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All A.I. Memos published to date are listed below.
Rising costs and restrictions on the use of research funds for
printing reports have made it necessary to charge for reports at
their replacement cost. By doing so, we will be able to reprint
popular reports rather than simply declaring them "out of print".
For people with access to the ARPA Network, the texts of some A. I.
Memos are stored online in the Stanford A. I. Laboratory disk file.
These are designated below by "Diskfile: <file name>" appearing in
the header.
AIM-1, John McCarthy, "Predicate Calculus with `Undefined' as a
Truth-value" 5 pages, March 1963.
AIM-2 (AD785031), John McCarthy, "Situations, Actions, and Causal
Laws" 11 pages, July 1963.
AIM-3, Fred Safier, "`The Mikado' an an Advice Taker Problem" 4
pages, July 1963.
AIM-4, Horace Enea, "Clock Function for LISP 1.5" 2 pages, August
AIM-5 (AD785043), Horace Enea, Dean Wooldridge, "Algebraic
Simplication" 2 pages, August 1963.
AIM-6, Dean Wooldridge, "Non-printing Compiler" 2 pages, August 1963.
AIM-7 (AD785044), John McCarthy, "Programs With Common Sense" 7
pages, September 1963.
AIM-8, John McCarthy, "Storage Conventions in LISP 2" 5 pages,
September 1963.
AIM-9, C. M. Williams, "Computing Estimates for the Number of
Bisections of an NxN Checkerboard for N Even" 9 pages, December 1963.
AIM-10 (AD785045), Stephan R. Russell, "Improvements in LISP
Debugging" 3 pages, December 1963.
AIM-11 (AD785046), Dean Wooldridge, Jr., "An Algebraic Simplify
Program in LISP" 57 pages, December 1963.
AIM-12, Gary Feldman, "Documentation of the MacMahon Squares Problem"
4 pages, January 1964.
AIM-13 (AD785047), Dean E. Wooldridge, "The New LISP System (LISP
l.55)" 4 pages, February 1964.
AIM-14 (AD785035), John McCarthy, "Computer Control of a Machine for
Exploring Mars" 6 pages, January 1964.
AIM-15 (AD785036), Mark Finkelstein, Fred Safier, "Axiomatization and
Implementation" 6 pages, June 1964.
AIM-16 (AD785037), John McCarthy, "A Tough nut for Proof Procedures"
3 pages, July 1964.
AIM-17 (AD785038), John McCarthy, "Formal Description of the Game of
Pang-Ke" 2 pages, July 1964.
AIM-18 (AD785048), Jan Hext, "An Expression Input Routine for LISP" 5
pages, July 1964.
AIM-19, Jan Hext, "Programming Languages and Translation" 14 pages,
August 1964.
AIM-20 (AD785039), D. Raj. Reddy, "Source Language Optimization of
For-loops" 37 pages, August 1964.
AIM-21 (AD785040), R. W. Mitchell, "LISP 2 Specifications Proposal"
12 pages, August 1964.
AIM-22 (AD785041), Richard Russell, "Kalah -- the Game and the
Program" 13 pages, September 1964.
AIM-23 (AD785049), Richard Russell, "Improvements to the Kalah
Program" 12 pages, September 1964.
AIM-24 (AD785050), John McCarthy, "A Formal Description of a Subset
of ALGOL" 43 pages, September 1964.
AIM-25 (AD785051), Richard Mansfield, "A Formal System of
Computation" 7 pages, September 1964.
AIM-26 (AD785052), D. Raj. Reddy, "Experiments on Automatic Speech
Recognition by a Digital Computer" 19 pages, October 1964.
AIM-27 (AD785053), John McCarthy, "A Proof-checker for Predicate
Calculus" 7 pages, March 1965.
AIM-28 (AD785054), John McCarthy, "Problems in the Theory of
Computation" 7 pages, March 1965.
AIM-29 (AD785055), Charles M. Williams, "Isolation of Important
Features of a Multitoned Picture" 9 pages, January 1965.
AIM-30 (AD785056), Edward A. Feigenbaum, Richard W. Watson, "An
Initial Problem Statement for a Machine Induction Research Project" 8
pages, April 1965.
AIM-31 (AD785057), John McCarthy, "Plans for the Stanford Artificial
Intelligence Project" 17 pages, April 1965.
AIM-32 (AD785068), Harry Ratchford, "The 138 Analog Digital
Converter" 9 pages, May 1965.
AIM-33 (AD785032), Barbara Huberman, "The Advice Taker and GPS" 8
pages, June 1965.
AIM-34 (AD785069), Peter Carah, "A Television Camera Interface for
the PDP-1" 8 pages, June 1965.
AIM-35, Fred Safier, "Simple Simon" 17 pages, June 1965.
AIM-36 (AD785065), James Painter, "Utilization of a TV Camera on the
PDP-1" 6 pages, September 1965.
AIM-37, Knut Korsvold, "An on Line Algebraic Simplification Program"
36 pages, November 1965.
AIM-38 (AD785066), Donald A. Waterman, "A Filter for a Machine
Induction System" 19 pages, January 1966.
AIM-39 (AD785067), Karl Pingle, "A Program to Find Objects in a
Picture" 22 pages, January 1966.
AIM-40 (CS-38, AD662880), John McCarthy, James Painter, "Correctness
of a Compiler for Arithmetic Expressions" 13 pages, April 1966.
AIM-41, Phil Abrams, Dianna Rode, "A Proposal for a Proof-checker for
Certain Axiomatic Systems" 10 pages, May 1966.
AIM-42, Karl Pingle, "A Proposal for a Visual Input Routine" 11
pages, June 1966.
AIM-43 (CS-49, SS640-836), D. Raj. Reddy, "An Approach to Computer
Speech Recognition by Direct Analysis of the Speech Wave" Thesis:
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 144 pages, September 1966.
AIM-44, James Painter, "Semantic Correctness of a Compiler for an
Algol-like Language" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 130 pages,
revised March 1967.
AIM-45, Donald Kaplan, "Some Completeness Results in the Mathematical
Theory of Computation" 22 pages, October 1966.
AIM-46 (CS-50, PB176761), Staffan Persson, "Some Sequence
Extrapolating Programs: a Study of Representation and Modeling in
Inquiring Systems" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 176 pages,
September 1966.
AIM-47, Bruce Buchanan, "Logics of Scientific Discovery" Thesis:
Ph.D. in Philosophy U.C. Berkeley, 210 pages, December 1966.
AIM-48, Donald M. Kaplan, "Correctness of a Compiler for Algol-like
Programs" 46 pages, July 1967.
AIM-49, Georgia Sutherland, "DENDRAL -- a Computer Program for
Generating and Filtering Chemical Structures" 34 pages, February
AIM-50, Anthony C. Hearn, "Reduce Users' Manual" 53 pages, February
AIM-51, Lester D. Earnest, "Choosing an eye for a Computer" 154
pages, April 1967.
