perm filename ADSAIL.DOC[CMU,AIL] blob sn#091929 filedate 1974-03-19 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

⊗Q 7 ⊗S
⊗R 11 ⊗T

                            CMU SAIL UPDATE

                             March 19, 1974


The following document describes the changes that have happened  to SAIL
since the publishing of the CMU Manual in June 1973.  References  are by
section number in  that CMU manual,  although, with few  exceptions, the
CMU  and Stanford  manuals have  identical numbering.   As  the Stanford
manual is more  recent than CMU's,  this document will  overlap somewhat
with the former.

The reader may also want to refer to the following documents,  which are
usually kept updated.  They are on [A701SA00] on the CMU-10/B.

     MACLIE.WRU    A summary of  commonly made errors when  using macros
                   and what to do about them.

     TUTOR.DOC     An introduction to LEAP.

     LEAP.WRU      A detailed description of the runtime  environment of
                   LEAP for the hardy few who want to interface  to LEAP
                   in assembly language.

     LIES          This  file contains  known mistakes  in  the Stanford
CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                SECTION                             PAGE

                      CHANGES IN THE LANGUAGE   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1

                      EXPRESSIONS IN REQUIRES - 2.1   .  .  .  .  .  . 1
                      INITIALIZATION PHASES - 2.4  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1
                      ALMOST INEXHAUSTIBLE STRING SPACE - 2.4  .  .  . 1

                      ASH - 4.3  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
                      EXPONENTIATION - 4.3   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3

        I/O ROUTINES - 7
                      OPEN - 7.2 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
                      OPEN: ERROR HANDLING - 7.2   .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
                      RELEASE - 7.2 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
                      CHNCDB - 7.2  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
                      LOWER/UPPER CASE CONVERSION - 7.3  .  .  .  .  . 4
                      SETPL - 7.4   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
                      SETSTS/GETSTS - 7.4 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
                      INOUT - 7.4   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
                      NEW MTAPE OPTIONS - 7.4   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
                      INCHWL - 7.5  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5

                      CVOS - 8.1 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
                      USERERR - 8.3 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
                      ARRCLR - 8.5  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
                      FILEINFO - 8.5   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7

                      THE ROUTINES - 8a.1 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
                      OVERFLOW/UNDERFLOW - 8a.2 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
                      ENTRY POINTS - 8a.3 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9

                      DEFINE - 9.3  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
                      REDEFINE - 9.3   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
                      DEFINE/REDEFINE - 9.3  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
                      EVALDEFINE - 9.3 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
                      EVALREDEFINE - 9.3  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   10
                      NOMAC - 9.3   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   10
                      ASSIGNC - 9.3 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   10
                      CVPS - 9.4 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   10

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

                      IFC/IFCR - 9.5   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   10

        LEAP STATEMENTS - 11
                      BRACKETED TRIPLES - 11.4  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   11

        PROCESSES - 13
                      SPROUT APPLY - 13.3 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   11
                      SPROUT_DEFAULTS - 13.3 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   11
                      SUSPEND - 13.3   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   12
                      FAIL AND SUCCEED - 13.3   .  .  .  .  .  .  .   13

                      ARG_LIST - 15.2  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   13

        USING SAIL - 19
                      SWITCH  F - 19.3 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   14
                      CONDITIONAL COMPILATION - 19.3  .  .  .  .  .   14

                      ERROR MODES - 20.1  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   14
                      USER ERROR PROCEDURES - 20.2 .  .  .  .  .  .   15

                      APPENDIX 4 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   16
                      APPENDIX 11   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   16
                      APPENDIX 15   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   16

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974



        Number 2., concerning the effect of DEFINE, should be ignored.

                         ALGOL DECLARATIONS - 2


        Previously, all REQUIRE constructs had to have only constants in
them.   Now SAIL  allows compile  time expressions  as well.   See about
compile time expressions in 9.3 in the manual.


        User initializations are now done in successive phases, with all
initializations required for one phase being done before initializations
required for the next phase.


                REQUIRE <procid> INITIALIZATION;
                REQUIRE <procid> INITIALIZATION [<phase no>];

        where <phase no> is an integer constant.


        <phase  no>  specifies  the number  of  the  user initialization
phase.  If it is left out,  then 1 is used.  Currently, there  are three
phases, numbered 0, 1, and 2.  If the demand is great enough, additional
phases  may  be  added  later.   (Note  for  assembly  language hackers:
internally, user phases are numbered '400000, '400001, etc.)


