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C00003 00003	.BEGIN center <<A.I. Memos>>
C00035 00004	*AIM-150,,, Robert W. Floyd, %2Toward Interactive Design of Correct Programs%1,
C00074 00005	AIM-300, CS-617,, Terry Winograd,
C00078 00006	.next page <<HPP memos>>
C00111 00007	HPP-77-1, A.C. Scott, W. Clancey, R. Davis and E.H. Shortliffe, STAN-CS-77-593,
C00124 ENDMK
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*AIM-1,,,John McCarthy, %2Predicate Calculus with `Undefined' as a Truth-value%1,
5 pages, March 1963.

John McCarthy, %2Situations, Actions, and Causal Laws%1, 11 pages, July 1963.

*AIM-3,,, Fred Safier,
%2`The Mikado' an an Advice Taker Problem%1, 4 pages, July 1963.

*AIM-4,,, Horace Enea, %2Clock Function for LISP 1.5%1,
2 pages, August 1963.

*AIM-5,,AD785043, Horace Enea, Dean Wooldridge, %2Algebraic Simplication%1,
2 pages, August 1963.

*AIM-6,,, Dean Wooldridge, %2Non-printing Compiler%1, 2 pages, August 1963.

*AIM-7,,AD785044, John McCarthy,
%2Programs With Common Sense%1, 7 pages, September 1963.

*AIM-8,,, John McCarthy,
%2Storage Conventions in LISP 2%1, 5 pages, September 1963.

*AIM-9,,, C. M. Williams,
%2Computing Estimates for the Number of Bisections of an NxN
Checkerboard for N Even%1, 9 pages, December 1963.

*AIM-10,,AD785045, Stephan R. Russell,
%2Improvements in LISP Debugging%1, 3 pages, December 1963.

*AIM-11,,AD785046, Dean Wooldridge, Jr.,
%2An Algebraic Simplify Program in LISP%1, 57 pages, December 1963.

*AIM-12,,, Gary Feldman,
%2Documentation of the MacMahon Squares Problem%1, 4 pages, January 1964.

*AIM-13,,AD785047, Dean E. Wooldridge,
%2The New LISP System (LISP l.55)%1, 4 pages, February 1964.

*AIM-14,,AD785035, John McCarthy,
%2Computer Control of a Machine for Exploring Mars%1, 6 pages, January 1964.

*AIM-15,,AD785036, Mark Finkelstein, Fred Safier,
%2Axiomatization and Implementation%1, 6 pages, June 1964.

*AIM-16,,AD785037, John McCarthy,
%2A Tough nut for Proof Procedures%1, 3 pages, July 1964.

*AIM-17,,AD785038, John McCarthy,
%2Formal Description of the Game of Pang-Ke%1, 2 pages, July 1964.

*AIM-18,,AD785048, Jan Hext,
%2An Expression Input Routine for LISP%1, 5 pages, July 1964.

*AIM-19,,, Jan Hext,
%2Programming Languages and Translation%1, 14 pages, August 1964.

*AIM-20,,AD785039, D. Raj. Reddy,
%2Source Language Optimization of For-loops%1, 37 pages, August 1964.

AIM-21,,AD785040, R. W. Mitchell,
%2LISP 2 Specifications Proposal%1, 12 pages, August 1964.  Cost: $2.05

AIM-22,,AD785041, Richard Russell,
%2Kalah -- the Game and the Program%1, 13 pages, September 1964.  Cost: $2.05

AIM-23,,AD785049, Richard Russell,
%2Improvements to the Kalah Program%1, 12 pages, September 1964.  Cost: $2.05

AIM-24,,AD785050, John McCarthy,
%2A Formal Description of a Subset of ALGOL%1, 43 pages, September 1964.  Cost: $2.90

AIM-25,,AD785051, Richard Mansfield,
%2A Formal System of Computation%1, 7 pages, September 1964.  Cost: $1.90

AIM-26,,AD785052, D. Raj. Reddy,
%2Experiments on Automatic Speech Recognition by a Digital Computer%1,
19 pages, October 1964.  Cost: $2.25

AIM-27,,AD785053, John McCarthy,
%2A Proof-checker for Predicate Calculus%1, 7 pages, March 1965.  Cost: $1.90

*AIM-28,,AD785054, John McCarthy,
%2Problems in the Theory of Computation%1, 7 pages, March 1965.

*AIM-29,,AD785055, Charles M. Williams,
%2Isolation of Important Features of a Multitoned Picture%1,
9 pages, January 1965.

*AIM-30,,AD785056, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Richard W. Watson,
%2An Initial Problem Statement for a Machine Induction Research
Project%1, 8 pages, April 1965.

*AIM-31,,AD785057, John McCarthy,
%2Plans for the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project%1,
17 pages, April 1965.

*AIM-32,,AD785068, Harry Ratchford,
%2The 138 Analog Digital Converter%1, 9 pages, May 1965.

AIM-33,,AD785032, Barbara Huberman,
%2The Advice Taker and GPS%1, 8 pages, June 1965.  Cost: $1.95

AIM-34,,AD785069, Peter Carah,
%2A Television Camera Interface for the PDP-1%1, 8 pages, June 1965.  Cost: $1.95

*AIM-35,,, Fred Safier, %2Simple Simon%1, 17 pages, June 1965.

AIM-36,,AD785065, James Painter,
%2Utilization of a TV Camera on the PDP-1%1, 6 pages, September 1965.  Cost: $1.85

*AIM-37,,, Knut Korsvold,
%2An on Line Algebraic Simplification Program%1, 36 pages, November 1965.

AIM-38,,AD785066, Donald A. Waterman,
%2A Filter for a Machine Induction System%1, 19 pages, January 1966.  Cost: $2.25

AIM-39,,AD785067, Karl Pingle,
%2A Program to Find Objects in a Picture%1, 22 pages, January 1966.  Cost: $2.30

*AIM-40, CS-38, AD662880, John McCarthy, James Painter,
%2Correctness of a Compiler for Arithmetic Expressions%1,
13 pages, April 1966.

*AIM-41,,, Phil Abrams, Dianna Rode,
%2A Proposal for a Proof-checker for Certain Axiomatic Systems%1,
10 pages, May 1966.

AIM-42,,, Karl Pingle,
%2A Proposal for a Visual Input Routine%1, 11 pages, June 1966.  Cost: $2.00

*AIM-43, CS-49, SS640-836, D. Raj. Reddy,
%2An Approach to Computer Speech Recognition by Direct Analysis of the
Speech Wave%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 144 pages, September 1966.

*AIM-44,,, James Painter,
%2Semantic Correctness of a Compiler for an Algol-like Language%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 130 pages, revised March 1967.

AIM-45,,, Donald Kaplan,
%2Some Completeness Results in the Mathematical Theory of Computation%1,
22 pages, October 1966.  Cost: $2.30

*AIM-46, CS-50, PB176761, Staffan Persson,
%2Some Sequence Extrapolating Programs: a Study of Representation and
Modeling in Inquiring Systems%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
176 pages, September 1966.

*AIM-47,,, Bruce Buchanan,
%2Logics of Scientific Discovery%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Philosophy U.C. Berkeley,
210 pages, December 1966.

AIM-48,,, Donald M. Kaplan,
%2Correctness of a Compiler for Algol-like Programs%1, 46 pages, July 1967.  Cost: $3.00

AIM-49,,, Georgia Sutherland,
%2DENDRAL -- a Computer Program for Generating and Filtering Chemical
Structures%1, 34 pages, February 1967.  Cost: $2.65

*AIM-50,,, Anthony C. Hearn,
%2Reduce Users' Manual%1, 53 pages, February 1967.

AIM-51,,, Lester D. Earnest,
%2Choosing an eye for a Computer%1, 154 pages, April 1967.  Cost: $6.00

AIM-52,,, Arthur L. Samuel,
%2Some Studies in Machine Learning Using the Game of Checkers II -
Recent Progress%1, 48 pages, June 1967.  Cost: $3.05

AIM-53,,, William Weiher,
%2The PDP-6 Proof Checker%1, 47 pages, June 1967.  Cost: $3.00

*AIM-54,,, Joshua Lederberg, Edward A. Feigenbaum,
%2Mechanization of Inductive Inference in Organic Chemistry%1,
29 pages, August 1967.

*AIM-55,,, Jerome Feldman,
%2First Thoughts of Grammatical Inference%1, 18 pages, August 1967.

AIM-56,,, William Wichman,
%2Use of Optical Feedback in the Computer Control of an Arm%1,
Thesis: Eng. in Electrical Engineering, 69 pages, August 1967.  Cost: $3.65

AIM-57,,, Anthony C. Hearn,
%2REDUCE, a User-oriented Interactive System for Algebraic Simplification%1,
69 pages, October 1967.  Cost: $3.65

*AIM-58,,, Monte D. Callero,
%2An Adaptive Command and Control System Utilizing Heuristic Learning
Processes%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Operations Research, 161 pages, December 1967.

*AIM-59,,, Donald M. Kaplan,
%2A Formal Theory Concerning the Equivalence of Algorithms%1, 20 pages, May 1968.

AIM-60, CS-101, AD672923, Donald M. Kaplan,
%2The Formal Theoretic Analysis of Strong Equivalence for Elemental
Programs%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 263 pages, June 1968.  Cost: $9.05

*AIM-61,,, Takayasu Ito,
%2Notes on Theory of Computation and Pattern Recognition%1, 144 pages, May 1968.

*AIM-62,,, Bruce Buchanan, Georgia Sutherland,
%2Heuristic Dendral: a Program for Generating Explanatory Hypotheses in
Organic Chemistry%1, 76 pages, July 1968.

AIM-63,,, Donald M. Kaplan,
%2Regular Expressions and the Equivalence of Programs%1,
42 pages, July 1968.  Cost: $2.90

*AIM-64,,, Zohar Manna,
%2Formalization of Properties of Programs%1, 18 pages, July 1968.

*AIM-65, CS-106, AD673971, Barbara J. Huberman,
%2A Program to Play Chess end Games%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
168 pages, August 1968.

*AIM-66,,, Jerome A. Feldman, Paul D. Rovner,
%2An Algol-based Associative Language%1, 31 pages, August 1968.

*AIM-67,,AD680487, Edward A. Feigenbaum,
%2Artificial Intelligence: Themes in the Second Decade%1, 39 pages, August 1968.

AIM-68,,, Zohar Manna, Amir Pnueli,
%2The Validity Problem of the 91-function%1, 20 pages, August 1968.  Cost: $2.25

*AIM-69,, AD677588, John McCarthy, Edward Feigenbaum, Arthur Samuel,
%2Project Technical Report%1, 90 pages, September 1968.

AIM-70,, AD680072, Anthony C. Hearn,
%2The Problem of Substitution%1, 14 pages, December 1968.  Cost: $2.10

*AIM-71,, AD677520, Pierre Vicens,
%2Preprocessing for Speech Analysis%1, 33 pages, October 1968.

