ann
USMC                                12660 La Cresta Dr
SMC # 1740, NPS                     Los Altos Hills, Ca 94022
Monterey, Calif 93940               
Klingman, Ed                        Odell, Arthur W.
Cybernetic Micro Systems            26998 Beaver Lane
445-203 So San Antonio Rd           Los Altos Hills, CA
Los Altos, Cal 94022                
Jackson, Sean                       Jakob, Francois
744 Coleman Ave                     Artificial Intelligence Center
Menlo Park, Cal 94025               SRI International
                                    Menlo Park, Calif 94025
Kashtan, David                      Konolige, Kurt
Artificial Intelligence Center      Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International                   SRI International
Menlo Park, Calif 94025             Menlo Park, Calif 94025
Kremers, Jan H.                     Lewis, Bil
Artificial Intelligence Center      Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International                   SRI International
Menlo Park, Calif 94025             Menlo Park, Calif 94025
Lowrance, John                      Marimont, David H.
AI Center, SRI Intl.                1336 Cloud Ave
333 Ravenswood Avenue               Menlo Park, Cal 94025
Menlo Park, CA94025                 
Mathews, Scott                      Moore, Dr. Robert C.
Artificial Intelligence Center      AI Center
SRI International                   SRI International
Menlo Park, Calif 94025             333 Ravenswood Av.
                                    Menlo Park, CA94025
Moore, Dr. Robert C.                Nilsson, Dr. Nils
Artificial Intelligence Center      Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International                   SRI International
Menlo Park, Calif 94025             Menlo Park, Calif 94025
Nitzan, David                       Park, William
Artificial Intelligence Center      Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International                   SRI International
Menlo Park, Calif 94025             Menlo Park, Calif 94025
Perrault, Ray                       Perry, Ed
Artificial Intelligence Center      SRI International
SRI International                   Bldg 44
Menlo Park, Calif 94025             Menlo Park, Cal 94025
Plummer, Robert P                   Quam, Lynn
Institute for the Future            Artificial Intelligence Center
2740 Sand Hill Rd                   SRI International
Menlo Park, Cal 94025               Menlo Park, Calif 94025
Lanzinger, Franz                    Mackworth, Hugh
AIDS                                938 Clark Ave No 39
201 San Antonio Circle, Suite       Mt View, Cal 94040
Mountain View Cal 94040             
McCune, Dr. Brian P.                Milgram, David
Advanced Info and Decisions Sy      3408 Ridgemont Dr
201 San Antonion Circle, Suite      Mountain View, Cal 94040
Mountain View, Cal 94040            
Johnson, Jeff                       Lupin, Ed
Cromemco, Inc                       Cromemco, Inc
280 Bernardo Ave                    280 Bernardo Ave
Mountain View, Cal 94043            Mountain View, Cal 94043
McCalmont, Tom                      McCrate, Joe
Cromemco, Inc                       Cromemco, Inc
280 Bernardo Ave                    280 Bernardo Ave
Mountain View, Cal 94043            Mountain View, Cal 94043
Mortensen, Earl                     Pfefferkorn, Charles
974 Pleasant Hill Road              ESL Incorporated
Redwood City, CA  94061             495 Java Dr
                                    PO BOX 510, Mailstop 109
                                    Sunnyvale, Cal 94086
Kushner, Cherie                     Olmstead, Jeffrey R
455 Crescent Avenue #10             ATAC
Sunnyvale, CA  94087                PO Box 62199
                                    Sunnyvale, Cal 94088
Levine, Barbara                     Lowe, George
2238 Hyde St                        Standard Oil of Calif
San Francisco, Cal 94109            320 Market St No 934
                                    San Francisco, Cal 94111
McCarty, Perry Jr.                  McCarty, Perry Jr,
461 Bosworth St                     461 Bosworth St.
San Francisco, Cal 94112            San Francisco, CA 94112
Kvitash, Vadim                      Kindred, Jerold C.
Immunopathways Laboratory           Kindland Corp
2352 Post St                        2609 Union Street
San Francisco, Cal 94115            San Francisco, Cal 94123
Miller, Edward F.                   Mathan, John
Software Research Associates        66 Newell Rd, PApg P
P.O. Box 2432                       Palo Alto, Calif 94303
San Francisco, CA                   
Noall, Matthew                      Paulson, Charles
Ford Aerospace                      1053 Cardinal Way
3939 Fabian Way                     Palo Alto, Cal 94303
Palo Alto, Cal 94303                
Perry, Frances                      Macmillan, Stuart
Ford Aerospace                      2088 Harvard St
x-41                                Palo Alto, CA  94304
3939 Fabian Way                     
Palo Alto, Cali 94303               
Peairs, Mark                        Jordan, James A. Jr.
2040 Wellesley                      IBM
Palo Alto, CA  94304                PO Box 10500
                                    Palo Alto, Cal 94304
Kreise, Knute                       Lamping, John
Hewlett-Packard                     HP Labs
3500 Deer Creek Rd                  1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, Cal 94304                Palo Alto, Calif 94304
Lau, L.D.                           Loebner, Egon
IBM Dept 99K                        HP Labs
1501 California Ave                 1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, Cal 94304                Palo Alto, Calif 94304
Longo, TA                           Malone, Thomas
1700 Willow Rd #409                 XEROX Parc
Palo Alto, Cal 94304                3333 Coyote Hill Road
                                    Palo Alto, Calif 94304
Masinter, Larry                     McAllester, David
XEROX Parc                          3333 Coyote Hill Rd
3333 Coyote Hill Rd                 Palo Alto, Calif 94304
Palo Alto, Calif 94304              
Miller, Terrence                    Montalvo, Fanya S.