AIM-52, Arthur L. Samuel, "Some Studies in Machine Learning Using the
Game of Checkers II - Recent Progress" 48 pages, June 1967.
AIM-53, William Weiher, "The PDP-6 Proof Checker" 47 pages, June
AIM-54, Joshua Lederberg, Edward A. Feigenbaum, "Mechanization of
Inductive Inference in Organic Chemistry" 29 pages, August 1967.
AIM-55, Jerome Feldman, "First Thoughts of Grammatical Inference" 18
pages, August 1967.
AIM-56, William Wichman, "Use of Optical Feedback in the Computer
Control of an Arm" Thesis: Eng. in Electrical Engineering, 69 pages,
August 1967.
AIM-57, Anthony C. Hearn, "REDUCE, a User-oriented Interactive System
for Algebraic Simplification" 69 pages, October 1967.
AIM-58, Monte D. Callero, "An Adaptive Command and Control System
Utilizing Heuristic Learning Processes" Thesis: Ph.D. in Operations
Research, 161 pages, December 1967.
AIM-59, Donald M. Kaplan, "A Formal Theory Concerning the Equivalence
of Algorithms" 20 pages, May 1968.
AIM-60 (CS-101, AD672923), Donald M. Kaplan, "The Formal Theoretic
Analysis of Strong Equivalence for Elemental Programs" Thesis: Ph.D.
in Computer Science, 263 pages, June 1968.
AIM-61, Takayasu Ito, "Notes on Theory of Computation and Pattern
Recognition" 144 pages, May 1968.
AIM-62, Bruce Buchanan, Georgia Sutherland, "Heuristic Dendral: a
Program for Generating Explanatory Hypotheses in Organic Chemistry"
76 pages, July 1968.
AIM-63, Donald M. Kaplan, "Regular Expressions and the Equivalence of
Programs" 42 pages, July 1968.
AIM-64, Zohar Manna, "Formalization of Properties of Programs" 18
pages, July 1968.
AIM-65 (CS-106, AD673971), Barbara J. Huberman, "A Program to Play
Chess end Games" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 168 pages, August
AIM-66, Jerome A. Feldman, Paul D. Rovner, "An Algol-based
Associative Language" 31 pages, August 1968.
AIM-67 (AD680487), Edward A. Feigenbaum, "Artificial Intelligence:
Themes in the Second Decade" 39 pages, August 1968.
AIM-68, Zohar Manna, Amir Pnueli, "The Validity Problem of the 91-
function" 20 pages, August 1968.
AIM-69 (AD677588), John McCarthy, Edward Feigenbaum, Arthur Samuel,
"Project Technical Report" 90 pages, September 1968.
AIM-70 (AD680072), Anthony C. Hearn, "The Problem of Substitution" 14
pages, December 1968.
AIM-71 (AD677520), Pierre Vicens, "Preprocessing for Speech Analysis"
33 pages, October 1968.
AIM-72 (CS-116, AD680036), Donald L. Pieper, "The Kinematics of
Manipulators under Computer Control" Thesis: Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering, 157 pages, October 1968.
AIM-73 (AD678878), John McCarthy, Patrick Hayes, "Some Philosophical
Problems From the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence" 51 pages,
November 1968.
AIM-74 (CS-118, AD681027), Donald Waterman, "Machine Learning of
Heuristics" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, ? pages, December
AIM-75, Roger C. Schank, "A Notion of Linguistic Concept: a Prelude
to Mechanical Translation" 21 pages, December 1968.
AIM-76, Roger C. Schank, "A Conceptual Parser for Natural Language"
22 pages, December 1968.
AIM-77, Joseph D. Becker, "The Modeling of Simple Analogic and
Inductive Processes in a Semantic Memory System" 21 pages, January
AIM-78, D. Raj. Reddy, "On the use of Environmental, Syntactic and
Probalistic Constraints in Vision and Speech" 23 pages, January 1969.
AIM-79 (AD685611), D. Raj. Reddy, Richard B. Neely, "Contextual
Analysis of Phonemes of English" 71 pages, January 1969.
AIM-80 (AD685612), Georgia Sutherland, "Heuristic Dendral: a Family
of LISP Programs" 46 pages, March 1969.
AIM-81 (AD685613), David Luckham, "Refinement Theorems in Resolution
Theory" 31 pages, March 1969.
AIM-82 (AD685614), Zohar Manna, Amir Pneuli, "Formalization of
Properties of Recursively Defined Functions" 26 pages, March 1969.
AIM-83 (CS-130), Roger C. Schank, "A Conceptual Representation for
Computer-oriented Semantics" Thesis: Ph.D. in Linguistics U. of
Texas, 201 pages, March 1969.
AIM-84 (AD691791), David Canfield Smith, "MLISP Users' Manual" 57
pages, January 1969.
AIM-85 (CS-127, AD687720), Pierre Vicens, "Aspects of Speech
Recognition by Computer" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 210
pages, April 1969.
AIM-86 (AD691788), Patrick J. Hayes, "A Machine-oriented Formulation
of the Extended Functional Calculus" 44 pages, June 1969.
AIM-87 (AD691789), John McCarthy, A.I. Project Staff, "Project
Technical Report" 98 pages, June 1969.
AIM-88 (AD691790), Roger C. Schank, "Linguistics from a Conceptual
Viewpoint (Aspects of Aspects of a Theory of Syntax)" 22 pages, April
AIM-89 (CS-125, AD692390), Jerome A. Feldman, J. Gips, J. J. Horning,
and S. Reder, "Grammatical Complexity and Inference" 100 pages, June
AIM-90 (AD691799), Anthony C. Hearn, "Standard LISP" 33 pages, May
AIM-91, J. A. Campbell and Anthony C. Hearn, "Symbolic Analysis of
Feynman Diagrams by Computer" 73 pages, August 1969.
AIM-92, Victor D. Scheinman, "Design of a Computer Controlled
Manipulator" Thesis: Eng. in Mechanical Engineering, 53 pages, June
AIM-93.1 (AD693106), Jerome Feldman, "Some Decidability Results on
Grammatical Inference and Complexity" 31 pages, August 1969, revised
May 1970.
AIM-94 (AD692391), Kenneth Mark Colby, Lawrence Tesler, Horace Enea,
"Experiments With a Search Algorithm on the Data Base of a Human
Belief Structure" 28 pages, August 1969.
AIM-95 (AD694971), Zohar Manna, "The Correctness of Non-deterministic
Programs" 44 pages, August 1969.
AIM-96 (CS-138, AD696394), Claude Cordell Green, "The Application of
Theorem Proving to Question-answering Systems" Thesis: Ph.D. in
Electrical Engineering, 166 pages, August 1969.