*AIM-72, CS-116, AD680036, Donald L. Pieper,
%2The Kinematics of Manipulators under Computer Control%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, 157 pages, October 1968.

*AIM-73,, AD678878, John McCarthy, Patrick Hayes,
%2Some Philosophical Problems From the Standpoint of Artificial
Intelligence%1, 51 pages, November 1968.

*AIM-74, CS-118, AD681027, Donald Waterman,
%2Machine Learning of Heuristics%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
? pages, December 1968.

*AIM-75,,, Roger C. Schank,
%2A Notion of Linguistic Concept: a Prelude to Mechanical Translation%1,
21 pages, December 1968.

*AIM-76,,, Roger C. Schank,
%2A Conceptual Parser for Natural Language%1, 22 pages, December 1968.

*AIM-77,,, Joseph D. Becker,
%2The Modeling of Simple Analogic and Inductive Processes in a Semantic
Memory System%1, 21 pages, January 1969.

AIM-78,,, D. Raj. Reddy,
%2On the use of Environmental, Syntactic and Probalistic Constraints in
Vision and Speech%1, 23 pages, January 1969.  Cost: $2.35

AIM-79,, AD685611, D. Raj. Reddy, Richard B. Neely,
%2Contextual Analysis of Phonemes of English%1, 71 pages, January 1969.  Cost: $3.70

*AIM-80,, AD685612, Georgia Sutherland,
%2Heuristic Dendral: a Family of LISP Programs%1, 46 pages, March 1969.

*AIM-81,, AD685613, David Luckham,
%2Refinement Theorems in Resolution Theory%1, 31 pages, March 1969.

*AIM-82,, AD685614, Zohar Manna, Amir Pneuli,
%2Formalization of Properties of Recursively Defined Functions%1,
26 pages, March 1969.

*AIM-83, CS-130,, Roger C. Schank,
%2A Conceptual Representation for Computer-oriented Semantics%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Linguistics U. of Texas, 201 pages, March 1969.

*AIM-84,, AD691791, David Canfield Smith,
%2MLISP Users' Manual%1, 57 pages, January 1969.

*AIM-85, CS-127, AD687720, Pierre Vicens,
%2Aspects of Speech Recognition by Computer%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 210 pages, April 1969.

*AIM-86,, AD691788, Patrick J. Hayes,
%2A Machine-oriented Formulation of the Extended Functional Calculus%1,
44 pages, June 1969.

*AIM-87,, AD691789, John McCarthy, A.I. Project Staff,
%2Project Technical Report%1, 98 pages, June 1969.

*AIM-88,, AD691790, Roger C. Schank,
%2Linguistics from a Conceptual Viewpoint (Aspects of Aspects of a
Theory of Syntax)%1, 22 pages, April 1969.

AIM-89, CS-125, AD692390, Jerome A. Feldman, J. Gips, J. J. Horning, and S. Reder,
%2Grammatical Complexity and Inference%1, 100 pages, June 1969.  Cost: $4.50

*AIM-90,, AD691799, Anthony C. Hearn,
%2Standard LISP%1, 33 pages, May 1969.

*AIM-91,,, J. A. Campbell and Anthony C. Hearn,
%2Symbolic Analysis of Feynman Diagrams by Computer%1, 73 pages, August 1969.

*AIM-92,,, Victor D. Scheinman,
%2Design of a Computer Controlled Manipulator%1,
Thesis: Eng. in Mechanical Engineering, 53 pages, June 1969.

AIM-93.1,, AD693106, Jerome Feldman,
%2Some Decidability Results on Grammatical Inference and Complexity%1,
31 pages, August 1969, revised May 1970.  Cost: $2.55

*AIM-94,, AD692391, Kenneth Mark Colby, Lawrence Tesler, Horace Enea,
%2Experiments With a Search Algorithm on the Data Base of a Human
Belief Structure%1, 28 pages, August 1969.

*AIM-95,, AD694971, Zohar Manna,
%2The Correctness of Non-deterministic Programs%1, 44 pages, August 1969.

*AIM-96, CS-138, AD696394, Claude Cordell Green,
%2The Application of Theorem Proving to Question-answering Systems%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 166 pages, August 1969.

*AIM-97,, AD694972, Kenneth Mark Colby, David Canfield Smith,
%2Dialogues Between Humans and an Artificial Belief System%1, 28 pages, August 1969.

AIM-98, CS-139, AD695401, James Jay Horning,
%2A Study of Grammatical Inference%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
166 pages, August 1969.  Cost: $6.35

*AIM-99,,, Bruce G. Buchanan, G. L. Sutherland, E. A. Feigenbaum,
%2Toward an Understanding of Information Processes of Scientific
Inference in the Context of Organic Chemistry%1, 66 pages, September 1969.

*AIM-100,,, Zohar Manna, John McCarthy,
%2Properties of Programs and Partial Function Logic%1, 21 pages, October 1969.

*AIM-101,,, Richard Paul, G. Falk, J. A. Feldman,
%2The Computer Representation of Simply Described Scenes%1,
16 pages, October 1969.

*AIM-102,,, Donald A. Waterman,
%2Generalization Learning for Automating the Learning of Heuristics%1,
74 pages, July 1969.

AIM-103,,, John Allen, David Luckham
%2An Interactive Theorem-proving Program%1, 27 pages, October 1969.  Cost: $2.45

AIM-104,,, Joshua Lederberg, Georgia Sutherland, B. G. Buchanan, E. A. Feigenbaum,
%2A Heuristic Program for Solving a Scientific Inference Problem:
Summary of Motivation and Implementation%1, 15 pages, November 1969.  Cost: $2.15

*AIM-105,,, Manfred Heuckel,
%2An Operator Which Locates Edges in Digitized Pictures%1, 37 pages, October 1969.

*AIM-106,,, Michael Edwin Kahn,
%2The Near-minimum-time Control of Open-loop Articulated Kinematic
Chains%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, 171 pages, December 1969.

*AIM-107,,, Gilbert Falk,
%2Some Implications of Planarity for Machine Perception%1, 27 pages, December 1969.

*AIM-108,,, Michael D. Kelly,
%2Edge Detection in Pictures by Computer Using Planning%1, 28 pages, January 1970.

*AIM-109,,, Roger C. Schank, Lawrence Tesler, Sylvia Weber,
%2Spinoza II: Conceptual Case-based Natural Language Analysis%1,
107 pages, January 1970.

*AIM-110,,, Edward Ashcroft, Zohar Manna,
%2Formalization of Properties of Parallel Programs%1, 58 pages, February 1970.

*AIM-111,,, Zohar Manna,
%2Second-order Mathematical Theory of Computation%1, 25 pages, March 1970.

*AIM-112,,, Franklin D. Hilf, Kenneth M. Colby, David C. Smith, William K. Wittner,
%2Machine-mediated Interviewing%1, 27 pages, March 1970.

*AIM-113,,, Kenneth Mark Colby, Franklin D. Hilf, William A. Hall,
%2A Mute Patient's Experience With Machine-mediated Interviewing%1,
19 pages, March 1970.

*AIM-114,,, Alan W. Biermann, Jerome A. Feldman,
%2On the Synthesis of Finite-state Acceptors%1, 31 pages, April 1970.

AIM-115,,, Ugo Montanari,
%2On the Optimal Detection of Curves in Noisy Pictures%1, 35 pages, March 1970.  Cost: $2.70

*AIM-116,,, Kenneth Mark Colby,
%2Mind and Brain, Again%1, 10 pages, March 1970.

*AIM-117,,, John McCarthy, et al,
%2Project Technical Report%1, 75 pages, April 1970.

AIM-118,,, Ugo Montanari,
%2Heuristically Guided Search and Chromosome Matching%1,
29 pages, April 1970.  Cost: $2.50

*AIM-119,,, Joseph Becker,
%2An Information-processing Model of Intermediate-Level Cognition%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science (May 1972), 123 pages, May 1970.

*AIM-120,,, Kenneth Mark Colby, David Canfield Smith,
%2Computer as Catalyst in the Treatment of Nonspeaking Autistic
Children%1, 32 pages, April 1970.

*AIM-121,,, Irwin Sobel, %2Camera Models and Machine Perception%1, 
Thesis: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 89 pages, May 1970.

*AIM-122,,, Roger C. Schank,
%2`Semantics' in Conceptual Analysis%1, 56 pages, May 1970.

*AIM-123,,, Bruce G. Buchanan, Thomas E. Headrick,
%2Some Speculation About Artificial Intelligence and Legal Reasoning%1,
54 pages, May 1970.

AIM-124,,, M. M. Astrahan,
%2Speech Analysis by Clustering, or the Hyperphoneme Method%1,
22 pages, June 1970.  Cost: $2.30

*AIM-125,,, Kenneth Mark Colby, Sylvia Weber, Franklin Hilf,
%2Artificial Paranoia%1, 35 pages, July 1970.

*AIM-126, CS-169, AD711329, Donald E. Knuth,
%2Examples of Formal Semantics%1, 34 pages, July 1970.

AIM-127, CS-174, AD711395, Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger,
%2Towards Automatic Program Synthesis%1, 54 pages, July 1970.  Cost: $3.20

*AIM-128, CS-166, AD713841, Erik J. Sandewall,
%2Representing Natural-language Information in Predicate Calculus%1,
27 pages, July 1970.

*AIM-129, CS-167, AD712460, Shigeru Igarashi,
%2Semantics of ALGOL-like Statements%1, 95 pages, June 1970.

*AIM-130, CS-168, AD713252, Michael D. Kelly,
%2Visual Identification of People by Computer%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
238 pages, July 1970.

*AIM-131, CS-176, AD715128, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Bruce G. Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg,
%2On Generality and Problem Solving: a Case Study Using the Dendral
Program%1, 48 pages, August 1970.

*AIM-132, CS-180, AD715665, Gilbert Falk,
%2Computer Interpretation of Imperfect Line Data as a Three-dimensional
Scene%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 187 pages, August 1970.

*AIM-133, CS-181,, Anthony C. Hearn, %2Reduce 2%1,
Diskfile: REDUCE.ACH[AIM,DOC], 85 pages, October 1970.

*AIM-134, CS-182, AD748565, Jay Martin Tenenbaum,
%2Accommodation in Computer Vision%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering,
452 pages, September 1970.

AIM-135, CS-179, AD716566, David Canfield Smith, %2MLISP%1,
Diskfile: MLISP.DAV[AIM,DOC], 99 pages, October 1970.  Cost: $4.50

*AIM-136, CS-183, AD717600, George M. White,
%2Machine Learning Through Signature Trees. Applications to Human
Speech%1, 40 pages, October 1970.

*AIM-137,,, Donald E. Knuth, %2An Empirical Study of Fortran in Use%1,
44 pages, November 1970.

*AIM-138, CS-188, PB197161, Edward Ashcroft, Zohar Manna,
%2The Translation of `GO-TO' Programs to `WHILE' Programs%1, 28 pages, January 1971.

