perm filename AAAI3.LPT[USE,CSR] blob sn#560366 filedate 1981-02-04 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
AAAI3.PTY.1 written on 4 December   Salah, Bendifallah
Description File was AAAI.DES.1     UCLA
Data File was LIST.THREE.1          Boelter Hall
                                    Los Angeles, Calif00000
Sauve, Martial                      Schubert, Lenhart K.
6895 Rue Jogues App 4               Department of Computing Scienc
Montreal, Canada  H4E 2W9           University of Alberta
00000                               Edmonton, Alberta TG6 2H100000
Sepulveda, Francisco                Shintani, Toramatsu
Americas 999-2nd Floor              4-8 Miya-Cho
Guadalajara, Mexico                 Omiya-shi
00000                               Saitama, Japan00000
Smith, Douglas                      Smith, Dr. Reid
Naval Postgraduate School           1000 MicMac Blvd. Apt 211
Monterey, Calif                     Dartmouth, NS B3A 4M7
00000                               00000
Smith, Robert                       Sobek, Ralph P.
Dept of Computer Science            LAAS du CNRS
Hill Center- Busch Campus           7, avenue du Colonel-Roche
Rutgers Univ.00000                  F-31400 Toulouse00000
New Brunswick, NJ                   FRANCE
Stamper, Ronald                     Stromberg, Dan
The LEGOL Project                   Informatics Laboratory
London School of Economics          Dept of Mathematics
Houghton St.00000                   University of Linkoping00000
London WC2A 2AE, ENGLAND            Sweden
Tancig, Peter                       Templeton, Brad
Departmentof Computer Science       1493 Elite Rd
JOSEF STEFAN INSTITUTE              Mississauga, Ont
Jamova 39/61000 Ljubljana/Yugo0000  CANADA L5J 3B300000
Terashima, Motoaki                  Turner, Althea
Dept of CS, Univ of Electro-Co      1575 Stanford Ave
1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi         Palo Alto, Calif
Tokyo, 182 Japan00000               00000
Ueno, Haruki                        Vlack, Ronald B.
Tokyo Denki Univ                    19 Richbell Rd.
Hatoyama, Saitama 350-03            White Plains, NY
Japan00000                          00000
Voelcker, Herbert B.                Wachsmuth, Ipke
Production Automation Proj.         Universitat Osnabruck
The University of Rochester         Fachbereich Mathematik
Hopeman 41500000                    Albrechtstr. 2800000
Rochester, NY                       4500 Osnabruck,
                                    W. Germany
Waksman, Abe                        Warner, Norman
Temple Univ                         Naval Air Development Center
Philadelphia, Penn                  Code 6021
00000                               Warminster, Pennsylvania00000
Weinberg, E                         Turnblad, Peter
Office of Naval Research            Muskauerstr.30, 1000
Arlington, Va                       Berlin 36, F.R.
00000                               Germany00000
Castillo, Alberto                   Walker, Michael G.
