perm filename CSL.DOC[BIB,CSR]1 blob
sn#576652 filedate 1981-04-07 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
To order reports, complete and return this form to the Computer
Systems Laboratory. To return this form to us, simply fold it
so that the Laboratory address on the reverse side shows, staple
and affix postage.
Please DO NOT send any money with your order. A bill will be
enclosed when the reports are sent to you. The number of copies
avaalable is limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-
served basis.
Please DO NOT use this form for ordering reports published by the
Computer Science Department and DO NOT use their form for ordering
OUR reports. These reports are handled by two different people in
two different buildings.
City & Zip Code:
Check off the reports you are interested in.
|B CSL TR-195 $5.00 |B CSL TR-195 FREE
|B CSL TR-197 not available |B CSL TR-197 FREE
|B CSL TR-199 $4.60 |B CSL TR-199 FREE
|B CSL TR-200 $4.05 |B CSL TR-200 FREE