perm filename BALL.AP[NET,GUE] blob sn#018349 filedate 1973-01-02 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
    Eds: Wirephoto plans transmission of following before 7:30 a.m.
EST: Nixon with coach of Washington Redskins at White House, horz;
Cotton Bowl action, horz; Orange Bowl action, horz; Rose Bowl
football; two men from Bloomington, Ind., with Christmas cards sent
each other, horz; visitors at Truman grave.
The AP
0448aES 01-02


    PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - Pat Nixon has this bit of advice for the
nation's football widows:
    ''Get in there and join your husband; that's what I do.''
    Mrs. Nixon took part in the Tournament of Roses parade here Monday
before attending the Rose Bowl game in which the University of
Southern California beat Ohio State University 42-17.
    She told newsmen that, when the President, who is an avid football
fan, is prevented by his busy schedule from seeing a game, ''I make
it a practice to try to keep up with what is happening so I may fill
him in.''
    NEW YORK (AP) - Comedian Imogene Coca has undergone surgery for
partial face reconstruction and an injured right eye following a
Florida auto accident.
    Miss Coca, onetime television comedy partner of Sid Caesar, was
flown here from Florida for the operation at the Manhattan Eye,
Ear and Throat Hospital.
    Doctors termed the operation Monday a ''success.'' They said
''results were excellent and the prognosis is good.''
    MILAN, Italy (AP) - Countess Wally Toscanini, daughter of the late
conductor Arturo Toscanini, has told police that burglars have
stolen memorablia left by her father. She said that jewelry and
furs, paintings, art objects and $85,000 in cash also were taken.
    Police said Monday that the countess was in Venice at the time
of the robbery.
    HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Actor Edward G. Robinson, 79, is reported in
satisfactory condition Monday at Mt. Sinai Hospital, where he was
admitted Saturday night for a series of tests.
    Robinson, famed for his movie tough-guy roles, had not been feeling
well for some time, according to a hospital spokesman. But the
nature of his illness has not been determined, the spokesman said
0234aES 01-02


Bowls Newspage 120
    Southern California, bolstered by Sam Cunningham's four touchdown
dives, clinched the national college football championship with a
42-17 victory over Ohio State in the Rose Bowl Monday.
    Cunningham plunged over Ohio State's defenses from inside the two
yard line all four times as the Trojans snapped a 7-7 halftime tie
and went on for the convincing triumph.
    Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Rodgers scored four touchdowns and
passed for another as Nebraska crushed Notre Dame 40-6 in the Orange
    Quarterback Alan Lowry bootlegged the ball 34 yards down the
sideline in the fourth quarter and lifted Texas to a 17-14 Cotton
Bowl victory over Alabama.
0157aES 01-02


 Pat Nixon Bjt 350
AP Special Correspondent
    PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - Pat Nixon had some bowl day advice Monday
for those millions of housewives frustrated by husbands who keep
glued to the television screens for the weekend and holiday football
    ''They should get right in there and join him - that's what
I do,'' the First Lady said in an informal interview during a visit
here to attend the Rose Bowl game between her alma mater, Southern
California, and Ohio State.
    The President's wife said there were misconceptions about how much
football Nixon gets to see.
    ''He loves football - and so do I,'' she said. ''But he usually
works while he watches and there are constant interruptions. When he
has to go to the telephone, I make it a practice to try to keep up
with what is happening so I may fill him in.''
    Mrs. Nixon flew in Sunday night from Camp David, where the
President watched his favorite Washington Redskins and the Miami
Dolphins win their way into the Super bowl. She checked into the
Pasadena hotel which is the Ohio State headquarters.
    ''Going up an elevator I heard all those Ohio State people
talking about the game and predicting what they were going
to do to Southern Cal,'' she said. ''It was all I could do
to keep my mouth shut.''
    ''But today I'll be cheering my lungs out for the Trojans.''
    Mrs. Nixon, who was graduated from the Southern California's
School of Education in 1937, rode in the Rose Bowl parade behind
the Southern Cal band and in front of the Trojan float. She
was escorted by Dr. John Hubbard, Southern California president,
and Mrs. Hubbard.
    ''I am sure we will win,'' Mrs. Nixon predicted before the game.
    The President's wife acknowledged that if one doesn't like
sports, one might get lonesome around the White House.
    ''Take Julie, for instance. She has to look at a lot of baseball,''
Mrs. Nixon said, referring to her younger daughter, Mrs. David
    ''David, you know, is wild about baseball.''
    And the President? While his wife prepared to watch the Rose Bowl,
Nixon was entertaining at the White House. His guest Redskins
Coach George Allen and his family.
1351pES 01-01


