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%3Stanford University Computer Science Reports%1
List Number 11↔April 1981
Listed here are abstracts of the most recent reports published by the
Department of Computer Science at Stanford University.
%3Request Reports:%1 Complete the enclosed order form, and return the
entire order form page (including mailing label) as soon as possible. In
many cases we can print only a limited number of copies, and requests will
be filled on a first come, first served basis as the reports become
available. If the code (FREE) is printed on your mailing label, you will
not be charged for hardcopy. be charged for hardcopy. This exemption
from payment is limited primarily to university libraries which have an
exchange agreement with our Computer Science Library. Because of
increased costs, we have had to reduce the number of people in the FREE
category. (California sales tax will be added at the time of invoicing.
%2Please send no money now, wait until you get an invoice.%1)
%3Alternatively:%1 Copies of most Stanford CS Reports may be obtained by
writing (about 2 months after the ''Most Recent CS Reports'' listing) to
National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield,
Virginia 22161. Stanford Ph.D. theses are available from University
Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
%2Breaking Paragraphs Into Lines%1
by Donald E. Knuth and Michael F. Plass (66 pages, November 1980)
This paper discusses a new approach to the problem of dividing the text of
a paragraph into lines of approximately equal length. Instead of simply
making decisions one line at a time, the method considers the paragraph as
a whole, so that the final appearance of a given line might be influenced
by the text on succeeding lines. A system based on three simple primitive
concepts called 'boxes', 'glue', and 'penalties' provides the ability to
deal satisfactorily with a wide variety of typesetting problems in a
unified framework, using a single algorithm that determines optimum
breakpoints. This algorithm avoids backtracking by a judicious use of the
techniques of dynamic programming. Extensive computational experience
confirms that the approach is both efficient and effective in producing
high-quality output. The paper concludes with a brief history of
line-breaking methods, and an appendix presents a simplified algorithm
that requires comparatively few resources.
%2The Dinner Table Problem%1
by Bengt Aspvall and Frank Liang (13 pages, December 1980)
This report contains two papers inspired by the "dinner table problem":
If %2n%1 people are seated randomly around a circular table for two meals,
what is the probability that no two people sit together at both meals? We
show that this probability approaches %2e∩[-2]%1 as %2n → %5α∞%1, and also
give a closed form. We then observe that in many similar problems on
permutations with restricted position, the number of permutations
satisfying a given number of properties is approximately Poisson
distributed. We generalize our asymptotic argument to prove such a limit
theorem, and mention applications to the problems of derangements,
menages, and the asymptotic number of Latin rectangles.
%2Two Linear-Time Algorithms for Five-Coloring a Planar Graph%1
by David Matula, Yossi Shiloach and Robert Tarjan (23 pages, December 1980)
A "sequential processing" algorithm using bicolor interchange that five-
colors an %2n%1 vertex planar graph in O(%2n%1↑2) time was given by
Matula, Marble, and Isaacson [MMI 72]. Lipton and Miller used a "bach
processing" algorithm with bicolor interchange for the same problem and
achieved an improved O(%2n%1 log %2n%1) time bound [LM 78]. In this paper
we use graph contraction arguments instead of bicolor interchange and
improve both the sequential processing and batch processing methods to
obtain five-coloring algorithms that operate in O(%2n%1) time.
%2An O(nm log n) Algorithm for Maximum Network Flow%1
by Daniel D. K. Sleator (Thesis, 81 pages, December 1980)
This thesis presents a new algorithm for the maximum network flow problem.
The problem is this: Given a directed network of %2m%1 edges and %2n%1
vertices with two distinguished vertices, a source and a sink, and with a
nonnegative capacity associated with each edge, find a way of labeling the
edges with nonnegative real numbers representing flow in such a way that:
(1) The flow into each vertex equals the flow out (except at the source
and sink).
(2) The flow at each edge does not exceed the capacity at that edge.
(3) The flow out of the source is a maximum over-all flow
satisfying (1) and (2).
