perm filename DIAL[3,2] blob sn#739601 filedate 1984-02-01 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
DIAL is a form of the TELNET program, and can be used to send or receive
data from a foreign host.

In its simplest form, DIAL is invoked by:

.DIAL nnn-nnnn		(where nnn-nnnn is the phone # you want dialed)

A switch specifying the modem-type and speed can appear before the number
to be called, for example:

.DIAL/V nnn-nnnn	for 1200 baud Vadic modem
.DIAL/1200 nnn-nnnn	for 1200 baud Bell modem

You can also dial commonly-used computers by:

.DIAL name

The list of currently known names includes:
The /V switch is assumed for dialing to LOTSA and LOTSB unless you
override it with another speed setting.

While running DIAL, almost everything you type is send over the modem
line.  However, a number of characters are trapped and used to make DIAL
do magic things.  Some of the most commonly used are:

<meta>D		Open a file to receive data.  Everything coming in from the
		foreign host is appended to the data in the file.

<ctrl><meta>D	Close the output file.

<meta>I		Open a file for input.  Everything in the file is transmitted
		to the foreign host, just as if you had typed it.

<ctrl><meta>I	Close the input file.

<ctrl><meta>Q	Quit, close the DIAL connection, and exit to the monitor.

<meta>V		Enter the Datamedia simulator.

<ctrl><meta>V	Exit the Datamedia simulator.

If you are not on a display terminal, then you need to use DIAL's escape
character to simulate <ctrl> and <meta>.  The escape character is ASCII
control-↑.  Type control-↑ once for <ctrl>, twice for <meta>, or three times
for <ctrl><meta>, followed by the command character.  (You can change the
escape character if it is inconvenient to type.)

There are many more options than listed here.  See the Monitor Command
Manual under DIAL (in the manual's index) for more information.  That
manual is online as MONCOM.BH[S,DOC].  Several updates pertaining to DIAL
can be found in MONCOM.UPD[S,DOC].