        The string garbage collector has been modified to  expand string
space  (using discontiguous  blocks) whenever  necessary to  satisfy the
demand for places  to put strings.  To  take advantage of  this feature,
one need not change his programs.

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

        Here are some points which might be of interest, however:

1)  Although  we  are  going  to  provide  user  control  over  all size
    parameters eventually, currently only the initial string  space size
    is settable by the user,  either via REQUIRE or the  ALLOC sequence,
    as before.  The size of each string space increment will be the same
    as the original  size, which need not  be monstrous any  more unless
    you know that all runs of your program will need a  monstrous string
    space anyhow.  The threshold  (see below) for expanding will  be set
    at 1/8 the string space size (increment size).

2)  One can, in his program, modify these values independently, if he is
    willing to use the USERCON function, and to follow this format:


         STINCR              lh: number of chars. in increment
                             rh: number of words in increment + 4

         STREQD              lh: number of chars. in threshold
                             rh: number of words in threshold.

3)  The  threshold.   After  garbage collection,  let  us  say  that M-1
    discontiguous  string  spaces are  full,  and the  M'th  has  N free
    characters in it (available for new strings).  The garbage collector
    was  called  because  some  routine  wanted  to  create  a  string R
    characters  long, and  there were  not that  many  available (free).
    After  garbage  collection, the  new  algorithm requires  that  N be
    greater than R+LH(STREQD).  If it is not, expansion takes  place (to
    M+1 spaces), to satisfy this requirement.  In other words, if STREQD
    is 1/8 the size of the current space, that space will not be allowed
    to  become more  than about  7/8 full.   This helps  avoid frequent,
    nearly useless calls  on the garbage  collector when space  is about
    gone.  All but  the current space are  allowed to become as  full as
    possible, however.

4)  New statistics are maintained by the garbage collector.   Soon there
    will be a built-in routine you can use to print them.  For  now, you
    may look at them using USERCON, although this document does  not say
    what they are.  In order to activate timing of the garbage collector
    (slows it down), set SGCTIME in the user table to -1.

5)  Future plans.  The new structure not only allows expansion of string
    space,  it  also  will allow  for  partial  garbage  collections (no
    visible benefits except increased speed, since a  partial collection
    will be almost as effective as a complete one, and much faster), and
    the ability to move string space blocks, in order to compact memory.
    Push on your local representative to get these things done.

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

        Note:  no  single string can  be larger than  a block  of string
space,  or  you  will  get  a  non-recoverable  error  of  "STRING SPACE

                         ALGOL EXPRESSIONS - 4

ASH - 4.3

        ASH, the arithmetic shift,  has been implemented.  It  takes two
arguments,  and  forces both  to  integer before  producing  its integer
result.  The effect of A ASH B is the same as A*2↑B.


        A↑B is always real, unless B is a positive integer  constant (or
compile-time expression).  This is particularly likely to cause problems
when an  exponent is being  given to some  routine that is  expecting an
integer.  Instead, store the  result of the exponent expression  into an
integer variable, and feed that variable to the routine.

                            I/O ROUTINES - 7

OPEN - 7.2

        Under EOF (2):  no appendix  has anything to do with  I/O errors
or mode enablings.  See the DEC monitor manual instead.


        There have been changes to error handling in OPEN:

        1)  The appearance of the message "invalid device name for OPEN"
is now also controlled by the value of the EOF variable on entry.

        2)  If the device is unavailable, the choice is now to try again
or go  on without,  rather than  try again  or "blow  up".  If  going on
without, the EOF variable is set non-zero to indicate lack of success.

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974


        RELEASE now takes an optional second argument, the CLOSE inhibit
bits.   These  are  described  in  the  DEC  monitor  manual.   They are
defaulted to zero when not specified so that old programs which  did not
specify them will work as before.

CHNCDB - 7.2


        This integer procedure returns a pointer to the three word block
used to open the specified  channel.  It is provided for the  benefit of
assembly language procedures  that may want to  do I/O inside  some fast
inner loop, but which  may want to live in  a SAIL core image &  use the


        Facilities have  been added that  convert lower case  letters to
their  upper  case   equivalents.   The  conversion  affects   only  the
characters "a" through "z".  There are two flavors:

                <oldvalue> ← TTYUP(<newvalue>);

        This  controls conversion  of strings  returned by  all  the TTY
input  routines in  which no  breakset is  specified.  If  <newvalue> is
TRUE,  conversion  will  subsequently occur;   if  FALSE,  conversion is
disabled, the previous  value is returned, so  one may nest  cleanly.  A
TTYUP call with  <newvalue> false will  cancel any previous  true calls.
<oldvalue> gets set to the value <newvalue> used in the previous call.