Our algorithm finds a maximum flow in O(%2nm%1log%2n%1) time, which is a
factor of log %2n%1 faster than the previous fastest algorithm. The
central innovation of our algorithm is a sophisticated data structure that
is used to represent a certain subset of edges that form a forest. The
edges of this forest are further partitioned into two classes: broken and
solid. Long paths of solid edges are grouped together and stored in a
balanced tree data structure called a biased 2-3 tree. Each leaf of the
biased 2-3 tree corresponds to an edge in the path.
%2Scheduling Wide Graphs%1
by Danny Dolev (43 pages, December 1980)
The problem of scheduling a partially ordered set of unit length tasks on
%2m%1 identical processors is known to be %2NP%1-complete. There are
efficient algorithms for only few special cases of this problem. In this
paper we explore the relations between the structure of the precedence
graph (the partial order) and optimal schedules. We prove that in finding
an optimal schedule for certain systems it suffices to consider at each
step high roots which belong to at most the %2m%1 -1 highest components
of the precedence graph. This result reduces the number of cases we have
to check during the construction of an optimal schedule. Our method may
lead to the development of linear scheduling algorithms for many practical
cases and to better bounds for complex algorithms. In particular, in the
case the precedence graph contains only inforest and outforest components,
this result leads to efficient algorithms for obtaining an optimal
schedule on two or three processors.
%2Graph Separator Theorems and Sparse Gaussian Elimination%1
by John Russell Gilbert (Thesis, 104 pages, December 1980)
Much of the process of making computer programs consists of creating
methods for the manipulation of discrete, finite objects such as
characters, vectors, sets, graphs, and permutations. "Combinatorial
algorithms" is the awkward but serviceable name for this branch of
computer science. Designing efficient combinatorial algorithms usually
involves applying or inventing subtle data structures and search
techniques, and is often associated with mathematics of significant depth
and beauty. This association gives the subject an appeal beyond that of
usefulness: Combinatorial algorithms are fun.
Like most branches of mathematics and science, the study of combinatorial
algorithms began as a collection of loosely related tricks, constructions,
and special insights. As the discipline has matured, unifying ideas and
principles have begun to emerge. One central theme is the formation of
complex data structures (together with algorithms for their manipulation)
out of simpler data structures. A body of well-known representations for
basic data structures such as queues and graphs has grown up, and
continues to expand. Another theme is the use of such paradigms for
algorithm design as divide-and-conquer, search, and dynamic programming.
%2Numerical Solution of the Biharmonic Equation%1
by Petter E. Bjorstad (Thesis, 139 pages, December 1980)
The numerical solution of discrete approximations to the first biharmonic
boundary value problem in rectangular domains is studied. Several finite
difference schemes are compared and a family of new fast algorithms for
the solution of the discrete systems is developed. These methods are
optimal, having a theoretical computational complexiy of O(N↑2) arithmetic
operations and requiring N↑2+O(N) storage locations when solving the
problem on an N by N grid. Several practical computer implementations of
the algorithm are discussed and compared. These implementations require
aN↑2 + bN↑2logN arithmetic operations with b<<a . The algorithms take full
advantage of vector or parallel computers and can also be used to solve a
sequence of problems efficiently. A new fast direct method for the
biharmonic problem on a disk is also developed. It is shown how the new
method of solution is related to the associated eigenvalue problem. The
results of extensive numerical tests and comparisons are included
throughout the dissertation.
It is believed that the material presented provides a good foundation for
practical computer implementations and that the numerical solution of the
biharmonic equation in rectangular domains from now on, will be considered
no more difficult than Poisson's equation.
%2Approximation and Optimization of Electron Density Maps%1
by Eric H. Grosse (Thesis, 118 pages, December 1980)
The three-dimensional structure of proteins is commonly determined from
x-ray diffraction data by manually inspecting the electron density,
displayed as a stack of two dimensional contour maps. A network
connecting peaks and passes of the density function has been suggested as
a representation more suitable for automatic interpretation. However,
locating all critical points of such a complicated function is a difficult
The solution proposed here is to partition the domain into cubes and
approximate the density function on each cube by a polynomial of three
variables, chosen so that all first derivatives are continuous across the
cube boundaries. Two algorithms are examined for this approximation: one
is least squares fitting with smooth tent-shaped basis functions (known as
tensor product B-splines) by repeated univariate least squares spline
fits, and the other scales Fourier coefficients of the electron density
function. Critical points can then be sought independently on each cube.