                     AP NEWS DIGEST
                          Tuesday AMs


    American bombers turn the thrust of their attacks from North
Vietnam to Laos and Cambodia in an effort to cut off movement of
enemy troops and supplies.
    From Saigon, war roundup. Wirephoto NY3 st 529aes, NY4 at 916aes.

    North Vietnam returns to the Paris peace talks with a grudge
over devastating U.S. bombing raids and a suspicion that President
Nixon may order still more attacks if the talks get snagged again.
    From Saigon, new, an AP News Analysis by George Esper.


    House Democrats caucus Tuesday for the first formalities
of the new Congress and perhaps for the first skirmish of renewed
endeavors to push through antiwar legislation.
    From Washington, new material, will stand.

    With separate on new faces in Congress.


    An earthquake relief plane bound for Managua crashes off San Juan
and star Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder Roberto Clemente is one of
five missing.
    From San Juan, developing. Wirephoto NY9 at 721aes, NY11 at 930aes,
NY12 at 1215pes, SAN2 at 1045aes.

    Britain joins the European Common Market and thousands of citizens
mark the historic occasion by taking the day off, European style.
    From London, new material, will stand. Wirephoto LON4 at 1032aes.

    Australia's new government bustles into the new year along a trail
of decisions that have left many citizens Down Under bewildered
at the pace of change.
    From Sydney, new, should stand.


    If the price of vegetable oil goes up or gas shortages develop,
it might be the fault of last year's widespread rain.
    From Washington, new, will stand. Wirephoto WX7 upcoming.

    Hundreds of police and sheriff's deputies are placed on alert
against possible renewal of violence that produced 27 injuries
and 36 arrests during a New Year's Eve riot involving up to 6,000.
    From Fort Lauderdale, Fla., new material. Wirephoto FTL1 at

    When the late V. L. Hash, a one-armed attorney known for picking
up a lot of walk-in divorce business, failed to receive his fee,
he'd simply forget to legalize the separations. Now courts are
trying to straighten it out.
    From Phoenix, new, will stand.

                               NEW YEAR

    Undaunted by high winds and parking space scalpers demanding up to
$10 to look after their cars, some one million spectators rose at
dawn for curbside seats at the 84th annual Rose Parade.
    From Pasadena, new, may stand. Wirephoto staffing.

    As she attends the Rose Bowl, Pat Nixon has some advice for
wives frustrated by television football watching husbands: ''Get
in there and join him.''
    From Pasadena, new, will stand, by Special Correspondent Will
Grimsley. Wirephoto staffing.


    In all of Harry S. Truman's countermoves to the encroachment of
world communism, two actions stand out as the most dramatic: the
Berlin airlift and the Korean War.
    From Washington, part six of a series by Harry F. Rosenthal.

1326pES 01-01


    Eds.: Wirephoto plans transmission of following before 7:30 a.m.
EST: American POWs at Hanoi press conference, four-picture combo;
Washington-Dallas pro football action, vert, horz; Miami-Pittsburgh
football action, horz; Sugar Bowl MVP with trophy, horz; Sugar Bowl
action, vert.
The AP
0527aES 01-01