Hewlett Packard                     HP Labs
1501 Page Mill Rd                   1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, Cal 94304                Palo Alto, Calif 94304
Moran, Dr. Thomas P.                Pressburger, Tom
XEROX Parc                          Systems Control Inc
3333 Coyote HIll Rd                 1801 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, Cal 94304                Palo Alto, Cal 94304
Purdue, Crispin                     Kanamori, Tadashi
Hewlett Packard                     Computer Science Dept
1501 Page Mill Rd                   Stanford University
Palo Alto, Cal 94304                Stanford, Calif 94305
Kaplan, Dr. S. Jerrold              Kaplan, Dr. S. Jerrold
Computer Science Dept.              Dept of Computer Science
Stanford University                 Stanford Univ
Stanford, CA 94305                  Stanford, Calif 94305
Kelley, John                        King, Mr. Jonathan
PO Box 9810                         Computer Science Dept
Stanford, Cal 94305                 Stanford University
                                    Stanford, Calif 94305
Lenat, Douglas                      Levinthal, Elliott
Computer Science Dept               Medical Center S 047C
Stanford Univ                       Stanford University
Stanford, Calif 94305               Stanford, CA  94305
London, Robert                      Lowe, David
101-E Escondido Village             Computer Science Dept
Stanford, Cal 94305                 Stanford University
                                    Stanford, Calif 94305
Lowrey, Michael                     MacKinlay, Jock
PO Box 3350                         Computer Science Dept
Stanford, Calif 94305               Stanford University
                                    Stanford, Calif 94305
MacVicar-Whelan, P.J.               Markosian, L
Computer Science                    Stanford Univ
Stanford University                 IMSSS Ventura Hall
Stanford, CA  94305                 Stanford, Cal 94305
McCarthy, John                      Mujtaba, M. Shahid
Computer Science Dept               Computer Science Dept
Stanford Univ                       Stanford University
Stanford, Calif 94305               Stanford, Calif 94305
Nii, H. Penny                       Nordblom, Roy III
Computer Science Dept               Computer Science Dept
Stanford Univ                       Stanford University
Stanford, Calif 94305               Stanford, Cal 94305
Pratt, Vaughan                      Kedzierski, Beverly I.
Computer Science Dept               320 Ramona St
Stanford Univ                       Palo Alto, Calif 94306
Stanford, Calif 94305               
Levy, DM                            Marcal, P.V.
Ford Aerospace                      MARC Analysis Research Corp
3939 Fabian Way                     260 Sheridan Ave St. 200
Palo Alto, Cal 94306                Palo Alto, Cal 94306
Pednault, Edwin                     Murphy, Walter V.
201 Stanford Ave                    Compucations
Palo Alto, Cal 94306                615 Prospect Row
                                    San Mateo, Cal 94401
Lanning, Stanley                    Oppenheimer, Jim
Lawrence Livermore National La      Lawrence Libermore Lab
P.O. Box 808 L-307                  Box 808 L339
Livermore, Cal 94550                livermore, Cal 94550
Nelson, David O                     Jaffee, Mr. Chester
Lawrence Livermore Lab              2321 Russell St., Apt. 3H
Box 808 L-546                       Berkeley, CA  94705
Livermore, Cal 94611                
Larson, Ray                         McCorduck, Pamela
2108 Stuart St #7                   2515 Hilgard Ave.
Berkeley,  Cal 94705                Berkeley, Cal 94709
Keller, Ken                         Nerney, James
EECS Dept, Cory Hall                Firemans Fund
University of California            62 Wilmington Dr
Berkeley, CA  94720                 Petaluma, Cal 94952
Littlefield, Bradley                Pine, Donald
Ryand-McFarland Corp                Digimedics
32333 Valencia Ave                  PO Box 1177
Aptos, Calif 95003                  Santa Cruz, Cal 95060
Pohl, Prof. Ira                     Powell, Christopher
Dept. of Information Science        313 Highview Court
University of California            Santa Cruz, Calif 95060
Santa Cruz, Ca. 95060               
Meyers, David                       Koliczew, Victor
The Film lab                        1765 Emory St
Comm 115                            San Jose, Cal 95126
univ of Calif at Santa Cruz         
Santa Cruz, Calif 95064             
Itoga, Stephen Y.                   Nathan, Geoff
3015 Kahaloa Drive                  1890 East-West Rd
Honolulu, HI  96822                 Honolulu, Hi 96822
LeFaivre, Richard                   McLarty, Hugh J.
Tek Labs 50-384                     9375 S.W. Commerce Circle
P.O. Box 500                        Wilsonville, Ore 97070
Beaverton, Oregon 97005             
Kleinhans, Andreas                  Lantz, Brian
1225  SW 53rd st                    Oregon State Univ
Corvallis, Or 97330                 Dept of Computer Science
                                    Corvallis, Ore 97331
Myers, Lew B.                       Knapp, Verna
Neurological Consultants, P.C.      6207 Evanston Ave. N
670 E. 12th Ave.                    Seattle, WA 98103
Eugene, OR  97401                   
Itoga, Stephen                      Mercer, Paul
800 So Donovan St Apt 207           Boeing
Seattle, WA  98108                  PO BOx 3707
                                    Seattle, Wash 98124
New, Fred                           
2106 Kauffman Avenue                
Vancouver, WA  98660