AIM-97 (AD694972), Kenneth Mark Colby, David Canfield Smith,
"Dialogues Between Humans and an Artificial Belief System" 28 pages,
August 1969.
AIM-98 (CS-139, AD695401), James Jay Horning, "A Study of Grammatical
Inference" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 166 pages, August 1969.
AIM-99, Bruce G. Buchanan, G. L. Sutherland, E. A. Feigenbaum,
"Toward an Understanding of Information Processes of Scientific
Inference in the Context of Organic Chemistry" 66 pages, September
AIM-100, Zohar Manna, John McCarthy, "Properties of Programs and
Partial Function Logic" 21 pages, October 1969.
AIM-101, Richard Paul, G. Falk, J. A. Feldman, "The Computer
Representation of Simply Described Scenes" 16 pages, October 1969.
AIM-102, Donald A. Waterman, "Generalization Learning for Automating
the Learning of Heuristics" 74 pages, July 1969.
AIM-103, John Allen, David Luckham "An Interactive Theorem-proving
Program" 27 pages, October 1969.
AIM-104, Joshua Lederberg, Georgia Sutherland, B. G. Buchanan, E. A.
Feigenbaum, "A Heuristic Program for Solving a Scientific Inference
Problem: Summary of Motivation and Implementation" 15 pages,
November 1969.
AIM-105, Manfred Heuckel, "An Operator Which Locates Edges in
Digitized Pictures" 37 pages, October 1969.
AIM-106, Michael Edwin Kahn, "The Near-minimum-time Control of Open-
loop Articulated Kinematic Chains" Thesis: Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering, 171 pages, December 1969.
AIM-107, Gilbert Falk, "Some Implications of Planarity for Machine
Perception" 27 pages, December 1969.
AIM-108, Michael D. Kelly, "Edge Detection in Pictures by Computer
Using Planning" 28 pages, January 1970.
AIM-109, Roger C. Schank, Lawrence Tesler, Sylvia Weber, "Spinoza II:
Conceptual Case-based Natural Language Analysis" 107 pages, January
AIM-110, Edward Ashcroft, Zohar Manna, "Formalization of Properties
of Parallel Programs" 58 pages, February 1970.
AIM-111, Zohar Manna, "Second-order Mathematical Theory of
Computation" 25 pages, March 1970.
AIM-112, Franklin D. Hilf, Kenneth M. Colby, David C. Smith, William
K. Wittner, "Machine-mediated Interviewing" 27 pages, March 1970.
AIM-113, Kenneth Mark Colby, Franklin D. Hilf, William A. Hall, "A
Mute Patient's Experience With Machine-mediated Interviewing" 19
pages, March 1970.
AIM-114, Alan W. Biermann, Jerome A. Feldman, "On the Synthesis of
Finite-state Acceptors" 31 pages, April 1970.
AIM-115, Ugo Montanari, "On the Optimal Detection of Curves in Noisy
Pictures" 35 pages, March 1970.
AIM-116, Kenneth Mark Colby, "Mind and Brain, Again" 10 pages, March
AIM-117, John McCarthy, et al, "Project Technical Report" 75 pages,
April 1970.
AIM-118, Ugo Montanari, "Heuristically Guided Search and Chromosome
Matching" 29 pages, April 1970.
AIM-119, Joseph Becker, "An Information-processing Model of
Intermediate-Level Cognition" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science (May
1972), 123 pages, May 1970.
AIM-120, Kenneth Mark Colby, David Canfield Smith, "Computer as
Catalyst in the Treatment of Nonspeaking Autistic Children" 32 pages,
April 1970.
AIM-121, Irwin Sobel, "Camera Models and Machine Perception" Thesis:
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 89 pages, May 1970.
AIM-122, Roger C. Schank, "`Semantics' in Conceptual Analysis" 56
pages, May 1970.
AIM-123, Bruce G. Buchanan, Thomas E. Headrick, "Some Speculation
About Artificial Intelligence and Legal Reasoning" 54 pages, May
AIM-124, M. M. Astrahan, "Speech Analysis by Clustering, or the
Hyperphoneme Method" 22 pages, June 1970.
AIM-125, Kenneth Mark Colby, Sylvia Weber, Franklin Hilf, "Artificial
Paranoia" 35 pages, July 1970.
AIM-126 (CS-169, AD711329), Donald E. Knuth, "Examples of Formal
Semantics" 34 pages, July 1970.
AIM-127 (CS-174, AD711395), Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger,
"Towards Automatic Program Synthesis" 54 pages, July 1970.
AIM-128 (CS-166, AD713841), Erik J. Sandewall, "Representing Natural-
language Information in Predicate Calculus" 27 pages, July 1970.
AIM-129 (CS-167, AD712460), Shigeru Igarashi, "Semantics of ALGOL-
like Statements" 95 pages, June 1970.
AIM-130 (CS-168, AD713252), Michael D. Kelly, "Visual Identification
of People by Computer" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 238 pages,
July 1970.
AIM-131 (CS-176, AD715128), Edward A. Feigenbaum, Bruce G. Buchanan,
Joshua Lederberg, "On Generality and Problem Solving: a Case Study
Using the Dendral Program" 48 pages, August 1970.
AIM-132 (CS-180, AD715665), Gilbert Falk, "Computer Interpretation of
Imperfect Line Data as a Three-dimensional Scene" Thesis: Ph.D. in
Electrical Engineering, 187 pages, August 1970.
AIM-133 (CS-181), Anthony C. Hearn, "Reduce 2" Diskfile:
REDUCE.ACH[AIM,DOC], 85 pages, October 1970.
AIM-134 (CS-182, AD748565), Jay Martin Tenenbaum, "Accommodation in
Computer Vision" Thesis: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 452 pages,
September 1970.
AIM-135 (CS-179, AD716566), David Canfield Smith, "MLISP" Diskfile:
MLISP.DAV[AIM,DOC] 99 pages, October 1970.
AIM-136 (CS-183, AD717600), George M. White, "Machine Learning
Through Signature Trees. Applications to Human Speech" 40 pages,
October 1970.
AIM-137, Donald E. Knuth, "An Empirical Study of Fortran in Use" 44
pages, November 1970.
AIM-138 (CS-188, PB197161), Edward Ashcroft, Zohar Manna, "The
Translation of `GO-TO' Programs to `WHILE' Programs" 28 pages,
January 1971.
AIM-139 (CS-189, AD717601), Zohar Manna, "Mathematical Theory of
Partial Correctness" 24 pages, January 1971.
AIM-140 (CS-193), Roger C. Schank, "Intention, Memory, and Computer
Understanding" 59 pages, January 1971.
AIM-141 (CS-203, AD730506), Bruce G. Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg, "The
Heuristic DENDRAL Program for Explaining Empirical Data" 20 pages,
February 1971.