AIM-139, CS-189, AD717601, Zohar Manna,
%2Mathematical Theory of Partial Correctness%1, 24 pages, January 1971.  Cost: $2.40

*AIM-140, CS-193,, Roger C. Schank,
%2Intention, Memory, and Computer Understanding%1, 59 pages, January 1971.

*AIM-141, CS-203, AD730506, Bruce G. Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg,
%2The Heuristic DENDRAL Program for Explaining Empirical Data%1,
20 pages, February 1971.

*AIM-142, CS-205, AD731383, Robin Milner,
%2An Algebraic Definition of Simulation Between Programs%1, 21 pages, February 1971.

*AIM-143, CS-209, AD724867, John McCarthy, et al,
%2Project Technical Report%1, 80 pages, March 1971.

AIM-144, CS-219,, Lynn H. Quam, %2Computer Comparison of Pictures%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 120 pages, May 1971.  Cost: $5.05

*AIM-145, CS-221, AD731729, Bruce G. Buchanan, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Joshua Lederberg,
%2A Heuristic Programming Study of Theory Formation in Science%1,
41 pages, June 1971.

*AIM-146, CS-224, PB212183, andrei P. Ershov, %2Parallel Programming%1,
14 pages, July 1971.

*AIM-147, CS-216, AD732457, Robert E. Kling,
%2Reasoning by Analogy with Applications to Heuristic Problem Solving:
a Case Study%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 191 pages, August 1971.

AIM-148, CS-217, AD731730, Edward Ashcroft, Zohar Manna, Amir Pneuli,
%2Decidable Properties of Monadic Functional Schemas%1,
10 pages, July 1971.  Cost: $2.00

AIM-149, CS-231, AD732644, Rodney Albert Schmidt, Jr.,
%2A Study of the Real-time Control of a Computer-driven Vehicle%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 180 pages, August 1971.  Cost: $6.75

*AIM-150,,, Robert W. Floyd, %2Toward Interactive Design of Correct Programs%1,
12 pages, September 1971.

*AIM-151, CS-240, AD738568, Ralph L. London,
%2Correctness of Two Compilers for a LISP Subset%1, 41 pages, October 1971.

*AIM-152, CS-241, AD732642, Alan W. Biermann,
%2On the Inference of Turing Machines from Sample Computations%1,
31 pages, October 1971.

*AIM-153, CS-242, AD738569, Patrick J. Hayes,
%2The Frame Problem and Related Problems in Artificial Intelligence%1,
18 pages, November 1971.

*AIM-154, CS-243, AD738570, Zohar Manna, Stephen Ness, Jean Vuillemin,
%2Inductive Methods for Proving Properties of Programs%1, 24 pages, November 1971.

*AIM-155, CS-245,, Jonathan Leonard Ryder,
%2Heuristic Analysis of Large Trees as Generated in the Game of Go%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 300 pages, December 1971.

AIM-156, CS-246, AD740141, Kenneth Mark Colby, Franklin D. Hilf, Sylvia Weber, 
Helena C. Kraemer, %2A Resemblance Test for the Validation of a Computer 
Simulation of Paranoid Processes%1, 29 pages, November 1971.  Cost: $2.50

*AIM-157, CS-247,, Yorick Wilks,
%2One Small Head -- Some Remarks on the use of `Model' in Linguistics%1,
17 pages, December 1971.

AIM-158, CS-250, AD740127, Ashok Chandra, Zohar Manna,
%2Program Schemas With Equality%1, 13 pages, December 1971.  Cost: $2.05

AIM-159, CS-253,, Jerome A. Feldman, Paul C. Shields,
%2Total Complexity and Inference of Best Programs%1, 40 pages, April 1972.  Cost: $2.85

*AIM-160, CS-255, AD740140, Jerome A. Feldman,
%2Automatic Programming%1, 20 pages, February 1972.

*AIM-161, CS-264, AD741189, Yorick Wilks,
%2Artificial Intelligence approach to Machine Translation%1, 44 pages, February 1972.

*AIM-162, CS-265, AD744634, Roger C. Schank, N. Goldman, C. J. Rieger, C. K. Riesbeck,
%2Primitive Concepts Underlying Verbs of Thought%1, 102 pages, April 1972.

*AIM-163, CS-266,, Jean M. Cadiou,
%2Recursive Definitions of Partial Functions and Their Computations%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 160 pages, April 1972.

AIM-164, CS-272, AD742748, Zohar Manna, Jean Vuillemin,
%2Fixpoint Approach to the Theory of Computation%1, 29 pages, April 1972.  Cost: $2.50

*AIM-165, CS-280, AD742751, D. A. Bochvar,
%2Two Papers on Partial Predicate Calculus%1, 50 pages, April 1972.

AIM-166, CS-281, AD-743598,
Lynn H. Quam, S. Liebes, R. B. Tucker, M. J. Hannah, B. G. Eross,
%2Computer Interactive Picture Processing%1, 40 pages, April 1972.  Cost: $2.85

AIM-167, CS-282, AD747254, Ashok K. Chandra,
%2Efficient Compilation of Linear Recursive Programs%1, 43 pages, June 1972.  Cost: $2.90

AIM-168, CS-287, AD746146,Shigeru Igarashi,
%2Admissibility of Fixed-point Induction in First-order Logic of Typed 
Theories%1, Diskfile: FIXPNT.IGR[AIM,DOC], 40 pages, May 1972.  Cost: $2.85

*AIM-169, CS-288, AD785072 Robin Milner,
%2Logic for Computable Functions: Description of a Machine Implementation%1,
36 pages, May 1972.

*AIM-170, CS-289, AD748607, Yorick Wilks,
%2Lakoff on Linguistics and Natural Logic%1, Diskfile: LAKOFF.YAW[AIM,DOC],
19 pages, June 1972.

*AIM-171, CS-290, AD746147, Roger Schank,
%2Adverbs and Belief%1, 30 pages, June 1972.

*AIM-172, CS-299, AD752801, Sylvia Weber Russell,
%2Semantic Categories of Nominals for Conceptual Dependency Analysis of 
Natural Language%1, 64 pages, July 1972.

*AIM-173, CS-305, AD755139, Gerald Jacob Agin,
%2Representation and Description of Curved Objects%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 134 pages, October 1972.

*AIM-174, CS-303, PB212827, Francis Lockwood Morris,
%2Correctness of Translations of Programming Languages -- an Algebraic
Approach%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 124 pages, August 1972.

AIM-175, CS-307, AD785073, Hozumi Tanaka,
%2Hadamard Transform for Speech Wave Analysis%1,
Diskfile: HADAM.HT[AIM,DOC], 34 pages, August 1972.  Cost: $2.65

*AIM-176, CS-308, AD754109, Jerome A. Feldman, J. R. Low, D. C. Swinehart, R. H. Taylor,
%2Recent Developments in SAIL -- an ALGOL based Language for Artificial 
Intelligence%1, 22 pages, November 1972.

*AIM-177, CS-311, AD785071, Richard Paul,
%2Modelling, Trajectory Calculation and Servoing of a Computer Controlled 
Arm%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 89 pages, November 1972.

*AIM-178, CS-312, AD754108, Aharon Gill,
%2Visual Feedback and Related Problems in Computer Controlled Hand eye
Coordination%1, Thesis:  Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 130 pages, October 1972.

*AIM-179, CS-320,, Bruce G. Baumgart,
%2Winged Edge Polyhedron Representation%1, 46 pages, October 1972.

*AIM-180, CS-321, AD759712, Ruzena Bajcsy,
%2Computer Identification of Textured Visual Scenes%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 156 pages, October 1972.

*AIM-181, CS-325,, Bruce G. Buchanan,
%2Review of Hubert Dreyfus' `What Computers Can't Do': a Critique of 
Artificial Reason%1, 14 pages, November 1972.

*AIM-182, CS-326, AD754107, Kenneth Mark Colby and Franklin Dennis Hilf,
%2Can Expert Judges, using Transcripts of Teletyped Psychiatric Interviews,
Distinguish Human Paranoid Patients from a Computer Simulation of Paranoid
Processes?%1, 10 pages, December,1972.

*AIM-183, CS-344, AD759716, Roger C. Schank,
%2The Fourteen Primitive Actions and their Inferences%1, 70 pages, March 1973.

*AIM-184, CS-330, AD758651, Malcolm Newey,
%2Axioms and Theorems for Integers, Lists and Finite Sets in LCF%1,
53 pages, January 1973.

*AIM-185, CS-333, AD757367, Ashok K. Chandra, Zohar Manna,
%2On the Power of Programming Features%1, 29 pages, January 1973.

*AIM-186, CS-332, AD758645, Robin Milner, %2Models of LCF%1,
17 pages, January 1973.

*AIM-187, CS-331, AD757364, George E. Collins,
%2The Computing Time of the Euclidean Algorithm%1, 17 pages, January 1973.

*AIM-188, CS-336, AD758646, Ashok K. Chandra,
%2On the Properties and Applications of Program Schemas%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 231 pages, March 1973.

*AIM-189, CS-337, PB218682, James Gips, George Stiny,
%2Aesthetics Systems%1, 22 pages, January 1973.

AIM-190, CS-340, AD759714, Malcolm Newey,
%2Notes on a Problem Involving Permutations as Sequences%1,
20 pages, March 1973.  Cost: $2.25

AIM-191, CS-341, AD764272, Shmuel M. Katz, Zohar Manna,
%2A Heuristic Approach to Program Verification%1, 40 pages, March 1973.  Cost: $2.85

AIM-192, CS-345, AD785074, George E. Collins, Ellis Horowitz,
%2The Minimum Root Separation of a Polynomial%1, 13 pages, April 1973.  Cost: $2.05

*AIM-193, CS-346, AD759717, Kenneth Mark Colby,
%2The Rationale for Computer Based Treatment of Language Difficulties
in Nonspeaking Autistic Children%1, Diskfile: AUTISM.KMC[AIM,DOC],
13 pages, March 1973.

AIM-194, CS-347, PB221170/4, Kenneth Mark Colby, Franklin Dennis Hilf,
%2Multidimensional Analysis in Evaluating a Simulation of Paranoid
Thought%1, 10 pages, May 1973.  Cost: $2.00

*AIM-195, CS-356, PB222164, David Canfield Smith, Horace J. Enea,
%2MLISP2%1, Diskfile: MLISP2.DAV[AIM,DOC], 91 pages, May 1973.

*AIM-196, CS-357, AD762471, Neil M. Goldman, Christopher K. Riesbeck,
%2A Conceptually Based Sentence Paraphraser%1, Diskfile:  MARGIE.NMG[AIM,DOC],
88 pages, May 1973.

*AIM-197, CS-358, AD762470, Roger C. Schank, Charles J. Rieger III,
%2Inference and the Computer Understanding of Natural Language%1,
63 pages, May 1973.