        A  new  breakset  mode,  "K",  asks  for  lower  to  upper  case
conversion.  Conversion takes place before the character is  checked for
breaking or omission.  The breakset mode "F" turns off mode "K", undoing
the conversion.  "F" is the default.

SETPL - 7.4

                SETPL(channel, @linnum, @pagnum, @sosnum)

        This new runtime routine allows one to keep track of  the string
input  from  "channel".   Whenever  a  '12  (linefeed)  is  encountered,
"linnum"  is incremented.   Whenever a  '14 (form-feed)  is encountered,
"pagnum" is incremented, and  "linnum" is zeroed.  Whenever an  SOS line
number  is  encountered,  it  is  placed  into  "sosnum".    When  fully

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

implemented  (soon?), this  will work  on the  INPUT, INTIN,  and REALIN
functions as well.


        Two new runtime routines have been added:


        This issues a SETSTS UUO of the given <status> on <channel>.

                <status> ← GETSTS(<channel>);

        This returns the results of the GETSTS UUO on <channel>.

INOUT - 7.4

        INOUT reads from <inchan> and writes onto  <outchan>.  <howmany>
words are transferred.  Each channel must be open in a mode  between '10
and '15.  On return, the appropriate EOF variables for the  two channels
are  set as  if  ARRYOUTS and  ARRYINS  had occurred.   If  <howmany> is
negative, transferring will cease only on EOF or a device error.

        INOUT simulates multiple ARRAYIN-ARRYOUT combinations.   It BLTS
the data from one set of buffers to the other, making each BLT  as large
as  possible,  consistent  with  a) the  number  of  words  asked  to be
transferred and b) the number of words available in the input and output


        In export SAIL,  MTAPE(chnl,"I") sets the 'IBM  compatible' mode
for a tape drive.  (It does an MTAPE chnl,101.)

        MTAPE(chnl,NULL) issues the MTAPE 0 command, which causes a wait
until all activity on the magtape ceases.

INCHWL - 7.5

        The  activation  character  in INCHWL  is  not  included  in the
string, but is put into !SKIP!.  CRLF puts a <CR> into !SKIP! and throws
away the <LF>.

        At CMU INCHWL breaks only on linefeeds and carriage returns.

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

                      EXECUTION TIME ROUTINES - 8

CVOS - 8.1

        CVOS will do no type coercion on real arguments; it puts out the
octal equivalent of the hardware floating-point format.


        An optional parameter has been added to USERERR, in the form:


        The string "response", if included in the USERERR call,  will be
scanned before  the input  buffer is  scanned.  In  fact, if  the string
"response" satisfies  the error  handler, the input  buffer will  not be
scanned at all.  An example:


        This resets the mode of the error handler to Quiet, Logging, and
Automatic continuation, then continues.

        In regard to USERERR in general, the error message generated has
a format described in 20.1.

ARRCLR - 8.5

        This new  runtime routine  clears any kind  of array.   That is,
arthmetic arrays get  filled with zeros,  string arrays with  NULLs, and
itemvar arrays with ANYs.  One may use ARRCLR with set and  list arrays,
but the set and  list space will be lost  (i.e. un-garbage-collectable).
The syntax is:

                ARRCLR (arry)
                ARRCLR (arry,val)

        In the second case, "val" is either an integer or a real number,
and "arry" will be filled with it.  This will not work on string or list
arrays, and real  for "val" won't work  for itemvar arrays.   If needed,
CVI will be applied to "val".

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974


        FILEINFO documentation is wrong.  What you usually get is:

        Negative swapped word count (if you did a LOOKUP)
        0  (unless you opened device in magic mode)

        What you  get is the  six words from  the last LOOKUP  or ENTER.
For details see the monitor manual.