Apdo. 884                           PH2-25 Wood Street
Barquisimeto, Venezuela 3001A       Toronto, Ontario, Canada
00000                               M42 2PQ00000
Wilks, Yorick                       Wright, Carl
Dept of Linguistics                 734 Patrician
Univ of Essex                       Ann Arbor, MI
Colchester, Essex, UK00000          00000
Yamamato, Akihiki                   Yates, Roger
2-201 Edogawadai-mishi              28 Green Road Hall Green
Nagareyama, Chiba, Japan            Birmingham B28 8DD
00000                               England00000
York, Dr. Bryant  W.                Young, Richard M
IBM Research Lab                    MRC Applied Psychology Unit
Cottle Road                         15 Chaucer Road
San Jose, Calif00000                Cambridge CB2 2EF00000
Zarri, Gian Piero                   Cohen, Robin
CNRS-LISH                           Dept. Computer Science
54, boulevard Raspail               University of Toronto
75270 Paris Cedex 0600000           Toronto, Canada M5S 1A700000
Wilks, Y.                           Wesley, Leonard P
Department of Linguistics           COINS Dept
University of Essex                 GRES
Colchester, Esses,00000             Univ of Massachusetts01003
U.K.                                Amherst, Mass 01003
Stabile, Larry                      Wolfson, Richard
Prime Computer                      Prime Computer
500 Old Connecticut Path            500 Old Connecticut Path
Framingham, Mass 0170101701         Framingham, Ma 0170101701
Scarl, Ethan                        Williams, Thomas
The Mitre Corporation               Digital Equipment Corp
PO Box 208                          146 Main St
Bedford, Ma 0173001730              Maynard, Ma 0175401754
Sidner, Dr. Candace L.              Smith, Brian
Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc.         50 Moulton St
50 Moulton Street                   Cambridge, Ma 02138
Cambridge, MA  0213802138           02138
Vittal, John                        Solomon, Richard J
Bolt Beranek & Newman Inc           MIT
50 Moulton Street                   E53-401
Cambridge, MA 0213802138            Cambridge, Mass 0213902139
Stansfield, Dr. James               Szolovits, Peter
MIT AI Lab. Room 823                MIT, Labofor Computer Science
545 Technology Square               545 Tech Square, Rm 829
Cambridge, MA  0213902139           Cambridge, MA 0213902139
Weise, Daniel                       White, John L
MIT                                 MIT
545 Tech Square Rm 838              545 Tech Sq. Room 834
Cambridge, Mass 0213902139          Cambridge, Ma 0213902139
Winston, Prof. Patrick H.           Yip, Man-Kam
MIT                                 MIT Room 35 404
Room 81G                            77 Massachustts Avenue
545 Tech. Square02139               Cambridge, MA  0213902139
Cambridge, MA 02139                 
Wilson, Gerald                      Worrest, Ralph
Computer Corp of America            GTE Laboratories Inc
575 Tech Square                     40 Sylvan Rd
Cambridge, Mass 0214102141          Waltham, MA 0215402154
Sangster, Dr. Barbara C.            Yonke, Martin D.
9 Bellevue Rd.                      Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc
Wellesley, MA  02181                10 Moulton Streed
02181                               Cambridge, Ma 0223802238
Zdybel, Frank                       Siegel, Jeff R.
Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc        15 Appaloosa Avenue
10 Moulton Streed                   Pelham, NH  03076
Cambridge, Ma 0223802238            03076
Williams, Gregg                     Skinner, Alton W.
Byte Publications, Inc.             23 Bushnel Ave.
70 Main St                          Newington, Connecticut 06111
Peterborough, NH 0345803458         06111
Selfridge, Mallory                  Santoro, Thomas P
univ of Conn                        Naval Submarine Medical Res La
Dept of EE & CS                     SUBASE NLON, Box 900
U-15706258                          Groton, Ct 0634006340
Starrs, Ct 06258                    
Yang, C. J.                         Schank, Prof. Roger C.
74 Pearl Street                     Yale University
New Haven, Ct 06511                 PO Box 2158, YS
06511                               New Haven, Ct 0652006520
Shapiro, Ehud                       Vanderschel, CJ
Computer Sci Dept                   PO Box 307
Box 2158                            Ridgefield, Conn 06877
Yale Sta.06520                      06877
New Haven, Ct 06520                 
Tabankin, Ira                       Walker, Adrian
Sharp Electronics                   Bell Labs
50 A & S Drive                      600 Mountain Ave
Paramus, NJ 0765207652              Murray Hill, NJ 0797407974
Weber, William P.                   Southgate, P.D.
box 246A RD#2                       41 Turner Court
Pleasantville, NJ  08272            Princeton, N.J. 08540
08272                               08540
Stickel, Mark E.                    Willis, Warren C.
17 Sheffield Rd.                    462 Sandalwood Ave.
Mercerville, NJ  08619              Trenton, NJ  08619
08619                               08619
Schmidt, Dr. Charles F.             Sridharan, N.S.
