perm filename ARPA[3,2] blob sn#275077 filedate 1977-04-10 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
There is no general guest account on this system.
There are some programs that can be run without an account, as
listed below.  If you need to know more about any of these, type
"HELP <topic><carriage return>". For information on special control
characters and commands, type "HELP TTY".

WHO, FINGER, WHERE, WHEN provide information about people and jobs
	currently running.
MAIL, SEND, GRIPE, TALK permit you to send messages and converse
	with people on the system.
DIR lists the files in specified directories.
TYPE lets you type out the contents of text files.
FIND searches text files and prints those paragraphs that contain
	specified keywords.

If you need to do more than the above programs permit, say "HELP LOGIN".