                        NUMERICAL ROUTINES - 8a


        A  collection  of numerical  routines  has been  added  to SAIL.
These are pre-declared in the compiler, and are loaded from the standard
SAIL  library.   The functions  are  quite standard;  following  are the
equivalent definitions:

1.  The standard  trigonometric functions.  ASIN,  ACOS, ATAN  and ATAN2
    return results in radians.  The ATAN2 call takes arc-tangent  of the
    quotient of its arguments; in this way, it correctly  preserves sign

        REAL PROCEDURE SIN (REAL radians);
        REAL PROCEDURE COS (REAL radians);
        REAL PROCEDURE SIND (REAL degrees);
        REAL PROCEDURE COSD (REAL degrees);

        REAL PROCEDURE ASIN (REAL argument);
        REAL PROCEDURE ACOS (REAL argument);
        REAL PROCEDURE ATAN (REAL argument);
        REAL PROCEDURE ATAN2 (REAL numerator,denominator);

2.  The hyperbolic trigonometric functions.

        REAL PROCEDURE SINH (REAL argument);
        REAL PROCEDURE COSH (REAL argument);
        REAL PROCEDURE TANH (REAL argument);

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

3.  The square-root function:

        REAL PROCEDURE SQRT (REAL argument);

4.  A  pseudo-random number  generator.   The argument  specifies  a new
    value for  the seed (If  the argument  is 0, the  old seed  value is
    used.  Thus to get differing random numbers, this argument should be
    zero.)  Results are normalized to lie in the range [0,1].


5.  Logarithm  and exponentiation  functions.  These  functions  are the
    same ones used by the  SAIL exponentiation operator.  The base  is e
    (2.71828182845904).   The  logarithm  to   the  base  10  of   e  is

        REAL PROCEDURE LOG (REAL argument);
        REAL PROCEDURE EXP (REAL argument);

        These  functions may  occasionally be  asked to  compute numbers
that lie outside the range  of legal floating-point numbers on  the PDP-
10.  In these  cases, the routines  issue sprightly error  messages that
are continuable.


        In order  to better perform  their tasks, these  routines enable
the system interrupt facility for floating-point overflow  and underflow
errors.  If an underflow is detected,  the results are set to 0  (a feat
not done by  the PDP-10 hardware, alas).   Be aware that  such underflow
fixups will be done to every underflow that occurs in your program.

        If you would  like to be  informed of any  numerical exceptions,
you can call the runtime:

                TRIGINI (LOCATION(simple-procedure-name));

        Every  floating-point  exception  that is  not  expected  by the
interrupt handler  (the numerical routines  use a special  convention to
indicate  that  arithmetic  exception  was  expected)  will   cause  the
specified simple procedure to be called.  This procedure may look around
the world as  described in the  Manual for 'export'  interrupt handlers,
section 16.2.  If  no TRIGINI call is  done, the interrupt  routine will
simply dismiss unexpected floating-point interrupts.

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974


        In  order to  avoid confusion  (by the  loader) with  older trig
packages, the entry  points of the SAIL  arithmetic routines all  have a
"$"  appended to  the end.   Thus, SIN  has the  entry point  SIN$, etc.
WARNING:  If  a  program  plans  to  use  the  SAIL  intrinsic numerical
routines, it  should NOT  include external  declarations to  them, since
this will probably cause the FORTRAN library routines to be loaded.


DEFINE - 9.3

        DEFINE now observes  block structure, statements in  the preface
to the contrary.  DEFINEing a  macro name that has already  been DEFINEd
at an  outer level  will suspend  the outer  definition until  the inner
block is exited.  If a macro name is DEFINEd twice at the same level, an
error of "duplicate identifier declaration" wil be issued.


        REDEFINE has been added to allow redefinitions of a  macros name
at the same level.  If  the name was not previously defined,  the effect
of REDEFINE is the same as DEFINE.  In the CMU manual, under SCOPE, some
DEFINEs should  really be  REDEFINES.  In the  example, the  most deeply
nested  DEFINE should  also be  a REDEFINE.   If left  as a  DEFINE, the


        A  left arrow  following a  macro name  when it  is  declared or
redeclared is legal, and has the same effect as "=".


        EVALDEFINE may be used in place of DEFINE if one would  like the
identifier that follows to be expanded.  When one follows a  DEFINE with
a macro name, the  macro is not expanded,  but rather the macro  name is
declared at the current  lexical level and assigned the  specified macro
body.  EVALDEFINE gets you around that.  It is helpful in  the automatic
generation of macro names.

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974


        EVALREDEFINE  bears  the   same  relationship  to   REDEFINE  as

NOMAC - 9.3

        NOMAC appearing before an identifier almost anyplace  keeps that
identifier from being expanded, should it turn out to be a macro E.G.:

                begin  define a=3;
                        begin  integer nomac a;


        The  following  compile time  construct  makes  recursive macros
                ASSIGNC <name> = <macro_body>;

        <name> must be a formal to a macro, and <macro_body> may  be any
macro  body.   Thereafter,  whenever <name>  is  instantiated,  the body
corresponding to <macro_body> is  used in the expansion rather  than the
text passed to the formal at the macro call.