New Year Roundup 350
    The New Year came one second late for revelers around the world
this year as observatories adjusted their clocks to more precise
alignment with the earth's rotation.
    Not many noticed the extra second, of course, but Russell Brown was
in a quandary.
    Brown presides over the annual lowering of the illuminated ball on
the Allied Chemical Tower in Manhattan's Times Square, the symbol
for millions of American television viewers of the passing of the
old year.
    ''God forbid anything should go wrong in the world for a full
second,'' he said, laughing. ''But 11:59:61 is going to look very
funny at the bottom of everybody's TV screen, right?''
    Celebrations by ordinary citizens around the world today were
expected to coincide at times with New Year's messages for 1973 from
heads of state.
    Many Chinese were to spend the day in movie houses, watching a
color documentary film on the meeting of Chairman Mao Tse-tung and
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh, the Viet Cong's chief negotiator at the Paris
peace talks.
    Calls for an end to war in 1973 were heard from such heads of state
as Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin, who demanded ''the earliest
signing by the United States of an agreement on a cease-fire and
restoration of peace in Vietnam.''
    Indonesian President Suharto called on all ''disputing parties''
in Vietnam to eschew violence in favor of ''good will and honesty.''
    Denmark's young Queen Margrethe had a special New Year's message
for Danes, her first since succeeding to the throne after her
father's death last January.
    In light of the Vietnam bombing halt Saturday, she said in her
message: ''The news of the last 24 hours leads us to hope that peace
may now finally come to that unfortunate country.''
    Meanwhile, many Americans planned to spend the day in front of
television sets watching the traditional Tournament of Roses parade
and the Rose Bowl football game matching Ohio State and the
University of Southern California.
0501aES 01-01

 UNDATED New Year Rdp A036 add: California. 140.
    Pope Paul VI appealed for peace ''at any cost,'' expressing
''the wish that the new year may be a year of refound and
strengthened peace.''
    In Taipei, President Chiang Kai-shek of the Nationalist Chinese
regime on Taiwan reiterated his call for recovering mainland
China, which the Communists have ruled since 1949.
    The 85-year-old Chiang said the Communist leaders on the
mainland are ''not really Chinese but only appear to be.''
    Israel began the new year by boosting pensions $2.50 to $29
a month for the elderly and setting controls on basic food,
drink, medicine, haircut, taxi and kindergarten prices. Prices
on cigarettes and cars were freed from controls. In Rome,
celebrating Italians ran out of supplies of the traditional
fireworks they like to pitch from open windows.
    Police had seized large quantities of explosives in a drive
against illegal fireworks.
1002aES 01-01


Rose Parade 220
    PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - Mrs. Richard M. Nixon and actor John Wayne
head the cast for today's 84th annual Rose Parade, which is expected
to draw one million persons and a worldwide television audience of
300 million.
    Parade-watchers, many of them vacationing college students here for
the Rose Bowl football game between Southern California and Ohio
State, started jockeying for curb space to watch the parade as early
as Friday.
    Hundreds traditionally see in New Year's on the curbs - some
bringing sleeping bags and portable heaters to make the sub-50
degree night temperatures easier to take.
    The weatherman promised a midday temperature in the 60s.
    Wayne was chosen grand marshal in keeping with the ''movieland''
theme of the parade, officially known as the Tournament of Roses.
Mrs. Nixon will ride in the parade with Dr. John Hubb
rd, president
of the University of Southern California.
    Since the event is known for its use of fresh flowers, Southern
California's recent December heat wave posed a problem - causing
chyrsanthemums to bloom prematurely.
    The solution?
    ''We had to bring in a lot of colored mums from Florida,'' said
the co-owner of one of the parade's major float-building firms.
0139aES 01-01

Rose Parade Lead a008
    PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - Mrs. Richard M. Nixon and actor John Wayne
head the cast for today's 84th annual Rose Parade, which is expected
to draw one million persons and a worldwide television audience of
300 million.
    High winds delayed positioning of the parade's 59 floats.
    Winds with gusts up to 45 miles per hour were forecast for
parade time, but forecasters said the gusts should subside
later in the morning.
    The first floats were supposed to be in position at 9 p.m.
Sunday, but the move was postponed because builders feared
the wind might wither flowers or even topple floats. The first
float was finally moved into position at 10:15 p.m.
    Violence broke out while thousands spent the night on the
parade route. A 33-year-old man was stabbed to death in one
incident, and, in a second incident, 18 to 20 youths were booked
for assault against an officer or assault with a deadly weapon
following what officers termed a ''miniriot.''
    The dead man was identified as James K. Marshall of Bellflower,
Calif. Police said he was stabbed by five or six youths about
2:30 a.m. and died several minutes later at Huntington Memorial
    In the second incident, officers said they were pelted with
rocks and bottles when they answered a disturbance. When they
tried to arrest two youths, officers said, they were ''ganged''
by others at the scene. Three ofifcers suffered slight injuries.
Parade watchers 2nd graf
0939aES 01-01
