perm filename DOVER[3,2]7 blob sn#799835 filedate 1985-08-17 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
The monitor commands DOVER and ROVER run the SPOOL program to spool requests
for the Dover (MJH 2nd floor) and Rover (MJH 4th floor) printers,
respectively.  Monitor commands Q/D and Q/R show the Dover and Rover queues,
and UNSPOOL/D and UNSPOOL/R allow unspooling from the Dover and Rover queues.

To print DVI files (output from TeX), run the program DVIdover or DVIrover.
Type HELP DVIDOV for more information about this program.

The following spool switches apply to the DOVER and ROVER commands:

  /NoHeader	  suppress heading at top of each page (default for .LST files)
  /Header	  put heading at the top of each page (normal default)
  /Font=<name>	  use named font (default is SAIL) (name can include size)
  /FSize=n	  set font size to n (default is 8)
  /NChars=n       set max number of chars per line to n (default 95)
  /NLines=n       set number of lines/page to n (sets LHeight implicitly)(69)
  /LHeight=n      set line height (vert distance per line) to n (default 131)
  /XLineS=n	  set extra interline spacing to n (default is 20, sets LHeight)
  /TMargin=n	  set top margin to n (default 1092)
  /BMargin=n	  set bottom margin to n (default 950)
  /LMargin=n	  set lefthand margin to n (default 1070)
  /Rotate	  rotate listing 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
		  Rotated defaults: Font=SAIL8(rot90); NChars=132; NLines=58;
				    TMar=1070; LMar=950; BMar=850; LHeight=115.
  (Margins, LHeight, and XLineS above are specified in thousandths of an inch.)

The line spacing can be set with any one of the three switches /NLines, /LHeight
and /XLineS, or it can be left to the default.  The default spacing is done by
setting XLineS=20 and using the formula below.  Setting XLineS=0 results in
fairly tight line spacing, but negative values for XLineS are also permitted,
for even tigher spacing.  Unless NLines or LHeight is specified, this formula
determines the spacing:
			   FSize * 1000
	LHeight = XLineS + ------------ (thousandths of an inch)

(Actually, for rotated output with neither NLines nor LHeight specified, this
formula applies unless there is also NO FONT SIZE and NO XLINES given, in which
case NLines=58 is used, to fit one lineprinter-format page per Dover or Rover

None of the above switches applies if the file being spooled is already a
Press file, since Press files contain complete formatting information.

Other normal spooler switches can also be used with Dover or Rover listings,
e.g., /Repeat=n can be used to make n copies.  The /Octal switch is NOT
implemented for the Dover or Rover, nor is the /PLimit=n switch.

For complete spooler documentation, see the SPOOL appendix of the Monitor
Command Manual, online as MONCOM.BH[S,DOC].