One variable is solved for immediately in terms of the other two; the
resulting two-dimensional problems are approximated on a subgrid and
finally reduced to one-dimensional quadratic equations. This method
locates critical points more accurately than discrete pattern matching and
more quickly than repeated Newton searches.
%2Temporal Verification of Concurrent Programs, Part I: The Temporal Framework
for Concurrent Programs%1
by Zohar Manna and Amir Pnueli (70 pages, January 1981)
This is the first in a series of reports describing the application of
Temporal Logic to the specification and verification of concurrent
We first introduce Temporal Logic as a tool for reasoning about sequences
of states. Models of concurrent programs based both on transition graphs
and on linear-text representations are presented and the notions of
concurrent and fair executions are defined.
The general temporal language is then specialized to reason about those
execution states and execution sequences that are fair computations of a
concurrent program. Subsequently, the language is used to describe
properties of concurrent programs.
The set of interesting properties is classified into %2Invariance%1
(Safety), %2Eventuality%1 (Liveness), and %2Precedence%1 (Until)
properties. Among the properties studied are: Partial Correctness,
Global Invariance, Clean Behavior, Mutual Exclusion, Deadlock Absence,
Termination, Total Correctness, Intermittent Assertions, Accessibility,
Starvation Freedom, Responsiveness, Safe Liveness, Absence of Unsolicited
Response, Fair Responsiveness, and Precedence.
In the following reports of this series, we use the temporal formalism to
develop proof methodologies for proving the properties discussed here.
%2Research on Expert Systems%1
by Bruce G. Buchanan (38 pages, February 1981)
All Al programs are essentially reasoning programs. And, to the extent
that they reason well about a problem area, all exhibit some expertise at
problem solving. Programs that solve the Tower of Hanoi puzzle, for
example, reason about the goal state and the initial state in order to
find "expert-level" solutions. Unlike other programs, however, the claims
about expert systems are related to questions of usefulness and
understandability as well as performance.
%2Dynamic Program Building%1
by Peter Brown (13 pages, February 1981)
This report argues that programs are better regarded as dynamic running
objects rather than as static textual ones. The concept of %2dynamic
building%1, whereby a program is constructed as it runs, is described.
The report then describes the %2Build%1 system, which is an implementation
of dynamic building for an interactive algebraic programming language.
Dynamic building aids the locating of run-time errors, and is especially
valuable in environments where programs are relatively short but run-time
errors are frequent and/or costly.
%2Short Waits%1
by Arthur L. Samuel (37 pages, February 1981)
This is an introductory manual describing the SU-AI timesharing system
that is available primarily for sponsored research in the Computer Science
Department. The present manual is written for the beginner and the user
interested primarily in the message-handling capability as well as for the
experienced computer user and programmer who either is unfamiliar with the
SU-AI computer or who uses it infrequently. References are made to the
available hard-copy manuals and to the extensive on-line document files
where more complete information can be obtained.
The principal advantages of this system are:
1) The availability of a large repertoire of useful system features;
2) The large memory;
3) The large file-storage system;
4) The ease with which one can access other computers via the ARPA net;
5) The file transfer facilities via the EFTP program and the ETHERNET;
6) The XGP and the DOVER printers and the large collections of fonts
available for them and
7) The fast and convenient E editor with its macro facilities.
%2Verification of Link-Level Protocols%1
by Donald E. Knuth (6 pages, January 1981)
Stein Krogdahl [1] has given an interesting demonstration of the partial
correctness of a "protocol skeleton", by which the validity of the
essential aspects of a large variety of data transmission schemes can be
demonstrated. The purpose of this note is to present a simpler way to
obtain the same results, by first establishing the validity of a less
efficient skeleton and then "optimizing" the algorithms. The present
approach, which was introduced for a particular protocol by N. V. Stenning
[2], also solves a wider class of problems that do not require
first-in-first-out transmissions.