Rutgers University                  Rutgers University
Computer Science Dept               Computer Science Dept
New Brunswick, NJ 0890308903        New Brunswick, NJ 0890308903
Srinivasan, C.V.                    Steinberg, Louis
Dept. of Computer Science/LCSR      Dept of Computer Science
Busch Campus                        Hill Center, Busch Camput
Rutgers University08903             Rutgers University08903
New Brunswick, NJ 08903             New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Weiss, Sholom                       Yapkowitz, Jody
Dept. of Computer Science           92-C Cedar Lane
Rutgers Univ.                       Highland Park, NJ 08904
New Brunswick, NJ  0890308903       08904
Sacks, Robert E.                    Simmonds, Ruth Ellen
Comp. Sys. Dept.-Bankers Trust      Aspen Systems Corporation
1 B.T. Plaza-31st Floor             330 Madison Avenue
New York, NY  1000610006            New York, NY  1001710017
Venuto, Joseph                      Stolfo, Salvatore J.
Elam Management Corporation         Columbia University
118 E 64th Street                   New York, N. Y. 10027
New York City, NY10021              10027
Kaplan, David B.                    TenDyke, Richard P.
Associate Editor                    Rd2, Box 219
John Wiley & Sons                   Pound Ridge, NY
605 Third Avenue10158               10576
New York City, NY                   
Summers, Phillip                    Heidorn, George E.
IBM Research                        P.O. Box 218
PO Box 218                          Yorktown Heights, NY
Yorktown Heights, NY 1059810598     10598
Tabory, Robert                      Weida, Robert A.
1000 Westchester                    24-28 157 Street
3J66                                Whitestone, NY11357
White Plains, N.Y. 1060110601       11357
Salveter, Prof. Sharon              Anderson, Alfred E.
Computer Science Dept               P.O. Box 273
Stonybrook, NY 11794                E. Quogue, NY
11794                               11942
Searleman, Janice                   Searleman,,Janice
Clarkson College                    Department of Math
Dept of Math & Computer Scienc      Clarkson College
Potsdam, New York 1367613676        Potsdam, NY  1367613676
Shapiro, Stuart                     Shapiro, Stuart C.
SUNY at Buffalo                     Department of Computer Science
4226 Ridge Lea Road                 SUNY at Buffalo
Amherst, NY 1422614226              4226 Ridge Lea Road14226
                                    Amherst, NY 14226
Shubin, Hal                         Srihari, Sargur N.
Department of Computer Science      4226 Dept. Computer Science
SUNY at Buffalo                     SUNY
4226 Ridge Lea Road14226            Amherst, NY  1422614226
Amherst, NY 14226                   
Wood, Dr. Lawrence L.               Shafer, Steven Arthur
358 Ives Hall                       Computer Science Dept.
Cornell University                  Carnegie-Mellon University
Ithaca, NY 1485314853               Pittsburgh, PA 1521315213
Simon, Prof. Herbert A.             Smith, David R.
Dept. of Psychology                 Computer Science Dept
Carnegie-Mellon Univ.               Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 1521315213           Pittsburgh, PA 1521315213
Thorpe, Charles                     Silver, Laura
Computer Science Department         433 S. Trenton Ave
Carnegie-Mellon University          Pittsburgh, Pa 15221
Pittsburgh, PA 1521315213           15221
Silver, Laura D.                    Zeldman, Maurice
433 S. Trenton Avenue               1401 Pueblo Drive
Pittsburgh, PA15221                 Pittsburgh, PA
15221                               15228
Trefz, Richard E.                   Webber, Dr. Bonnie L.
Veda, Inc.                          Dept of Computer & Info Sci
1360 Industrial Highway             University of Pennsylvania
Southampton, PA 1896618966          Philadelphia, Pa 1910419104
Weinstein, Scott                    Sondheimer, Norman
Dept of Philosophy                  Mail Station 2G3
305 Logan Hall/ CN                  Sperry Univac
University of Pennsylvania19104     Blue Bell, PA 1942419424
Philadelphia, Pa 19104              
Sondheimer, Norman K.               Weischedel, Ralph
Sperry Univac                       Computer & Info Sciences
Blue Bell, Pa 19424                 University of Delaware
19424                               Newark, DE 1971119711
Salant, Michael A.                  Unruh, J.R.
