perm filename ABBREV[S,AIL] blob
sn#006056 filedate 1973-06-04 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00100 The following lines contain my guesses as to the
00200 meanings of the mnemonics for terminals and nonterminals
00300 as found in the file HEL2.
00900 IVB - simple arithmetic variable identifier
01000 ISV - simple string variable identifier
01100 IAR - array identifier
01200 ILB - label identifier
01300 ICN - arithmetic constant
01400 IIT - item identifier
01500 IST - simple set or list variable identifier
01600 ITV - simple itemvar variable identifier
01700 IPR - procedure identifier
01800 STC - string constant
01900 I - untyped identifier
02600 PDEC - procedure declaration
02700 BLAT - program begin
02800 S - statement
02900 SICL -?
03000 LHS - left hand of assignment statement
03100 FCALL - function procedure call
03200 PCALL - proper procedure call
03300 SE - set or list expression
03400 ST - set term
03500 BE - boolean expression
03600 SF - set factor
03700 STID - string with left substring bracket
03800 LDAT - left use(assignment) of DATUM
03900 TR - associative context (FOREACH STATEMENT)
04000 BP - boolean primary
04100 SP - set primary
04200 P - primary
04300 SIP - set constructor ({})
04400 IP - item primary
04500 SIFC - statement if-then clause
04600 EIFC - expression if-then clause
04700 DS - ?
04800 AE - associative(set or item) expression
04900 PDNO - ?
05000 ARDEC - array declaration
05100 E - expression
05200 ARID - array identifier
05300 EN - ?
05400 CASEX - case expr. of
05500 T - term
05600 DPL - ?
05700 ASSDO - foreach ... do
05800 WHILC - while ... do
05900 ELHS - assignment within expression
06000 BT - boolean term
06100 FORCA - for ... do
06200 DOL - until ... do
06300 CRAP - ?
06400 OPC - ?