perm filename 001S01.TMP[BIB,CSR] blob sn#687827 filedate 1982-11-15 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
@Comment{order of SEVEN.MSS by Scribe 3B(1134) on 15 November 1982 at 11:54}
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Stanford University Computer Science Department
@begin(center,facecode B,above 0.3 in)
Publication Order Form, List Number @value[number]
@value(Month) @value(Year)


@Begin(format,leftmargin 0,RightMargin -0.5 in,eofok)
@tabclear@tabstops(1.5 in,4.75 in,6 in)
@b{report code@\author(s)@\Hardcopy@\Microfiche}
STAN-CS-82-919@\David W. Wall@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available
STAN-CS-82-924@\Marsha J. Berger@\@~
@f3(1)@ $5.70@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-925@\Pierre L. Wolper@\@~
@f3(1)@ $5.60@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-926@\Bruce G. Buchanan and Richard O. Duda@\@~
@f3(1)@ $3.75@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-927@\Jeffrey D. Ullman@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.50@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-928@\Kuhn, Wiederhold, Rodnick, et al@\@~
@f3(1)@ $4.10@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-929@\David Maier and Jeffrey D. Ullman@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.50@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-930@\Henry Harlan Baker@\@~
@f3(1)@ $6.00@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-931@\Aikins, Kunz, Shortliffe, and Fallat@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.70@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-932@\Edward H. Shortliffe and Lawrence M. Fagan@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.85@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-933@\Shmuel T. Klein and Eli Shamir@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.50@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-934@\Avron Barr, Paul Cohen and Lawrence Fagan@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-935@\Steve Tappel, Stephen Westfold, and Avron Barr@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-936@\Paul R. Cohen@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-937@\Ballantyne, Bledsoe, Doyle, Moore, et al@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-938@\Takeo Kanade@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-939@\Paul R. Cohen@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-940@\David Maier, Jeffrey Ullman, and Moshe Vardi@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.85@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-941@\Paul Alan Martin@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
STAN-CS-82-942@\Brent T. Hailpern@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available
STAN-CS-82-943@\Donald R. Woods@\@~
@f3(1)@ Not available@\@~
@f3(1)@ $2.00
@b{@\Sub-totals@\@Ux(@hsp(.5 inch))@\@Ux(@hsp(.5 inch))}
@b{@\Publications total@\@Ux(@hsp(.5 inch))}
@b{@\Sales tax@\@Ux(@hsp(.5 inch))}
@b{@\Total enclosed@\@Ux(@hsp(.5 inch))}