perm filename HOST[3,2]2 blob sn#335704 filedate 1978-02-20 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
     The HOST program is used to look up information in the
host table about a particular host name.  This information
includes the official name of the host if the name is a
nickname, the host number (in both octal and decimal),
whether the host is a user or a server, the host machine and
the host operating system.

     When you run HOST, it will prompt with a sharp (#)
character.  Type the host name (or any abbreviation) you
want to look for.  The program will print all hosts (and
nicknames) which match the input specification.  When it is
done, it will prompt for another specification.  A null
specification types EVERYTHING (!!).

     Note that even non-unique abbreviations are accepted.
For example "SU" will print out ALL of the Stanford University
hosts.  This is different from TELNET, etc. which only accept
abbreviations which are unique to a single host.

     Note also the HOSTAB program, which pretty-prints the
host information using official names only in ascending
numerical order.  If you want a "host list", HOSTAB is
probably what you want.