        RESTRICTION: ASSIGNC may  only appear in  the body of  the macro
that <name>  is a formal  of.  If it  appears anywhere else,  the <name>
will be expanded like any good formal, and that text used in the ASSIGNC
as <name>.  Unless you're being  very clever, this is probably  not what
you want.

CVPS - 9.4

        CVPS(<macro_parameter>) converts  <macro_parameter> to  a string
and returns the  string.  See about macro  parameters in section  9.4 of
the manual.

IFC/IFCR - 9.5

        IFC has been  changed so that macros  are expanded in  the false
part.  They were  previously not expanded.   (e.g. this allows  CMUs old
BIGCOMMENT! and STOPCOMMENT!, which have now been defined in BAYSAI).

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

        IFCR has been added to  replace the old IFC.  It is  exactly the
same as IFC was.

                          LEAP STATEMENTS - 11


        If a designated  Bracketed Triple is  not found, then  BINDIT is
returned and no error message is given.

                             PROCESSES - 13


        The  <procedure call>  in  a SPROUT  statement may  be  an APPLY
construct.  In this case SPROUT will do the "right" thing  about setting
up the static link for the APPLY.  That is, "up-level" references by the
process will be made to  the same variable instances that would  be used
if the APPLY did not occur in a SPROUT statement.

        However, there  is a  glitch.  The sprout  mechanism is  not yet
smart enough to find out  the block of the declaration of  the procedure
used to define the  procedure item.  It would  be nice if it  did, since
then it  could warn  the user  when that  block was  exited and  yet the
process  was  still  alive,  and  thus  potentially  able  to  refer  to
deallocated arrays and etc. What  the sprout does instead is  assume the
procedure  was  declared  in  the  outer  block.   This  may   be  fixed
eventually, but  in the meantime  some extra care  should be  taken when
using  apply  in  sprouts  to avoid  exiting  a  block  with dependents.
Similarly, be warned that the "DEPENDENTS(<blockid>)" construct  may not
give the right  result for sprout applies.   Section 13.3 of  the manual
contains  the description  of  this protection  mechanism  for non-APPLY


        SAIL  now provides  a mechanism  by which  the user  may specify
the  "default"  options  to  be  used  when  individual  procedures  are

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974


                PROCEDURE <procid> ...
                 <some declarations>;
                 SPROUT_DEFAULTS <integer constant>;
                 <perhaps some more declarations>;

        In other words, SPROUT_DEFAULTS is a declaration.


        If one of the "allocation" fields of the options word  passed to
is  zero,  then SPROUT  will  look  at the  corresponding  field  of the
specified <integer constant> for  the procedure being sprouted.   If the
field is non-zero, then that  value will be used; otherwise  the current
"system" default will be used.

        NOTE: SPROUT_DEFAULTS  only applies  to "allocations",  i.e. the
process status control bits (e.g. SUSPME) are not affected.

                 INTEGER XXX;
                COMMENT P1 will have a string stack of 3*32 words.
                 P2 will have a string stack of 10*32 words;

SUSPEND - 13.3

        SUSPEND now behaves like RESUME in that it returns an item.

                itm ← SUSPEND(<process item>)

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

        Frequently, one  is suspending some  other process than  the one
that  is  executing  the  SUSPEND statement.   In  this  case,  the item
returned is ANY.   However, in cases like:

                X ← SUSPEND(myproc);

        where the  process suspends  itself, it  might happen  that this
process is made running by a RESUME from another process.  If so, then X
receives the <return_item>  that was an argument to the RESUME.


        FAIL and SUCCEED now behave like RESUME and SUSPEND in that they
also  return an  item.  The  item returned  is ANY  unless  the Matching
Procedure containing the FAIL or SUCCEED was (1) sprouted as  a process,
and (2)  made running by  a RESUME construct.   In the latter  case, the
item returned is the <return_item>  that was an argument to  the RESUME.
[Note  that  the  only  case  in  which  a  Matching  Procedure  can  be
reactivated at a FAIL is by being RESUMEd.]

                        PROCEDURE VARIABLES - 15

ARG_LIST - 15.2

        A list construct has been added:


        This assembles a list of temporary reference items that  will be
deleted by APPLY after the applied procedure returns.  Except  for being
temporary, the reference  items created are  just like those  created by

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

                            USING SAIL - 19

SWITCH  F - 19.3

        20F surrounds macro expansions with "<>", not "⊂⊃".