2412 19th street NW Apt 9           1524 Swann Street
Washington, D.C.  20009             Washington, DC 20009
20009                               20009
Dunham, George S.                   Stockman, Dr. George C.
3840 Harrison Street NW             Dept. of Computer Science
Washington, D.C.                    American University
20015                               3800 Massachusetts Avenue NW20016
                                    Washington, DC 20016
Smith, Richard L                    Slagle, Dr. James R.
National Bureau of Standards        Code 7507
B-117/Technology                    Naval Research Laboratory, S.
Washington, DC 2023420234           Washington, DC2037520375
Slade, Stephen                      Shneier, Michael
The White House                     Computer Vision Laboratory
Washington, D.C.  20500             Computer Science Center
20500                               Universtiy of Maryland20740
                                    College Park, MD 20740
Small, Steven L.                    Stanfill, Craig
Dept. of Computer Sience            university of Maryland
Univ. of Maryland                   Dept of Computer Science
College Park, MD  2074220742        College Park, Maryland 2074220742
Tran, Duc Tien                      Wood, Rich
Computer Science Department         Dept of Computer Science
University of Maryland              univ of Maryland
College Park, MD 2074220742         College Park, MD 2074220742
Yamamoto, Kazuhiko                  Scheinine, Alan
Univeristy of Maryland              Solarex Corp.
Computer Vision Laboratory          1335 Piccard Dr.
College Park, Md 2074220742         Rockville, MD 2085020850
Stayton, Lauren C.                  Stump, Vicki
Department of Astronomy             2811 London Park Drive
University of Virginia              Midlothian, VA23113
Charlottesville, VA  2290322903     23113
Shapiro, Linda                      Shapiro, Linda G.
Dept of Computer Science            Dept of Computer Science
Virginia Tech                       Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Va 2406124061           Blacksburg, Va 2406124061
Brown, Frank M.                     Sumner, David
Department of Computer Science      University of South Carolina
University of Texas at Austin       Columbia, SC 29208
Austin, TX28712                     29208
Wachter, John W.                    Smith, Jack W.
Bldg 7601                           1583 Perry Street
PO Box X                            Columbus, Ohio 43210
Oak Ridge, Tenn 3783037830          43210
Weinstein,  Miriam                  Tung, Terry C
2133 Murray Hill #2                 Mead Data Central, Inc
School of Mgt. Science              PO Box 933
Cleveland, OH  4410644106           Dayton, Ohio 4540145401
Whinston, A                         Senn, Mark
Purdue Univ                         400 N. River Rd., 904
Krannert School                     West Lafayette, IN
W. Lafayette, Ind. 4790647906       47906
Stanley, Gordon L.                  Thagard, Paul
GMISCA Bldg. Room 1526              2042 Charlton Apt 306
7000 Chicago Road                   Ann Arbor, Mich 48103
General Motors Corporation48090     48103
Warren, MI  48090                   
Weintraus, Alan                     Luckhardt, Carol A.
3311 Tacoma Circle                  401 E. Madison Apt 6
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104           Ann Arbor, MI
48104                               48104
Soddy, James S.                     Wagner, Christian
Delta College                       218 erickson Hall
University Ctr, Mi 48710            Michigan State University
48710                               East Lansing, Michigan 4882348823
Vinsonhaler, John                   Tompkins, Jay W.
450 Erickson Hall                   SPO 1136, Luther College
E Lansing, MI 48824                 Decorah, IA  52101
48824                               52101
Wohn, Kwangyoen                     Unat, Ayse
608K Eagle Heights                  102 N. Orchard 106
Madison, WI  53705                  Madison, WI  53715
53705                               53715
Schaper, Kirt                       Prietula, M. J.
1521 11th Ave S No 4                1108 8th Street S.E.
Minneapolia, MN 55404               Minneapolis, MN
55404                               55414
Kaemmerer, William F                Thompson, William B.