AIM-198, CS-364, AD763611, Ravindra B. Thosar,
%2Estimation of Probability Density using Signature Tables for
Application to Pattern Recognition%1, 37 pages, May 1973.  Cost: $2.75

AIM-199, CS-398, AD771300, Bruce G. Baumgart,
%2Image Contouring and Comparing%1, 52 pages, October 1973.  Cost: $3.15

⊗AIM-200, CS-365,, Shigeru Igarashi, David C. Luckham, Ralph L. London,
%2Automatic Program Verification I:  Logical Basis and its
Implementation%1, 50 pages, May 1973.

*AIM-201, CS-366, AD763673, Gunnar Rutger Grape,
%2Model Based (Intermediate Level) Computer Vision%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 256 pages, May 1973.

*AIM-202, CS-368, AD764396, Roger C. Schank, Yorick Wilks,
%2The Goals of Linguistic Theory Revisited%1, 44 pages, May 1973.

*AIM-203, CS-369, AD764274, Roger C. Schank,
%2The Development of Conceptual Structures in Children%1,
31 pages, May 1973.

*AIM-204, CS-373, AD765353, Kurt VanLehn, %2SAIL Users Manual%1,
Diskfile:  SAIL.KVL[AIM,DOC], 122 pages, July 1973.

*AIM-205, CS-370, AD764288, N. S. Sridharan, et al,
%2A Heuristic Program to Discover Syntheses for Complex Organic
Molecules%1, 30 pages, June 1973.

AIM-206, CS-377, AD764652, Yorick Wilks, %2Preference Semantics%1,
20 pages, July 1973.  Cost: $2.25

AIM-207, CS-378, AD767333, James anderson Moorer,
%2The `Optimum-comb' Method of Pitch Period Analysis in Speech%1,
25 pages, June 1973.  Cost: $2.40

AIM-208, CS-379, AD767334, James anderson Moorer,
%2The Heterodyne Method of Analysis of Transient Waveforms%1,
25 pages, June 1973.  Cost: $2.40

*AIM-209, CS-380, AD767695, Yoram Yakimovsky,
%2Scene Analysis using a Semantic Base for Region Growing%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 120 pages, July 1973.

AIM-210, CS-382, AD767335, Zohar Manna, Amir Pnueli,
%2Axiomatic Approach to Total Correctness of Programs%1,
25 pages, July 1973.  Cost: $2.40

*AIM-211, CS-383, AD769673, Yorick Wilks, %2Natural Language Inference%1,
24 pages, September 1973.

*AIM-212, CS-384, AD769379, Annette Herskovits,
%2The Generation of French from a Semantic Representation%1,
20 pages, September 1973.

AIM-213, CS-385,, Ravindra B. Thosar,
%2Recognition of Continuous Speech: Segmentation and Classification
using Signature Table Adaptation%1, 37 pages, September 1973.  Cost: $2.75

*AIM-214, CS-386, AD767332, Walter A. Perkins, Thomas O. Binford,
%2A Corner Finder for Visual Feedback%1, 59 pages, September 1973.

*AIM-215, CS-387, AD769380, Bruce G. Buchanan, N. S. Sridharan,
%2Analysis of Behavior of Chemical Molecules: Rule Formation on
Non-homogeneous Classes of Objects%1, 15 pages, September 1973.

*AIM-216, CS-389, AD771299, Larry Masinter, N.S. Sridharan, J. Lederberg, S. H. Smith,
%2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference:
XII.  Exhaustive Generation of Cyclic and Acyclic Isomers%1,
60 pages, September 1973.

*AIM-217, CS-391, AD770610, N. S. Sridharan,
%2Search Strategies for the Task of Organic Chemical Synthesis%1,
32 pages, August 1973.

*AIM-218, CS-393, AD772063/4WC, Jean Etienne Vuillemin,
%2Proof Techniques for Recursive Programs%1, Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science,
97 pages, October 1973.

*AIM-219, CS-394, AD769674, C. A. R. Hoare,
%2Parallel Programming: an Axiomatic Approach%1, 33 pages, October 1973.

AIM-220, CS-396, AD772064/2WC, Robert Bolles, Richard Paul,
%2The use of Sensory Feedback in a Programmable Assembly Systems%1,
26 pages, October 1973.  Cost: $2.45

⊗AIM-221, CS-447, AD787631/1WC, Luigia Aiello, Mario Aiello, Richard Weyhrauch,
%2The Semantics of PASCAL in LCF%1, 78 pages, October 1974.

+AIM-222, CS-467,, Mario Aiello, Richard Weyhrauch,
%2Checking Proofs in the Metamathematics of First Order Logic%1,
55 pages, August 1974.  Cost: $3.25

*AIM-223, CS-400, AD772509, C. A. R. Hoare,
%2Recursive Data Structures%1, 32 pages, December 1973.

⊗AIM-224, CS-403, AD773391, C. A. R. Hoare,
%2Hints on Programming Language Design%1, 29 pages, December 1973.

⊗AIM-225, CS-406, AD775645/5WC, W. A. Perkins,
%2Memory Model For a Robot%1, 118 pages, January 1974.

⊗AIM-226, CS-407, AD778310/3WC, F.H.G. Wright II, R. E. Gorin,
%2FAIL%1, 61 pages, April 1974.

⊗AIM-227, CS-408, ADA003483, A. J. Thomas, T. O. Binford,
%2Information Processing Analysis of Visual Perception: A Review%1,
50 pages, June 1974.

⊗AIM-228, CS-409, AD776233/9WC, Lester Earnest (ed.),
%2FINAL REPORT:  The First Ten Years of Artificial Intelligence 
Research at Stanford%1, 118 pages, July 1973.

⊗AIM-229, CS-411,,
D.B. anderson, T.O. Binford, A.J. Thomas, R.W. Weyhrauch, Y.A. Wilks,
%2AFTER LEIBNIZ . . . : Discussions on Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence%1,
43 pages, April 1974.

⊗AIM-230, CS-412, AD786721/1WC, Daniel C. Swinehart,
%2COPILOT:  A Multiple Process Approach to Interactive Programming Systems%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 213 pages, August 1974.

⊗AIM-231, CS-413, ADA001814, James Gips,
%2Shape Grammars and their Uses%1, Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science,
243 pages, August 1974.

⊗AIM-232, CS-414, AD780452/9WC, Bruce G. Baumgart,
%2GEOMED - A Geometric Editor%1, 45 pages, May 1974.

⊗AIM-233, CS-419, ADA000086/9WC, Charles J. Rieger, III,
%2Conceptual Memory:  A Theory and Computer Program for Processing the
Meaning Content of Natural Language Utterances%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 393 pages, June 1974.

⊗AIM-234, CS431, NAN, Kenneth Mark Colby, Roger C. Parkison, Bill Faught,
%2Pattern-Matching Rules for the Recognition of Natural Language Dialogue
Expressions%1, 23 pages, June 1974.

+AIM-235, CS-432, ADA006898/1WC, Richard  W. Weyhrauch, Arthur J. Thomas,
%2FOL:  A Proof Checker for First-order Logic%1, 57 pages, September 1974.  Cost: $3.30 

⊗AIM-236, CS-433, AD784513/4WC, Jack R. Buchanan and David C. Luckham,
%2On Automating the Construction of Programs%1, 65 pages, May 1974.

⊗AIM-237, CS-436,, Yorick Wilks,
%2Natural Language Understanding Systems Within the AI Paradigm --
A Survey and Some Comparisons%1, 40 pages, December 1974.

⊗AIM-238, CS-437, ADA005040, Christopher K. Riesbeck,
%2Computational Understanding:  Analysis of Sentences and Context%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 245 pages, May 1974.

⊗AIM-239, CS-438, AD786720/3WC, Marsha Jo Hannah,
%2Computer Matching of Areas in Stereo Images%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 99 pages, July 1974.

⊗AIM-240, CS-444, AD787035,
C. Cordell Green, Richard J. Waldinger, David R. Barstow, Robert Elschlager,
Douglas B. Lenat, Brian P. McCune, David E. Shaw, and Louis I. Steinberg,
%2Progress Report on Program-understanding Systems%1, 47 pages, August 1974.

+AIM-241, CS-446, AD786723/7WC, Luigia Aiello, Richard W. Weyhrauch,
%2LCFsmall:  an Implementation of LCF%1, 45 pages, August 1974.  Cost: $2.95

⊗AIM-242, CS-452, ADA000500/9WC, James R. Low,
%2Automatic Coding:  Choice of Data Structures%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 110 pages, August 1974.

⊗AIM-243, CS-456, ADA003815,
Raphael Finkel, Russel Taylor, Robert Bolles, Richard Paul, Jerome Feldman,
%2AL, A Programming System for Automation%1, 130 pages, November 1974.

⊗AIM-244, CS-457, NAN, Kenneth Mark Colby, %2Ten Criticisms of PARRY%1,
7 pages, September 1974.

⊗AIM-245, CS-458, AD784816/1WC, Jack Buchanan,
%2A Study in Automatic Programming%1, Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science,
148 pages, May 1974.

⊗AIM-246, CS459, ADA000085/1WC, Terry Winograd,
%2Five Lectures on Artificial Intelligence%1, 93 pages, September 1974.

⊗AIM-247, CS-461, ADA005041/9WC, Neil Goldman,
%2Computer Generation of Natural Language From a Deep Conceptual Base%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 318 pages, January 1974.

+AIM-248, CS-462,, Karl Pingle, Arthur Thomas,
%2A Fast, Feature-Driven Stereo Depth Program%1, 15 pages, May 1975.  Cost: $2.15

⊗AIM-249, CS-463, ADA002261, Bruce Baumgart,
%2Geometric Modeling for Computer Vision%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
141 pages, October 1974.

⊗AIM-250, CS-464, ADA003486, Ramakant Nevatia,
%2Structured Descriptions of Complex Curved Objects for Recognition and
Visual Memory%1, Thesis:  Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering,
126 pages, October 1974.

⊗AIM-251,  CS-465, ADA001373, Edward  H.  Shortliffe,  
%2MYCIN:   A  Rule-Based Computer  Program  for  Advising Physicians  
Regarding  Antimicrobial Therapy Selection%2 ,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Medical Information Sciences, 409 pages, October 1974. 

⊗AIM-252, CS-466, ADA002246, Lester Earnest (ed.),
%2Recent Research in Artificial Intelligence, Heuristic Programming, and
Network Protocols%1, 74 pages, July 1974.

+AIM-253, CS-471, ADA003487, Bill Faught, Kenneth Colby, Roger Parkison,
%2The Interaction of Inferences, Affects, and Intentions in a Model of
Paranoia%1, 38 pages, December 1974.  Cost: $2.75

+AIM-254, CS-472, ADA005407/2WC, Lynn Quam, Marsha Jo Hannah,
%2Stanford Automatic Photogrammetry Research%1,
15 pages, November 1974.  Cost: $2.15

⊗AIM-255, CS-473, ADA005412/2WC, Norihisa Suzuki,
%2Automatic Program Verification II:  Verifying Programs by Algebraic
256 Logical Reduction%1, 29 pages, December 1974.