AIM-142 (CS-205, AD731383), Robin Milner, "An Algebraic Definition of
Simulation Between Programs" 21 pages, February 1971.
AIM-143 (CS-209, AD724867), John McCarthy, et al, "Project Technical
Report" 80 pages, March 1971.
AIM-144 (CS-219), Lynn H. Quam, "Computer Comparison of Pictures"
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 120 pages, May 1971.
AIM-145 (CS-221, AD731729), Bruce G. Buchanan, Edward A. Feigenbaum,
Joshua Lederberg, "A Heuristic Programming Study of Theory Formation
in Science" 41 pages, June 1971.
AIM-146 (CS-224, PB212183), Andrei P. Ershov, "Parallel Programming"
14 pages, July 1971.
AIM-147 (CS-216, AD732457), Robert E. Kling, "Reasoning by Analogy
with Applications to Heuristic Problem Solving: a Case Study"
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 191 pages, August 1971.
AIM-148 (CS-217, AD731730), Edward Ashcroft, Zohar Manna, Amir
Pneuli, "Decidable Properties of Monadic Functional Schemas" 10
pages, July 1971.
AIM-149 (CS-231, AD732644), Rodney Albert Schmidt, Jr., "A Study of
the Real-time Control of a Computer-driven Vehicle" Thesis: Ph.D. in
Electrical Engineering, 180 pages, August 1971.
AIM-150, Robert W. Floyd, "Toward Interactive Design of Correct
Programs" 12 pages, September 1971.
AIM-151 (CS-240, AD738568), Ralph L. London, "Correctness of Two
Compilers for a LISP Subset" 41 pages, October 1971.
AIM-152 (CS-241, AD732642), Alan W. Biermann, "On the Inference of
Turing Machines from Sample Computations" 31 pages, October 1971.
AIM-153 (CS-242, AD738569), Patrick J. Hayes, "The Frame Problem and
Related Problems in Artificial Intelligence" 18 pages, November 1971.
AIM-154 (CS-243, AD738570), Zohar Manna, Stephen Ness, Jean
Vuillemin, "Inductive Methods for Proving Properties of Programs" 24
pages, November 1971.
AIM-155 (CS-245), Jonathan Leonard Ryder, "Heuristic Analysis of
Large Trees as Generated in the Game of Go" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer
Science, 300 pages, December 1971.
AIM-156 (CS-246, AD740141), Kenneth Mark Colby, Franklin D. Hilf,
Sylvia Weber, Helena C. Kraemer, "A Resemblance Test for the
Validation of a Computer Simulation of Paranoid Processes" 29 pages,
November 1971.
AIM-157 (CS-247), Yorick Wilks, "One Small Head -- Some Remarks on
the use of `Model' in Linguistics" 17 pages, December 1971.
AIM-158 (CS-250, AD740127), Ashok Chandra, Zohar Manna, "Program
Schemas With Equality" 13 pages, December 1971.
AIM-159 (CS-253), Jerome A. Feldman, Paul C. Shields, "Total
Complexity and Inference of Best Programs" 40 pages, April 1972.
AIM-160 (CS-255, AD740140), Jerome A. Feldman, "Automatic
Programming" 20 pages, February 1972.
AIM-161 (CS-264, AD741189), Yorick Wilks, "Artificial Intelligence
approach to Machine Translation" 44 pages, February 1972.
AIM-162 (CS-265, AD744634), Roger C. Schank, N. Goldman, C. J.
Rieger, C. K. Riesbeck, "Primitive Concepts Underlying Verbs of
Thought" 102 pages, April 1972.
AIM-163 (CS-266), Jean M. Cadiou, "Recursive Definitions of Partial
Functions and Their Computations" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
160 pages, April 1972.
AIM-164 (CS-272, AD742748), Zohar Manna, Jean Vuillemin, "Fixpoint
Approach to the Theory of Computation" 29 pages, April 1972.
AIM-165 (CS-280, AD742751), D. A. Bochvar, "Two Papers on Partial
Predicate Calculus" 50 pages, April 1972.
AIM-166 (CS-281, AD-743598), Lynn H. Quam, S. Liebes, R. B. Tucker,
M. J. Hannah, B. G. Eross, "Computer Interactive Picture Processing"
40 pages, April 1972.
AIM-167 (CS-282, AD747254), Ashok K. Chandra, "Efficient Compilation
of Linear Recursive Programs" 43 pages, June 1972.
AIM-168 (CS-287, AD746146), Shigeru Igarashi, "Admissibility of
Fixed-point Induction in First-order Logic of Typed Theories"
Diskfile: FIXPNT.IGR[AIM,DOC] 40 pages, May 1972.
AIM-169 (CS-288, AD785072), Robin Milner, "Logic for Computable
Functions: Description of a Machine Implementation" Diskfile:
LCFMAN.RGM[AIM,DOC], 36 pages, May 1972.
AIM-170 (CS-289, AD748607), Yorick Wilks, "Lakoff on Linguistics and
Natural Logic" Diskfile: LAKOFF.YAW[AIM,DOC] 19 pages, June 1972.
AIM-171 (CS-290, AD746147), Roger Schank, "Adverbs and Belief" 30
pages, June 1972.
AIM-172 (CS-299, AD752801), Sylvia Weber Russell, "Semantic
Categories of Nominals for Conceptual Dependency Analysis of Natural
Language" 64 pages, July 1972.
AIM-173 (CS-305, AD755139), Gerald Jacob Agin, "Representation and
Description of Curved Objects" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 134
pages, October 1972.
AIM-174 (CS-303, PB212827), Francis Lockwood Morris, "Correctness of
Translations of Programming Languages -- an Algebraic Approach"
Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 124 pages, August 1972.
AIM-175 (CS-307, AD785073), Hozumi Tanaka, "Hadamard Transform for
Speech Wave Analysis" Diskfile: HADAM.HT[AIM,DOC], 34 pages, August
AIM-176 (CS-308, AD754109), Jerome A. Feldman, J. R. Low, D. C.
Swinehart, R. H. Taylor, "Recent Developments in SAIL -- an ALGOL
based Language for Artificial Intelligence" 22 pages, November 1972.
AIM-177 (CS-311, AD785071), Richard Paul, "Modelling, Trajectory
Calculation and Servoing of a Computer Controlled Arm" Thesis: Ph.D.
in Computer Science, 89 pages, November 1972.
AIM-178 (CS-312, AD754108), Aharon Gill, "Visual Feedback and Related
Problems in Computer Controlled Hand eye Coordination" Thesis: Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering, 130 pages, October 1972.
AIM-179 (CS-320), Bruce G. Baumgart, "Winged Edge Polyhedron
Representation" 46 pages, October 1972.
AIM-180 (CS-321, AD759712), Ruzena Bajcsy, "Computer Identification
of Textured Visual Scenes" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 156
pages, October 1972.