5348 Tenth Avenue South             Univ of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN                     136 Lind Hall
55417                               Minneapolis, Minn 5545555455
Steffen, Joseph L.                  Vaughan, Thomas
324 Washington Blvd                 36 S Wabash, Suite 700
Oak Park, Ill 60302                 Chicago, Illinois 60603
60302                               60603
Simmons, Michael K.                 Siklossy, Prof. Laurent
1 IBM Plaza                         Department of Info Engineering
Arthur Young & Company              University of Illinois at Chic
Chicago, IL60611                    Box 434860680
                                    Chicago, IL 60680
Vere, Dr. Stephen A.                Smith, Linda C.
Dept. of Info. and Engineering      Graduate School of Library Sci
Univ. of Ill. at Chicago Circl      410 David Kinley Hall
Chicago, Il  6068060680             University of Illinois61801
                                    Urbana, IL  61801
Waltz, D.L.                         Waltz, Dr. David L.
Coordinated Science Lab             410 Sherwin Drive
Univ. of Illinois                   Urbana IL
Urbana, IL  6180161801              61801
Whaley, Alfred D.                   Williams, Ben T.
Dept of Computer Science            1400 West Park Avenue
University of Illinois              Urbana, IL  618001
Urbana, Ill 6180161801              61801
Yen, Robert                         Zhandong, Lou
2-133 Coordinated Science Lab       Coordinated Science Lab
University of Illinois              University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois 6180161801         Urbana, Ill, 6180161801
Zhang, Bo                           Vanker, Anthony D
Coordinated Science Lab             Info Sci Group
University of Illinois              Univ of Missouri
Urbana, Ill. 6180161801             Columbia, Mo 6520165201
Wilkins, Susan J.                   Tate, Donald J.
Dept. of Management                 1213 Lee Street
CBA Building                        Mamou, LA  70554
University of Nebraska68588         70554
Lincoln, NB 68588                   
Waller, Michael R.                  Duca, Frank A.
Amoco Production Company            119C East 31 Place
Research Center                     Tulsa, OK
PO Box 59174102                     74105
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102               
Clausen, Kermit D.                  Shelton, John
1705 Metro Drive, 252               Texas Instruments, Inc
Carrollton, TX                      PO Box 225936 M/S 371
75006                               Dallas, Texas 7526575265
Tennant, Harry                      Underwood, Stephen
Texas Instruments                   Univ of Texas at Arlington
Po Box 225936 m/s 371               Computer Science Dept
Dallas, Tx 7526575265               Box 1901576019
                                    Arlington, Texas 76019
Wertlake, Paul T.                   Thadani, Suresh
University of Texas Medical Sc      PO Box 42800
P.O. Box 20708                      Houston Texas 77042
Houston, TX77025                    77042
Woolford, Barbara                   Young, Robert L.
Johnson Space Center                Division of Math, C.S. & S.D.
NASA EW53                           U.T.S.A.
Houston, TX  7705877058             San Antonio, TX  7828578285
Smith, Lawrence M                   Webb, Jon A.
1006 Lorrain Street                 Dept of Computer Science
Austin, TX  78703                   Univ. of Texas at Austin
78703                               Austin, Tx 7871278712
Tschinkel, Timothy                  Hayashi, H. Larry
1140 C Monroe Drive                 1145 S. New Hampshire Avenue
Boulder, Colorado 80303             Los Angeles, CA
80303                               90006
Turner, Ed                          Wyle, Stephen
10824 Lindbrook Dr No 221           LISP Machines
Los Angeles, Cal 90024              163 Mansfield Ave
90024                               Los Angeles, Cal 9003690036
Wyle, Steven                        Tripodes, Peter G.