⊗AIM-256, CS-474, ADA007563/0WC, Friedrich W. V.Henke, David C. Luckham,
%2Automatic Program Verification III: A Methodology for Verifying Programs%1,,
45 pages, December 1974.

⊗AIM-257, CS-475, ADA005407/2WC, Malcolm C. Newey,
%2Formal Semantics of LISP With Applications to Program Correctness%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 184 pages, January 1975.

⊗AIM-258, CS-476, ADA006294/3WC, Cordell Green, David Barstow,
%2A Hypothetical Dialogue Exhibiting a Knowledge Base for a 
Program-Understanding System%1, 38 pages, January 1975.

⊗AIM-259, CS-498,, Hanan Samet,
%2Automatically Proving the Correctness of Translations
Involving Optimized Code%1, Thesis:  PhD in Computer Science, 214 pages, May 1975.

⊗AIM-260, CS-499, ADA016811/2WC, David Canfield Smith,
%2PYGMALION: A Creative Programming Environment%1,
Thesis:  PhD in Computer Science, 193 pages, June 1975.

+AIM-261, CS-501, ADA016808/8WC, Odd Pettersen,
%2Procedural Events as Software Interrupts%1, 8 pages, June 1975.  Cost: $1.95

+AIM-262, CS-502, ADA016810/4WC, Odd Pettersen,
%2Synchronization of Concurrent Processes%1, 14 pages, July 1975.  Cost: $2.10

+AIM-263, CS-503,, Odd Pettersen,
%2The Macro Processing System STAGE2: Transfer of Comments to the Generated Text%1,
20 pages, July 1975.  Cost: $2.25

+AIM-264, CS-506,, Michael Gordon,
%2Operational Reasoning and Denotational Semantics%1,
33 pages, August 1975.  Cost: $2.65

+AIM-265, CS-507,, Michael Gordon,
%2Towards a Semantic Theory of Dynamic Binding%1, 28 pages, August 1975.  Cost: $2.50

+AIM-266, CS-517, ADA019641, Randall Davis, Bruce Buchanan, Edward Shortliffe,
%2Production Rules as a Representation for a Knowledge-Based Consultation
Program%1, 37 pages, October l975.  Cost: $2.75

+AIM-267, CS-520, ADA019664/2WC, Friedrich W. von Henke,
%2On the Representation of Data Structures in LCF with Applications to
Program Generation%1, 41 pages, September l975.  Cost: $2.85

+AIM-268, CS-521, ADA019663/4WC, Clark Thompson,
%2Depth Perception in Stereo Computer Vision%1, 16 pages, October 1975.  Cost: $2.15

+AIM-269, CS-522, ADA019569/3WC, David C. Luckham, Norhisa Susuzki,
%2Automatic Program Verification IV: Proof of Termination Within a Weak Logic
of Programs%1, 29 pages, October 1975.     Cost: $2.50

⊗AIM-270, CS-523, ADA019467, John F. Reiser,
%2BAIL -- A debugger for SAIL%1, 26 pages, October 1975.

+AIM-271, CS-524, ADA019702/0WC, Randall David, Jonathan King,
%2An Overview of Production Systems%1, 40 pages, October 1975.  Cost: $2.85

+AIM-272, CS-525,, Sundaram Ganapathy,
%2Reconstruction of Scenes Containing Polyhedra From Stereo Pair of Views%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 204 pages, December 1975.  Cost: $7.40

⊗AIM-273, CS-534,, Linda Gail Hemphill,
%2A Conceptual Approach to Automated Language Understanding and Belief
Structures: with Disambiguation of the Word `For'%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Linguistics, 254 pages, May 1975.

+AIM-274, CS-536, ADA020942/9WC, David Grossman, Russell Taylor,
%2Interactive Generation of Object Models with a Manipulator%1,
32 pages, December 1975.  Cost: $2.60

+AIM-275, CS-537, ADA020943/7WC, Robert C. Bolles,
%2Verification Vision Within a Programmable Assembly System: An
Introductory Discussion%1, 82 pages, December 1975.  Cost: $4.00

+AIM-276, CS-539, ADA021055/9WC, Zohar Manna, Adi Shamir,
%2A New Approach to Recursive Programs%1, 25 pages, December 1975.  Cost: $2.40

⊗AIM-277, CS-542, ADA027454, Zohar Manna, Adi Shamir,
%2The Theoretical Aspects of the Optimal Fixedpoint%1, 24 pages, March 1976.

+AIM-278, CS-549, ADA027455, David Luckham, Norihisa Suzuki,
%2Automatic Program Verification V: Verification-Oriented Proof Rules
for Arrays, Records and Pointers%1, 48 pages, March 1976.  Cost: $3.05

⊗AIM-279, CS-552,, Norihsa Suzuki,
%2Automatic Verification of Programs with Complex Data Structures%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 194 pages, February 1976.

+AIM-280, CS-555,, David D. Grossman,
%2Monte Carlo Simulation of Tolerancing in Discrete Parts Manufacturing
and Assembly%1, 25 pages, May 1976.  Cost: $2.40

+AIM-281.1, CS-558, AD-A042 507, Zohar Manna, Richard Waldinger,
%2Is `sometime' sometimes better than `always'?  Intermittent assertions
in proving program correctness%1, 41 pages, June 1976, revised March 1977.  Cost: $2.85

+AIM-282,CS-560,, Russell Taylor,
%2Synthesis of Manipulator Control Programs from Task-level Specifications%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 229 pages, July 1976.  Cost: $8.10

⊗AIM-283, CS-552,, Randall Davis,
%2Applications of Meta Level Knowledge to the Construction, Maintenance
and Use of Large Knowledge Bases%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
304 pages, July 1976.

⊗AIM-284, CS-567,, Rafael Finkel,
%2Constructing and Debugging Manipulator Programs%1,
Thesis:  Ph.D. in Computer Science, 171 pages pages, August 1976.

⊗AIM-285, CS-568,PB-259 130/3WC,
T. O. Binford, D. D. Grossman, C. R. Lui, R. C. Bolles, R. A. Finkel,
M. S. Mujtaba, M. D. Roderick, B. E. Shimano, R. H. Taylor, R. H. Goldman,
J. P. Jarvis, V. D. Scheinman, and T. A. Gafford,
%2Exploratory Study of Computer Integrated Assembly Systems, Progress Report 3%1,
336 pages, August 1976.

+AIM-285.4, CS-568,PB-259 130/3WC,
T. O. Binford, C. R. Lui, G. Gini, M. Gini, I. Glaser, T. Ishida,
M. S. Mujtaba, E. Nakano, H. Nabavi, E. Panofsky, B. E. Shimano, R. Goldman,
V. D. Scheinman, D. Schmelling, and T. A. Gafford,
%2Exploratory Study of Computer Integrated Assembly Systems, Progress Report 4%1,
255 pages, June 1977.  Cost: $8.85

⊗AIM-286, CS-570,, Douglas Lenat,
%2AM: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Discovery in Mathematics
as Heuristic Search%1, Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 350 pages, July 1976.

+AIM-287, CS-571,, Michael Roderick, %2Discrete Control of a Robot Arm%1,
Thesis: Engineer in Electrical Engineering, 98 pages, August 1976.  Cost: $4.45

+AIM-288, CS-572,, Robert Filman, Richard Weyhrauch,
%2An FOL Primer%1, 36 pages, September 1976.  Cost: $2.70

+AIM-289, CS-574,, John Reiser (ed.), %2SAIL%1,
178 pages, August 1976.  Cost: $6.70

+AIM-290, CS-575, AD-A042 494, Nancy W. Smith, %2SAIL Tutorial%1,
54 pages, November 1976.  Cost: $3.20

⊗AIM-291, CS-577, AO44713, Bruce Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg, John McCarthy,
%2Three Reviews of J. Weizenbaum's Computer Power and Human Reason%1,
28 pages, November 1976.

+AIM-292, CS-580,, Terry Winograd,
%2Towards a Procedural Understanding of Semantics%1, 30 pages, October 1976.  Cost: $2.55

⊗AIM-293, CS-581, AD-A042 508, Daniel Bobrow, Terry Winograd,
%2An Overview of KRL%1, 40 pages, November 1976.

+AIM-294, CS-586, AD-A042 516, Nachum Dershowitz, Zohar Manna,
%2The Evolution of Programs: A System for Automatic Program Modification%1,
45 pages, December 1976.  Cost: $2.95

+AIM-295, CS-591,, Robert C. Bolles,
%2Verification Vision Within a Programmable Assembly System%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 245 pages, December 1976.  Cost: $8.55

+AIM-296, CS-592,, Robert Cartwright, 
%2Practical Formal Semantic Definition and Verification Systems%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 158 pages, December 1976.  Cost: $6.15

⊗AIM-297, CS-610,, Terry Winograd, %2A Framework for Understanding Discourse%1,
24 pages, April 1977.

⊗AIM-298, CS-611, ADA046703, Zohar Manna, Richard Waldinger,
%2The Logic of Computer Programming%1, 90 pages, June 1977.

+AIM-299, CS-614,, Zohar Manna, Adi Shamir,
%2The Convergence of Functions to Fixedpoints of Recursive Definitions%1,
45 pages, May 1977.  Cost: $2.95

⊗AIM-300, CS-617,, Terry Winograd,
%2On some Contested Suppositions of Generative Linguistics about the
Scientific Study of Language%1, 25 pages, May 1977.

*AIM-301, CS-624, ADA044231, Lester Earnest, et. al.,
%2Recent Research in Computer Science%1, 118 pages, June 1977.  

+AIM-302, CS-630, Zohar Manna, Richard Waldinger
%2Synthesis:  Dreams => Programs%1, 119 pages, October 1977.  Cost: $5.05

⊗AIM-303, CS-631, ADA050806, Nachum Dershowitz, Zohar Manna,
%2Inference Rules for Program Annotation%1, 46 pages, October 1977.

+AIM-304, CS-632, ADA048684, Todd Wagner, %2Hardware Verification%1,
Thesis: PhD in Computer Science, 102 pages, September 1977.  Cost: $4.55

+AIM-305, CS-633, ADA048660, William Faught,
%2Motivation and Intensionality in a Computer Simulation Model%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 104 pages, September 1977.  Cost: $4.60

+AIM-306, CS-639, ADA053175, Cordell Green, David Barstow,
%2On Program Synthesis Knowledge%1, 63 pages, November 1977.  Cost: $3.45

+AIM-307, CS-640, ADA053176, Zohar Manna and Richard Waldinger,
%2Structured Programming Without Recursion%1, 10 pages, December 1977.  Cost: $2.00

+AIM-308, CS-641, ADA053184, David Barstow, %2Automatic Construction of Algorithms%1,
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 220 pages, December 1977.  Cost: $7.85

+AIM-309, CS-646,, C. G. Nelson, Derek Oppen,
%2Efficient Decision Procedures Based on Congruence Closure%1,
15 pages, January 1978.  Cost: $2.15

+AIM-310, CS-651,, Nachum Dershowitz and Zohar Manna, %2Proving Termination with
Multiset Orderings%1, 30 pages, March 1978.  Cost: $2.50

+AIM-311, CS-652,, Greg Nelson and Derek C. Oppen, %2Simplification by
Cooperating Decision Procedures%1, 20 pages, April 1978.  Cost: $2.25

+AIM-312, John McCarthy, Masahiko Sato, Takeshi Hayashi and Shigeru Igarashi,
%2On the Model Theory of Knowledge%1, 12 pages, May 1978.  Cost: $2.00

⊗AIM-313, CS-560,, Bruce E. Shimano, %2The Kinematic Design and Force Control
of Computer Controlled Manipulators%1, Thesis, 135 pages, May 1978.

