perm filename CANON[3,2]2 blob sn#546391 filedate 1980-11-26 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
The Canon is up again, but may be flaky.  You are welcome to try to
use it.  Please watch it constantly while using it.  11/21 ras

The Canon is not yet ready for general consumption.  You can print,
but there is no spooler.  Meanwhile Use it at your own risk.
For complete documentation, READ CANON.		- briefly...

    The printing program CPrint can print ascii files or CAN formatted 
Tex output (.R PTex to produce a DVI file, .R Cantor to make the .can 
file). Any file other than a .CAN file is assumed to contain ascii text.

    You may choose the font with which a text file is printed.  Use 
a FIX font to have the entire SAIL character set.  The default, fix25 
gives 70, fix30 gives 58 and fix20 gives 83 lines per page. 

    Go to the machine room to monitor the Canon as it prints.  To print
a file, .R CPrint.  If this does not work, CALL out of CPrint, .R CStart, 
following the instructions given, and again .R CPrint.

See READ CANON for more detailed information.

1)  You MUST watch your output being printed to catch any errors that
	could make the Canon spew paper.  Glitches in the line can cause 
	unpredictable errors.  
2)  There is no spooling process; only one person may print a file at a time.  
	Do NOT print a file till the last one is completely out or the last 
	one may be ruined.
4)  There are no headers or title pages yet, so any listings lying around
	are fair game for use as samples. 

Documentation for all of the above can be found in CANON.RAS[up,doc]
Additional documentation on the Canon can be found in canon.doc[1,rob]
and in Canon manuals near the printer or in the office of the renown LTP.

Send gripes to RAS			- Randy