163 N. Mansfield Ave                Systems Cognition Corp
Los Angeles, Cal 90036              12256 Canna Rd
90036                               Los Angeles, Cal 9004990049
Williams, Chuck                     Saund, Eric
Systems Cognition Corp              12966 Rubens Ave
12256 Canna Rd                      Los Angeles, Calif 90066
Los Angeles, Cal 9004990049         90066
Shreve, Gred                        Taylor, Edward
1608 Faymont Avenue                 TRW DSSG
Manhattan Beach, CA  90266          One PSpace Park, Bldg E2/5080
90266                               Redondo Beach, Ca 9027890278
Samet, Hanan                        Siegel, Scott
USC/ISI                             R & D Associates
4676 Admiralty Way                  PO Box 9695
Marina Del Rey, Ca 9029190291       Marina Del Rey, Cal 9029190291
Subrahmanyan, P.A.                  Waxman, Dr. Milt
USC/Info Sci Inst                   Hughes Aircraft Co
4676 Admiralty Way                  13220 G Admiral Ave
Marina Del Rey, Cal 9029190291      Marina Del Rey, Calif 9029190291
Wilczynski, David                   Wood, Richard J.
USC-ISI                             USC/ISI
4676 Admiralty Way                  4676 Admiralty Way
Marina Del Rey, cal 9029190291      Marina Del Rey, Cal 9029190291
Youssefi, Francoise                 Schlosser, G.
415 Washington St #504              808 W. Glenway Drive 15
Marina Del Rey, Cal 90291           Inglewood, CA
90291                               90302
Sowizral, Henry                     Thorndyke, Perry W.
The RAND Corporation                The Rand Corporation
1700 Main Street                    1700 Main Street
Santa Monica, Cal 9040690406        Santa Monica, Cal 9040690406
Waterman, Don                       Wescourt, Keith
The Rand Corporation                Rand Corporation
1700 Main St                        1700 Main Street
Santa Monica, Cal 9040690406        Santa Monica, Cal 9040690406
Wesson, Robert B.                   Thorensen, Ragnar
The Rand Corporation                Magnavox
1700 Main St                        2829 Maricopa St
Santa Monica, Cal 9040690406        Torrance, Cal 9050390503
Sutherland, Georgia                 Thompson, Alan M.
Hewlett Packard                     Information System Div/Jet Pro
11000 Wolfd Rd                      California Institute of Techno
Cupertino, Cal 9051490514           4800 Oak Grove Drive91103
                                    Pasadena, CA  91103
Williams, Donald S.                 Silva, Georgette
P.O. Box 746-C                      Operating Systems, Inc
Pasadena, CA  91104                 21031 Ventura Blvd
91104                               Woodland Hills, Cal 9136491364
Stanton, Carol                      Wham, John L.
Quest Research Corporation          Quest Research Corporation
2845 Nimitz Blvd Suite C            2845 Nimitz Blvd. Suite C
San Diego, CA  9210692106           San Diego, CA  9210692106
Wolfe, John H.                      Yonkman, Tom
4565 Coronado Avenue                4182 Caminito Islay
San Diego, CA  92107                San Diego, Cal 92122
92107                               92122
Schulman, Richard                   Siebold, Richard
11551 Poblado Rd                    17123 W. Bernardo Dr
San Diego, Cal 92127                San Diego, Cal 92127
92127                               92127
Satzer, William J.                  Zikratch, James
Logicon, Inc                        3017 Arlington
4010 Sorrento Valley Blvd           Riverside, CA  92506
P.O. Box 8015892138                 92506
San Diego, Cal 92138                
Van Tilburg, R.L.                   Van Tilberg, R.L.
Hughes Aircraft Co.                 Hughes Aircraft Co
Bldg  606-N136                      Ms606/N136
P O Box 331092633                   PO Box 331092633
Fullerton, CA 92633                 Fullerton, Cal 92633
Stanfield, Cliff                    Wadsworth, Tim
12122 Peacock Court Apt H           13782 Bordeaux St
Garden Grove, CA  92641             Garden Grove, Cal 92643
92641                               92643
Vurpillat, Victor                   Thompson, Phil
30751 Greens East Drive             1345 Cabrillo Park #A1
Laguna Niguel, CA  92677            Santa Ana, Cal 92701
92677                               92701
Taylor, Richard L.                  Scacchi, Walt
7 Greenwood                         Dept of Info.& Computer Scienc
Irvine, Calif 92714                 University of California
92714                               Irvine, CA 9271792717
Urban, Randall                      Witcher, D
General Research Corp               Naval Weapons Center
PO Box 6770                         China Lake, Calif 93555
Santa Barbara, Cal 9311193111       93555
Odell, Arthur W.                    Sacerdoti, Earl
26998 Beaver Lane                   Artificial Intelligence Center
Los Altos Hills, CA                 SRI International
94022                               Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025
Sagalowicz, Daniel                  Smith, Grahame
Artificial Intelligence Center      SRI International
SRI International                   Menlo Park, Cal 94025
Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025        94025
Smith, Randal                       Stachnick, Greg
Artificial Intelligence Center      SRI International
SRI International                   Menlo Park, Calif 94025
Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025        94025
Sword, Antony                       Tenenbaum, Dr. Jay M.