.next page <<HPP memos>>
.begin center


@There are six informal groups within the Heuristic Programming Project.
.begin nofill
	Knowledge-Based Consultation Systems (MYCIN)

.begin indent 0,8,0
HPP-64-1, J. Lederberg, %2DENDRAL-64-A System for Computer Construction, Enumeration 
and Notation of Organic Molecules as Three Structures and Cyclic Graphs%1 
(technical reports to NASA, also available from the author and summarized in 

HPP-64-2, J. Ledergerg, %2Computation of Molecular Formulas for Mass 
Spectrometry%1, Proceedings National Academy Science, 53, 1, 1965, p.134.
.skip 2
HPP-65-1, J. Lederberg, %2Topological Mapping of Organic Molecules%1,
NASA CR-48899, 1965.

HPP-65-2, J. Lederberg, %2Systematics of Organic Molecules, Graph Topology 
and Hamilton Circuits.  General outline of the DENDRAL system.%1  April 1965.

HPP-65-3, Edward A. Feigenbaum and Richard W. Watson, AIM-30, 
AD785056, %2An Initial Problem Statement for a Machine Induction Research 
Project%1 (working paper), April 1965.
.skip 2
HPP-66-1, Donald A. Waterman, AIM-38, AD785066,
%2A Filter for a Machine Induction System%1 (working paper), January 1966.

HPP-66-2, Steffan Persson, STAN-CS-66-50, AIM-46, PB176761,
%2Some Sequence Extrapolating Programs: a study of representation
and modeling in inquiring systems%1, Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science,
(U.C. Berkeley, September 1966).

HPP-66-3, Bruce Buchanan, AIM-47, %2Logics of Scientific Discovery%1, Ph.D.
Thesis in Philosophy (Michigan State University, December 1966).
.skip 2
HPP-67-1, Georgia Sutherland, AIM-49, %2DENDRAL - a Computer
Program for Generating and Filtering Chemical Structures%1 (working paper), 
February 1967.

HPP-67-2, J. Lederberg, %2Hamilton Circuits of Convex Trivalent Polyhedra
(up to 18 vertices)%1, American Mathematics Monthly, 74, 5, 1967.

HPP-67-3, Joshua Lederberg and Edward A. Feigenbaum, AIM-54, %2Mechanization
of Inductive Inference in Organic Chemistry%1, in B. Kleinmuntz (ed.),
Formal Representations for Human Judgment, New York:Wiley, 1968.
.skip 2
HPP-68-1, Edward Feigenbaum, Georgia Sutherland and Bruce Buchanan,
%2Heuristic DENDRAL: A Program for Generating Explantory Hypothesis in
Organic Chemistry%1, in B.K. Kinariwala and F.F. Kuo (eds.), Proceedings
of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 1968.

HPP-68-2, J. Lederberg, %2Online Computation of Molecular Formulas from
Mass Number%1, NASA CR-94977, 1968.

HPP-68-3, Bruce G. Buchanan, Georgia Sutherlnd and Edward A. Feigenbaum,
AIM-62, %2Heuristic DENDRAL: A Program for Generating Explantory Hypotheses
in Organic Chemistry%1, in B. Melzer and D. Michie (eds.), Machine Intelligence
4, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press, 1969.

HPP-68-4, Edward A. Feigenbaum, AIM-67, AD680487, %2Artificial Intelligence:
Themes in the Second Decade%1, in Final Supplement to Proceedings of IFIP-68
International Congress, Edinburgh, August 1968.

HPP-68-5, Donald Waterman, AIM-74, STAN-CS-68-118, AD681027, %2Machine
Learning of Heuristics%1, Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science (Stanford University,
December 1968).
.skip 2
HPP-69-1, Georgia Sutherland, AIM-80, AD685612, %2Heuristic
DENDRAL: a Family of LISP Programs%1 (working paper), March 1969.

HPP-69-2, Bruce G. Buchanan, G.L. Sutherland and E.A. Feigenbaum, AIM-99,
%2Toward an Understanding of Information Processes of Scientific Inference in
the Context of Organic Chemistry%1, in B. Meltzer and D. Michie (eds.), Machine
Intelligence 5, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press, 1970.

HPP-69-3, Donald A. Waterman, AIM-102, %2Generalization Learning Techniques for
Automating the Learning of Heuristics%1, in Artificial Intelligence, 1, 121,
July 1969.

HPP-69-4, Joshua Lederberg, Georgia Sutherland and Bruce G. Buchanan, AIM-104,
%2Inference Problem: Summary of Motivation and Implementation%1, in R. Banerji
and Mesarovic (eds.), Theoretical Approaches to Non-Numerical Problem Solving,
New York:Springer-Verlag, 1970.

HPP-69-5, J. Lederberg, %2Topology of Molecules%1, in The Mathematical Sciences
- A Collection of Essays, edited by the Nationl Research Council's Committee on
Support of Research in the Mathematical Sciences (COSRIMS), Cambridge,
Mass.:The M.I.T. Press, 1969, p.37.

HPP-69-6, J. Lederberg, G.L. Sutherland, B.G. Buchanan, E.A. Feigenbaum,
A.V. Robertson, A.M. Duffield and C. Djerassi, %2Applications of Artificial
Intelligence for Chemical Inference I.  The Number of Possible Organic
Compounds: Acyclic Structures Containing C, H, O and N%1, Journal of the
American Chemical Society, 91, 2973, 1969.

HPP-69-7, A.M. Duffield, A.V. Robertson, C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan
G.L. Sutherland, E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Lederberg, %2Application of
Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference II.  Interpretation of
Low Resolution Mass Spectra of Ketones%1, Journal of the American
Chemical Society, 91, 11 May 1969.

HPP-69-8, C.W. Chruchman and B.G. Buchanan, %2On the Design of Inductive 
Systems: Some Philosophical Problems%1, British Journal for the Philosophy
of Science, 20, 311, 1969.

HPP-69-9, G. Schroll, A.M. Duffield, C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan,
G.L. Sutherland, E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Lederberg, %2Application of
Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference III.  Aliphatic Ethers
Diagnosed by Their Low Resolution Mass Spectra and NMR Data%1, Journal
of the American Chemical Society, 91, 7440, 1969.
.skip 2
HPP-70-1, A. Buchs, A.B. Delfino, C. Djerassi, A.M. Duffield, B.G. Buchanan,
E.A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg and G. Schroll, %2Application of Artificial
Intelligence for Chemical inference IV.  Saturated Amines Diagnosed by
Their Los Resolution Mass Spectra and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra%1,
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 92, 6831, 1970.

HPP-70-2, Bruce G. Buchanan and Thomas E. Hedrick, AIM-123, %2Some Speculation
About Artificial Intelligence and Legal Reasoning%1, Stanford Law Review,
23, 40, November 1970.

HPP-70-3, Y.M. Sheikh, A. Buchs, A.B. Delfino, G. Schroll, A.M. Duffield,
C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan, G.L. Sutherland, E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Lederberg,
%2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference V.  An Approach
to the Computer Generation of Cyclic Structures.  Differentiation Between All
The Possible Isomeric Ketones of Composition C6H10O%1, Organic Mass Spectrometry,
4, 493, 1970.

HPP-70-4, A. Buchs, A.B. Delfino, A.M. Duffield, C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan,
E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Lederberg, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for
Chemical Inference VI.  Approach to a General Method of Interpreting Low
Resolution Mass Spectra with a Computer%1, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 53, 1394, 1970.

HPP-70-5, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Bruce G. Buchanan and Joshua Lederberg,
AIM-131, STAN-CS-70-176, AD715128, %2On Gererality and Problem Solving: a Case
Study Using the DENDRAL Program%1, in B. Meltzer and D. Michie (eds.), Machine
Intelligence 6, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press, 1971.
.skip 2
HPP-71-1, A. Buchs, A.B. Delfino, C. Djerassi, A.M. Duffield, B.G. Buchanan,
E.A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg, G. Schroll and G.L. Sutherl, %2Applications
of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference VII.  The Application of
Artificial Intelligence in the Interpretation of Low-Resolution Mas Spectra%1,
Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 5, 314, 1971.

HPP-71-2, Bruce G. Buchanan and Joshua Lederberg, AIM-147, STAN-CS-71-216, 
AD732457, %2The Heuristic DENDRAL Program
for Explaining Empirical Data%1, in Proceedings of the IFIP Congress 71,
Ljubljan, Yugoslavia, February 1971.

HPP-71-3, Robert E. Kling, AIM-147, STAN-CS-71-216, %2Reasoning by Analogy
with Applications to Heuristic Problem Solving:  a Case Study%1, Ph.D.
Thesis in Computer Science, August 1971.

HPP-71-4, B.G. Buchanan, E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Lederberg, AIM-145, %2A
Heuristic Programming Study of Theory Formation in Science%1, in Proceedings
of the Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Imperial College, London, 1971.

HPP-71-5, B.G. Buchanan, A.M. Duffield and A.V. Robertson, %2An Application of
Artificial Intelligence to the Interpretation of Mass Spectra%1, in G.W.A.
Milne (ed.), Mass Spectrometry Techniques and Applications, New York:Wiley,
1971, p.21.
.skip 2
HPP-72-1, D.H. Smith, B.G. Buchanan, R.S. Engelmore, A.M. Duffield, A. Yeo,
E.A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg and C. Djerassi, %2Applications of Artificial
Intelligence for Chemical Inference VIII.  An Approach to the Computer
Interpretation of the High Resolution Mass Spectra of Complex Molecules.
Structure Elucidation of Estrogenic Steroids%1, Journal of the American
Chemical Society, 94, 5962, 1972.

HPP-72-2, B.G. Buchanan, E.Z. Feigenbaum and N.S. Sridharan, %2Heuristic
Theory Formation: Data Interpretation and Rule Formation%1, In B. Meltzer
and D. Michi (eds.), Machine Intelligence 7, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University
Press, 1972.

HPP-72-3, Bruce G. Buchanan, AIM-181, STAN-CS-72-325, %2Review of Hubert
Dreyfus' "What Computers Can't Do": a Critique of Artificial Reason%1,
Computing Reviews, January 1973.