%2Huffman's Algorithm via Algebra%1
by Donald E. Knuth (6 pages, March 1981)
The well-known algorithm of David A. Huffman for finding minimum
redundancy codes has found many diverse applications, and in recent years
it has been extended in a variety of ways. The purpose of this note is to
discuss a simple algebraic approach that seems to fit essentially all of
the applications of Huffman's method that are presently known.
%2The Role of Plans In Intelligent Teaching Systems%1
by Michael R. Genesereth (19 pages, November 1980)
One of the keys to effective remedial instruction is information about the
student's beliefs and misconceptions. This information can often be
obtained by analyzing the student's efforts in solving problems that
require knowledge of the subject matter. In some areas, it is possible to
design diagnostic tests that can pinpoint a student's misconception
directly from his answers. For example, in their work on the Buggy
system, Burton adn Brown developed a methodology for automatically
generting diagnostic tests that discoffer the underlying problems
responsible for a student's errors in subtraction. However, in subject
areas where the student chooses his own problem or when there are several
ways of solving a problem, it is helpful to consider not only the
student's final answer but also his steps in producing it. This paper is
concerned with the process of automatically analyzing a student's steps to
infer his rationale for taking those steps and the use of this information
in providing remediation tailored to the student.
%2Temporal Verification of Concurrent Programs, Part II: Proving Invariances%1
by Zohar Manna and Amir Pnueli (30 pages, March 1981)
In this report, the second of a series on the application of temporal
logic to concurrent programs, we concentrate on developing proof methods
for establishing %2Invariance%1 (Safety) properties. These are properties
that remain true throughout a computation. Examples of invariance
properties are: Partial Correctness, Global Invariance, Clean Behavior,
Mutual Exclusion, and Deadlock Absence.
We formulate a single uniform proof principle based on computational
induction for proving the invariance of assertions. We present several
sample programs and the invariant assertions needed to establish their
properties. The assertions are proved to be invariant using the uniform
proof principle.
For a restricted class of concurrent programs we present an algorithm for
the automatic derivation of invariant assertions. Finally, we compare our
formulation of the proof principle with other existing methods for proving
%2Temporal Verification of Concurrent Programs, Part III: Proving Eventualities%1
by Zohar Manna and Amir Pnueli (35 pages, March 1981)
In this report, the third of a series on the application of temporal logic
to concurrent programs, we concentrate on developing proof methods for
establishing %2Eventuality%1 (Liveness) properties.
In order to establish eventuality properties we present several principles
which translate the structure of the program into basic temporal
statements about its behavior. These principles can be viewed as
providing the temporal semantics of the program. The basic statements
thus derived are then combined into temporal proofs for the establishment
of eventuality properties. All the methods are amply illustrated by
%2Temporal Verification of Concurrent Programs, Part IV: The Non-Temporal
by Zohar Manna and Amir Pnueli (45 pages, March 1981)
In this paper we consider proofs of properties of concurrent programs. We
use the temporal formalism to state the properties but not to prove them.
We present proof principles which are based on convergence functions and
well-founded structures.
The main goal is to establish properties (%2fair correctness%1) that hold
for all fair computations. For this purpose, we first develop proof
principles for the related notions of unrestricted, impartial and just
correctness, and then state a proof principle for fair correctness. The
principles are illustrated by examples.
STAN-CS-79-717 (AIM-324), Robert Cartwright and John McCarthy, %2Recursive Programs
as Functions in a First Order Theory%1
STAN-CS-80-817, Jeffrey Scott Vitter (Thesis), %2Analysis of Coalesced Hashing%1
STAN-CS-80-790 (AD-A086 838), Gio Wiederhold, %2Databases in Health Care%1
STAN-CS-80-791, Clark R. Wilcox, Mary L. Dageforde & Gregory A. Jirak,%2MAINSAIL
Language Manual%1