perm filename FILES[3,2] blob
sn#802860 filedate 1986-01-20 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
A disk filename has three parts: name, extension and directory. The name
is 1 to 6 characters; the extension is 0 to 3 characters. The directory
name is in two parts, the project name and the programmer name, each of
which is 1 to 3 characters. Filenames are usually written like this:
Normally the extension of a file is chosen from a set of standard
extensions indicating what kind of file it is. Type HELP EXT for a list
of some of these standard extensions.
Commands to manipulate files:
TYPE <file> types a file on the user's terminal
DELETE <file> deletes the specified file
DIRECTORY types the names of all of the user's files
DIRECTORY [PRJ,PRG] types the names of some other user's files
DOVER <file> makes a listing of the file on the Dover printer
Commands to find status of open files:
FILES <job number> gives files for specified job (0 means yourself)
FILES <file> gives references (all jobs) to specified file
FILES continues uncompleted prior FILES command, if
any, else does a FILES 0 (your own files).
If a file list is too long for FILES to print all of it at one time, "..."
is printed after the first part of the list and a FILES command with no
argument will continue printing the list.