perm filename E[3,2] blob
sn#542018 filedate 1980-11-14 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
E is a display editor designed for use from Stanford display terminals.
However, it can also be used from Teletype-like terminals, though not
especially conveniently. To learn how to use E, type: HELP ETEACH
(You must be logged in first, and at a display terminal.) ETV is the
command for editing a file with E. CETV for creating a file and then
editing it with E.
A simplified E manual, "Essential E" by Arthur Samuel, is a good document
for the beginning user to read. It is CSD report number STAN-CS-80-796,
available from CSD Publication Services. It is the only printed E manual
and it is available only in printed form.
The complete documentation for E is located in the file E.ALS[UP,DOC],
which can be accessed on the update page by the monitor command ET ?<cr>,
or by the E command <control>? .