HPP-72-4, J. Lederberg, %2Rapid Calculation of Molecular Formulas from Mass
Values%1, Journal of Chemical Education, 49, 613, 1972.

HPP-72-5, Joshua Lederberg, %2Use of a Computer to Identify Unknown Compounds:
The Automation of Scientific Inference%1, in George R. Waller (ed.),
Biochemical Applications of Mass Spectrometry, New York:Interscience, 1972.

HPP-72-6, H. Brown, L. Hjelmeland and L. Masinter, STAN-CS-72-318, %2Constructive
Graph Labeling Using Double Cosets%1, Discrete Mathematics, 7, 1, 1974.
.skip 2
HPP-73-1, D.H. Smith, B.G. Buchanan, R.S. Engelmore, H. Aldercreutz and
C. Djerassi, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
IX.  Analysis of Mixtures without Prior Separation as Illustrated for Estrogens%1,
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 95, 6078, 1973.

HPP-73-2, D.H. Smith, B.G. Buchanan, W.C. White, E.A. Feigenbaum, C. Djerassi
and J. Lederberg, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
X.  INTSUM.  A Data Interpretation Program as Applied to the Collacted Mass
Spectra of Estrogenic Steroids%1, Tetrahedron, 29, 3117, 1973.

HPP-73-3, Harold Brown and Larry Masinter, STAN-CS-73-361, %2An Algorithm for
the Construction of the Graphs of Organic Molecules%1, Discrete Mathematics,
8, 227, 1974.

HPP-73-4, N.S. Sridharan et al., AIM-205, STAN-CS-73-370, AD764288, %2A
Heuristic Program to Discover Synthesis for Complex Organic Molecules%1,
June 1973.

HPP-73-5, N.S. Sridharan, STAN-CS-73-381, %2Computer Generation
of Vertex Graphs%1 (working paper), July 1973.

HPP-73-6, R. Carhart and C. Djerassi, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence
for Chemical Inference XI.  The Analysis of C13 NMR Data for Structure
Elucidation of Acyclic Amines%1, Journal of the American Chemical Society
(Perkin II), 2, 1753, 1973.

HPP-73-7, B.G. Buchanan and N.S. Sridharan, AIM-215, STAN-CS-73-387, AD769380,
%2Analysis of Behavior of Chemical Molecules: Rule Formation on Non-Homogeneous
Classes of Objects%1, in Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, Stanford, California, August 1973.

HPP-73-8, D. Michie and B.G. Buchanan, %2Current Status of the Heuristic DENDRAL
Program for Applying Artificial Intelligence to the Interpretation of Mass
Spectra%1, in R.A.G. Carrington (ed.), Computers for Spectroscopy, 
London:Adam Hilger, 1974.

HPP-73-9, N.S. Sridaran, AIM-217, STAN-CS-73-391, AD770610, %2Search
Strategies for the Task of Organic Chemical Synthesis%1, August 1973.

HPP-73-10, E.H. Shortliffe, S.G. Axline, B.G. Buchanan, T.C. Merigan,
and S.N. Cohen, %2An Artificial Intelligence Program to Advise Physicians
Regarding Antimicrobial Therapy%1, Computers and Biomedical Research, 6,
544, 1973.

HPP-73-11, Larry Masinter, N.S. Sridharan, J. Lederberg and D.H. Smith, AIM-216,
STAN-CS-73-389, AD71299, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical
Inference XII.  Exhaustive Generation of Cyclic and Acyclic Isomers%1, in
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 96, 7702, 1974.
.skip 2
HPP-74-1, E.H. Shortliffe, S.G. Axline, B.G. Buchanan and S.N. Cohen, %2Design
Considerations for a Program to Provide Consultations in Clinical Therapeutics%1,
in Proceedings of San Diego Biomedical Symposium, February 1974.

HPP-74-2, Edward H. Shortliffe, AIM-251, STAN-CS-74-465, AD-A001 373, %2MYCIN:
A Rule-Based Computr Program for Advising Physicians Regarding Antimicrobial
Therapy Selection%1, Ph.D. Thesis in Medical Information Sciences, October
1974.  Also in Computer-Based Medical Consultations: MYCIN, New York:American
Elsevier, 1976.

HPP-74-3, B.G. Buchanan, %2Scientific Theory Formation by Computer%1, in
T.C. Simon (ed.), Computer Aided Learning Processes, Nato Advanced Study
Institutes Series, Series E: Applied Science, 14, 515, Leyden:Noordhoff, 1976.

HPP-74-4, E.A. Feigenbaum, %2Computer Applications: Introductory Remarks%1,
in Proceedings of Federation of American Societis for Experimental Biology,
33, 2331, 1974.

HPP-74-5, L.M. Masinter, N.S. Sridharan, R.E. Carhart and D.H. Smith,
%2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XIII.
Labeling of Objects Having Symmetry1,2%1, Journal of the American Chemical
Society, 96, 7714, 1974.

HPP-74-6, Dennis H. Smith, Larry M. Masinter and Natesa S. Sridharan, %2Heuristic
DENDRAL: Analysis of Molecular Structure%1, in W.T. Wipke, S. Heler,
R. Feldmann and E. Hyde (eds.), Computer Representation and Manipulation of
Chemical Information, New York:Wiley, 1974.

HPP-74-7, Harold Brown, STAN-CS-74-469, %2Molecular Structure Elucidation III%1,
SIAM Journal of Applied Math, 32, 3, May 1977, p.534.
.skip 2
HPP-75-1, E.H. Shortliffe and B.G. Buchanan, %2A Model of Inexact Reasoning in
Medicine%1, Mathematical Biosciences, 23, 351, 1975.

HPP-75-2, E.H. Shortliffe, R. Davis, S.G. Axline, B.G. Buchanan, C.C. Green
and S.N. Cohen, %2Computer-Based Consultations in Clinial Therapeutics; Explanation
and Rule Acquisition Capabilities of the MYCIN System%1, Computers and
Biomedical Research, 8, 303, August 1975.

HPP-75-3, E.H. Shortliffe, F.S. Rhame, S.G. Axline, S.N. Cohen, B.G. Buchanan,
R. Davis, A.C. Scott, R. Chavez-Pardo and W.J. Van Melle, %2MYCIN: A Computer
Program Providing Antimicrobial Therapy Recommendations%1, Clinical Medicine,
August 1975.

HPP-75-4, E.H. Shortliffe, %2Judgmental Knowledge as a Basis for Computer-Assisted
Clinical Decision Making%1, in Proceedings of the 1975 International Conference
on Cybernetics and Society, September 1975.

HPP-75-5, E.H. Shortliffe, S. Axline, B.G. Buchanan, R. Davis and S. Cohen,
%2A Computer-Based Approach to the Promotion of Rational Clinical Use of
Antimicrobials%1, in William A. Gouveia, Gianni Tognoni, and Eppo van der
Kleijn (eds.), Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology, 
New York:Elsevier/North-Holland Publishing Company, 1976.

HPP-75-6, Randall Davis, Bruce Buchanan and Edward Shortliffe, AIM-266,
STAN-CS-75-517, AD-A019 641, %2Production Rules as a Representation of a
Knowledge-Based Consultation Program%1, in Artificial Intelligence, 8, 1,
February 1977.

HPP-75-7, Randall Davis and Jonathan King, AIM-271, STAN-CS-75-524,
AD-A019 702/OWC, %2An Overview of Production Systems%1, in E.W. Elcock and
Donald Michie (eds.), Machine Intelligence 8; Machine Representations of
Knowledge, Chichester, England:Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1977.

HPP-75-8, R.G. Dromey, B.G. Buchanan, J. Lederberg and C. Djerassi,
%2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XIV.
A General Method for Predicting Molecular Ions in Mass Spectra%1, Journal
of Organic Chemistry, 40, 770, 1975.

HPP-75-9, D.H. Smith, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical
Inference XV.  Constructive Graph Labelling Applied to Chemical Problems.
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons%1, Analytical Chemistry, 47, 1176, 1975.

HPP-75-10, R.E. Carhart, D.H. Smith, H. Brown and N.S. Sridharan, %2Applications
of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XVI.  Computer Generation of
Vertex Graphs and Ring Systems%1, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer
Science, 15, 124, 1975.

HPP-75-11, R.E. Carhart, D.H. Smith, H. Brown and C. Djerassi, %2Applications of
Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XVII.  An Approach to 
Computer-Assisted Elucidation of Molecular Structure%1, Journal of the American
Chemical Society, 97, 5755, 1975.

HPP-75-12, E.H. Shortliffe, S.G. Axline, B.G. Buchanan, R. Davis and S.N. Cohen,
%2Computer-Assisted Consultations Regarding the Antimicrobial Treatment of
Bacteremia%1, Journal ***** , May 1975.

HPP-75-13, B.G. Buchanan, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence to
Scientific Reasoning%1, in Proceedings of Second USA-Japan Computer Conference,
American Federation of Information Processing Societies Press, August 1975.

HPP-75-14, R.E. Carhart, S.M. Johnson, D.H. Smith, B.G. Buchanan, R.G. Dromey,
and J. Lederberg, %2Networking and a Collaborative Research Community: A Case
Study Using the DENDRAL Program%1, in P. Lykos (ed.), Computer Networking and
Chemistry, Washington, D.C.:American Chemistry Society, 1975.

HPP-75-15, D.H. Smith, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical
Inference XVIII.  The Scope of Structural Isomerism%1, Journal of Chemical
Information and Computer Sciences, 15, 203, 1975.

HPP-75-16, E.H. Shortliffe and R. Davis, %2Some Considerations for the Implementation
of Knowledge-Based Expert Systems%1, SIGART Newsletter, 55, 9, December 1975.
.skip 2
HPP-76-1, D.H. Smith, J.P. Konopelski and C. Djerassi, %2Applications of
Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XIX.  Computer Generation of Ion
Structures%1, Organic Mass Spectrometry, 11, 86, 1976.

HPP-76-2, Raymond E. Carhart and Dennis H. Smith, %2Applications of Artificial
Intelligence for Chemical Inference XX.  Intelligent Use of Constraints in
Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation%1, Computers in Chemistry, 1,79, 1976.

HPP-76-3, C.J. Cheer, D.H. Smith, C. Djerassi, B. Tursch, J.C. Braekman and
D. Daloze, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
XXI.  Chemical Studies of Marine Interbrates - XVII.  The Computer-Assisted
Identification of [+]-Palostrol in the Marine Organism Cespitularia sp.,
aff. subviridis%1, Tetrahedron, 32, 1807, 1976.

HPP-76-4, B.G. Buchanan, D.H. Smith, W.C. White, R.J. Gritter, E.A. Feigenbaum,
J. Lederberg and Carl Djerassi, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for
Chemical Inference XXII.  Automatic Rule Formation in Mass Spectrometry by
Means of the Meta-DENDRAL Program%1, Journal of the American Chemical Society,
98,6168, 1976.