AIM-181 (CS-325), Bruce G. Buchanan, "Review of Hubert Dreyfus' `What
Computers Can't Do': a Critique of Artificial Reason" 14 pages,
November 1972.
AIM-182 (CS-326, AD754107), Kenneth Mark Colby and Franklin Dennis
Hilf, "Can Expert Judges, using Transcripts of Teletyped Psychiatric
Interviews, Distinguish Human Paranoid Patients from a Computer
Simulation of Paranoid Processes?" 10 pages, December,1972.
AIM-183 (CS-344, AD759716), Roger C. Schank, "The Fourteen Primitive
Actions and their Inferences" 70 pages, March 1973.
AIM-184 (CS-330, AD758651), Malcolm Newey, "Axioms and Theorems for
Integers, Lists and Finite Sets in LCF" 53 pages, January 1973.
AIM-185 (CS-333, AD757367), Ashok K. Chandra, Zohar Manna, "On the
Power of Programming Features" 29 pages, January 1973.
AIM-186 (CS-332, AD758645), Robin Milner, "Models of LCF" 17 pages,
January 1973.
AIM-187 (CS-331, AD757364), George E. Collins, "The Computing Time of
the Euclidean Algorithm" 17 pages, January 1973.
AIM-188 (CS-336, AD758646), Ashok K. Chandra, "On the Properties and
Applications of Program Schemas" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
231 pages, March 1973.
AIM-189 (CS-337, PB218682), James Gips, George Stiny, "Aesthetics
Systems" 22 pages, January 1973.
AIM-190 (CS-340, AD759714), Malcolm Newey, "Notes on a Problem
Involving Permutations as Sequences" 20 pages, March 1973.
AIM-191 (CS-341, AD764272), Shmuel M. Katz, Zohar Manna, "A Heuristic
Approach to Program Verification" 40 pages, March 1973.
AIM-192 (CS-345, AD785074), George E. Collins, Ellis Horowitz, "The
Minimum Root Separation of a Polynomial" 13 pages, April 1973.
AIM-193 (CS-346, AD759717), Kenneth Mark Colby, "The Rationale for
Computer Based Treatment of Language Difficulties in Nonspeaking
Autistic Children" Diskfile: AUTISM.KMC[AIM,DOC], 13 pages, March
AIM-194 (CS-347, PB221170/4), Kenneth Mark Colby, Franklin Dennis
Hilf, "Multidimensional Analysis in Evaluating a Simulation of
Paranoid Thought" 10 pages, May 1973.
AIM-195 (CS-356, PB222164), David Canfield Smith, Horace J. Enea,
"MLISP2" Diskfile: MLISP2.DAV[AIM,DOC], 91 pages, May 1973.
AIM-196 (CS-357, AD762471), Neil M. Goldman, Christopher K. Riesbeck,
"A Conceptually Based Sentence Paraphraser" Diskfile:
MARGIE.NMG[AIM,DOC], 88 pages, May 1973.
AIM-197 (CS-358, AD762470), Roger C. Schank, Charles J. Rieger III,
"Inference and the Computer Understanding of Natural Language" 63
pages, May 1973.
AIM-198 (CS-364, AD763611), Ravindra B. Thosar, "Estimation of
Probability Density using Signature Tables for Application to Pattern
Recognition" 37 pages, May 1973.
AIM-199 (CS-398, AD771300), Bruce G. Baumgart, "Image Contouring and
Comparing" 52 pages, October 1973.
AIM-200 (CS-365), Shigeru Igarashi, David C. Luckham, Ralph L.
London, "Automatic Program Verification I: Logical Basis and its
Implementation" 50 pages, May 1973.
AIM-201 (CS-366, AD763673), Gunnar Rutger Grape, "Model Based
(Intermediate Level) Computer Vision" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer
Science, 256 pages, May 1973.
AIM-202 (CS-368, AD764396), Roger C. Schank, Yorick Wilks, "The Goals
of Linguistic Theory Revisited" 44 pages, May 1973.
AIM-203 (CS-369, AD764274), Roger C. Schank, "The Development of
Conceptual Structures in Children" 31 pages, May 1973.
AIM-204 (CS-373, AD765353), Kurt VanLehn, "SAIL Users Manual"
Diskfile: SAIL.KVL[AIM,DOC], 122 pages, July 1973.
AIM-205 (CS-370, AD764288), N. S. Sridharan, et al, "A Heuristic
Program to Discover Syntheses for Complex Organic Molecules" 30
pages, June 1973.
AIM-206 (CS-377, AD764652), Yorick Wilks, "Preference Semantics" 20
pages, July 1973.
AIM-207 (CS-378, AD767333), James Anderson Moorer, "The `Optimum-
comb' Method of Pitch Period Analysis in Speech" 25 pages, June 1973.
AIM-208 (CS-379, AD767334), James Anderson Moorer, "The Heterodyne
Method of Analysis of Transient Waveforms" 25 pages, June 1973.
AIM-209 (CS-380, AD767695), Yoram Yakimovsky, "Scene Analysis using a
Semantic Base for Region Growing" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science,
120 pages, July 1973.
AIM-210 (CS-382, AD767335), Zohar Manna, Amir Pnueli, "Axiomatic
Approach to Total Correctness of Programs" 25 pages, July 1973.
AIM-211 (CS-383, AD769673), Yorick Wilks, "Natural Language
Inference" 24 pages, September 1973.
AIM-212 (CS-384, AD769379), Annette Herskovits, "The Generation of
French from a Semantic Representation" 20 pages, September 1973.
AIM-213 (CS-385), Ravindra B. Thosar, "Recognition of Continuous
Speech: Segmentation and Classification using Signature Table
Adaptation" 37 pages, September 1973.
AIM-214 (CS-386, AD767332), Walter A. Perkins, Thomas O. Binford, "A
Corner Finder for Visual Feedback" 59 pages, September 1973.
AIM-215 (CS-387, AD769380), Bruce G. Buchanan, N. S. Sridharan,
"Analysis of Behavior of Chemical Molecules: Rule Formation on Non-
homogeneous Classes of Objects" 15 pages, September 1973.
AIM-216 (CS-389, AD771299), Larry Masinter, N.S. Sridharan, J.
Lederberg, S. H. Smith, "Applications of Artificial Intelligence for
Chemical Inference: XII. Exhaustive Generation of Cyclic and
Acyclic Isomers" 60 pages, September 1973.
AIM-217 (CS-391, AD770610), N. S. Sridharan, "Search Strategies for
the Task of Organic Chemical Synthesis" 32 pages, August 1973.
AIM-218 (CS-393, AD772063/4WC), Jean Etienne Vuillemin, "Proof
Techniques for Recursive Programs" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer
Science, 97 pages, October 1973.