        Conditional compilation  is now  compatible with  listing files.
The conditional  compilation reserved  words don't  get listed,  and the
condition doesn't get  listed.  All that does  get listed is  the actual
code that will be executed.

                      DEBUGGING SAIL PROGRAMS - 20


        The error message procedure  can be modified by  setting various
modes.  One sets a mode  by including the appropriate letter  before the
response.  Any of the four modes may be reset by including a  minus sign
("-") before  them, e.g.  "-Q".  Error modes  can also  be set  with the
construct REQUIRE  <string-const> ERROR!MODES.   When the  compiler sees
this in any of the source  files one is compiling, it reads  through the
string constant  and sets  the modes  as it  sees their  letters.  These
modes remain in effect until  the end of the compilation or  until reset
with a response to an error message, or another REQUIRE ERROR!MODES.

       K  KEEP type-ahead.  Normally,  the error handler will  flush the
          input  buffer before  looking for  response  characters.  This
          mode allows one to type ahead.  As of this date, KEEP  has not
          been implemented, so it works only for a <lf>.

       Q  QUIET.   If  the  error  is  continuable,  none  of  the error
          messages will be typed.  You will, however, always be notified
          of a non-continuable error.

       L  LOGGING.  The first and second items of the error message will
          be sent to a  file named <program>.LOG where <program>  is the
          name of  the file of  the main program.   If you  would rather
          have another name, use F<file specification>, which must  be a
          legal file name and PPN.  The default extension is LOG and the
          default PPN is  that of the job.   The .LOG file  (or whatever

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

          it's   called)   is  closed   when   one's   program  finishes
          compilation, or the compilation is terminated with the S, X, E
          or T responses.

       N  NUMBERS.  This mode causes  the message "CALLED FROM  xxx LAST
          SAIL CALL  AT yyyy" to  be typed before  the question  mark or
          arrow.  Useful to compiler debuggers and hand coders.

        Note that setting a mode  does nothing but set a mode;   it does
not cause continuation.

        Note also that the last three modes are implemented only  in the
compiler.  One can get the effect of error modes at runtime by using the
USER ERROR procedures.


        A user error procedure is a user procedure that is run before or
instead of the SAIL error handler everytime an error occurs  at runtime.
This  includes  all array  errors,  IO errors,  Leapish  errors  and all
USERERRs.  It does not include system errors, such as Ill Mem Ref or Ill

        The procedure one uses for a user error procedure must be of the
following type:


        Only the names proc, loc, msg, and rsp may vary from the example
above, except that one may declare the procedure INTERNAL if  one wishes
to use it across files.

        Whenever   the   external   integer   !ERRP!   is   loaded  with
LOCATION(proc), the error handler will call proc before it does anything
else.  It will  set loc to  the core location of  the call to  the error
handler.  Msg will be the message that it would have printed.   Rsp will
be non-NULL  only if  the error was  from a  USERERR which  had response
string argument.  Proc can do  anything that a simple procedure  can do.
When it  exits, it should   return an  integer  which  tells  the  error
handler  if  it should do anything more.  If the integer is 0, the error
handler will (1)  print the   message, (2)  print the location,  and (3)
query the  tty and  dispatch on the  response character  (i.e ask  for a
<cr>, <lf>, etc.).  If the right half of the integer is non-zero,  it is
taken as the ascii for a character to dispatch upon.  The left  half may
have two bits  to control printing.    If bit 17  in the integer  is on,
message  printing is  inhibited.  If  bit 16  is on,  then  the location
printing  is  inhibited. For  example,  "X"+(1 LSH  18)  will  cause the

CMU Sail Update                                           March 19, 1974

location to be printed and the program exited. "C"+(3 LSH 18) will cause
the error handler to continue without printing anything.

        Note  that  simple  procedures  can  not  do  a  non-local GOTO.
However, the effect of a non-local GOTO can be achieved in a  user error
procedure by loading the external integer !ERRJ! with the LOCATION  of a
label. The  label should be  on a call  to a non-simple  procedure which
does the desired GOTO.   The error handler clears !ERRJ!  before calling
the procedure in !ERRP!.  If !ERRJ! is non-zero when the  user procedure
returns, and  continuing was  specified, then  the error  handler's exit
consists of a simple transfer to that location.

        WARNING!  Handling errors  from strange  places like  the string
garbage collector  and the  core management routines  will get  you into
deep trouble.



        The synonym for "such that" is "|" ("?:") not "↓".


        The "33 through 36" should be "33 through 35".


        Under BYTP change "count" to "length".
