perm filename FILMS.TEX[BIB,CSR] blob sn#542947 filedate 1980-11-12 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
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C00003 00003	Prints of the  following films are  available for short-term  loan to
C00017 ENDMK
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\chapter{Film Reports}{Stanford Department of Computer Science}

Prints of the  following films are  available for short-term  loan to
interested groups without charge.   They may be shown only  to groups
that have paid no admission fee.  To make a reservation, write to:
Film Services, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University,
Stanford, California 94305 USA.

\bpar{{\ic Ellis D. Kroptechev and Zeus, his Marvelous Time-Sharing System}
The  advantages of  time-sharing over  standard batch  processing are
revealed through the good offices of the Zeus time-sharing  system on
a PDP-1 computer.  Our hero,  Ellis, is saved from a fate  worse than
death.  Recommended for mature audiences only.
(This film was done by Art Eisenson and Gary Feldman.
It's 16mm black and white with  sound, runs approximately 15
minutes, and was produced in March 1967.)}

\bpar{{\ic Butterfinger}
Describes  the  state  of  the  hand-eye  system  at  the  Artificial
Intelligence Project in the fall of 1967.  The PDP-6 computer getting
visual  information  from  a  television  camera  and  controlling an
electrical-mechanical  arm  solves  simple  tasks  involving stacking
blocks.  The techniques of recognizing the blocks and their positions
as well as controlling the arm are briefly presented.  Rated ``G''.
(This film was done by Gary Feldman.
It's 16mm  color with sound, runs approximately 8 minutes,
and was produced in March 1968.)}

\bpar{{\ic Hear Here}
Describes the state  of the speech  recognition project as  of Spring
1969.  A discussion of the problems of speech recognition is followed
by two  real time  demonstrations of the  current system.   The first
shows the computer learning to recognize phrases and the second shows
how  the  hand-eye  system  may  be  controlled  by  voice  commands.
Commands as  complicated as  ``Pick up  the small  block in  the lower
lefthand corner,'' are recognized and the tasks are carried out by the
computer controlled arm.
(This film was done by Raj Reddy, Dave Espar  and Art Eisenson.
It's 16mm color with sound,
runs approximately 15 minutes, and was produced in March 1969.)}

\bpar{{\ic Avoid}
An illustration of Peiper's Ph.D. thesis.  The problem is to move the
computer controlled mechanical arm through a space filled with one or
more known obstacles.  The film shows the arm as it is moving through
varous cluttered environments with fairly good success.
(This film was done by Gary  Feldman and  Donald Peiper.  It's 16mm silent color, 
runs approximately 5 minutes, and was produced in March 1969.)}

\bpar{{\ic Instant Insanity}
Shows  the  hand-eye  system  solving  the  puzzle {\ic Instant Insanity}.
Se\-quen\-ces include  finding and  recognizing cubes,  color recognition
and object manipulation.  (Made to accompany a paper presented at the
1971 IJCAI.  May be hard to understand without a narrator.)
(This film was done by
Richard Paul  and Karl  Pingle. 
It's 16mm silent color, runs approximately 6 minutes,
and was produced in August 1971.)}

\bpar{{\ic Motion and Vision}
A  technical presentation  of  three research  projects  completed in
1972:   advanced arm control by R.P. Paul (AIM-177),  visual feedback
control by A. Gill  (AIM-178), and representation and  description of
curved objects by G. Agin (AIM-173).  Drags a bit.
(This film was done by Suzanne Kandra.
It's 16mm  color with  sound, runs approximately 22 minutes,
and was produced in November 1972.)}

\bpar{{\ic Computer Interactive Picture Processing  [MARS  Project]}
This film describes  an automated picture differencing  technique for
analyzing the variable surface  features on Mars using  data returned
by the Mariner 9 spacecraft.  The system uses a time-shared, terminal
oriented PDP-10  computer.  The film  proceeds at a  breathless pace.
Don't blink, or you will miss an entire scene.
(This film was done by
Larry Ward.  It's 16mm color with sound, runs approximately 8 minutes,
and was produced in the Fall of 1972.)}