Artificial Intelligence Center      Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International                   SRI International
Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025        Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025
Tonisson, Ivar                      Untulis, Charles
45 Prado Court                      Artificial Intelligence Center
Portola Valley, Cal 94025           SRI International
94025                               Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025
Walker, Dr. Donald E.               Wilber, Michael
SRI International                   Artificial Intelligence Center
333 Ravenswood Av.                  SRI International
Menlo Park, CA9402594025            Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025
Wilkins, Dr. David                  Witkin, Andrew
Artificial Intelligence Center      Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International                   SRI International
Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025        Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025
Wolf, Dr. Helen                     Smith, Timothy M.
Artificial Intelligence Center      1734 El Camino West #5
SRI International                   Mountain View, CA
Menlo Park, Calif 9402594025        94040
Crispin, Thomas A.                  Wishner, Richard P.
1517 El Camino #4                   Advanced Info and Decisions Sy
Mountain View, CA                   201 San Antonion Circle, Suite
94040                               Mountain View, Cal 9404094040
Altrogge, Dennis                    Schwartz, Robert
151 Calderon Avenue 179             4020-5 Farm Hill Bovd
Mountain View, CA                   Redwood City, 94061
94041                               94061
Mortensen, Earl                     Schneiker,  Conrad
974 Pleasant Hill Road              1135 Kern
Redwood City, CA                    Sunnyvale, CA  94086
94061                               94086
Schneiker, Conrad                   Strobel, Gary C.
National Semiconductor              1263 Vicente St. #131
1135 Kern (7C266)                   Sunnyvale, Cal 94086
Sunnyvale, Cal 9408694086           94086
Younkin, W.M.                       Thomas, Arthur J.
151 S. Bernardo Ave #46             ADAC, 255 San Geronimo Way
Sunnyvale, Cal 94086                Sunnyvale, CA
94086                               94086
Speth, Robert                       Wagstaff, Ed
Bank of America                     3820 Scott St., #203
1455 Market St. #3482               San Francisco, CA 94123
San Francisco, Cal 9410394103       94123
Miller, Edward F.                   Sheretz, David
Software Research Associates        Med Info Sci, Rm A-16
P.O. Box 2432                       UC San Francisco
San Francisco, CA94126              San francisco, Calif 9414394143
Yip, Rodney                         Suzman, Peter
Univ. of Cal at SF                  1033 Bryant St
Coleman Lab 863HSE                  Palo alto, Calif 94301
San Francisco, Cal 9414394143       94301
Scott, A. Carlisle                  Self, David W
1090 Tanland Dr. Apt 110            Ford Aerospace
Palo Alto, Cal 94303                3939 Fabian way MSX60
94303                               Palo Alto, Cal 9430394303
Snyder, Alan                        Snyder, Steve
Hewlett Packard Co HPL/CRl          IBM Dept 99K
1501 Page Mill Rd                   1501 California Ave
Palo Alto, Cal 9430494304           Palo Alto, Cal 9430494304
Stefik, Mark                        Stillman, Richard
Xerox Parc                          IBM Scientific Center
3333 Coyote Hill Rd                 1530 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, Cal 9430494304           Palo Alto, Calif 9430494304
Suchman, Lucy A                     Towster, Ed
XEROX Parc                          Hewlett Packard Co HPL/CRl
3333 Coyote Hill Road               1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, Calif 9430494304         Palo Alto, Cal 9430494304
VanLehn, Kurt                       Westfold, Steve
Xerox Parc                          Systems Control Inc
3333 Coyote Hill Rd                 1801 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, Cal 9430494304           Palo Alto, Cal 9430494304
Wong, Ben                           Seraka, B.