HPP-76-5, T.H. Varkony, R.E. Carhart and D.H. Smith, %2Applications of Artificial
Intelligence for Chemical Inference XXIII.  Computer-Assisted Structure
Elucidation.  Modelling Chemical Reaction Sequences Used in Molecular
Structure Programs%1, in W.T. Wipke (ed.), Computer-Assisted Organic Synthesis,
Washington, D.C.:American Chemical Society, 1977.

HPP-76-6, D.H. Smith and R.E. Carhart, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence
for Chemical Inference XXIV.  Structural Isomerism of Mono and Sesquiterpenoid
Skeletons 1,2-,%1, Tetrahedron, 32, 2513, May 1976.

HPP-76-7, Randall Davis, AIM-283, STAN-CS-76-552, %2Applications of Meta
Level Knowledge to the Construction, Maintenance and Use of Large Knowledge
Bases%1, Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, July 1976.

HPP-76-8, Douglas Lenat, AIM-286, STAN-CS-76-570, %2AM:  An Artificial
Intelligence Approach to Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Search%1,
Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, July 1976.

HPP-76-9, Bruce G. Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg and John McCarthy, AIM-291,
STAN-CS-76-577, %2Three Reviews of J. Weizenbaum's Computer Power and Human
Reason%1, November 1976.

HPP-76-10, Bruce G. Buchanan and Dennis Smith, %2Computer Assisted Chemical
Reasoning%1, in E.V. Ludena, N.H. Sabelli and A.C. Wahl (eds.), Computers in
Chemical Education and Research, New York:Plenum Press, 1977, p.401.

HPP-76-11, Raymond E. Carhart, %2A Model-Based Approach to the Teletype Printing
of Chemical Structures%1, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences,
16, 82, 1976.
.skip 2
HPP-77-1, A.C. Scott, W. Clancey, R. Davis and E.H. Shortliffe, STAN-CS-77-593,
%2Explanation Capabilities of Knowledge-Based Production Systems%1, American
Journal of Computational Linguistics, Microfiche 62, Knowledge-Based
Consultation Systems, 1977.

HPP-77-2, Robert S. Engelmore and H. Penny Nii, STAN-CS-77-589,
%2A Knowledge-Based System for the Interpretation of Protein X-Ray
Crystallographic Data%1 (working paper), January 1977.

HPP-77-3, B.G. Buchanan, R. Davis, V. Yu and S. Cohen, %2Rule Based Medical Decision
Making by Computer%1, Proceedings of MEDINFO.77, Tronto, 1977.

HPP-77-4, T.M. Mitchell and G.M. Schwenzer, %2Applications of Artificial
Intelligence for Chemical Inference XXV.  A Computer Program for Automated
Empirical 13C NMR Rule Formation%1, Organic Magnetic Resonance, forthcoming.

HPP-77-5, Mark Stefik and Nancy Martin, STAN-CS-77-596,
%2A Review of Knowledge-Based Systems as a Basis for a Genetics Experiment
Designing System%1 (working paper), February 1977.

HPP-77-6, Bruce G. Buchanan and Tom Mitchell, STAN-CS-77-597, %2Model-Directed
Learning of Production Rules%1, in D.A. Waterman and F. Hayes-Roth (eds.),
Pattern-Directed Inference Systems, New York:Academic Press, forthcoming.

HPP-77-7, H. Penny Nii and Edward A. Feigenbaum, STAN-CS-77-612,
%2Rule-Based Understanding of Signals%1, Proceedings of Pattern-Directed
Inference Systems, May 1977.

HPP-77-8, R. Davis, %2Knowledge Acquisition on Rule-Based Systems:  Knowledge
about Representations as a Basis for System Construction and Maintenance%1,
Proceedings of Patter-Directed Inference, May 1977.

HPP-77-9, R. Davis, %2Interactive Transfer of Expertise I:  Acquisition of
New Inference Rules%1, Proceedings of Fifth IJCAI, 1, 321, August 1977.

HPP-77-10, R. Davis, %2A Decision Support System for Medical Diagnosis and
Therapy Selection in Data Base%1, SIGBDP Newsletter, 8, 58, Winter, 1977.

HPP-77-11, Dennis H. Smith and Raymond E. Carhart, %2Structure Elucidation
Based on Computer Analysis of High and Low Resolution Mass Spectral Data%1,
in M.L. Gross (ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Chemical Applications
of High Performance Spectrometry, Washington, D.C.:American Chemical
Society, in press.

HPP-77-12, Reid G. Smith, %2The Contract Net:  A Formalism for the Control of
Distributed Problem Solving%1, Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI, 1, 472,
August 1972.

HPP-77-13, Tom M. Mitchell, %2Version Spaces: A Candidate Elimination Approach
to Rule Learning%1, Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI, 1, 305, August 1977.

HPP-77-14, Reid G. Smith, Tom M. Mitchell, Richard A. Chestek and Bruce G.
Buchanan, %2A Model for Learning Systems%1, Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI,
1, 338, August 1977.

HPP-77-15, E.A. Feigenbaum, R.S. Engelmore and C.K. Johnson, %2A Correlation
Between Crystallographic Computing and Artificial Intelligence%1, in Acta
Crystallographica, A33, 13, 1977.

HPP-77-16, Randall Davis and Bruce G. Buchanan, %2Meta-Level Knowledge:  Overview
and Applications%1, Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI, 1, 920, August 1977.

HPP-77-17, Bruce G. Buchanan, %2Heuristic DENDRAL:  A Short
Summary%1 (working paper), (class notes for CS 224, Spring 1977).

HPP-77-18, Jerry Feitelson and Mark Stefik, %2A Case Study of
the Reasoning in a Genetics Experiment%1 (working paper), April 1977.

HPP-77-19, N. Martin, P. Friedland, J. King and M.J. Stefik, %2Knowledge Base
Management for Experiment Planning%1, Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI, 1, 882,
August 1977.

HPP-77-20, Gretchen M. Schwenzer and Tom M. Mitchell, %2Computer Assisted
Structure Elucidation Using Automatically Acquired 13C NMR Rules%1, in
D. Smith (ed.), Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation, ACS Symposium
Series, Vol. 54:58, 1977.

HPP-77-21, Hector Garcia-Molina and Gio Wiederhold, %2Application
of the Contract Net Protocol to Distributed Data Bases%1
(working paper), April 1977.

HPP-77-22, Gretchen M. Schwenzer, %2Applications of Artificial Intelligence for
Chemical Inference XXVI.  Analysis of C-13 NMR for Mono-Hydroxy Steroids
Incorporating Geometric Distortions%1, Journal of Organic Chemistry, forthcoming.

HPP-77-23, James G. Nourse, %2Gereralized Stereoisomerization Modes%1, Journal
of the American Chemical Society, 99, 2063, 1977.

HPP-77-24, Kent Morrill, Dennis H. Smith and Carl Djerassi, %2Computer-Assisted
Analysis of the High Resolution Mass Spectra of Macrolide Antibiotics%1,
submitted for publication.

HPP-77-25, Edward A. Feigenbaum, %2The Art of Artificial Intelligence: Themes
and Case Studies of Knowledge Engineering%1, Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI,
1, 1014, August 1977.

HPP-77-26, Thomas H. Varkony, Raymond E. Carhart and Dennis H. Smith, %2Computer
Assisted Structure Elucidation, Ranking the Candidate Structures, Based on
Comparison Between Predicted and Observed Mass Spectra%1, in Proceedings of
the 25th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Washington,
D.C., 1977.

HPP-77-27, Hector Garcia-Molina, %2Overview and Bibliography of Distributed
Data Bases%1, 1977.

HPP-77-28, Nils J. Nilsson, STAN-CS-77-618, %2A Production System for Automatic
Deduction%1, Machine Intelligence 9, 1977.

HPP-77-29, Edward H. Shortliffe, %2A Rule-Based Approch to the Generation of
Advice and Explanation in Clinical Medicine%1, August 1977.

HPP-77-30, Edward H. Shortliffe, %2Clinical Decisions Based on Physician-Computer
Interactions:  A Symbolic Reasoning Approach%1, presented at the Symposium on
Making and Using Medical Decisions, Annual Meeting Society for Computer Medicine,
November, 1977.

HPP-77-31, Kjell G. Knutsen, %2Some Issues in the Design of
Large Multi-Microprocessor Networks%1 (working paper), 1977.

HPP-77-32, Edward H. Shortliffe, %2MYCIN:  A Knowledge-Based Computer Program
Applied to Infectious Diseases%1, presented at the First Annual Symposium on
Computer Application in Medical Care, Washington, D.C., October 1977.

HPP-77-33, Randal Davis, %2Generalized Procedure Calling and Content-Directed
Invocation%1, in the Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Programming
Languages Conference, Published as SIGART/SIGPLAN Combined Issue, August 1977,
pp. 45-54.

HPP-77-34, Thomas Varkony, Dennis Smith and Carl Djerassi, %2Computer-Assisted
Structure Manipulation:  Studies in the Biosynthesis of Natural Products%1,
Tetrahedron, forthcoming.

HPP-77-35, R.G. Dromey, Mark J. Stefik, Thomas C. Rindfleisch and Alan M. Duffield,
%2Extraction of Mass Spectra Free of Background and Neighboring Component
Contributions from Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Data%1, Analytical
Chemistry, 48, 1368, 1976.

HPP-77-36, Bruce G. Buchanan, %2Issues of Representation in Conveying the
Scope and Limitations of Intelligent Assistant Programs%1 (working paper), 1977.

HPP-77-37, Avron Barr, %2Meta-Knowldge and Memory%1 (working paper), November

HPP-77-38, Annemarie Wegmann, %2Variations in Mass Spectral Fragmentation
Produced by Active Sites in a Mass Spectrometer Source%1, (submitted to
Analytical Chemistry), 1977.

HPP-77-39, Bruce G. Buchanan, Tom M. Mitchell, Reid G. Smith and C. Richard
Johnson, Jr., %2Learning Systems%1, 1977.
.skip 2
HPP-78-1, Bruce G. Buchanan and Edward A. Feigenbaum, %2DENDRAL and Meta-DENDRAL:
Their Applications Dimension%1, Stanford University, 1978.

HPP-78-2, Reid G. Smith, %2Issues in Distributed Sensor Net Design%1, January

HPP-78-3, Mark Stefik, %2Inferring DNA Structures from Segmentation Data:  A
Case Study%1, (submitted to Artificial Intelligence).

HPP-78-4, Hector Garcia-Molina, %2Distributed Database Coupling%1 (working
paper), March 1978.

HPP-78-5, never used.

HPP-78-6, Hector Garcia-Molina, %2Performance Comparison of Update Algorithms
for Distributed Data Bases%1 (working paper), 1978.

HPP-78-7, Reid G. Smith and Randal Davis, STAN-CS-78-667,
%2Distributed Problem Solving:  The Contract Net Approach%1, June 1978.

HPP-78-10, Alain Bonnet, STAN-CS-78-668, 
%2BAOBAB, A Parser for a Rule-Based System Using a Semantic Grammar%1,
June 1978.