AIM-219 (CS-394, AD769674), C. A. R. Hoare, "Parallel Programming: an
Axiomatic Approach" 33 pages, October 1973.
AIM-220 (CS-396, AD772064/2WC), Robert Bolles, Richard Paul, "The use
of Sensory Feedback in a Programmable Assembly Systems" 26 pages,
October 1973.
AIM-221 (CS-447, AD787631/1WC), Luigia Aiello, Mario Aiello, Richard
Weyhrauch, "The Semantics of PASCAL in LCF" 78 pages, October 1974.
AIM-222 (CS-467), Mario Aiello, Richard Weyhrauch, "Checking Proofs
in the Metamathematics of First Order Logic" 55 pages, August 1974.
AIM-223 (CS-400, AD772509), C. A. R. Hoare, "Recursive Data
Structures" 32 pages, December 1973.
AIM-224 (CS-403, AD773391), C. A. R. Hoare, "Hints on Programming
Language Design" 29 pages, December 1973.
AIM-225 (CS-406, AD775645/5WC), W. A. Perkins, "Memory Model For a
Robot" 118 pages, January 1974.
AIM-226 (CS-407, AD778310/3WC), F.H.G. Wright II, R. E. Gorin, "FAIL"
61 pages, April 1974.
AIM-227 (CS-408, ADA003483), A. J. Thomas, T. O. Binford,
"Information Processing Analysis of Visual Perception: A Review" 50
pages, June 1974.
AIM-228 (CS-409, AD776233/9WC), Lester Earnest (ed.), "FINAL REPORT:
The First Ten Years of Artificial Intelligence Research at Stanford"
118 pages, July 1973.
AIM-229 (CS-411), D.B. Anderson, T.O. Binford, A.J. Thomas, R.W.
Weyhrauch, Y.A. Wilks, "AFTER LEIBNIZ . . . : Discussions on
Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence" 43 pages, April 1974.
AIM-230 (CS-412, AD786721/1WC), Daniel C. Swinehart, "COPILOT: A
Multiple Process Approach to Interactive Programming Systems" Thesis:
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 213 pages, August 1974.
AIM-231 (CS-413, ADA001814), James Gips, "Shape Grammars and their
Uses" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 243 pages, August 1974.
AIM-232 (CS-414, AD780452/9WC), Bruce G. Baumgart, "GEOMED - A
Geometric Editor" 45 pages, May 1974.
AIM-233 (CS-419, ADA000086/9WC), Charles J. Rieger, III, "Conceptual
Memory: A Theory and Computer Program for Processing the Meaning
Content of Natural Language Utterances" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer
Science, 393 pages, June 1974.
AIM-234 (CS431, not at NTIS), Kenneth Mark Colby, Roger C. Parkison,
Bill Faught, "Pattern-Matching Rules for the Recognition of Natural
Language Dialogue Expressions" 23 pages, June 1974.
AIM-235 (CS-432, ADA006898/1WC), Richard W. Weyhrauch, Arthur J.
Thomas, "FOL: A Proof Checker for First-order Logic" 57 pages,
September 1974.
AIM-236 (CS-433, AD784513/4WC), Jack R. Buchanan and David C.
Luckham, "On Automating the Construction of Programs" 65 pages, May
AIM-237 (CS-436), Yorick Wilks, "Natural Language Understanding
Systems Within the AI Paradigm -- A Survey and Some Comparisons" 40
pages, December 1974.
AIM-238 (CS-437, ADA005040), Christopher K. Riesbeck, "Computational
Understanding: Analysis of Sentences and Context" Thesis: Ph.D. in
Computer Science, 245 pages, May 1974.
AIM-239 (CS-438, AD786720/3WC), Marsha Jo Hannah, "Computer Matching
of Areas in Stereo Images" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 99
pages, July 1974.
AIM-240 (CS-444, AD787035), C. Cordell Green, Richard J. Waldinger,
David R. Barstow, Robert Elschlager, Douglas B. Lenat, Brian P.
McCune, David E. Shaw, and Louis I. Steinberg, "Progress Report on
Program-understanding Systems" 47 pages, August 1974.
AIM-241 (CS-446, AD786723/7WC), Luigia Aiello, Richard W. Weyhrauch,
"LCFsmall: an Implementation of LCF" 45 pages, August 1974.
AIM-242 (CS-452, ADA000500/9WC), James R. Low, "Automatic Coding:
Choice of Data Structures" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 110
pages, August 1974.
AIM-243 (CS-456, ADA003815), Raphael Finkel, Russel Taylor, Robert
Bolles, Richard Paul, Jerome Feldman, "AL, A Programming System for
Automation" 130 pages, November 1974.
AIM-244 (CS-457, not at NTIS), Kenneth Mark Colby, "Ten Criticisms of
PARRY" 7 pages, September 1974.
AIM-245 (CS-458, AD784816/1WC), Jack Buchanan, "A Study in Automatic
Programming" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 148 pages, May 1974.
AIM-246 (CS459, ADA000085/1WC), Terry Winograd, "Five Lectures on
Artificial Intelligence" 93 pages, September 1974.
AIM-247 (CS-461, ADA005041/9WC), Neil Goldman, "Computer Generation
of Natural Language From a Deep Conceptual Base" Thesis: Ph.D. in
Computer Science, 318 pages, January 1974.
AIM-248 (CS-462), Karl Pingle, Arthur Thomas, "A Fast, Feature-Driven
Stereo Depth Program" 15 pages, May 1975.
AIM-249 (CS-463, ADA002261), Bruce Baumgart, "Geometric Modeling for
Computer Vision" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 141 pages,
October 1974.
AIM-250 (CS-464, ADA003486), Ramakant Nevatia, "Structured
Descriptions of Complex Curved Objects for Recognition and Visual
Memory" Thesis: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 126 pages, October
AIM-251 (CS-465, ADA001373), Edward H. Shortliffe, "MYCIN: A Rule-
Based Computer Program for Advising Physicians Regarding
Antimicrobial Therapy Selection" Thesis: Ph.D. in Medical Information
Sciences, 409 pages, October 1974.
AIM-252 (CS-466, ADA002246), Lester Earnest (ed.), "Recent Research
in Artificial Intelligence, Heuristic Programming, and Network
Protocols" 74 pages, July 1974.
AIM-253 (CS-471, ADA003487), Bill Faught, Kenneth Colby, Roger
Parkison, "The Interaction of Inferences, Affects, and Intentions in
a Model of Paranoia" 38 pages, December 1974.
AIM-254 (CS-472, ADA005407/2WC), Lynn Quam, Marsha Jo Hannah,
"Stanford Automatic Photogrammetry Research" 15 pages, November 1974.
AIM-255 (CS-473, ADA005412/2WC), Norihisa Suzuki, "Automatic Program
Verification II: Verifying Programs by Algebraic 256 Logical
Reduction" 29 pages, December 1974.