Hewlett Packard Co HPL/CRl          Computer Science Dept
1501 Page Mill Rd                   Stanford University
Palo Alto, Cal 9430494304           Stanford, Calif 9430594305
Shortliffe, Ted                     Smith, David
TC117, MYCIN Project                Computer Science Dept
STanford Medical Center             Stanford University
Stanford, Calif 9430594305          Stanford, CA94305
Smith, David E                      Suwa, Motoi
Computer Science Dept               Computer Science Dept
Stanford University                 Stanford University
Stanford, CA 9430594305             Stanford, Calif 9430594305
Tappel, Steve                       Vandershel, Dr. David
Computer Science Dept.              Computer Science Dept.
Stanford University                 Stanford University
Stanford, Calif 9430594305          Stanford, CA 9430594305
Whelan, P Macvicar-                 White, William C.
Computer Science Dept               Computer Science Dept
Stanford University                 Stanford Univ
Stanford, Calif 9430594305          Stanford, Calif 9430594305
Sanders, David                      Silva, John V
Calif State Univ.                   ESD Inc
Dept of Mass Comm.                  32258 Devonshire St
Hayward, Cal 9454294542             Union City, Cal 9458794587
Whitehill, Stephen B                Taylor, Dan
4520 Via Madrid                     1649 Countrywood Ct.
union City, Cal 94587               Walnut Creek, Cal 94598
94587                               94598
Tuttle, Mark S.                     Teixeira, Marie
CS Div-EECS                         2410 Dwight Way No 2
UC Berkeley                         Berkeley, Calif 94704
Berkeley, Cal 9470294702            94704
Sheng, Richard                      Wilensky, Mr. Robert
1047 - 9th St                       Univ of California
Albany, Cal 94710                   EECS
94710                               Berkeley, Cal 9472094720
Zadeh, L.A.                         Agar, Michael H.
Univ of California                  Language Behavior Lab
Berkeley, Cal 94720                 2220 Piedmont
94720                               Berkeley, CA94720
Venti, Richard                      Sherman, Michael
495 Java Dr                         Hewlett Packard
Sunnyvale, Cal 94806                19447 Pruneridge Ave
94806                               Cupertino, Cal 9501495014
Wentzel, Kevin D.                   Woodworth, Clint
Hewlett Packard                     Clinton Woodworth Associates
19447 Pruneridge Ave                15750 Winchester Blvd
Cupertino, Cal 9501495014           Los Gatos, Calif 9505095050
Wipke, W. Todd                      West, Perry C.
Dept of Chemistry                   EG&G  Reticon
University of California            21781 Via Regina
Santa Cruz, Cal 9506495064          Saratoga, Cal 9507095070
Shirado, William                    Self, David
612 N 3rd St No 4                   6682 Dorene Place
San Jose, Cal 95112                 San Jose, CA  95120
95112                               95120
Saunders, David                     York, Bryant
1463 Richards Ave                   7079 Via Pradera
San Jose, Cal 95125                 San Jose, CA  95139
95125                               95139
Agoston, Max K.                     Yoshihara, Richard S.
Dept. of Math                       98-1851 Kilika Place
San Jose State University           Aiea, HI  96701
San Jose, CA95192                   96701
Stoutemyer, David R.                Itoga, Stephen Y.
Electrical Engineering Dept         3015 Kahaloa Drive
University of Hawaii                Honolulu, HI
Honolulu, Hawaii 9682296822         96822
Weeks, Russell                      Tanimoto, Dr. Steven L.
Tektronix, Inc                      Dept of Computer Science
PO Box 500, 63-336                  FR-35
Beaverton, Ore 9703497034           University of Washington98195
                                    Seattle, Wash 98195