perm filename ESCAPE[3,2]3 blob
sn#321287 filedate 1977-12-13 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
request a DD chan [ESC] [CALL] leave DD queue [BREAK] [CALL]
incr prev esc/brk [ESC] + decr prev esc/brk [BREAK] +
repeat prev esc/brk [ESC] * change sign & rpt [BREAK] *
make current DD home[ESC] [CLEAR] disavow respons [BREAK] [CLEAR]
clear current page [ESC][FORMFEED]
add channel [ESC] <chan> A add line's chan [BREAK] <line> A
add own main chan [ESC] A add lounge TV [BREAK] A
allow beeps [ESC] B don't allow beeps [BREAK] B
erase DD grn on blk [ESC] C erase blk on grn [BREAK] C
delete channel [ESC] <chan> D delete line's chn [BREAK] <line> D
del own main chan [ESC] D delete lounge TV [BREAK] D
pause Nth line [ESC] <N> E line pause←∞ [ESC] E
lower & upper case [ESC] F upper case only [BREAK] F
glitches/screen [ESC] <N> G normal gl/screen [ESC] G
tie next DD of PRG [BREAK] G
hide terminal [ESC] H unhide terminal [BREAK] H
interrupt program [ESC] <N> I interrupt program [BREAK] <N> I
pause Nth glitch [ESC] <N> J glitch pause←∞ [ESC] J
set lines/glitch [ESC] <N> L normal lines/gl [ESC] L
tie to DD line [BREAK]<line> L tie to mapped DD [BREAK] L
map to DD line [ESC] <line> M map to home DD [ESC] M
map next DD of PRG [BREAK] M
normalize page [ESC] N clear & normalize [BREAK] N
flush typout (↑O) [ESC] O resume typeout [BREAK] O
redraw page printer [ESC] P clear & redraw PP [BREAK] P
next wholine of PRG [ESC] Q prev wholine PRG [BREAK] Q
refresh line editor [ESC] R map to respons DD [BREAK] R
select channel [ESC] <chan> S select line's ch [BREAK] <line> S
tie & sel main chan [ESC] S select lounge TV [BREAK] S
temp select channel [ESC] <chan> T temp sel line's ch[BREAK] <line> T
temp sel main chan [ESC] T temp sel lounge TV[BREAK] T
select audio chan [ESC] <chan> U sel audio/no page [BREAK] <chan> U
start wholine [ESC] W flush wholine [BREAK] W
wholine for job N [ESC] <N> W wholine of tty [BREAK] <line> W
allow rst of xtime [ESC] X never reset xtime [BREAK] X
zero xtime now only [ESC] 1 X xtime←rtime & ↑ [BREAK] 1 X
show next open file [ESC] 2 X flush file info [BREAK] 2 X
vert postion ← N [ESC] <N> Y normal vert pos [ESC] Y
enable auto beeps [ESC] Z disable auto beep [BREAK] Z
map DD to programmer[ESC] [ <programmer name> ]
tie DD to programmer[ESC] [ <programmer name> αL
programmer's wholine[ESC] [ <programmer name> αW