AIM-256 (CS-474, ADA007563/0WC), Friedrich W. V.Henke, David C.
Luckham, "Automatic Program Verification III: A Methodology for
Verifying Programs", 45 pages, December 1974.
AIM-257 (CS-475, ADA005407/2WC), Malcolm C. Newey, "Formal Semantics
of LISP With Applications to Program Correctness" Thesis: Ph.D. in
Computer Science, 184 pages, January 1975.
AIM-258 (CS-476, ADA006294/3WC), Cordell Green, David Barstow, "A
Hypothetical Dialogue Exhibiting a Knowledge Base for a Program-
Understanding System" 38 pages, January 1975.
AIM-259 (CS-498), Hanan Samet, "Automatically Proving the Correctness
of Translations Involving Optimized Code" Thesis: PhD in Computer
Science, 214 pages, May 1975.
AIM-260 (CS-499, ADA016811/2WC), David Canfield Smith, "PYGMALION: A
Creative Programming Environment" Thesis: PhD in Computer Science,
193 pages, June 1975.
AIM-261 (CS-501, ADA016808/8WC), Odd Pettersen, "Procedural Events as
Software Interrupts" 8 pages, June 1975.
AIM-262 (CS-502, ADA016810/4WC), Odd Pettersen, "Synchronization of
Concurrent Processes" 14 pages, July 1975.
AIM-263 (CS-503), Odd Pettersen, "The Macro Processing System STAGE2:
Transfer of Comments to the Generated Text" 20 pages, July 1975.
AIM-264 (CS-506), Michael Gordon, "Operational Reasoning and
Denotational Semantics" 33 pages, August 1975.
AIM-265 (CS-507), Michael Gordon, "Towards a Semantic Theory of
Dynamic Binding" 28 pages, August 1975.
AIM-266 (CS-517, ADA019641), Randall Davis, Bruce Buchanan, Edward
Shortliffe, "Production Rules as a Representation for a Knowledge-
Based Consultation Program" 37 pages, October l975.
AIM-267 (CS-520, ADA019664/2WC), Friedrich W. von Henke, "On the
Representation of Data Structures in LCF with Applications to Program
Generation" 41 pages, September l975.
AIM-268 (CS-521, ADA019663/4WC), Clark Thompson, "Depth Perception in
Stereo Computer Vision" 16 pages, October 1975.
AIM-269 (CS-522, ADA019569/3WC), David C. Luckham, Norhisa Susuzki,
"Automatic Program Verification IV: Proof of Termination Within a
Weak Logic of Programs" 29 pages, October 1975.
AIM-270 (CS-523, ADA019467), John F. Reiser, "BAIL -- A debugger for
SAIL" 26 pages, October 1975.
AIM-271 (CS-524, ADA019702/0WC), Randall David, Jonathan King, "An
Overview of Production Systems" 40 pages, October 1975.
AIM-272 (CS-525), Sundaram Ganapathy, "Reconstruction of Scenes
Containing Polyhedra From Stereo Pair of Views" Thesis: Ph.D. in
Computer Science, 204 pages, December 1975.
AIM-273 (CS-534), Linda Gail Hemphill, "A Conceptual Approach to
Automated Language Understanding and Belief Structures: with
Disambiguation of the Word `For'" Thesis: Ph.D. in Linguistics, 254
pages, May 1975.
AIM-274 (CS-536, ADA020942/9WC), David Grossman, Russell Taylor,
"Interactive Generation of Object Models with a Manipulator" 32
pages, December 1975.
AIM-275 (CS-537, ADA020943/7WC), Robert C. Bolles, "Verification
Vision Within a Programmable Assembly System: An Introductory
Discussion" 82 pages, December 1975.
AIM-276 (CS-539, ADA021055/9WC), Zohar Manna, Adi Shamir, "A New
Approach to Recursive Programs" 25 pages, December 1975.
AIM-277 (CS-542, ADA027454), Zohar Manna, Adi Shamir, "The
Theoretical Aspects of the Optimal Fixedpoint" 24 pages, March 1976.
AIM-278 (CS-549, ADA027455), David Luckham, Norihisa Suzuki,
"Automatic Program Verification V: Verification-Oriented Proof Rules
for Arrays, Records and Pointers" 48 pages, March 1976.
AIM-279 (CS-552), Norihsa Suzuki, "Automatic Verification of Programs
with Complex Data Structures" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 194
pages, February 1976.
AIM-280 (CS-555), David D. Grossman, "Monte Carlo Simulation of
Tolerancing in Discrete Parts Manufacturing and Assembly" 25 pages,
May 1976.
AIM-281.1 (CS-558, AD-A042 507), Zohar Manna, Richard Waldinger, "Is
`sometime' sometimes better than `always'? Intermittent assertions
in proving program correctness" 41 pages, June 1976, revised March
AIM-282 (CS-560), Russell Taylor, "Synthesis of Manipulator Control
Programs from Task-level Specifications" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer
Science, 229 pages, July 1976.
AIM-283 (CS-552), Randall Davis, "Applications of Meta Level
Knowledge to the Construction, Maintenance and Use of Large Knowledge
Bases" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 304 pages, July 1976.
AIM-284 (CS-567), Rafael Finkel, "Constructing and Debugging
Manipulator Programs" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 171 pages
pages, August 1976.
AIM-285 (CS-568, PB-259 130/3WC), T. O. Binford, D. D. Grossman, C.
R. Lui, R. C. Bolles, R. A. Finkel, M. S. Mujtaba, M. D. Roderick, B.
E. Shimano, R. H. Taylor, R. H. Goldman, J. P. Jarvis, V. D.
Scheinman, T. A. Gafford, "Exploratory Study of Computer Integrated
Assembly Systems, Progress Report 3" 336 pages, August 1976.
AIM-285.4 (CS-568, PB-259 130/3WC), T. O. Binford, C. R. Lui, G.
Gini, M. Gini, I. Glaser, T. Ishida, M. S. Mujtaba, E. Nakano, H.
Nabavi, E. Panofsky, B. E. Shimano, R. Goldman, V. D. Scheinman, D.
Schmelling, T. A. Gafford, "Exploratory Study of Computer Integrated
Assembly Systems, Progress Report 4" 255 pages, June 1977.
AIM-286 (CS-570), Douglas Lenat, "AM: An Artificial Intelligence
Approach to Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Search" Thesis:
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 350 pages, July 1976.
AIM-287 (CS-571), Michael Roderick, "Discrete Control of a Robot Arm"
Thesis: Engineer in Electrical Engineering, 98 pages, August 1976.
AIM-288 (CS-572), Robert Filman, Richard Weyhrauch, "An FOL Primer"
36 pages, September 1976.
AIM-289 (CS-574), John Reiser (ed.), "SAIL" 178 pages, August 1976.
