perm filename CSREPT.LST[USE,CSR] blob
sn#285447 filedate 1977-06-01 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR] and 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR] 6-01-77 23:55 pages 1,1
**** File 1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 1 line 1
**** File 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 1 line 1
**** File 1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 1 line 14
1) C00058 00012 Procedures for making labels: lab,emitlab,endlab
1) C00061 00013 The `receive' procedure, which handles virtual money
1) C00064 00014 The MAIL procedure and its subprocedures abst,invo,inv,status,scanorders
1) C00078 00015 The `send' procedure, for isolated orders
1) C00094 00016 The `adjust' procedure, to adjust the inventory
1) C00099 00017 The president (chief executive)
1) C00102 00018 The program starts here (sets string constants, including HELPs)
1) C00112 00019 Set breaks, open channels, call main procedure, end gracefully
1) C00115 ENDMK
1) C⊗;
**** File 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 1 line 14
2) C00058 00012
2) C00061 00013 The `receive' procedure, which handles virtual money
2) C00064 00014 Procedures for making labels: lab,emitlab,endlab
2) C00067 00015 The MAIL procedure and its subprocedures abst,invo,inv,status,scanorders
2) C00081 00016 The `send' procedure, for isolated orders
2) C00097 00017 The `adjust' procedure, to adjust the inventory
2) C00102 00018 The president (chief executive)
2) C00105 00019 The program starts here (sets string constants, including HELPs)
2) C00115 00020 Set breaks, open channels, call main procedure, end gracefully
2) C00118 ENDMK
2) C⊗;
**** File 1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 9 line 20
1) print("I deduce that the ZIP code or country is ",zip,";
1) if not, please reject this and try again.",crlf);
1) case resp("Type the classification (C,F,N,M, or A), or type <cr> to reject "
**** File 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 9 line 20
2) print("I deduce that the ZIP code or country is ",zip,";",crlf,
2) " if not, please reject this and try again.",crlf);
2) case resp("Type the classification (C,F,N,M, or A), or type <cr> to reject "
**** File 1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 12 line 1
1) comment Procedures for making labels: lab,emitlab,endlab;
1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR] and 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR] 6-01-77 23:55 pages 12,13
**** File 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 13 line 1
2) comment The `receive' procedure, which handles virtual money;
2) procedure receive;
2) begin comment interactive processing of receipts;
2) while true do
2) begin label prompt; integer amt;
2) p←find("of account to credit (or 99999)");
2) afchanged←true;
2) if p=0 then done;
2) prompt: print("Amount rec'd (or amount + or -, if accounting adjustment)? $");ttin;
2) amt←inscan;
2) if scale≠2 then
2) begin print("Type amount followed by <cr>, e.g., 5.20<cr>,",crlf,
2) "if $5.20 has been received in payment for this account.",crlf,
2) "Type amount followed by -<cr> if the account balance is to",crlf,
2) "decrease by this amount but no payment has been received.",crlf,
2) "Type amount followed by +<cr> if the account balance is to",crlf,
2) "increase by this amount. Just type <cr> to leave the account",crlf,
2) "unchanged. People not on the mailing list have hash code #99999.",crlf);
2) go to prompt;
2) end;
2) if brchar="-" then
2) begin fixd←fixd+amt; balance[p]←balance[p]-amt;
2) end
2) else if brchar="+" then
2) begin fixd←fixd-amt; balance[p]←balance[p]+amt;
2) end
2) else begin label notax; if brchar≠"." then
2) begin print("Incorrect form, try again.",crlf);
2) go to prompt;
2) end;
2) if key[p]=cvasc("99999") then
2) begin if ynresp("California resident?")≠1 then go to notax;
2) end
2) else if key[p]<cvasc("90000") or key[p]≥cvasc("96700") then
2) go to notax;
2) comment We must pay tax on California residents, the tax was
2) included in the purchase price;
2) calrecd←calrecd+amt;
2) notax: balance[p]←balance[p]-amt; recd←recd+amt;
2) end;
2) end;
2) end;
2) comment Procedures for making labels: lab,emitlab,endlab;
**** File 1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 13 line 1
1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR] and 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR] 6-01-77 23:55 pages 13,15
1) comment The `receive' procedure, which handles virtual money;
1) procedure receive;
1) begin comment interactive processing of receipts;
1) while true do
1) begin label prompt; integer amt;
1) p←find("of account to credit (or 99999)");
1) afchanged←true;
1) if p=0 then done;
1) prompt: print("Amount rec'd (or amount + or -, if accounting adjustment)? $");ttin;
1) amt←inscan;
1) if scale≠2 then
1) begin print("Type amount followed by <cr>, e.g., 5.20<cr>,",crlf,
1) "if $5.20 has been received in payment for this account.",crlf,
1) "Type amount followed by -<cr> if the account balance is to",crlf,
1) "decrease by this amount but no payment has been received.",crlf,
1) "Type amount followed by +<cr> if the account balance is to",crlf,
1) "increase by this amount. Just type <cr> to leave the account",crlf,
1) "unchanged. People not on the mailing list have hash code #99999.",crlf);
1) go to prompt;
1) end;
1) if brchar="-" then
1) begin fixd←fixd+amt; balance[p]←balance[p]-amt;
1) end
1) else if brchar="+" then
1) begin fixd←fixd-amt; balance[p]←balance[p]+amt;
1) end
1) else begin label notax; if brchar≠"." then
1) begin print("Incorrect form, try again.",crlf);
1) go to prompt;
1) end;
1) if key[p]=cvasc("99999") then
1) begin if ynresp("California resident?")≠1 then go to notax;
1) end
1) else if key[p]<cvasc("90000") or key[p]≥cvasc("96700") then
1) go to notax;
1) comment We must pay tax on California residents, the tax was
1) included in the purchase price;
1) calrecd←calrecd+amt;
1) notax: balance[p]←balance[p]-amt; recd←recd+amt;
1) end;
1) end;
1) end;
1) comment The MAIL procedure and its subprocedures abst,invo,inv,status,scanorders;
**** File 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 15 line 1
2) comment The MAIL procedure and its subprocedures abst,invo,inv,status,scanorders;
1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR] and 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR] 6-01-77 23:55 pages 17,18
**** File 1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 17 line 6
1) if lookupfail(iichan,"ADDFIL.DSK") then return;
1) print("Hello! Please wait a minute while I read in the address file....",crlf);
**** File 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 18 line 6
2) if lookupfail(iichan,"ADDFl3.DSK") then return;
2) print("Hello! Please wait a minute while I read in the address file....",crlf);
**** File 1) CSREPT.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 17 line 26
1) if enterfail(oochan,"ADDFIL.DSK") then return;
1) addfilout;
**** File 2) CSRPT2.SAI[USE,CSR], Page 18 line 26
2) if enterfail(oochan,"ADDFl3.DSK") then return;
2) addfilout;