\bpar{{\ic Display Simulations of 6-Legged Walking}
A  display  simulation of  a  6-legged ant-like  walker  getting over
various ob\-sta\-cles.  The research  is aimed at a planetary  rover that
would  get around  by walking.   This cartoon  favorate  beats Mickey
Mouse hand down....or rather, ``feet'' down.
(This film was done by D.I.  Okhotsimsky et al. of the Institute  of  Applied 
Mathematics,  USSR  Academy  of Science.  The
titles were translated by Stanford AI Lab and edited by  Suzanne Kandra.
It's a 16mm silent black and white, and runs approximately 10 minutes.
There are two versions:  one done in 1972, and one done in 1976.)}

\bpar{{\ic Automated Pump Assembly}
Shows the  hand-eye system  assembly a simple  pump, using  vision to
locate  the  pump  body  and to  check  for  errors.   The  parts are
assembled and screws inserted, using some special tools  designed for
the arm.  Some titles are included to help explain the film.
(This film was done by Richard  Paul,  Karl  Pingle  and Bob
Bolles.  It's 16mm silent color, runs approximately 7 minutes
at sound speed, and was produced in April 1973.)}

\bpar{{\ic Dialog with a Robot}
Presents  a natural  language dialog  with a  simulated  robot block-
manipulation  system.  The  dialog is  substantially the  same  as in
``Understanding Natural Language'' (T. Winograd, Academic Press, 1972).
No explanatory or narrative material is on the film.
(This film was done by
Terry Winograd when he was at the MIT A.I. Lab.
It's 16mm silent black and white, runs approximately 20 minutes,
and was produced in 1971.)}

\bpar{{\ic Programmable Assembly, Three Short Examples}
The  first  segment  demonstrates the  arm's  ability  to dynamically
adjust for position and orientation changes.  The task is to  mount a
bearing and seal  on a crankshaft.  Next,  the arm is  shown changing
tools and  recovering from  a run-time  error.  Finally,  a cinematic
first:  TWO arms cooperating to assemble a hinge.
(This film was done by Karl  Pingle, Lou
Paul and Bob Boles.  It's 16mm color with sound, 
runs approximately 8 minutes, and was produced in October 1974.)}

\bpar{{\ic Display Terminals at Stanford}
Although there are many  effective programs to use  display terminals
for  special   graphics  applications,   very  few   general  purpose
timesharing systems provide good support for using  display terminals
in normal text display applications.  This film shows a session using
the  display system  at  the Stanford  A.I. Lab,  explaining  how the
display support features in  the Stanford monitor enhance  the user's
control over his job and facilitate the writing  of display-effective
user programs.
(This film was done by Brian  Harvey.  It's 16mm  black and
white with sound, runs approximaely 13 minutes, and was produced in May 1975.)}

\bpar{{\ic Pointy - an Interactive System for Assembly}
POINTY is  an interactive programming  system that uses  a mechanical
ma\-nip\-u\-lator  as  a  measuring  tool  to  determine  the  position and
orientation of various parts  laid out in a work  station.  Positions
may be determined precisely by means of a sharp pointed tool  held in
the manipulator hand, or by using the finger touch sensors and moving
the  arm to  the  desired points  either manually  or  under computer
control.  Arbitrary orientations may be determined from  the location
of three points.  The data generated may be referred to symbolically,
so that the programmer is freed from having to think in terms  of the
numerical vlues of object locations.  The data is saved in a computer
file for later use in a program to assemble the parts.

This film illustrates the  use of POINTY instructions to  collect the
poisition data of two parts of a water valve assembly.  It  shows the
use  of  multiple  points to  determine  orientations,  the procedure
followed to obtain the data, and how the programmer may refer  to the
data symbolically.   Finally, the arm  is shown putting  together the
water valve assembly.
(This film was done by
M. Shahid Mujtaba.  It's 16mm color with sound,
runs approximately 10 minutes, and was produced in December 1977.)}

Alternatively,  prints may  be purchased  at cost  (typically  $\$40$ to
$\$200$).  This is handled by individual arrangement.  Contact the 
Publications Coordinator (Stanford Department of Computer Science) directly
if you are interested in purchasing any of these films.
%from: Photo Tech Laboratories (phone: 213/462-5457).