AIM-290 (CS-575, AD-A042 494), Nancy W. Smith, "SAIL Tutorial" 54
pages, November 1976.
AIM-291 (CS-577, AO44713), Bruce Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg, John
McCarthy, "Three Reviews of J. Weizenbaum's Computer Power and Human
Reason" 28 pages, November 1976.
AIM-292 (CS-580), Terry Winograd, "Towards a Procedural Understanding
of Semantics" 30 pages, October 1976.
AIM-293 (CS-581, AD-A042 508), Daniel Bobrow, Terry Winograd, "An
Overview of KRL" 40 pages, November 1976.
AIM-294 (CS-586, AD-A042 516), Nachum Dershowitz, Zohar Manna, "The
Evolution of Programs: A System for Automatic Program Modification"
45 pages, December 1976.
AIM-295 (CS-591), Robert C. Bolles, "Verification Vision Within a
Programmable Assembly System" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 245
pages, December 1976.
AIM-296 (CS-592), Robert Cartwright, "Practical Formal Semantic
Definition and Verification Systems" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer
Science, 158 pages, December 1976.
AIM-297 (CS-610), Terry Winograd, "A Framework for Understanding
Discourse" 24 pages, April 1977.
AIM-298 (CS-611, ADA046703), Zohar Manna, Richard Waldinger, "The
Logic of Computer Programming" 90 pages, June 1977.
AIM-299 (CS-614, ADA049760), Zohar Manna, Adi Shamir, "The
Convergence of Functions to Fixedpoints of Recursive Definitions" 45
pages, May 1977.
AIM-300 (CS-617), Terry Winograd, "On some Contested Suppositions of
Generative Linguistics about the Scientific Study of Language" 25
pages, May 1977.
AIM-301 (CS-624, ADA044231), Lester Earnest, et. al., "Recent
Research in Computer Science" 118 pages, June 1977.
AIM-302 (CS-630, ADA049761), Zohar Manna, Richard Waldinger
"Synthesis: Dreams => Programs" 119 pages, October 1977.
AIM-303 (CS-631, ADA050806), Nachum Dershowitz, Zohar Manna,
"Inference Rules for Program Annotation" 46 pages, October 1977.
AIM-304 (CS-632, ADA048684), Todd Wagner, "Hardware Verification"
Thesis: PhD in Computer Science, 102 pages, September 1977.
AIM-305 (CS-633, ADA048660), William Faught, "Motivation and
Intensionality in a Computer Simulation Model" Thesis: Ph.D. in
Computer Science, 104 pages, September 1977.
AIM-306 (CS-639, ADA053175), Cordell Green, David Barstow, "On
Program Synthesis Knowledge" 63 pages, November 1977.
AIM-307 (CS-640, ADA053176), Zohar Manna and Richard Waldinger,
"Structured Programming Without Recursion" 10 pages, December 1977.
AIM-308 (CS-641, ADA053184), David Barstow, "Automatic Construction
of Algorithms" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer Science, 220 pages, December
AIM-309 (CS-646), C. G. Nelson, Derek Oppen, "Efficient Decision
Procedures Based on Congruence Closure" 15 pages, January 1978.
AIM-310 (CS-651, ADA058601), Nachum Dershowitz, Zohar Manna, "Proving
Termination with Multiset Orderings" 33 pages, March 1978.
AIM-311 (CS-652), Greg Nelson, Derek C. Oppen, "Simplification by
Cooperating Decision Prodcedures" 20 pages, April 1978.
AIM-312 (CS-657, ADA065502), John McCarthy, Masahiko Sato, Takeshi
Hayashi, Shigeru Igarashi, "On the Model Theory of Knowledge" 11
pages, April 1978.
AIM-313 (CS-660), Bruce E. Shimano, "The Kinematic Design and Force
Control of Computer Controlled Manipulators" Thesis: Ph.D. in
Mechanical Engineering, 140 pages, March 1978.
AIM-314 (CS-678), Derek C. Oppen, "Reasoning About Recursively
Defined Data Structures" 15 pages, July 1978.
AIM-315 (CS-687, ADA065698), Richard W. Weyhrauch, "Prolegomena to a
Theory of Formal Reasoning" 41 December 1978. page
AIM-316 (CS-671), Jerrold M. Ginsparg, "Natural Language Processing
in an Automatic Programming Domain" Thesis: Ph.D. in Computer
Science, 172 pages, June 1978.
AIM-317 (CS-675), Donald E. Knuth, "Tau Epsilon Chi, A System for
Technical Text" 200 pages, September 1978.
AIM-318 (CS-688), Zohar Manna, "Six Lectures on the Logic of Computer
Programming" 54 pages, November 1978.
AIM-319 (CS-689), Charles G. Nelson, "An n ā[log n] algorithm for the
two-variable-per-constraint linear programming satisfiability
problem" 20 pages, December 1978.
AIM-320 (CS-690, ADA065558), Zohar Manna, "A Deductive Approach to
Program Synthesis" 30 pages, December 1978.
AIM-321 (CS-695, ADA06562), McCarthy,, "Recent Research in
Artificial Intelligence and Programming Methodology" 94 pages,
November 1978.
AIM-322 (CS-716), Michael Georgeff "A Framework for Control in
Production Systems" 35 pages, January 1979.
AIM-323 (CS-718), Shahid Mujtaba, Ron Goldman, "AL Users' Manual" 136
pages, January 1979.
AIM-324 (CS-717), Robert Cartwright, John McCarthy "Recursive
Programs as Functions in a First Order Theory" 32 pages, March 1979.
AIM-325 (CS-724), John McCarthy, "First Order Theories of Individual
Concepts and Propositions" 19 pages, March 1979.
AIM-326 (CS-725), John McCarthy, "Ascribing Mental Qualities to
Machines" 25 pages, March 1979.
AIM-327 (CS-727), Robert Elliot Filman, "The Interaction of
Observation and Inference" Thesis: PhD in Computer Science, 232
pages, April 1979.
AIM-328 (CS-743), Juan Bautista Bulnes-Rozas, "GOAL: A Goal Oriented
Command Language for Interactive Proof Constructions" Thesis: PhD in
Computer Science, 178 pages, June 1979.
AIM-329 (CS-747, AD-A076 872), David E. Wilkins, "Using Patterns and
Plans to Solve Problems and Control Search" Thesis: PhD in Computer
Science, 264 pages, June 1979.
AIM-330 (CS-751), Zohar Manna and Amir Pnueli, "The Model Logic of
Programs", 36 pages, September 1979.
AIM-331 (CS-755), Elaine Kant), "Efficiency Considerations in Program
Synthesis: A Knowledge-Based Approach" Thesis: PhD in Computer
Science, 160 pages, July 1979.
AIM-332 (CS-762), Donald E. Knuth, "METAFONT, a system for alphabet
design", 110 pages, September 1979.